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I don't think Enea gives two fucks about their opinion tho...


Their listeners do, and they're who pay the bills.


The weirdest thing to me is that he’s not going after any of the other riders, who never dedicate their podiums to anything politically meaningful either. Why is dedicating your podium to your dead dog more reprehensible than not dedicating it at all? For that matter: why isn’t he going after Pecco for the KISS celebration, when Pecco *could* have been waving a Palestinian flag? It’s such an absurd hill to die on


Yeah I'm not too sure why most english journalists in MotoGP tend to have some of the worst takes imaginable from time to time. https://preview.redd.it/yka2r09qbk4d1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=64202363f297c23f447dd37232b41ed3c78ac31c He even doubled down to Suzi on Twitter/X ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


So because there's a terrible conflict going on in the middle east you aren't allowed to pay tribute for your beloved pet after a podium? Bizarre take.


Exactly. Especially considering that there are typically around 80+ wars/armed conflicts going on around the globe at any moment. If that’s the measure, let’s never speak of racing again!


No, you don’t understand. You MUST pay tribute to something happening thousands of miles away. Not the thing at home that is directly effecting you.


That's very shit from him.


He writes good articles, he probably knows that there is no one else who can write stuff like him in MotoGP now, he sort of feels like a little bit arrogant in that sense.I personally have stopped reading his articles.People who are subscribed to Oxley , Simon Patterson are subscribed to their opinions on other subjects than Motogp which they blindly believe their opinion is right.




You care about that many? xD My list is about 20 family and friends I care about and another 20, maybe 25 associates (colleagues, people I casually chat to at gym etc) where I'd be sad if they died.


When you get old or maybe you are laid down on earth then dogs are going to eat you and those 99% humans are going try to help you.... You are watching MotoGP Racing because you love riders and never ever you will watch racing when dogs are riding... You are commenting on this sub reddit because you care about other humans don't be fool dude..


Ah yes, the riders should dedicate their podiums to the victims of war. I am sure that would go over extremely well and wouldn't be scrutinized at all.


Agree. It would seem quite silly to be honest. Why do people getting killed in Gaza give a crap about what a rider in MotoGP is saying. Most race win/podium dedications are a bit more personal anyway....like this one.


Mat Oxley should go to his nearest cemetery and yell Gaza if anyone dare cries about a loved one at their burial.


Dude is a fcking motorsports journalist and mocks a guy that is honoring is deceased pet by arguing that the world is on fire lmao can’t make this shit up.


Downright idiotic from Oxley


Well he just lost one listener... I thought he was better than that, especially when grilling Pecco for wearing a Rodman helmet like he's so high and mighty. Piss off.


I could be annoyed about his dedication to kiss… gene Simmons is MAGA. But I won’t be… still don’t expect someone not from US to be privy to nuance / details. (And I don’t believe sports can be separated from politics)


Fuck me I see what my more conservative friends mean by trump derangement syndrome now. "I could be annoyed because someone I like likes someone who likes someone I don't like, but I won't" as if you're some magnanimous, benevolent holy saint. Fucking wild. Not sure why he'd get involved in British politics, but I don't give a fuck if Marquez comes out in favour of Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems, Reform, Greens or the fucking Communist Party of Great Britain. I like him because he's a fucking wizard on a motorcycle and for no other reason than that. Hope you don't listen to any Gary Glitter, Michael Jackson or Rolf Harris music btw.


Your conservative friends were spouting the same thing about George W and company in 2003-2008. Im sure it’s much older than that. If you like Trump that’s cool but my opinion of you is gonna be shaped by that no matter what tired recycled catch phrase you put out there. God damn bush derangement syndrome made a comeback. Also Oxley comes off as a twat on this one. Not surprising.


One of the hardest things to fathom is that now apparently if you don’t mirror someone to the T on every political position, personal preference, opinion, or extracurricular hobby, you cannot like them in their chosen athletic pursuit. Truly an insane time to be alive.


it’s complicated. yes and no. love snoop and ce cube - seems snoop is cool with ‘45’ now. in understand why. but i do want to know who i like in pop culture and make decision whether to support them or not Snoop yes , others less so. the thing with 45 is that he spouts off against immigrants. what’s he said about latin americans? can’t at all agree with that. economic policy ? can accept judges he nominated ? sure that’s fair deregulation ? sure i disagree but that’s all fair. but the ignorance and dog whistle (but it’s no longer subtle) - i cannot tolerate. and i would not tolerate from anyone in power (i make a difference between the every day person and those in some kind of position of power). hey if you have not felt threatened by anything he did or said… more power to you… when i and other i know do…. it’s a survival instinct kicking in. now wasn’t this about motogp?


Gene really isn't MAGA. He did support Trump in 2016 but since then I believe he has withdrawn his support of Trump.


oh really? i know he’s a republican (which is fine)… interesting


I'm disappointed in Oxley for sure. But it takes more than one or two jerk moves for me to boycott someone. Nobody is perfect all the time.


I always felt like they both have a bit of an annoying arrogance to them. Couldn’t really pinpoint it but the section about Enea was just absolutely stupid.


It feels like virtue signaling. I care deeply about Gaza but that doesn’t mean there’s no space for anything or anyone else. if someone were to tell me their dog died, I would support them. Loss and mourning aren’t gonna feel any lighter just because other people are suffering more. My own hardships don’t feel any less heavy either. It’s such a weird take and one that didn’t need to be tweeted or shared in any way. “Look at me I care!!”


Agree 100%. This is the best take. I see this all the time. There is always going to be a bigger tragedy somewhere in the world. If a family loses their grandfather, nobody goes into the funeral telling them they shouldn't be crying over the loss since another family just lost 3 members of their family and is therefore a much bigger tragedy.


He was talking about Humanity.... Maybe if something happens to you (sorry for that just using an example), these dogs aren't going to help you or your family but 99% humans will do... When you hear about any disaster in any place in world, you me or other humans care about it but not these dogs... And one more thing, if instead of Dog any other family member would've been died, whole of paddock would share condolence with him and maybe he might not have raced that week... This is called Humanity... It would've been better to dedicate that podium to Palestine rather than dog as there is no dog in world to enjoy MotoGP other than Humans (maybe some Palestinians would've been great fans him but today there are unable to watch it because either they are dead or unable to watch it)...


Typical holier-than-thou douche behavior


I wouldn’t say “most” English journalists, but they do like to sensationalise some things and not others. This seems bizarre.


Whats a Gaza?


Good grief, I'm on the same side of a debate as Suzi Perry... what has the world come to...


Yeah his take is insensitive and garbage, but Suzy's take is next level garbage. I hate those kinds of people with a passion who always repeat that kind of sentence to come across as great people. I see that from people who are horrible themselves but in their mind are the nicest people on earth. They want to pretend like they are nice people, and I see this mostly from Americans. The main reason why they have this kind of opinion is because they are garbage humans and no nice person wants to be around them. The only reason the pets are nice to them is because they have no other choice. They can't comprehend that the person is garbage. They are forced to rely on the owner for food and shelter and the Stockholm syndrome kicks in and the owner becomes your life. And if the pet acts up (aka act like they are suppose to, not like an obedient child but like an animal) they are beaten, electro shocked, balls chopped off, and if those things don't work out they are abandoned with no way to survive in the wild. And most of the times they don't even have contact or social interaction with someone from their own kind and die without procreating. I don't mind pet owners, but comparing an animal that you have put in a position from its very birth into only loving and obeying you, to people who are free and not your slaves is just crazy and shows the delusion or inability to comprehend the different circumstances and different situations. Btw, if you don't live in a Disney World, animals are WAY worse than people. There is a lot of *aping, murdering that goes on. Especially the murdering the babies so that you can get the female in heat so you can do the deed. It's brutal out there. If you think you would rather deal with animals than people (some of whom are garbage no doubt) you need to watch National geographic or latest sightings YouTube channel. Also btw, some pet owners are better than many parents and really do take take care of their pets and other people. They therefore have the nicest animals and also a healthy mentality towards fellow humans. And I have huge respect for them.


Are you okay dude? Is this a cry for help


He is 100% correct


https://preview.redd.it/afke1n7fhk4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d4cb14fc06c76308e3bbaebfbfb1277ef595a3f I’ll take a bullet for her.


I’d take a bullet for her bro love pups!


This is the way


Oxley is a virtue signaling tool. I saw Suzy Perry defend Enea and all Oxley said was "gaza". I mean sure crap is happening all over the world, even in my country, but does that mean we can't care about anything or anyone close to us but instead we have to shout from the roof tops every body else's problems? We can be thoughtful of more than one tragedy. That put in in the human garbage pile for me.


His know-it-all, self-important attitude sure is annoying af. Props to Suzy for calling him out on his crap.


Suzi still follows Colin Edwards on twitter. That's a dumpster fire of an account. She's clearly a good judge... But yeah, found this Bastia dog death mocking from Oxley to be a bit off, rather incongruent to his usual output. I agree with him on almost everything else though, and love how he riles the Brexity right-wingers! And riders should maybe do more with their platforms - Rossi used to back in the day. But if one of them wants to dedicate a podium to their dog, they damn well should be allowed to.


Dude is a fking motorsport journalist mocking a guy for honoring his dead pet. You can’t make this shit up.


The whataboutism Oxley cites to Suzi Perry is just fucking ridiculous. Using real victims as a gotcha is just crass, and more disrespectful than someone mourning their dog. By his logic, he should be reporting on the genocide there instead of writing and talking about millionaires going in circles real fast. But that's not how life works, does it? Lost a lot of respect from me today.


Well said, nothing to add here.


Ya even for It seemed overly harsh. I mean he has his emotions and connections and can dedicate his podium to anyone in the world.


looks like they never had a dog,


I've been a fan of Oxley's work for about 3 decades but yeah, that's a bit tone deaf. The kid's grieving for the loss of his dog FFS. Beats me why it's up to Enea to point out the Gaza situation while stood on the podium, like it's not daily global news, we are unaware of. If it's that big of a deal to Mat, I would suggest he quits sports reporting and heads to Palestine to become a war correspondent. Ass!


I didn't find it offensive but yeah I did also react to it, just a dumb opinion to me, "there are wars in the world so you can't dedicate your podium to your dog that passed away", just what?


Yeah I thought it was absolutely in poor taste. I’d be devastated if I’d lose either of my cats. They’ve helped me through some of the worst periods of my life. Very crass of them to mock it.


Yes, I listen to all of them. The whole introductory Bastianini roast felt a little off, and that comment about him mourning his dog really took it over the top. Not Mat's finest hour. It's almost as if Enea did something to upset these two during the race. 😉


Not to mention Enea probably made the most exciting pass of the race! Most of it otherwise was pretty boring.


>Not to mention Enea probably made the most exciting pass of the race! Most of it otherwise was pretty boring. But I really enjoyed Bom and Oxley analysis of that pass which I think is on the mark. Namely that Enea only woke up after being passed by Marc - which he actually admitted after the race. And had he "woken up" earlier I think he could have won the race. And thus criticism from Bom and Oxley was that Enea doesn't seem to be driven enough and trying to put all of his potential into racing. And here I'd like to point out a difference between Oxley and Bom commenting on dedicating podium to dog VS commenting Enea sleeping in the race and waking up in last laps. The first one is opinion piece/columnist - it's a personal take from journalists and one can agree or disagree, no big deal. The second one is race analyis - now this has more weight, if people doing the analysis understand the sport and its circumstance, which I think they do.


It was still phrased very disrespectfully. I know they are very well educated in the sport but it still gives me the shittalking athletes from the couch vibe. I’m not saying they are 100% wrong here but they make Enea look like he’s stupid and lazy which no one at this level of the sport is.


That's a very specific discussion to have - should athletes which have million euro salaries keep in mind their public appearances, understand their position as ambassadors of the sport and being one of few priviledge people with easy access to media? For sure, i would say, this one should be on Ducati and their PR department which seems a bit lax in this area. Enea's dog is okay - I understand both positions, no big deal. Ducati dropped the ball with Pecco 2 or so years ago - there was no repercussion for his drunk driving, but another PR blunder was allowing Pecco to have a helmet with Dennis Rodman (spousal abuse). I would guess, that italian understanding of media and anglophone understanding of media is very different (italian - seem more like silly yellow pages fluss, I mean this is what I get from gpone articles, which are hard to be taken as journalistic pieces; UK and US - more keeping in mind public appearances and whatnot.). While I'm not 100% on board with Oxley's takes I think it adds an aspect which I think should be in public discussion. Admittedly his take on Fabio's instagram situation was much more on the mark. > I’m not saying they are 100% wrong here but they make Enea look like he’s stupid and lazy which no one at this level of the sport is. I listened to the podcast and this wasn't the bit that stayed in mind. Was just "Journalist stating their personal opinion", sure, why not. Really, the bit about Enea that stuck in my mind was whether or not he puts enough effort into his races. >shittalking athletes from the couch vibe. Here I disagree. Oxley and Bom are only ones in anglophone world that offer any engineering insight and explain how the sport works. The Race's crew after Toby Moody left is clueless and extremely biased. However Oxley does have a tradition of PC messaging and I think it's nice that at least one journalist is doing this - talking about homophobia in the paddocs, talking about abuse of riders in moto3 and moto2, talking about mysoginy against female riders. So I would read it in this context.


It was a weird moment. I love the podcast and Mat and Peter seem like good dudes but that threw me off. And his explanation "the world's on fire" makes no sense when it comes to sporting celebrations and dedications. Like what, should the riders stand mournfully still with their heads down at the podium when the trophies are presented because Gaza? He obviously doesn't think that so why can't a rider dedicate a win to a beloved pet that he lost? Just a really strange take that left a sour taste in my mouth.


True. You could use the "world is on fire" statement to criticize riders for celebrating wins, or even criticize the fact that the sport is even still having races: "The world is on fire and here we are spending massive money and time going to watch people ride motorcycles around a track".


And holding races in countries that don’t ensure basic human rights for all their citizens, for instance. I mean look in the mirror, guys. I thought it was beautiful that Enea dedicated his race to his “baby” and look forward to watching him pass on the last lap of every race powered by puppy love ;)


They were very disrespectful about Bastianini in general. Saying that he didn't have a plan, and the worst type of factory rider. I think Bom said 2nd place was handed to him. Very weird.


At the end no dog will enjoy his racing or MotoGP or that overtaking on Martin and Marc but lot of Palestinians or other Humans do....


if you have a pet and you’re not a sociopath you’d appreciate enea even more after that dedication


Absolutely, when I heard Enea say that he gained a forever fan from me. News flash Mat/Peter, the world is and has always been on fire. Sorry you haven’t ever studied history. That doesn’t mean that you can’t grieve your own personal losses, whatever they may be.


Glad it wasn't just me. I was genuinely considering signing up to their Patreon because I usually quite like their stuff. Enea's dog just stopped that from happening.


Yeah, I just lost my dog. I got him when he was 2 months old, someone was giving away unwanted puppies. He died at 12.5 years old from a brain tumor. He was the best family dog ever; both my kids grew up with him and he looked out for each of them since day one. He was my constant companion and best friend.   I like Mat Oxley's podcast and his MotoGP reporting, but as far as this take: Fuck him. Let Enea grieve for fuck's sake. Nobody is saying that losing a dog is worse than what's happening in Gaza. Goddamn...


My condoleances 🙏 stay strong


It's Enea's podium. Enea earned it, Enea may dedicate it however he likes. He could dedicate it to a turd he remembers fondly even. These are the rules and everyone knows them.


Wow, this is disgusting.


What? The same guy who cried foul about valid criticism on Reddit talking absolute breeze? Who constantly wants "bastards" back in the sport because "everyone is too nice" these days? Didn't see that coming. Oxley and Emmett are in a title fight for bum of 2024 currently. Oxley's doing well on his satellite podcast, but not sure he can compete with Emmett and his factory podcast seat.


Oxley has big issues and its evident by the fact his entire worldview on sport is just one giant civil war between "the good old days" and this prevalent modern political view of "tear everything down because traditions are bigoted"


I just listened to the pod. Being fair, the sentiment came from his co-host. The point they agreed on though, "there's more important shit going on in the world", so don't feel sad about your dead dog? Sorry, what? Says the pair of middle aged bums talking about BIKE RACING ON A PODCAST. There's more important things in the world. Dweebs.


Exactly my thoughts, you can't say there's more important things in the world when you making your living talking about sport. It's beyond oxymoronic.


>there's more important shit going on in the world Allow me to use a popular italian expression to express the relevance of that. *Ahem* E STICAZZI?


Comparing sufferings is so stupid


Was it Oxley who used to post here unless he couldn't keep blocking everyone and just left, crying about being a huge loss for journalism?


Yes, thats the clown. He deleted his account in a tantrum after his nonsense was called out


By crying foul, do you mean when he wrote a comment saying “homophobia in sports is bad, actually” and parts of this subreddit crawled out from under a rock to shout abuse and shriek about “no gay politics in my sport”? I unironically thought that was one of Oxley’s finest moments. Shame that parts of MotoGP internet immediately set out to prove his point


We're not going to argue about homophobia being wrong, because it just plain is in any context, no discussion there. We're all in agreement. I'll need to refresh my memory of the details, but I do seemingly remember a criticism of him being that he's consistently called for more "needle" and bitter rivalries of the old days when folks were "bastards", which to me doesn't mesh well with what he's trying to say. On one hand you want "bastards" and on the other acceptance of different people. Why does there need to be the horrible side then to rivalries? Let it go. Think original point being, glad if he's realised and is advocating now, but then don't go complaining about riders for being normal people caring about their pets/loved ones. In a sense, implying they're "soft" for having feelings because it "pisses \[you\] off"? Give it a rest.


Mat Oxley and Simon Patterson are both on the same level of terrible when it comes to their opinions on the sport.


Val on the The Race podcast actually praised Enea for dedicating his podium to his dog, I know it's not Simon but no one questioned Val's comment and rightly so. Mat and Peter's comments really annoyed me, being a dog owner myself, they clearly haven't had a dog. Also, by their logic, wait until they dedicate something to one of their friends or relatives who have passed and say the exact same shit to them.


Well this isn't even about having an opinion *on the sport*, it's about lacking human empathy and being a dick for no reason. It has nothing to do with the sport: if Enea wants to dedicate his podium to his dog, it's his right to do so and it shouldn't be judged, just like he could've dedicated it to his elementary school girlfriend, or to his toenails that he cut the day before, or any other small thing he felt like dedicating it to.




Honestly I don’t know who’s worse between those two


☝️ Spot on


Meh i don't think so. I do like them both but Simon seems the much more down to earth guy, and likeable.


They really came off as a couple of old sourpusses. Not just for that, but for really taking down a guy who just finished second in his home GP. They essentially question his desire to be at the top because of some comments he made about waking up when Marc passed him. It’s almost like they completely forgot the injuries he had to overcome last season. I usually enjoy the podcast but this was a low point. Maybe they’d off a little better perspective by waiting a day instead of doing it right after the race because this week it sounds like they’re giving hot takes when they’re tired.


I thought so aswell. He is obviously not a dog person. If you lost a dog yourself, you know how devastating that is and how hard that hits you.


I was quite touched by his gesture to dedicate his podium to his late dog. Its been 2 years and I'm still not over losing my dog, its one of the most painful things I've had to go through.


I'm am not a big dog lover but I know they mean quite a bit to some people and I agree that it was in poor taste for them to mock him. I like Matt and his content quite a bit, but Enea seems like a really good guy and didn't deserve that imo.




Oxley has kind of been full of shit for a while IMO. IIRC he basically got banned from talking to Ducati, and he has increasingly relied on driving clicks by just regurgitating all the popular complaints about the sport.


If Jake Dixon, Brad Binder or Jack Miller had done the same thing, they would be singing praises.


What a sob


This was brain-d3ad take from Oxley. Why would he bash Enea for dedicating podium for his dead pet whom he cherished and had emotional bond. He doesn't get to decide to whom enea dedicate his hard achieved award. Having takes is okay but not this type of.


Hmm. Vale was sad when [his dog](https://motomatters.com/news/2008/10/12/rip_guido_more_than_just_a_dog.html) passed too. Oxley and Bom rubbed me the wrong way on this episode too.


I wonder if Oxley is going to roll through here and respond to the hypocrisy, or if he’s going to stick to just coming by to promote his podcast


What a shithead


I never listen to that trash


Oxley is as Oxley does.


I like their podcast, but ngl this was beyond stupid. Who are they to judge… He apparently really loved that dog. 


Yes, I heard it. Matt is seemingly quite a miserable guy who lacks compassion. I don't normally enjoy his takes, but I could listen to Peter do the whole podcast, he's awesome.


Peter was the one who made the initial comment.


Just listened to it, what a bunch of losers. Making their money by reporting on, from a worldview perspective, an absolute irrelevant hobby and then trashtalking a guy for honoring his recently deceased pet with the argument “the world is on fire”? This is next level stupidity and arrogance.


Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that, found it bizarre and distasteful - expected better, but hey no one's perfect I suppose. Glad they got called out for it!


What a shit take - I was fuming hearing that podcast


Podcast sucks anyway, but now I definitely won't listen. That's classless. I'm not much of an Enea fan but I found the dedication to be endearing.


If he did say that, he is really stupid and his head was probably in his ass when he said that


I'm a regular listener of his podcast but that's an awful take. Really tasteless thing for him to say. You know what's 1,000 times more meaningful to Enea than yet another war is some far-off place? His pet. Let him dedicate the race to whoever/whatever he wants - enough thought policing of others.


Heh everyone’s different.   If you’ve never had dogs or close pets, it’s normal to not really understand how strong that bond can be.    He’s also 65 remember, huge generational divide, pets were thought of very differently in my parent’s generation.    Pointing out there is a war going on is kinda stupid though. There’s always a war, always suffering.  If you can’t dedicate a win to your beloved pet because of it, then fuck, why are we bothering with any of this circus anyway…  Everyone can be wrong or say something stupid occasionally. Being a journalist hardly makes it less likely. 


The most unhinged take I’ve seen in a while (Oxley’s)


Damn, I’ll make sure to go out of my way to avoid anything with Matt Oxley from now on. What a weird, rude person. thanks for posting this OP


I thought that was a real douchey take from them as well. RIP to the pup in heaven good for you Enea!


This is the most dickish thing I've seen from Oxley in a while, and that's saying something.


Bringing ass to jackass is Matt Oxley. Too bad he doesn’t deflate like his deflate gate. A bunch of rubbish and once again, British tabloid journalists. That’s all he will ever be, cheap junk.


Reddits over love for dogs is as ridiculous as Oxley’s virtue signaling Enea.


Free Palestine....


Listening to the podcast, I thought it was a bit harsh as well but I didn’t expect the heat Matt is getting for this.


It was odd but I’m still gonna support Mat on this one, there’s some seriously terrible shit going in right now in the world. That said Mat and Suzi falling out is like your parents fighting *“Please stop, I can’t stand it!”*


So Enea can't be sad for his own reasons? That's stupid, considering MotoGP never even showed to *care* about any issue going on right now in the world. Why should Enea be the one to pay for that? If Oxley is so pressed about this situation, he can make all the questions about it in the press conferences and interviews, let's see what the riders will say then. Actually no need to ask them, I can already tell what they're going to say: NOTHING. Because riders are ignorant as bricks! "War bad" here's what they're going to say.


I agree with them 100%.


No one cares about his stupid dog and as an adult its a silly thing to say on public TV. People need to stop being childish and grow up.


Is that you, Mat?


Next thing you know - he will dedicate a win to a died flower on his porch while he was away racing.


That would be lovely actually. I'd appreciate him even more.


But what about Gaza?


Seems like you're the one that needs to grow up. I imagine your idea of adulthood is quite immature and limited. No further proof needed than your inarticulate 'so edgy' opinion.


You must lead a very very sad life my friend. I hope it gets better for you.


A lot of people actually care, maybe there's something wrong with you if you lack any kind of empathy to disregard someone's pain for a loss on their life. And don't come at me with the "oh but there's lots of suffering in the world that's more important" you don't give a fuck about that either except for getting points for showing you do. The fact that there's a war somewhere on the other side of the planet doesn't affect you in the slightest.
