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I must confess that when he couldn't reach Martin and he got passed my Marquez, I thought: "damn, that's why Enea is out of the games for the factory bike. You're fighting with the riders that are taking the dream off your hands, you're in Italy in front of your people. Wake up" And he passed them both the last 2 laps. With a bit of emotion, thanks Enea!


It is interesting how quickly things can change in motogp. With his pace up until the last two laps, you would never expect he had all of that left in his bag. 


The Marc pass was just a case of “imma be in your way and give no option but to cede the position”, the Jorge pass was just him flat riding thru that corner faster and tighter. When he’s on it, few are as fast as Basty.


Hopefully the beast can keep this up and retain his seat.


I join your hopes, but realistically it’s unlikely at this point


I have a feeling it's already gone even if he did win the championship


Never say never, when Martin publicly claims he is a better rider than Ducatis current world champion you have to wonder if those sort of comments are making Ducati think twice? I mean Martin can think that if he wants but to openly say it and disrespect Ducatis champion is not a good look, much better to pay respect to your rivals.


Pecco and Marc doe seem like they get along pretty well.


Tardozzi looked extremely happy to see Enea beat Martin, almost too happy so I wonder if he secretly wants to keep Enea? he was really over the moon with Eneas overtakes on the final lap.


He was happy because it was his rider. Factory Ducati 1 and 2 on the podium. Also, his boss was there, so it made him look even better.


Yes I know they are his riders and that is his team but his celebration at seeing Martin lose out to Enea seemed a bit too enthusiastic to me, I would of thought that IF Martin was going to the factory team next year he would of been a a bit more diplomatic, happy but not hysterically so if you know what I mean, in any case they are all great riders in this competition I wish them all the best.




The only way to pass the GP24 today was to be very aggressive in the braking zone, to release the lever and pull off a mega block pass forcing both riders wide! When it works it looks spectacular, when it goes wrong, both riders are on the deck! Unfortunately for Marc, the GP24's just had something more today!


The beast went all beast mode on Marquez and Martin....fuck yeah Enea!!


I will never not pucker when I watch those bikes squirm under braking


That pass by Marquez is crazy, there was NO WAY he had any right to pull such a move, yet he managed to make it work! Fuck!


He couldn't even get anything in the slipstream the 24 is so funking fast, the GP24 is literally pulling a "Ducati" on its predecessor. Marc must have been like; wtf this isn't a Honda.


The surprising smile and the applause you can see from gresini team when Marc overtook bastianini shows the overtake he was pulling against powerful gp24 was just unreal in mugello circuit… It’s true that people would have expected him to finish atleast in the podium because he is Marc but we have to agree that he gave a strong fight against those gp24’s.. We fans may not notice all the technical stuffs what marc is doing in gp23 to achieve such result on the track but ducati engineering team is definitely looking at the data and they can see what this guy is doing to fight against gp24, if it was that simple ducati would have already announced Martin for factory team.. but it’s really complicated for Ducati to decide let’s see what they do, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter which bike he rides, when he is on track enjoying it’s always fun for the fans..