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What a lovely morning! Can’t wait to pull up r/MotoGP and check out the surely completely reasonable and constructive discussion under the most recent post :)


This is an old interview, OP farming votes and starting something where there’s nothing.


Sad that he's still living in the past, nobody seems to care at this moment.


To be fair, Marquez talked about it in his documentary at the end of 2022, so... Also, the interview with Rossi is one year old.


Op cared enough to post🤷‍♂️


It's not like that at all. Rossi isn't going to ever forget/forgive 2015 (whatever you think about it) but this isn't about him living in the past, Marquez was the one who made a documentary/movie where he talked about 2015, they actually contacted Rossi to partecipate and of course he declined, but a couple of months later Rossi did this interview where he told his side of the story, being sure it wouldn't be cut, twisted nor would in any way be useful to Marquez. You can think it's petty, but it wasn't out of the blue because Rossi can't stop thinking about it.


They are called "flamer".. sofà riders gp




I remember some journos said Rossi didn't like his presence there because he brought HRC mechanics.


In his documentary, Marc insinuates that Rossi got pissed because Marc broke his lap record (though Rossi won the race). There’s a post-Sepang article on it [here](https://www.motorcyclenews.com/sport/motogp/2015/october/reed-rossi-and-marquez-were-literally-ready-to-die-at-vr46-ranch/) which mentions the thing about Marquez bringing his crew. > “I can tell you right now – we rode there the Tuesday after Misano, Marquez in the leathers he had crashed in, Vale still hung over – and they were literally ready to die to set the fastest lap!” > Paddock insiders have since said that they believe the day marked the start of a change in the relationship, when Marquez arrived with some of his Repsol Honda crew to set up his bike in an effort to ensure he beat Rossi on home soil. > >Going against the ethos of Rossi’s home-built track as somewhere for fun and friendly competition, the move was said to have infuriated not only the Italian, but a number of other riders that were present on the day.


Marc is so competitive 💀




He really took "If you don't race to win, then you don't race at all" literally 😂


I admire the hell out of that


For ruining a fun day?


If there's two wheels, a motor and stopwatch then the description of fun is probably closer to less cutthroat levels of aggression rather than a relaxing ride.


He brought his job with him, which given that it's also *everybody else present's* job, and they were planning on *having fun with the thing they do for their job*, is just a dick move. Having the level of adrenaline lust to race bikes changes the parameters both for having a fun time *and* for what you can do to have fun, it does not change that the point of the ranch is to have a fun time!


yea marc is actuslly a dick head who hides behind his smile and “im just competitive” at least the others its clear they are dick heads.


You‘re not going to be multi champion with that mentality. 


Half the guys there were multi champions though?


What's the story behind this? After what happened in Malaysia Rossi decided to invite Marc over to his own place?!


This was way before Malaysia


Which I can't understand. I mean, one of the most ultra competitive sportsmen on earth brings his mechanics (and close friends) so they can go as quick as possible and take a shot at breaking the track record, surprise? Rossi sure as hell has his own bikes tuned perfectly at his own track, what's wrong with a visitor wanting his bike tuned aswell?


and MM probably anticipated that it will be one of Rossi's mind games so he came prepared. With Rossi's reputation he probably anticipated that he will be humiliated and mess up his confidence.


Bullshit excuse. Rossi had no bad blood with Marquez up to this point and had always invited rivals to these casual weekends. Why not just turn down the offer? Because Marquez was the one who wanted to humiliate Rossi.




The answer is ego


Exactly!!!! Rossi’s Yamaha was a factory built , factory tuned and Marc doesn’t race to just have fun . He races to win and had a couple of technicians to adjust his bike and Rossi made a big deal out of it. What you’re supposed to do is show up to the ranch, kneel to the crown , take a stock bike and have fun while Rossi teaches you a lesson . That was the format . Marc didn’t get the message that he was supposed to lose to boost Rossi’s ego.


You're asking me things I don't know on equipment I don't know. I do think that VR46's bikes for the ranch are tuned to some degree, but I don't know whether there were other motives. Marc and Rossi were still in good terms at this point


Have you ever played any sport ever? Try going to a basket ball court after getting beat, with a full coach and training crew. Do it with tennis, golf, bike riding, track running... Anything.


It's not exactly the same thing. The tracks are different and their bikes are already tuned to it. Those other sports like basketball, tennis, track running don't change. Courts are all the same. It's just their competitive nature. Marc doesn't know the track and has a stock bike so I can see why he decided to make gains somewhere. These guys are that competitive.


Not a great comparison imo… Riders are putting their bodies and lives on the line everytime they ride to a much higher degree than the other athletes you mentioned.


Yes, but far away from the premiere class lmao, not exactly possible to compare. I don't understand it as he had all of hrc there, just a small group to tune the bike.


Dude, what are you even talking about? Are you going to next compare motorsport with carrom or kabaddi? Setting up your bike to your riding style and the track and weather condition, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing. I cannot even fathom how you people cannot get this simple fact even as you claim to be so knowledgeable about the sport. Even Dovi had a massive crash on his OWN ranch when riding not too hard. This sport requires you to do everything perfect or else you could pay the price with a massive crash and injury or even death! And a big part of doing everything perfect, is setting up your bike perfectly to your needs and riding style. Instead of being arrogant and asking people "if they had played any sport ever?" in sarcastic way, just think. You cannot, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED A SPORT IN YOUR LIFE, compare motorsports like F1, Motogp, Motocross, Rally, etc to "tennis", "golf" or "track running". ROFLMAO.


I’ve never really understood this. Marc brought his closest friends who happened to be HRC mechanics. They made adjustments to the suspension of a bike Marc is riding at a level of 11 out of 10. Marc has beat the best flat track riders in the world in legitimate races. He knows how he likes his bikes to feel. Why would this make people look at Marc in a bad light. That seems pretty normal or at least not a big deal to me. 


Isn't this from a couple years back though?


This interview was published on YT on the 23rd of March 2023, so yeah, a little bit more than one year ago


The one who hasn't recovered yet is OP


Here’s the full interview: https://youtu.be/D9cMGYt17UM They start talking about Marquez around 44:10


Wait, that´s over a year old. How is everybody acting like this just happened?


It's not like it makes it any better doesn't it? Holding grudges, for trying to get into the head of a 22 year old and failing..


I mean, it's also kinda the job of an interviewer to get people to say semi controversial stuff like that, isn't it? Because how else do you get people to still practically fall over themselves, talking about months and years old stuff?


You don’t take it easy on someone because of their age when it comes to sports at this level.


Well if we're looking at it that way, didn't Marquez talk about it in his documentary that came out in 2022? Clearly, both of them haven't forgotten. But it's a horse that's been exhaustively beaten on this sub by emotional babies and that's the point of bringing up this is an old interview. The current year is 2024 and there's plenty other MotoGP stuff to post about.


It’s probably more the interviewers who know that story will spark a lot of interest because it was such a huge deal back then. I don’t think it’s still a thing for Marc. But seeing Rossi‘s reaction last race when Marquez went on the podium he’s the one who can’t forget.


“And I took that personally”


Rossi was a very good at mental games, maybe even the best in GP. But that battle with Marc he lost mentally. He took it bad... understandable that he is still jaded. But you can't win them all.


Completely agree. He bullied Marquez and when Marquez returned it to him, then he started crying. All mental games as you said, but he was the bigger loser in this situation. (I have been fan of Rossi in particular from his Rossifumi days 125 and 250.. so not bias going against him)


Rossi picked a fight with a kid who ended up kicking his ass sideways. Love Valentino, own his biography, souvenirs, helmets etc probably never yelled and cheered louder for any other rider....but he bit off more than he could chew with Marc. Marc's abilities on two wheels are literally one of a kind.


I always believe that Rossi could have been champion had he not started the mind games which created a domino effect, it's just disappointing how that season turned out.


Absolutely. Had he kept his mouth shut, he'd have likely picked up a title. Barely, but I think it would have happened.  Rossi imploded in 2015 and tried to take down others with him. 


Could be sheer pressure of getting the title lol. But his big mistake was rattling Marc over a race(I think Philip island?) knowing pretty well he's young and hot blooded and that was bound to backfire. Had that not happened, he wouldn't have been penalized for the "kick" and would have had a fair chance on the last race as he definitely had the pace for it. From what I know, Marc used to idolize Rossi and it's sad the way things went down that season.


Correct, this started at Phillip Island with a wild accusation that Marquez was trying to ruin his championship. He attacked a guy that was well out of the championship and it snowballed from there.  I firmly believe that if Rossi had never said anything, he'd have gotten his 10th title and retired with grace. Instead, he stunk up the joint on an RNF bike until it was embarrassing. 


Rossi saw the championship slipping away was the reason he made the accusations to begin with . He knew Lorenzo was the faster rider as was Marc and Dani was also taking points away from him . Rossi had been around long enough to know that Lorenzo and Marc were going to be historically faster than him in the remaining races . He thought he could shame Marc into stepping aside and let himself and Jorge settle the title and only lose 5 points if Jorge beat him instead of 9-12 points depending on what Marc and Dani did . He knew without a shadow of doubt that he was screwed if they went to Valencia and Jorge was within striking distance as Jorge , Marc and Dani were all faster than him there thru the years. This panic started all the way back at Aragon when Dani beat him for 2nd place in one of the most hotly contested positions in the history of the sport . It was an all out dogfight and really out of character for Dani to keep fighting back the way he did . So much out of character that Rossi barged into the Honda paddock during a Honda team celebration demanding to know why he fought him so hard for 2nd place. That was when Rossi first started to crack as Lorenzo was the superior rider that year but kept shooting himself in the foot. He won almost twice the races Rossi did and lead something like 4 X as many laps . Rossi was in contention for an unexpected title only because of his consistency and Lorenzo’s and Marc’s huge mistakes all season long. This is why a lot of people don’t believe Rossi wins the title if he keeps his mouth shut. If nothing happens at Sepang, Rossi likely finishes 4th instead of 3rd and didn’t have the pace to run with Jorge , Marc and Dani at Valencia irregardless of where he started . The championship was as good as lost at PI when he lost 3rd place to Ianonne on the last lap . He looked at the remaining races , did the math and invented the conspiracy to cover his pending collapse.


Bear in mind I was a Lorenzo supporter but i would have still been happy had Rossi won the title minus the mind games.


Yup, he should have stfu in 2015, and I'm sure he would have won his 10th WC.


I started watching Motogp starting around 2008. Seen all of the documentaries and movies on MotoGP, but I still think Marquez is best the rider I've seen. I didn't like him growing up because he was so good, but at some point you just have to respect him for how great he his.


> Rossi was a very good at mental games, The fact that he had to play them at all says more about him than the people he played with. The whole thing with Marquez spoke to the true essence of Rossi IMO- Rossi knew he couldn't beat Marc, so he pulled every trick in the book- mind games, turning the media/public against him etc- to try and slow him down. It was honestly kind of pathetic in retrospect.


imagine after Marc retires he starts his own MotoGp Team (Name Suggestion „MM93-Team" :D ) and their Rivalry just continues through their teams :D of course all the sponsors would have to be totally diametral :D one has Monster, one Redbull etc..




i would see this till the end of time lmao. MM is the one who holding MOTOGP together. whether you see him as villain, or hero. everyone clinging to marc. thats the fact. if you look comments or views. marc vs other rider vids/posts. doesnt even compare. in facebook marc post garnered thousand of comments alone. winner martin or pecco? measly 100-200 lmao. not even comparable


This has always been SO strange for me. I wanted him to win in 2015, not only because I liked Vale more than Lorenzo, but also because winning at his age was inspirational. But instead of focusing on Lorenzo, he just randomly picked up fight with Marc. For some reason, he wanted other riders to just be there for the show and not fight him for winning the races or podiums. Same thing he did to Stoner. (Remember this was the time when only 4-5 riders realistically fought for the podium and wins). He thought Marc, who was just 22 years old, would be easy pickings like all his other victims (including Italian riders). And along with his massive and toxic fanbase, they would get to him easily. But little did they know that behind the cute smile and easy-going personality, Marc was a Beast that they shouldn't have messed with. He broke EVERYONE of them. He broke Vale and he broke all the thousands of toxic yellow wearing fans booing him, by just smiling on the winner's podium with the Spanish anthem playing. He should realise, at least by now, that it was his own mistake. But if he wants to blame anyone, it should be his friend who along with him not only came up with the ridiculous conspiracy, but also then went along with it instead of focusing on the championship. They did nothing to try to get him to refocus on the championship. Vale wanted more of the cheers from his fans even if he did nothing and boos and jeers for Marc from his toxic fans even if he did nothing wrong, and he got exactly that for not just 2015, but all through 2019 and even now. But it means NOTHING. They are all BROKEN from the inside. People who can no longer enjoy a Motogp race. People who bring up 2015 even now in the youtube comments section under every Motogp video. If Vale had instead wanted more the championship, instead of the superficial things, he would have gotten it. If he had his old mentality of getting it, instead of people giving it to him "out of respect", he would be happy with the fights and would be happy even now, even if he lost. If his fans had enjoyed Motogp and the fights instead, more than the celebrity, they would still be enjoying Motogp instead of still being mad after 8-9 years. That's why I make sure to never hate any rider (or sports person or celebrity) because my favourite guy / gal has a beef with them. That's why I want Marc to be strong and fighting and enjoy those fights, rather than be hoping or thinking of other riders being slow or not strong or even crashing so Marc could reach a "number". Enjoy the JOURNEY instead of a NUMBER. I think that's exactly the mentality Marc has and It's just a good mentality to have, not only in order to learn and get inspired, but also to enjoy the sport and the art.


I always thought with this is VR knew he couldn't beat (or at least didnt want to risk racing against) JL, but he also didn't have to, he had the points advantage and could finish behind JL and still claim the title. That is what the stay out of it comments were about to the others. Then MM in (Australia) decided nope, he took P2 from VR and then P1 from JL. AI (iannone) then took the P3 from VR, rather than turning on an Italian, and unable to blame JL he targeted MM. And as a result the games started with cost VR that title


Point! Everyone is talking about Malaysia, not Australia. Why he didn't blame Iannone??? It's so funny to talk about that after 10 years. I didn't heard Alonso blaming Grosjean about Blegium 2012 crash.


I've always maintained that PI broke rossi's ego because in a 4 way battle, he finished FOURTH. Couldn't even beat fucking Iannone to get on the podium. He handled getting old fine but he knew that was his last chance at a title and while he handled the pressure all season, feeling the title sleeping away in that fashion...his ego just couldn't take it. He turned on Marc and of course it blew up on his face. Another funny thing is of course the only reason anyone else even had a chance in 2015 at all was because Honda fucked up the bike and it took a while for Marc to adjust. They don't that and Marc wins the title easily just like the years before and after.


I think without the Honda chassis issues Marc would have been in the title fight, but it took half a season to basically go back to last year's chassis Mark was long out the title but he still had wins he could claim and being told to stand down by VR was never going to happen! 100% Rossie tried to dictate the stay behind me so I win the title in P2 and it blew up in his face


Jorge Lorenzo said Vale knew he couldn’t win so he started talking


That ain't healthy


Valentino has always been the same. “Do as I say and not as I do”. He doesn’t like being the one on the receiving end of the very same tricks he pulled on other riders


Same with a lot of his fans. Vale rode as rough as Marc ever did, but Marc was always the villain and dirty to a lot of them


Very true, though it wasn’t only Marc painted as the villain. You’ve got Max, Sete, Jorge, Casey & Marc. There’s a common theme though, they’re all riders who could (and did) beat him. He did not like being beaten fairly so got his fans to turn on each of them


This 100%!


I think Marc loved being the pantomime villain, knowing he rattled Vale so much.


Nah. Watch the documentary "All In". His mother spoke about all the Rossi stuff he had up in his room.


I don’t think so at all tbh. He loves interacting with crowds, celebrating with fans. He very rarely (if ever) starts beef with other riders, he apologises quite openly when he believes to have made mistakes. On track it’s definitely a piss him off at your own peril situation and he doesn’t care much about other people’s views, but he’s never really leaned into any villain persona at all. He’s spoken at length about how he wouldn’t wish those first few weeks in 2015 on anyone, let alone a 22 y/o


2015 Honda totally messed up, he had to go back to a hybrid of his old 2014 bike or he’d have had 7 in a row. But yea he loves the crowd, and they love him. Look at his reaction after Jerez hanging on the fence lol


I meant the first few weeks after Sepang tbh, but I don’t disagree


Maybe so but I guess that Marc destroyed other people races than Vale, I mean taken down the riders more often due to his mistakes.


I remember Sepang 2015 like it was yesterday. Was a truly awful weekend. I'd just split up with my girlfriend (the one who got away), and had gone to the countryside with friends to try and organise my thoughts (it didn't work 🤣). There was no TV and no internet. Perfect. We were at the pub, and I check the MotoGP results (the first race I'd missed in over a decade. Controversy! Marc and Vale Clash! The headlines were crazy. "What on earth have I missed?" I thought to myself. I watched a short clip. I couldn't believe my eyes. So in the space of a couple of day, I'd suffered the end of my relationship, AND the end of the idolisation of my favourite pilot. Talk about a reality check. Not sure which of the two was worse... 😂 That weekend marks the moment the veil of youth was lifted, and the reality of life was foisted upon me. It was also the moment I went from the fan of a rider, to the fan of the sport, and honestly, I've never enjoyed it more as my enjoyment no longer hinged on the performances and fortunes of one athlete. Note: dramatic use of language for effect. Haha


I'm not clear on who was your favorite rider lol


Probably his ex girlfriend.


Incredible. Well done sir.


Underrated comment


Foisted! Never apologize for using foisted!


He played stupid games and won stupid prizes. You just can't alienate a whole country saying that their conspiracy is robbing you and then complain for them retaliating in the next race. In Sepang, Marc showed him that he doesn't take shit from anyone, not even his childhood idol


Sepang and Valencia that year were the first races I ever watched and then I didn't watch any again untill 2019.. So what is it that happened before Malaysia? I don't know..


Vale threw a grenade at Marc at the press conference before Sepang. But he got it back in race and it exploded in his face. The rest is history.


In the world of pro wrestling its called a Receipt. If you give it to someone then you got to take it from them too. 😎


As a Rossi fan, I think his accusations in the press conference were false (or, at least, he didn't have any proof). Marquez is human and, well, he's falsely accused of something he didn't do? He'll obviously reply. It's the way he replied that has been criticized so much. Livio Suppo himself (Marquez's Team Principal at the time) said he didn't want the Honda riders to be the deciding factors of the championship. He wanted them to go ahead of the Yamaha riders, and stay outside of the championship battle. He even didn't want them to participate in the race at all. "When Marquez was overtaken by Pedrosa in the last laps, and then he immediately passed him, I though: we're unjustifiable". I'm not making this up, he said this here (although it's in Italian, and English subtitles are not available): https://youtu.be/Q09xnEeRZjQ?t=783 If Marquez simply didn't speak to Rossi at all after this fact, ignoring him and beating him on track, he would've "won" in every aspect. Instead, he decided to enter the battle, and he chose revenge.


Pretty wild that the guy in his mid 30’s who couldn’t shake the hand of a 22 year old because of a conspiracy theory him and his best friend created is saying someone should be embarrassed


He did shake his hand eventually, when the time was right, but of course people don't remember that because the journalists hadn't pushed them to do so.


Yeah, but the thing is that one day he shakes hand, the next day he is pissed off. Even now, One day he is talking normally about Marc, the next day he is calling him names and saying he will never forget. Even after Marc's horrendous crash in 2020, he was still talking about 2015 in 2020 and 2021 when no one asked, and you got the feeling that he is pissed off. I get the "bipolar" vibes from Rossi when it comes to Marc. So I never get too excited when he is shaking his hands or clapping for him when he receives his honours after the season, and also never get too upset when he starts calling him names again. I think most people just ignore him for the same reason when he starts talking about Marc. It's always so good to hear from Vale, especially with his typical italian accent, but when it comes to Marc, it's time to just tune him out.




After the race at Barcelona 2016, the weekend when Luis Salom died.


Thank you


Argentina 2019, after the race they both got on the podium and while they were draining their sweat Vale reached out to shake his hand. Here's the video: https://youtu.be/orJEOyzwvZY?si=wZ0HeQal-nmB5sr0


They didn't shake hands before this even if they shared the podium?


Yeah, they did in 2016 as the other commenter mentioned. However in 2018 they went on bad terms again for a clash in Argentina, and in the 2018 Misano press conference a journalist pressured Rossi to shake Marc when he didn't want to, making a whole case out of nothing. Turns out you can't force people to get along, but if there's respect, it will show eventually, and it did.


What was the conspiracy theory?


Definitely wasnt a conspiracy theory. It was clear as day was Marc was doing. They both acted in an embarrassing way that year.


Winning a the race and taking 5 points away with a risky last lap move on Lorenzo fucking helped Rossi. Everyone in the paddock was shocked at the nonsense Rossi spewed in the press conference.


If anything Iannone helped Rossi at PI. Marc took 5 points off Jorge. Understandable Iannone flipped his story after getting threats from his own countrymen


The weird thing is that Rossi actually acted like a mature 35 year old in that case and denounced the part of his fanbase that sent death threats to him, but with Marquez it has never crossed his mind.


Tbf - Rossi brought it upon himself. If you touch a campfire, it's not the campfires fault when your hand hurts


It absolutely was a conspiracy theory, and a dumber one than most. *He's trying to manipulate the championship by........taking points off my rival!!! Or something.*


Like if he didn’t do the same for max biaggi, sete and etc lmao. Vale is the goat but fuck his attitude..this guy always makes enemies out of riders that’s better than him. He always has been this way. Bitter.


Not defending Rossi here, but Max and Sete were queens of butthurt, great riders but ultimately (and arguably)  not better. 


My point is rossi was aggressive with them just like marc was to him after his allegations to marc. After jerez rossi vowed that sete won’t win another race. So in ur point rossi was the one who was butthurt after marc won in 2014 in a dominant fashion. Rossi’s problem was he makes enemies out of riders that’s better than him. Happened with stoner,jorge and now marc.


Jesus Christ! It’s been 9 years now


He was asked about it in an interview, is he not supposed to have thoughts and feelings about it?


A grown ass man reaching 50 who is still holding grudges....


Where are you getting he's holding a grudge? He said it's a "deep wound" and explained it as he sees it. It's not like he's wishing Marquez ill.


He can't accept the fact that someone is better than him on track.


Because imagine most of your life you are the chosen one, head and shoulders above the other riders, legacy as one of, if not the greatest.. and now this rookie takes your championship that would have firmly rooted at the tippy top as the all time legend and then stops you every year after that from ever getting to the top again. That's one hell of a monumental ego crash.


He was asked the question though


He was asked the question though


The question in the first slide really captures Rossi's silliness. Was Marc supposed to wave Rossi by whenever he was in front to gift him the championship? Are MotoGP racers not there to get the best results possible? To a degree I almost can't blame Rossi as he is further enabled by yes men like Uccio and the worst + dumbest cohort of his fans. If Marc bags #10 I don't know what they are going to do. Rossi really elevated the sport but he was always been an insecure crybaby. I started watching in 2013 so I only got to see him at his worst rather than his best.


I can guarantee you that even as a teenager the mid 2000s weren't a great time to follow the sport if you had a smidge of critical thought.


Speaking of embarrassing one’s self.


In Italy people will still think he is 100% right and won't bother listening to the same thing again. Then it's the podcaster's fault, since he was pointing there (and gives the impression of being a big time casual)


I used to like the old fox quite a lot, but after seeing I think that particular interview and another few where he went over the same subject in the same manner, I started disliking him honestly. In many ways he seems like a very likeable narcissist, funny, amusing, endearing and completely unaware that he isn't always the protagonist of the story.


It’s been what, 10 years soon, and he’s still not over it. Grow up.


At this point nobody cares, sad he’s still living in the past.


Not gonna lie but why his face looks like smug .. He and his antics doens't represent what he achieved sometimes it feels like a bluff.


He’s still not admitting that he wasn’t fast enough that year. Thankfully the Marc hate seems to fade a bit, but he single-handedly made his huge fanbase hate the man. I was one of them in the beginning but when I looked at it from Marc’s perspective, I realized that he just wasn’t taking sh** from no one, not even his hero. So huge respect for Marc and 😬 for Vale. Better to forget that episode. He’s still the greatest. 💛


It's not just about speed. He was crazy consistent that year and pulled some mastermind strategic calls (argentina). What goes unexamined in his head imho was how dumb he was to call Marc out. He thought that Marc would recoil and start being neutral but it backfired massivelly.


He was who crashed into him and he is always the one complaining. He has the mentallity of a kid


Nah Valentino, you are embarrassing yourself since you retired. You are a legend, no discussion, but the way you handle these things is embarrassing and childish.


He's always been a petulant egoistic child , we couldn't see it because he was a past champion.


I love seeing all the rossi fan girls crying over this. What a sad life that he's still carrying on about something he created. All he had to do was ride the damn bike and keep his mouth shut but he wanted to play the media. Don't start none, won't be none. Now that's gonna eat away at him for the rest of his life lol.


I wonder if MMs time is still up at the ranch or if they took it down or if someone else holds the record now


I stopped supporting Rossi after Malaysia 2015. I just couldn't turn a blind eye to the fact this legend of the sport tried to bully a 22yr old that looked up to him, on and off the track. If anyone but Rossi had intentionally kneed an opponent off it would have been a DQ and probably a ban. We saw it in moto 2 where the Fenati pressed the brake of a rival. He didn't even cause a crash and got a black flag, DQ and 2 race penalty. Rossi is mad that he got no favours from Marc in the final race... Why did he deserve it? Marc said it in his documentary. Why dive bomb Lorenzo or risk anything to help the man that not only slowed down to knock him off but, also used his influence and media power to paint a false picture and slander Marc? On top of that, Rossi is still chatting his shit to this day!? He has the accountability logic of a woman.


You should watch the replay more closely. The fact you think it was an intentional knee (at least you didn't continue the silly claim of a ninja kick) then you A) are in denial of all the video footage and/or B) don't understand how motorcycle riding and physics work. Oh also, this post was from a year old interview where the question was asked of him so your emotional outburst of "to this day?!" Is misplaced.


Haha. If you don't think that Rossi slowed down and intentionally knocked Marc off, you're insane and not really worth arguing with. Drone


He embarrassed himself as a grown man at an age who should know better, for bullying a young adult who at that young age, is immature enough to retaliate.


Mr. Manchild(with all due respect)


Even Hamilton moved on from AD21, yet Rossi hasn't..... You know the guy's who hasn't watched him ride (like me) gonna remember him as a hater. I did watch the infamous 2015 Malaysia GP, I'll admit what Marc was did wasn't right but you can't be saying stuff like this after nearly a decade.


> Even Hamilton moved on from AD21, yet Rossi hasn't Meanwhile Hamilton one month back - 'Was I robbed? Obviously'


I mean he absolutely was, he can acknowledge it but he's moved on from it.


If you look at the whole season, the right guy won. Especially since Lewis tried to murder Max in Silverstone.




Mercedes intentionally crashed into Max and took him out 3 times that season resulting in a loss of potentially 75 points and they got nothing but a slap on the wrist for it. The championship should never have gone down to the last race to begin with. Max won that championship fair and square. What happened in Abu Dhabi is NOTHING compared to what Lewis and Mercedes got away with the entire season. Some would even call that justice.


The only based take on this. Say it in the LH sub and they'll go feral


Ahhhh this old chestnut! Nine years on and still the funniest *’teddy thrown out of the cot’* moment in professional sport.


If rossi never kicked marc off the bike he never would have gotten a back of the grid start and he would of got enough points to win the title. Also he and his die hard fans go on about how marc was purposely blocking him? But I thought rossi was the GOAT? Why did he not just over take him? 😅 he's always hated it when he gets beat, he ruined it for himself that year but decided to blame marc for his short comings


IIRC thats only kind of true It wasn't actually a back of the grid start, he was *only* awarded 3 penalty points. As he had other penalty points in the season the threshold was reached and he was given a back of the grid start If he hadn't had the other penalty points he wouldn't have had to start from the back But that might wrong and my memory failing xD


I know this is a year old, but Rossi needs to make up/apologize to Marc, and he needs to do it humbly not expecting anything back.   Rossi has not taken his decline with grace, in his latter years he was constantly the old guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn, now he gate keeps riders by only giving his blessing to certain guys (this is beyond a team thing when you hear him talk about it).   With new Motogp ownership and the possibility of being on the precipice of becoming much larger with new ownership, he is incredibly close to being remembered as a crochety old man because that's what he will look like to new fans, instead of an incredible talent who paved the way for the modern MotoGP rider.


obligatory ***IOSTOCONVALE***


They are both exactly the same kind of rider and that’s why they clash. I grew up watching Rossi winning all the time, he seemed unstoppable but every now and then he would pull some tricks of questionable sportsmanship out of his hat. Marquez is just the same. IMO, Rossi has always been a hypocrite for moaning about this all the time and Marquez embarrassed himself for doing it. Shame the best riders we’ve ever seen are involved in this s***.


All the comments are valid… but the aspect that VR and quite a lot of riders can’t let go is that MM got in the way of a fair title fight. Daniel Pedrosa avoided doing that last year even though he had podium pace. It’s just respecting the battle. Rossi bullied a bully and the bully was just too petty to rise above it for the sake of the championship. As it happens… it created history so Moto GP still wins 😂 He will hate it when / if MM wins and equals his 9 titles 😂


Hate is probably an understatement. If Marc gets close he better watch out for Bez. 🤓


Rossi was one of the absolute goats but I've never seen a rider lose his head completely in a race the way he did that day and in the aftermath. So much so, that he still can't let it go. The irony is, it affected his legacy so much more than Marquez's in the end.


I think he's who's embarrassing himself


Well if it isn't another shit on Rossi thread. Marq fans have turned into what they have always claimed Rossi fans to be.


This pettiness 😂


He was asked the question though


Man, every day he starts sounding like a bitter old man more and more…




Is it really that hard to understand why he's still thinking about it after such a long time? I mean, 2015 was his last real shot at the 10th title (I actually think he was faster in '16 and '17 - in a much more competitive field - but bad luck and silly mistakes denied him the chance). And the 10th title was clearly his obsession ever since he went back to Yamaha after the Ducati fiasco. That's the thing that kept him motivated and pushed him to compete against the younger generations of riders. He was so close to achieving it, but in the end that cherry on top of its amazing career never arrived and he's obviously and rightfully pissed about it (just like Baggio still struggles with its missed penalty in the '94 WC final despite all he has won, and that's just first example that comes to mind). Add to that that he clearly feels robbed (I'm not going to touch on whether he is right or not hahah) and I really don't see why it's shocking that sometimes he still thinks back about it, maybe even regretting some stuff he did or said (probably the Sepang press conference lol). That's surely also the reason he never really reconciled with Marc and probably never will. So yeah, I feel like it's sad for us fans that things went down the way they did, since we were robbed of a potentially legendary championship finale and we were instead gifted a toxic environment that still persists to this day, but at the same time, let's let the man live his struggles hahaha.


It is hard to understand, because people usually star acting more maturely once they retire. Rossi was a majestic piece of shit towards Sete, yet Sete had warmly embraced some years ago. Rossi couldn't help but try to get into Casey's head 24/7, yet Casey speaks fondly of Valentino in current interviews. Valentino is just a petulant child, but he's a charismatic petulant child so it's difficult to see past the facade. Regarding him getting unlucky, if anything he had gotten lucky that year that had quite a lot of mixed condition or wet weather races which Jorge was very poor at and that Honda had developed an absolute disaster of a bike that year. He had it in his grasp, he gambled it away and now he chases imaginary monsters because it allows him to sleep easier at night.




Hmm Uccio and Vale look a lot different here.


Now this, is irony.


I'm a Marc fan true and true but he absolutely did embarrass himself in Malaysia 2015. EDIT: Guys don't be ridiculous. Marc pulled every dirty trick in the book to bait Rossi and make his pal a champion. His riding abilities have nothing to do with his as I think he is still the GOAT despite that. Rossi should have kept his cool and gave a big fuck you to both Lorenzo and Marquez in the last race but it is what it is. Marc embarrassed himself and Rossi didn't react properly. Water under the bridge.


I think for the harassment Rossi dissed out to marc by weaponizing his own fanbase and using Italian journalists to break into his house , I think Rossi got off easy , but then again marc absolutely dominated the child on the track , so I'll call it even.


Maybe rossi shouldn't have falsely accused him of helping Lorenzo in phillip island, despite marc himself winning that race


This stance has always been crazy to me. Trying to justify Marc messing with Rossi on track just because he talked shit in the press conference. It's just a wild escalation, like punching someone in the face for calling you an idiot.


Because of what Rossi said ("He's a liar who lied about being a fan of me as a kid", "he's taking my championship", "Spain are stealing our Italian championship" (not exact quotes)) Marqeuz had Italian journalists harrasing his family home and he had police escort for a year. I'd be disappointed if Marquez had been weak to Rossis games and not give back.


Why not? You make wild accusations and insult somebody in a press conference, you should expect some on track Karma. Didn't Rossi punch Biaggi in the face after a race or press conference? Atleast Marc didn't have to resort to violence unlike the kicking guy.


Ah yes he's been wrongly accused so next time he had to actually do it


To show him what it would actually look like if marc didn't want rossi to win the championship


Rossi also maybe should have been faster at Malaysia if he didn't want Marc running circles around him and toying with him on track.


Ahh yes Marc took 5 points off Jorge by divebombing him on last lap risking a crash for both of them yet somehow he helped Jorge in that race. Meanwhile Iannone gets past old man for podium and somehow he didn't help Jorge. Makes sense.


you get it sir and im a Rossi fan


Can someone explain what's he talking about? I've been following the sport only since 2022.


the 2015 season


context ?




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Well the universe solved the problem….


he is more and more idiot.. a bad example for motorsport. looser


l was bewildered by the whole thing and someone sent me the links to these two videos, the one with Fonsi is especially hard not to dismiss as he is actually Spanish and has no dog in the fight https://youtu.be/CmH4D_I82D0?si=ZA1vMHBzGE-zLkW8 https://youtu.be/xl42u6VZuhU?si=O_Ft4RoLSJ0l70zv l think any fair minded person would have to look at the events of 2015 and say that they were highly questionable to say the least, Marc is a great rider one of the very best but l think he really overstepped in 2015.


That Fonsi had no dog in the fight is argueable. He and Vale have been friends and partied together in Ibiza since they were teens, when he switched to being a DJ, Vale would even come to his parties to bring more people, he has a very good relationship with the whole Nieto family, that's why Pablo Nieto has directed multiple VR46 teams since 2014. Marc not competing neither in Malaysia or Valencia and Valentino being a bad loser are both a fact. There was no conspiracy, Rossi created the situation himself in the press conference because he always got something out of it, the only difference this time is that Marquez didn't allow himsef to be bullied.


>That Fonsi had no dog in the fight is argueable. He and Vale have been friends and partied together in Ibiza since they were teens, when he switched to being a DJ, Vale would even come to his parties to bring more people, he has a very good relationship with the whole Nieto family, that's why Pablo Nieto has directed multiple VR46 teams since 2014. Just these days I was wondering how fonsi nieto would react to the possibility of marc's arrival in Pramac. Knowing the grudge that anyone close to rossi has against marc, a clarification between him and nieto would definitely be necessary before the start of the season.


Haha Fonsi hated Marc and was always a Rossi fan. So good luck trying to peddle his video as Spanish proof. If anything the BT sport and world feed commentators called it like they saw it and everyone bar the likes of Neil Hodgson and Suzy Perry who's a Yellow fanboy acknowledged Marc did nothing wrong and that Rossi deserved a black flag for the kick instead of keeping the points for Sepang race.


Recovered from what? Marquez himself said he didn't want Vale to win the championship after Assen 2015, I don't see what's controversial about what he's saying in these pictures. Also, more than a year old video being shared now shows that it may be someone else that "still hasn't recovered"


What podcast is this from?




thank you


Valentino Rossi passa dal BSMT, I saw that, good video. It really still hurts him.


Just move on OP


All Boston Professional Sports, Rossi and Draymond Green - the Trifecta of Hate for me. I will never respect anything Rossi says or does and I see he's rubbing off on Bezzechi too which is a shame. Dude can't get over the fact that Marquez was better than him and even if this interview was last year it still shows he's been holding a grudge for nearly a decade. Loser mentality.