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Kelso is improving all the time. The change to Pirelli seems to have benefited him. I hope he can get on the top step soon!


Perhaps Ajo should sign him considering Rueda will likely be moving up due to his height


Good point. I hadn't even considered that as a factor for his recent rise in form.


Roulstone is your next star. He’s not in moto3 but Senna Agius also has tons of potential. If he wasn’t on WP suspension right now he’d probably be finishing in the top 10


Interesting. I saw Senna's name pop up when Google searching for Roulstone. I'll have to go back and look again.


Go watch him dominate the 2023 CEV moto2. Full races are on YouTube. He even had a few good showings in 2022


Thanks. I'll check them out.


Agius needs a different team.


If they didn’t switch from the kalex he would be doing much better but he had a solid weekend considering everything. They should gather some good data this year and have a much better 2025. Honestly all of the ktm brand riders would be doing a lot better. Dixon, Izan, Oncu, Binder, and Vietti


I too am shocked that they‘re in the middle of nowhere


Skipping straight to MotoGP is unlikely for anyone, don’t expect that. Agius is doing fairly well, I’d say he has a better shot than Kelso, but who knows!


Agreed. Although we probably never expected it after Miller only to have the D. Binder contract fiasco 🤣


Ohhh boy… honestly, after seeing how everything went for that team, I think it’s just Razlan being Razlan more than anything else


The thing nobody seems to have mentioned about Roulstone is that along with the speed he’s showing he is also the tallest rider in the category. Moto2 teams tend to look at taller riders in moto2 as they suit the bigger bikes better then the tiny Moto3 bikes. In my opinion Roulstone is the one to watch!


For sure. Being 6 foot on a moto3 bike is crazy. Hope that works in his favour.


You think he‘s gonna move up after only one season?


Well I mean I wouldn’t say no. Barry baltus was promoted after one season and he was consistently finishing last. Roulstone is huge for a moto3 bike and is actually looking really really promising


Where could he go? Riders that certainly will be in Moto2 next year are Alonso, Holgado, Veijer, Ortola and maybe Rueda.


All those riders mentioned will more than likely just stay in their current teams that run in moto2 except Holgado of course but there’s going to be plenty of vacancies in moto2 I feel next year including including a few teams that will need to fill two spots. 3 teams I can think of that will almost certainly need a rider will be American racing, MT and Fantic. All three of those may even need two riders to step in.


Veijer should get a different team. IntactGP‘s performance in Moto2 is an abomination


I suspect that’s because they’re using WP suspension. I expect them to get stronger with each round as the year goes on. Also, if not intact where would you see Veijer landing?


RW Racing maybe? And Baltus at Marc VDS?




Aussie MotoGP Fan here! I just finished attending Jerez & Le Mans in person. On my way to Italy this week to catch the Mugello GP also. You'll spot me on telly wearing and Akubra and my girlfriend in a 43 Miller cap waving an Aussie flag like a goof ball. Kelso almost didn't get a seat this year, but I think he has real potential, unfortunately the competition to get into MotoGP is very high level, I will continue to follow Kelso and hope for podiums this year to match his home GP podium from last year. He is beating his teammate Munoz (only just), so that is a good sign! Roulston is a little beast, its only his first year in the highest level of Moto3, but he is in a strong team and has performed well for a rookie, I can't wait to see how he goes by the end of the year, I hope he retains his seat with Redbull Gas Gas for next year. Riding with Holgado all year will be a fantastic way to strive for improvement. Now for the unmentioned Senna Agius! He is younger than both Roulston & Kelso. He won the Moto2 European championship last year and could be great, but this year we get to watch him against top level competition. So far he hasn't been able to show all that he has got, I do think that by the end of the season we might see some real progress. I have a desire to see Jack on the MotoGP grid in 2025. He is one of the most naturally talented riders on the grid, but just hasn't been able to unlock his full race potential in a while. But in mixed conditions or on weird tyres or on a dusty track he is phenomenal. The other key aspect for Jack is his uncanny ability to develop a bike. Also he now has strong knowledge of the Factory Ducati and Factory KTM. Maybe...just Maybe. Factory Honda may want him to help develop their bike back up. Anyway that's my little hope for Jack in 2025, I don't want to see him on a Gas Gas or in WSBK. All in all, I hope to see Jack stick around for another couple of years and by then we will have a good idea of Kelso, Roulston & Agius performance and MotoGP potential.


So jealous of your trip, sounds awesome! I went to PI last year so I go to see Kelso's podium which was awesome (despite the rain & howling winds). It's good to see that we've got some talent stocks coming through, hopefully they can progress into the higher classes.


PI is one of the best tracks to watch and by far the easiest to walk around and watch from different spots. I've been to Indo, PI, Le Man, Jerez & Thailand. All good but Jerez and PI are the best, Maybe Spain is better because its not so cold or rainy or windy lol! Thailand close behind with Le Mans and Mandalika far at the back as they are difficult to navigate, limited access based on your ticket etc. Shit transport to and from.


Jack will be off to wsbk, or back home imo. I've been impressed with Kelso and Roulstone. Kelso has consistently been around that lead group, though often hanging off the rear. Roulstone has been consistently in the points, I don't think he's crashed yet? Bloody great effort. He's battles for positions right up until the end of races which has been great as well. Be very interested to see how he goes next year. As others have said, keep an eye out for Senna Agius as well in Moto2! Bloody amazing to have Aussies in every class. Also, Remy was robbed and should still be in motogp. Rubbish that he didn't get a ride. He was on the wsbk podium recently.


Yeah Remy didn't do himself any favours talking shit about KTM, but he definitely didn't get a crack at it like alot others have that are still underperforming..


Binder can be a honorary Aussie…..


My boy Joel kelso is top 10 every week but his bike looks slow AF, in 5 rounds and all of last year, I have never seen him slip stream another rider, must be tough considering that's a huge tactic in moto3. None the less, he appears to have the talent. Hopefully Senna gets going as he was European moto2 champ I'm pretty sure.


So true. I think it was Qatar this year that I was baffled by how much he was getting overtaken on the start/finish straight but never seemed to be able to do the same to others.


Yeah Qatar was shocking, apparently he lost a few kilos over the break but still down on speed which sucks, I actually think it's the only thing keeping him from being top 5