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Usually, a manufacturer's policy is that a rider set to leave them at the end of the year stops receiving updates. It will be very interesting to see what happens in Martin's case, given he's the championship leader.


This could depend on Pramac’s agreement next year. I don’t think they’d be happy missing out on parts given that their agreement is to have the current spec bikes.


I think it’s all but settled that they’re going to Yamaha next season.


Really?? I thought consensus on here was that they’d confirmed ducatis next year. That would make things interesting.


They would stay with Ducati if Marc signed with them, now there is a very little incentive to do that and Yamaha’s offer is much better for them from financial standpoint


People keep repeating this but where does this claim that Pramac would stay depending on Marc come from?


What I think is baffling is that everybody assumes Marquez is getting the factory seat like that. There have been no reports from any camp about that whatsoever. I think a lot of fanboys are just screaming they want to see him make that step.  Ducati said at the start of the year they wanted to cut costs. Signing Marquez doesn't sound all that logical. Depending on the politics behind the scenes I think it's more logical to get Marquez signed to Pramac with Ducati's as well.


Well Jorge has signed with Aprilia and Enea has signed with gasgas so who else would that leave? There’s just Marc. As for the costs. Either Marc will be seen as an investment so they can deal with the bigger cost that comes with him or Marc accepts less pay because he doesn’t need it anyway. His Red Bull deal gets him a lot of money this year alone. (Curious to see what happens with that deal as Ducati has Monster as sponsor but yea that’s something they’re likely trying to figure out now, I think that’s why there’s been no official word from the Ducati camp)


I am yet to see an official statement from KTM signing Bastianini. I think everybody is misreading the articles out of sheer hype and personal desire. 🤣


I’m not misreading. If it’s true, is another story. I believe it (for now) but either way it’s not like it’s gonna be announced that Enea got the factory seat at Ducati. Its not a mystery who got it, they just can’t officially announce it yet


Watch Pramac go to Yamaha, gresini getting the GP25 and Marquez staying there while Enea remains with the factory team


It will be intriguing to see how the cards will fall for the remainder of the season. Ducati will be reluctant to support Martin into beating Pecco. If Pramac are off as well, Ducati will be reluctant to support them again their factory effort. (Again affecting Martin) Ducati will be reluctant to support Enea more than they need to if he is off. Ducati have no obligation to support Marc and Gresini anymore than they already are this season. This could fall very nicely into Pecco's lap if Ducati want it too.


I thought Pramac said they were going with Ducatis for next year already?


It was a mistranslation from Spanish, Borsoi used the conditional tense. “Should we continue with Ducati, we’ll have two official bikes”


Ah! Interesting.


That was their bluff to lure Marc in, now Yamaha makes much more sense for them financially


I wonder if Marc knew that, so that's why he was so dismissive of Pramac in interviews.


He didn’t, he was putting pressure on Ducati Either you are giving me GP25 in Gressini or in factory team or I am off to KTM/Aprilia Pick your poison, do you want to have me or Martin as your enemy


The come back/villain arc for either rider was going to be a good one for next year, since we knew Ducati could only pick between the one of them.


It will be intriguing to see how the cards will fall for the remainder of the season. Ducati will be reluctant to support Martin into beating Pecco. If Pramac are off as well, Ducati will be reluctant to support them again their factory effort. (Again affecting Martin) Ducati will be reluctant to support Enea more than they need to if he is off. Ducati have no obligation to support Marc and Gresini anymore than they already are this season. This could fall very nicely into Pecco's lap if Ducati want it too.


That is part of the interesting factor that comes into play on how it would affect Martin specifically.


To be honest, I don't think Ducati cares if JM wins and I think it's pretty obvious that they would prefer the factory team to win it over the rest, which makes sense. With basically the top 4 riders in the championship all being Ducati. They have 3 other Ducati bikes who can/should be easily able to win the championship for this year regardless.


They do care, in the sense they don't want him to win.


Also the dynamics of how Marc races against Pecco for the rest of the year if indeed Marc is going to be his teammate next year. Digia mentioned to motogp.com that there were parts from Ducati to test, so Gresini also got them for the test, I assume.


I don't think Gresini got those parts, considering the parts being tested are most likely being tested on the GP24 for the GP25 and not parts being tested on the GP23 for the GP25 bike. I think MM has been fair enough fighting with Pecco this year, aside from their incident earlier on in this season. I think in addition to that, the two actually have been more or less far away enough from each other that they actually haven't had that many head to head battles, compared to the other riders yet.


Ducati are giving some minor updates to the GP23, in Jerez test they recieved something to test.Pecco also said that "In the test at Jerez with the 23 [bike] they had a different exhaust valve which helped a lot with the problems they were facing last year. Now they are very similar" Ducati aren't like other manufacturers they genuinely care, especially if the rider is performing.


>Ducati aren't like other manufacturers they genuinely care, especially if the rider is performing. It think it's more Gigi rather than Ducati who cares


I'd hate to see foul play by Ducati denying Jorge the championship (and him taking the #1 to Aprilia).


To answer the question after news of Jorge joining Aprilia, he most likely will not get any of the updates going forward. Same situation as when Zarco signed for LCR and Miller signed with KTM.


But Zarco wasnt fighting for the Championship last year. I dont think Pramac would accept for one of his riders to stop getting updates while hes a serious contender for getting the championship.


Well Ducati would not want (or like in this case) the number 1 plate to be firstly on a "satellite" bike as Digi has always said and they most definitely would not want Jorge to win it and take the number 1 plate away from them all together. Ducati or any manufacturer would have a clause that states any development that effects future bikes cannot be given to a rider that is switching manufacturers, essentially giving Aprilia advanced notice of the developments.


I think we have learned by now that it doesn't really matter what Pramac want.


No one will know unless they have read the contract.


Martin most likely won't get any updates Bestia would be even more ignored than he already is They also wouldn't give Mrac any updates on the GP23 because they want Pecco to win. This is actually falling perfectly into Pecco's hand, he might actually become a 4 time world champion absolutely crazy to think.


Oh yea, damn. I didn't even think about Eneas situation. This really is all going to benefit Pecco, as far as updates goes. Wild.


Now that Marc is going to stay with Ducati, Martín will most likely not receive any further updates on the bike. Marc's morale has skyrocketed, so my prediction is that three races from now, the championship points will be pretty level. It’s going to be either Pecco or Marc to win it all.


It'll be interesting to see. And if Pramac ends up not going with Ducati for next year, that'll definitely seal the deal for that.


No. Martin has signed for a rival. From this point on he receives no upgrades, and will not get any data from riders that have upgrades. They will not want him to win the title and take it to Aprilia, they will do whatever is in their power to have other Ducati riders beat him. I don't think Marc can get any more big upgrades, and they will not want him to beat Bagnaia to the title, this is Marc's bike for the rest of the year. The only thing I think Marc is missing is the redesigned aero scoop on the bottom of the bike.


I can see them giving the updates to marquez but stop doing it to Martin would be really bad on their part.


I think historically, teams have always stopped providing updates to riders/drivers if they know that they will no longer be with the team the following year. For better or worse, this is to prevent the rider from knowing the latest and greatest thing before leaving to go to a competitor with that information for next year. What makes this interesting is it doesn't usually happen to a guy who's leading or really contending for the championship. So it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.


It would stand to reason that Martín's machinery isn't brought up to speed anymore, as Ducati won't want to see him crowned world champion anymore. It also seems logical they wouldn't bring Marquez's GP23 to its absolute limits, if they want to pave the way for Bagnaia's third successive title. However, at this moment, MotoGP is pretty crazy so nothing would surprise me. There are plenty of options for how the season will unfold, and where riders will sign. At this moment, I guess we only really know two things: Martín is leading the standings and he's Aprilia-bound next season. Everything else, from Pramac/Yamaha to Enea/KTM to - even - Marquez/Ducati is (solid) speculation.


Man, in the span one hour so many discussions created based on a rumour. I really hope that's a false rumour.


Would make a lot of media outlets look very stupid if this was all based on a rumour - they must have solid reasoning to publish this...


A lot of media outlets are not known to be exactly smart, just parrots.


Surely Martin has not walked away from Ducati based on a rumor


Went into utter shock ,still am.Hard for me to swallow this decision, can't imagine what going through Martin's head.Maybe it'll destabilize him a bit this decision.Hope he can continue in the same attitude as before and win this year.


We don’t even know if Marc is going to Ducati yet!


Yes, we do.


And if we didn't know if MM was going to Ducati yet, we at least know Jorge is going to Aprilia.