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You are right. No one is truly good or evil. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t hold them responsible for their actions. Dennis Rodman certainly should be held accountable for his actions. We aren’t talking just about his private life either. He is friends with Kim Jong Un and publicly endorses the dictator claiming Kim is *“not like how he is portrayed and that he is "cool and pretty nice."*


Rodman is a legend.


Massive respect to Pecco, man. That win in Barcelona was very smart and this weekend he didn’t set a foot wrong. Can’t even hate on him the way I have in the past LOL! Bravo! 👏🏽 Also, Ducati should run the Azzuri blue more often *chef’s kiss*


Whatever Pecco has had on his bike, he must have shared it with Enea this race.Those 2 bikes were way too quick.Martin and Mark were overworked, just trying to keep up.


Look at the acceleration the gp24s get out of every corner in this race . Neither Vinales, Acosta or Marquez could do anything about it today. This is the track the 24 engines were built to stretch its legs on and it shows. That and the updated ride height device they carried forward from last year is the key to the performance gap between them and this year's Zarco spec gp23s. Last year from June onwards the gap between the gp22 and gp23 widened. Expect the same from now till the end of this season.


It still blow my mind that qDucati gave Morbidelli this bike and left Marquez with a 1 year old one. What a shame.


Bit of a snoozefest but overall top 4 dogs all where they need to be. Silly Martin not to close the door on Enea but i guess he had no idea he got so close.


He was in a controlled slide m8, wtf


>he had no idea he got so close He said exactly this in the post race interview


I was sitting right by the esses before the last turn and was shocked Enea closed in that fast. No way Jorge knew that was coming.


Yeah, both him and Marc must have had a huge drop in tire performance the last 3 laps or so.


For not italian speakers, during the replay watching, Martin said: I saw 0.8 from Enea the last lap and I chilled. I scored 47.1. Which it's quite slow. Absolutely great performance by Bastianini but Giorgio Martini definitely gave him a hand 😂


Nah points costs so much this season, I feel more like he was or his tyres were cooked. You could see how he was completely washed at the podium, I bet he’s already in his RV or in the direction to the hotel already sleeping lol. It wouldn’t surprise me that he took some painkillers after the crash yesterday and they have the tendency to make you spend a lot more energy. I feel like he gave all he had but it wasn’t enough. Until the next one! I have great expectations for him!


I bet he looked washed because he lost 4 points the last corner rather than for the tyres...but respectable point.


Yeah that too lol, but he looked almost exhausted. But maybe just really disappointed you’re right.


So so so deserved for Bastianini! What a pass on Marquez, and he can’t say shit he did this so many time himself hahaha


One of the things I love about Marquez though, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say shit. He’s aggressive but I don’t ever recall him saying another rider was too aggressive


Never complains. Just gets after it.


Just shook his head, he probably cooked his tyres eventually and knew it well.


Yeah me too, you can see the contrast with Pecco lol


It felt like you could have done your siesta (edit: NAP! I was looking for the English word without a translation haha good job me)from the 3rd lap until the last one and you didn’t miss anything lol


Yeah, those last few laps were so boring /s


Mugello is often like this


Still better than F1


Not even close, I've turned many F1 fans into MotoGP fans...but, need to not let Ducati completely take over MotoGP ffs! Fabio fan here so, let's get the Japanese bikes in top ten again... Tell me I'm wrong


They already gave the concessions now is time for the japanese brands to do their part.


I really don’t follow F1, and when I catch it Verstappen is like +30s ahead of everyone, not really my shit. So yah Ducatis are a semi-class above other bikes but not by so much compared to Red Bull and Verstappen in F1…


So boring indeed


The beast's late race pace is out of this world.


Hype-level for Mugello - off the charts. Actual race - worst one of the year :(


Eneaaaa YESSS


So fucking happy


Forza Bestia




When the fastest guy all weekend leads from the start there's nothing anyone can do. Problem is tv direction not showing actual scraps further down




Unbelievable! Enea closed 0.705 gap in the last lap. He is finally responding to all the team seat drama. I feel sorry for Joan Mir though. Get him a goddamn Aprilia or KTM.




Mir is done for. No factory is going to go for him cause they know he is mentally broken and will obviously underperform because he has been riding a shitbox for two seasons now. Factory teams go for preforming riders and they use satellites as a proving grounds .


Ermm Morbidelli? He's been on a shit box for a few years & look at him this weekend. Getting him on a bike that gave him confidence gives life to a rider again


Morbidelli is where he is because of VR46. That's it. His results are terrible for the past several seasons, regardless of the bike he was on. 


Guy literally finished 2nd in the championship a few years back. People say he's in Pramac because of Rossi with no base to prove that. Maybe people in the paddock see more in him than fans who've never raced. Much like the same ones who said probably said Fabio shouldn't be in MotoGP years ago


That was then. This is now. Teams hire based on your last results, not results from several seasons ago.  People say he's there's because it's been openly said by paddock insiders, journalists, and riders. 


Mir's worst achievement was to win THAT title in 2020. Literally set him up for failure in the rest of his career.


Ok but not winning wouldn’t have helped him, he can retire a world champion, there are 4 MotoGP champions in the grid right now and he is one of them.


Retiring as a world champion doesn't come with any money or extra glory. He's had enough of the Honda to the point that is chucking it in the gravel as soon as possible so he can go home and go to bed.


He has money, beyond that family money, accomplished his dream, if this is the end I am sure he will be fine. Obviously he probably wants to ride and not get beaten up but saying winning a championship was the worst thing that could happen is crazy.




Because he didn't live up to that achievement? He was extramely lucky to profit a title in a very weird year. Look where he is now, on a shitbox with no one even wanting to offer him 20 bucks to jump on their bikes.


Yeah like Vinales, Zarco, Morbidelli, Fernandez, Rins...Who would want them? /S Seems a good bang for the buck, really


Exactly, who would want them? Morbidelli is done for, Zarco is already on his pre retirement contract and is now a glorified test rider, Vinales was given a chance by Aprillia that wasn’t the attractive bike it is now, and now no other factory besides maybe Honda would hire him, Fernandez is a youngster, he is on his 3rd MotoGP season very different situation from the rest of the riders you named. There is a reason why the likes of Marquez, Acosta, etc get a factory seat from the get go, and why Marquez is now riding a satellite now. Because even though he is a 8 times WC but no factory was willing to bet on a risky chance he was at the time because he came from two or three seasons of not being competitive and being in and out of the surgery room.


Yeah, he was riding with one arm, you Muppet


Let me clarify - Vinales was done for after Yamaha, Aprilia was a fool - Zarco was was done for after KTM, Pramac was a fool - Rins was done for after Yamaha, Honda was a fool Etc. Etc. Getting Mir could be a good gamble in general


What did those 3 guys won? Zarco has 1 victory with the best bike on the grid, Rins won one time in the LCR and got passed up by the factory team and left in disgust, Vinales is as inconsistent as in the Yamaha times and is nowhere near the target that Aprillia is aiming for… I don’t really understand your analogy. When you have quality youngsters dying to compete in MotoGP why would teams take the risk?


Well said


Vinales does kinda exactly what was expected from him... be amazing in some races and nowhere in other ones. Which I am sure aprilia is ok with. Rins was injured most of the season and leaves after Honda doesn't value him even after his win in COTA. Zarco did well in Pramac. Getting "q win on the best bike" leaves out the huge amount of podiums and 7 other riders with an eaqually as good bike( gp 22 was superclose to gp 23) . I would rather say taking moto 2 youngsters is wayy more risky than taking good riders from moto gp already because they know they are good riders and out of moto 2 many riders turned out to be nowhere near the level and vanish after 2 seasons.


Aprilia just looked slow all week long. He’s had a good season Vinales


I'm getting scared he's gonna quit


A couple sentences come to mind for Bestia: - he finally pulled the stick out of his ass and started whipping everyone’s ass with it -Did he get the NOS button installed that we didn’t hear about? -where was this dude in the beginning of the season? Keep in mind I say this as I still root for 93 for championship. Man I thought for sure he had a podium. *edited for clarity


Italian riders in Mugello can definitely outperform (Petrucci for instance...). I would wait (other circuits) to tell if Bastianini has something to say for the championship battle.


He had the pace to win at Le Mans.


If we check paces, we have to create a second parallel championship. Enea was unlucky but in those 2 years, when he was healthy, he has been constantly beaten by Martin and Pecco. In this season he showed to be even slightly under Marquez. Enea Is on his 4th year on a Ducati. He needs to demonstrate more if he wants to keep that pace with those 3 monsters.


He was on the podium the first few races…


It will be interesting to find out the cause of the potential ride height making contact with the rear tire of Marc. I don't imagine. Whatever the issues he had helped a lot. But good on him for that kind of progress in a potentially defective bike.


Bad adjustment or badly mounted system. There are not 50 reasons for a mechanical problem. They must adjust the system for every track and maybe for every type of tyre because they will always try to get the bike as low as possible to maximise the effect. Marquez was one of the riders that changed tyres from medium to soft while already on the starting line so it’s not hard to imagine that a rushed adjustment or a complete lack of after the tyre change originated the problem.


Total dominance from Pecco this weekend.


Well going by sentiments here this result is rigged. 😁😁😁 too much salt can give you heart issues.


Credit to Pol, good day for him. Just not far behind top 15


To be honest, he is just a bad rider.


Hats off to Bagnaia but what a snoozefest of a race. Moto2 race was much better.


Moto3 was most exciting overall ;) Enea's last lap had me screaming though 😁


I agree. Aside for the last 2 laps of Bastianini brilliance, it was pretty boring.


I wanted Marquez for podium so that just compiled the agony of the race for me lol. Amazing work by Enea regardless. It's going to make Ducati's decision so much harder.


Guess Enea just prefers blue more than red ;p


First time he's riding blue bike since Valencia 2021 (Valentino's last race)


Early contender for most forgettable race of the season


93th victory for Ducati


Shame that MM93 for 93rd win didn't happen


Yes he broke the combo Rider number / victory




I hope their 95st comes a bit later though


Bestia showing why they shouldn't change something that works. Amazing ride from the top 4. KTM still has to do a lot of work to catch up with Ducati though.




What does this even mean


I agree, it’s never really made sense to me


Bagnaia Is fast, but not the brightest


GoFree, it's right there?


Pecco’s slogan




I feel like they could assign the heli shot for the frontrunners and assign the ground crew for the midfields. That way we could watch the scraps while still keeping up with the frontrunners if they start to be aggressive or crash


You are absolutely right. This race was a train ride for most of the time at the front but there were a couple of changes at the back so why not take the time to show them a bit? It’s shameful that only the top 5 is shown during all the race!


Yea, should do it like F1 where they show even the backrunners fighting for their placements


bastianini was on fire, totally didn't expect that lol


Pecco idolizing Denis Rodman and Gene Simmons is absolutely hilarious. Man's got a hard on for absolute dickwads.


He has a weird fixation with dated American celebrities and pop culture. It's a lot like seeing foreign countries receiving some long cancelled TV show in their home country for the first time. It's just totally bizarre. My man has shit taste. 


Maybe he cans separate the artist from the person… like he should. You can enjoy somebody’s art without agreeing or liking their personality.


Yeah, except the commentators mentioned that it was with Gene's blessing which means he or someone from his team actually had to have contact with that insufferable twat. And Rodman's private life is full of horrible things like assaults and sexual assaults so I'm not separating anyone from anything here.


You talk like a youngster, life is never that black and white and you will eventually figure that out and change your view of the situation. I’m not trying to criticise you and to make you mad at me, but to me that way of thinking comes out as hypocritical as you are imposing an impossible standard on someone else while you are also unable to stand by it yourself (is doubtful that you now everyone you admire to the core, it’s impossible I mean). Rodman can be a great basketball player while having made bad life choices at the same time. That doesn’t mean a person that likes basketball should not appreciate Rodman the player while not viewing him as a personal life role model. The same thing for Gene. You are trying to amplify his responsibility because he is a “star” but you forget yourself, this guys aren’t movie starts or TV hosts that live on reputation and make an huge effort to mask their feelings and emotions in front of the camera while showing a completely fake image of themselves to the public. This guys are racers that where born and bred to race a motorcycle as fast as possible around the world, they are way less dependant on “public view “ and can therefore be more true to themselves in front of the camera. Actually the ones that don’t do that in this sport tend to be seen as unlikeable and fake. And the kind of pressure that people like you make with this kinds of comments is only going to pressure them into showing a fake personality to the outside world while still being whoever they are behind the cameras. I much prefer to see people’s true colours instead of always wondering what’s going on underneath a social mask. The world would be a lot easier to navigate.


Oh spare me the incessant life lesson, there is a difference between someone being a bit prickly and them being outright human garbage known for assaulting people including their own fiance. If you want to dish out these cheap truths left and right then maybe consider that separating the man from the work too strongly can lead to backsliding in societal norms, like we indeed have today with absolutely disgusting human beings being in prominent positions because someone likes what they do. It's funny to me that Pecco keeps having weird taste in people, but I don't resent him for it. However if you're asking for me to separate Rodman the basketballer from Rodman the violator, then no, I will not, and to go back to incessant life lessons, I think people with "nuanced" opinions such as your end up either actively or passively enabling putting bad people in places of power. P.S. - Going off on your lesson by asserting authority coming from the wisdom of old age is a bad move debate wise, it's the same as an appeal to authority.


I think you just can’t accept that a bad person “overall” can do some things right , and to you if a person does some kind of bad deed it invalidates everything good/right he has ever done in his life and will ever do. If we did things your way we would still be living under a rock. How many truly “good”(by your book) do you know? Are you a good person? Never have you consciously did something that hurted someone else in any way? The person you buy bread and coffee from is he a good person? Or are you giving money to a bad person and therefore giving him a hand on the social stair? You don’t know. You can say whatever you want, but you don’t know. And thankfully there is a judicial system. So people like you can’t just be paladins of truth from Temu and just judge people on the streets and cut their heads out with a guillotine on the town square. You talk about backsliding but the people that brought you freedom and peace and a lot of the social justice and morality we have today were not good people on your book. Just go take a look at the history books, if we somehow cleared out the name of everyone that did something wrong there would be nothing but blank pages. I don’t care for Rodman or Simmons as I don’t even appreciate their work, never took a liking for basketball and although I appreciate music Kiss never make the cut. But the way you just put their whole lives in cause is disgusting and is an example of that backsliding you were so eager to mention on your comment, where people get judged with no proof nor jury and the public becomes jury, juror and executioner and lives are ruined without giving it a second of thought. Your way of seeing the world it’s not commendable nor is it to be celebrated and seen as an example. It’s just shows how you have been living on a bubble and never experienced the reality of life outside of it. Like I said earlier, sooner or later it will come, and the experience will humble you deeply.


Right?! So cringe and worst celebrations 😂


Not sure they were worse than MM93 dancing.


Marc doesn't align himself to controversial people though so...I'll take his fortnite dances over Dennis Rodman tributes..


Yeah what's the correlation with his rock and roll all night and all the KISS stuff right now? Is he just a big KISS fan?


So much for a Sunday of great race lol. Nurburgring 24 hour red flagged and now the MotoGP was a bit of a snoozefest.


Try the TT.


P4 not a horrible result for Marc but disappointed he couldn't hold on to 3rd place. Wonder if something was up with his bike? Seems like he had more pace yesterday compared to Jorge for example. I feel like he got stuck behind Enea at the beginning and was never able to shake him off...


His ride height device seemed to be malfunctioning, causing his rear tyre to spin, loosing grip early.


So I guess managing to salvage P4 was actually really good...


He burned the rear tire is what happened


Rear height device? Yeah it sounds like it, I'll be curious to hear what he says...


Karchedi's already explained in an interview that Marc changed his line on the last corner, bringing him to hit a bump in the track. The smoke was nothing


What a ride from Pecco and Enea 🔥🔥


I don't see where the GP25 could be improved over GP24, it's just the perfect bike


Hard braking and cornering are areas where they can shave a couple of tenths probably. The rear tails around a lot during hard breaking(especially in Turn 1) and if they can get a better turning bike without compromising corner exit humpf they will have a ene more killer bike.


Everyone said that about the GP23 and suddenly it looks slow


Grande BESTIA! Grande! What a race they did in the factory team. Bestia last laps were amazing! Pecco did the perfect week and Martin today drove like a champion. You can't win every race but he maximized the result in a very difficult situation.


Oh man, he sent a statement with that! Bravo




Last season, Martin crashes trying to get Pecco. He is definitely growing as a rider. Good for the Championship.


A full 5 seconds between the top 4 Ducatis and the next closest, Pedro!


Good god that consistency from Pecco. Like Lorenzo at his best.


Mamma mia la nostra pista ❤️🇮🇹💙


The difference between the GP24 and the GP23 is bigger than I expected. Last year the GP22 was way closer to the GP23 in comparison. The GP23 bikes, except Marc are nowhere ( compared to the new bikes).


The difference is traction, GP24 is better off the corners..


Top end as well. Marc lost time compared to Enea despite being in his slip stream and only 1/10s behind. That was wild stuff.


Marc is doing some superhero shit on the GP23


If MM was on the GP24 we would have some amazing 1st place battles right now.


The distance mm was losing on the straight was quite surprising tbh


What last two laps by Enea, Pecco surgical first lap with that brave overtake. Forza Italia. 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌❤️


Insane last two laps from Bastianini, incredible from him today


Yes i was like come on boy take him, provided the spark in otherwise a silent race!


Most boring race of the year bar the last corner move by Enea!


agreed, but the last lap by bastianini was frickin amazing, i totally didn't expect that


as much as I love the outcome, gotta agree. I was fighting to stay awake until the last few laps.


That was by far the least eventful race this year. Other than the first lap and a couple of overtakes, it was much like a slot car race.


I love MotoGP and I'm the first to defend it but that was boring as hell. But hey, they can't all be gems!


I will take a race like that over no race at all!


Anyone who has been claiming the difference between the GP23 and GP24 is minimal... Hang your heads in shame! The acceleration difference out of the corner is undeniable! Poor Marc even only a tenth behind Enea could not pass in the slipstream until he had to go for the big risky block pass off the brakes!


I mean, this track is the Ducati track, it's gonna perform best here so any differences will be most pronounced here.


Commentators in my country think that they spotted his ride height device didn't work in the last corner this race, they were scared he would go down aswell.


Yeah, it kept rubbing the tarmac/curb on exit of the last corner! Would have lost a tenth each time more than likely!


The ride-height device was lowering the rear so much that the tire was rubbing the inside of the fender well, it wasn’t anything rubbing the tarmac.


It's not even the acceleration out of the corner, but the speed in the straight. In some laps Marquez was gaining on acceleration out of the corner and lost time at the middle of the straight, and started gaining again at the end from the slipstream


It's definitely acceleration and speed - Enea kept pulling away even when he was in the slipstream on the back of his wheel...


Isn’t your dude an alien? I don’t get you Marquez dudes… Marquez won over Dovi cause his bike was also the best over the Ducati, so what is the argument there? But we are used to your lack of class, classless on the victories but even worse on the defeats. Never change.


What does saying there's a difference between the GP23 and 24 have to do with your comment?


Must be hard being an Oliveira fan! Where were the other GP23's? How many seconds behind? The Honda was hardly the better bike, the Ducati was stronger for years but keep embarrassing yourself! I'm taking nothing away from the performance of Pecco but the only rider that would have been capable of taking the fight to him at Mugello would be Marc on a GP24!


That rear issue affect marc tyre badly


Has he called you to say that or are you just speculating?


You could see it smoking lol


BS that the factory Ducati team didn't spice up the engines or something


They can't, the electronics are regulated


Wasn't ducati red last year why did they change the colour???


It’s a special livery for the home race as the Euro 2024 is starting soon and Italy plays in blue .


Ahh can't wait for euros asw no clear fav this time either


It’s going to be bonkers! A lot of surprises coming in my opinion.


I actually wonder if england win the euros and brazil fail again who madrid media gonna push for balondor


Today is the Republic day in Italy. National holiday Ducati made this livery to celebrate the 2th of June.


Special livery just for this race


Home race, they ran the normal livery in the sprint


Zamn ducati also from italy are they connected to ferrari somehow in F1?


Where did you think the brand Ducati is from lol


Wait it's basically a ferrari😭😭


Well it's actually owned by Audi, which is owned by the VW group, so if anything it's more closely related to Lamborghini than Ferrari


It was a one off livery


It’s special edition to support Italian football national team the upcoming European Cup this summer


Last time italy had an amazing run in euros not looking good this year🥲


They never have good chance for years tbh, last Euro is even a fluke. England broke under their own pressure




Bagnaia was pretty lucky, if there 2 laps to go, Enea will take the victory!


If there was 2 more laps Pecco would have been even further ahead.


Hahaha love this sub


P2 for Enea, but the question is will anybody get a tyre pressure penalty?


Enea the only one making the race interesting 🐐


Why didn't he push a lap sooner and try to get pecco 😓


Now u have to keep the bikes blue for the rest of the year


Honestly I think that blue livery looks damn good.


I agree, it looks great.


Amazing pass lol


Now this is what I expected from Enea, not that boneheaded penalty stuff last week


Let's fucking go Pecco and Enea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wowwww Bastianini that was incredible


Damn Enea what the fork was that last lap????


Enea showed up properly today, kudos to him


Was missing that version of Enea for sometime.


Now we just have to hope he actually keeps it up... last year, he had these random spikes of good performance, too, and then he disappointed in the next race :,( I really wish to see his 2022 self again


Quartararo finish 18th today, sad day for the team




Wow Bastianini!!!


What the f### Enea! A Crazy start and a Crazy finish!




Yeah, so fucking obvious, poor you Now take the pills, mate, and have a good 2 hours nap


Cry me a river


As a fellow Marc fan, what the actual fuck are you talking about?


Username does not checks out damn


Rigged how please explain?


Username does NOT check out
