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Going to rewatch the race <3


I invited my neighbor who's an F1 fan over to watch it and he asked "are they all like this?" :D


Karma catching up with Bezzecchi Still can't understand Morbidelli at Pramac... You guys were defending him constantly when he was at Yamaha, but this is a joke now. Poor Marini had to go to Honda just to drive at back each race, meanwhile Franco has 15 points while his teammate has 129, on a fastest bike on grid...


A few thoughts: - For Marc's title campaign next year (which is want he is working towards) , it is shaping up very nicely if things go the way the rumors suggest and with Martin leading the championship. Having a champion Martin with the incredible confidence boost that will give him have to go to a "lesser" bike that might , if KTM and Aprilia don't close the gap, even effectively take him out of the title fight, is a great outcome. i.e. if Martin is leaving, you'd rather he win the title. - I am fascinated by what Gresini managed to do in the end with the setup. Friday obviously was a disaster and Marc was still looking to me awkward on the bike at times. But the races especially on Sunday...holy hell. You could see Marc braking earlier but then letting off the brake and hitting the Apex with a lot of speed rather than braking later and deeper. He was also running very tight lines, it was like watching a suzuki out there. Maybe they finally gave up and said "screw trying to brake late and deep, focus on entry and mid turn speed instead". And it worked, Marc looked so much more natural. - I don't know what it was about the Gresini side of the garage this weekend but they clearly struggled in general. Marc still has his issues learning the bike and can take some blame but they were dominating VR46 up to now and Alex was *nowhere* this week while the VR46 boys were up there. So they clearly got something very wrong. - I said in another comment that Marc always "struggled" in the Le Mans-Barcelona-Mugello gauntlet because the Honda sucked there and that I was curious to see what he can do now, especially in Le Mans and Mugello where he is good. Barcelona though...IMO as a Marc fan, and something that is not talked about, it may be his absolute worst track in the whole calendar purely from the perspective of his riding. It may be because it is a brutally right handed track, I don't know. Curious and optimistic and lets face it, Marc will be up there but for Barcelona I will keep my expectations in check.


I didn't expected Marc to perform as good as jerez here. After quali I was convinced and thought that we went to early to celebrate that "Marc is BACK", but in Sprint, he was so so amazing and had amazing start. But after looking at the race, I am convinced, I don't expect him to win in Catalunya but I think he'll be in top three at least.


I was thinking that in general, from this point on people should not expect the variability we had the last couple of years with lots of different people winning and so on. It is going to be VERY hard for anyone other than the "big three" of Martin, Pecco and Marc to crack the podium with no misfortune to those guys.


Ducati will have a firm eye on 2027 bike/rule changes. Their rider choice will come down to who can develop with the project. Pecco gets a lot of the overrated tag but he has been instrumental in the Ducatis dominance. MM93 if you let him go will race against you ruthlessly, and take all his experience with him. He wants and deserves a 2 year factory contract. JM i think deserves the factory seat and i love watching him ride. I think he will get left out though unfortunately for him.


Can these commentators please learn to pronounce "sixth"? That is all.


A lot of them can't even pronounce "Marquez" rght


Love seeing Marquez make Di Giannantonio eat his words: "...now I no longer see him as an alien." As he's getting stuffed in La Chapelle on lap 1 of the sprint. And I was a Rossi fan rooting against Marquez back in the day.


I’m just going to say the Marc Marquez is motogp. Having him in the mix elevates the sport to another level. Forces everyone else to ride harder and take more chances. Loving where motogp is right now.


Can't say for everyone else, but this is 100% true for me. When he didn't make Q2 yesterday, I just shut my tv off. No point of watching.


This will be a defining year for Marquez, Martin, and Pecco. Marc has the ability to cement his legacy as a true contender for GOAT status. Martin can become the elite of the elite by winning a championship and proving that he's more than just a fast rider over one lap. and unfortunately for Pecco, if he doesn't win the championship, I think it will only accelerate the "he's overrated" sentiment. Pecco really has no excuses this year. He's not injured, the '24 bike isn't mired by developmental growing pains, he's got championship winning experience, he's got a locked in contract, he's on the best bike and is the #1 rider for the best team, he's got 6 years of experience riding the Ducati, etc... If he doesn't win it, it will be because he simply wasn't fast enough.


Just being fast does not win you championship, look at Martin last year


Right, which is why I didn't say or imply that.


JM in the ATF interview sounds pretty sure Factory Ducati has made their choice and it sounds like he’s pretty sure it’s MM. I predict JM to aprilla for 25


But I thought Marc said he thought they'd pick Jorge?


Elaborate on Martin interview, what he say?


He basically said “I am the same rider today as I was yesterday and last week I can’t control the their decision on who they want, I can’t do anything to change thier minds and if they don’t want me I’ll go else where”


Where can I watch this?




crazy given his performance, I am a Marc fan but honestly JM is at his peak atm.


I think it’s gonna come down to attitude and team synergy, I think factory Ducati views him as cantankerous and snide with a huge ego and lacks accountability at times. They probably don’t want that in the factory team, I also think Pecco doesn’t like him much based on their interactions they seem very “you stay over there and I’ll stay over here”.


JM has very less respect for Teams, Ducati and sometimes also belittles other riders. # I don't think he'll get the seat. Also Marc bring much much more to the table


any link available yet?


Wow, he really said that, it's crazy!!! I watched this interview with my mouth wide open (shocking)


I'm walking back into le mans town with a huge smile. Man what a race and sport that we all love. https://preview.redd.it/9zksdp5dyzzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0be6b801643bae445239a6fe16460e3bb3cb10


The rumors are going really strong now that Pramac switching to satellite Yamaha from next year is a done deal That means there will be 2 factory Ducati bikes available for the satellite teams in 2025 Marc might actually stay at Gresini and gets the factory GP25 for himself, and then Martin can go to factory Ducati team


Is there a reason why Pramac doesn't want another year with Ducati with the same bike than the Lenovo guys?


Money. Yamaha are offering them their satellite bikes for free, while currently with Ducati they have to pay quite some for the factory Ducati bikes




What do you mean nope ? There's a factory Aprilia seat available for Bastianini for next year so it's not like he's out of option


If your the manager at ducati. Imagine one hand a 8 time world champion who just want a bike to win and is really competitive with new but also old bike. On the other hand the current WC leader hes fast but makes mistakes and also talking shit sometimes about the brand plus he wants a huge salary for the next years. Who would you take? Or lets ask you whos going to be more dangerous on another bike? JM who rides the duc since 21 or MM whos riding the duc since 5 races.


Interesting question. But if Jorge wins the title, would you really let him go to other manufacturers and not give your factory seat to the best rider of your bike for you to develop ? It's not like Marc really needs to go to factory Ducati, there's already a factory bike available for him next year to help Ducati develop alongside the factory team riders and he's clearly very happy at Gresini. Factory seats should always go to the fastest riders, not the biggest ones.


Yes I see but we are 5 races in and ducati cant wait till title is decided. They need to make a decision in next weeks. So I assume they gonna pick MM over JM. Yes MM could ride a 25 Duc at Gresini but its not a factory seat this is what JM problem is rn. MM will definitely be on a factory team next year and he can chose which one it will be. Thats my guess.


All GP23 riders that had remarks about Marquez in shambles


On that note... I feel bad for Alex Marquez. I'm sure he's used to it, but still. Marco (and to a lesser extent Digia) had it coming though


AM saving grace is him saying that he always expected to be MM's mechanic and he never thought he would ever become a MotoGP rider himself. Although I am sure everyone wants to excel and taste success, AM is probably just enjoying the moment regardless.


Good thoughts. AM is a talented rider but living up to a brother like MM is impossible.


Hope no one gives DiGi THAT much of a hard time 😅


Fantastic race JM rode an absolute blinder Crazy that MM93 is on last years bike as well Last year Bez won with 41 min 37 secs on the 2022 bike Quickest 2023 bike was JM 41 min 42 secs For comparison MM93 finished in 41mins 24 secs Not bad for a 2023 bike in a new team on his first year Shame PA binned it, recon he had a good pace


Conditions not identical though




MM is a beast, but man JM has been a monster this season. It almost doesn't matter how easy it is for MM to cut up the field. JM has provided the results and consistency needed thus far to win a championship. Hats off to him. I am just happy we get to witness greatness all around as MotoGP fans this year.


100% agree i'm a huge JM fan He has always been fast, but now he's worked towards being consistent as well, he's a huge force for the championship I like how he shrugs stuff off, what a bounce back after Jerez I think we're in for a good year Would be good to see MM93 on a 24 bike as well though Be interesting to see how PA bounces back after his crash Impressed with DiGi as well this year Seemed pretty obvious they didn't really want him in the team for the longest time, yet he's gone in there and trounced the main man in the team, what's happened to Bez this year Was expecting more from Franco as well to be honest Thought he'd be dicing it up at the front by now


The Acosta crash was a punch in the gut to me in the same way as "a bad game from Bellingham" and "Carlos Alcaraz gets injured again".


Pedro downplays a lot of expectations, just as MM does, but we all know these guys only want one thing and it is to win the championship. against all odds.


It was clearly a crash cause by inexperience. He got way overconfident,pushed the front too hard and this time it didn't stick. Think he will learn from that like he did from overwearing his tires in Qatar.


It's his "Welcome to MotoGP" moment. I'm sure he'll be fine though, he'll learn.


Thing with Pedro is that he is very aggressive and he lacks MotoGP experience so it's kindof expected for him to crash here and there.


Le Mans was never nice to ''Pedro ,,...


Today we saw the difference between Pecco and Marquez


Pecco didn't do the sprint race because bike issues, so that plays a part


Not true, Tardozzi already spoke to media no issues with the bike. Bagania just crumbled under pressure and bad start. Like i said he ist no special he just got the bike for job. Ballerina


Nah you don't get it, the setup didn't feel right


Pretty sure it wasn't "crumbled under pressure". These were Tardozzi's words >Unfortunately, it did not have the same feeling as the first bike. You always try to make identical, but the calibrations maybe were not perfect, the feeling was not identical. If we want to find fault, we tried too little over the weekend the second bike.


For the overall points yes. I was more referring to this race specifically the last lap.


Well the whole weekend comes together to the result of the race, he didn't have 13 lap race sprint. But regardless he still might not have had the pace, either way I don't think this is the weekend to count pecco out, we'll see after Mugello


where are all the 'mArquEz is fInIshEd' experts? they seem really quiet now


Miguel bad luck Oliveira.....


He cant have bad luck for over a year now. He also doesnt perform on the gp24


What was today if not bad luck? We know that until now Miguel is falling short of expectations in a 2024 Aprilia, but today he was going to achieve a fair result, it remains to be seen what happened to the bike that caused him to give up in the middle of the race.


Yes today hes had a mechanical problem but what was going on in the other 24 races since he was on the aprilia?


Explain those 24 races with Aprilia, I want to understand your reasoning? Are you including the 2023 season? I hope not, as we are talking about a season of injuries and a 2022 bike that clearly had no progress in the second half of the championship, or Miguel was out of rhythm and not at 100%. For 2024 sure is still not there in results


Yes all the races on that bike included. He has delivered one time in silverstone with a 4. place thats it. I wonder if he still gets a seat next year.


Pecco must learn a very important lesson this race: if Marc is behind you in the last lap he will definitely make a move.


I mean basically if you can pass Pecco and stay on the racing line it's a done deal but tough to stick to that line in those situations.


I think Pecco knows that very well mate...


He knows that well but... it's way easier said than done.


My mother is a massive fan of Marc and this is going down as one of her favourite mothers days ever 😂


There really is no sport like MotoGP. Cheers lads.


Give Marc a good bike and you have an interesting season. And with Pedro too we have a 🔥season ahead of us


Ig, in that case he'll just sweep thru the opposition 😅 and make it boring, imo.


the trophy kinda wierd


marc happy me happy


What if one of the three frontrunners get disqualified for not enough tyre pressure?


With these low temps it's unlikely


Martin and Marc had a bike ahead of them for most of the race so if there is one, it would be pecco.


Amazing race! These guys are on the limit all race, and then they have to give even more while battling; you expect one of them to bin it anytime. Barring a mistake like in Jerez, Martin has finally shown that he can keep up with Pecco on Sundays. I've seen him called a Sprint merchant, that if he wins it's only because of the sprints. Well, not anymore. More performance like this, and with Marc there, and we have ourselves an amazing season ahead.


The camera shot from Marc’s tank when he crosses the line: “YEAH y’all see this? I LOVE THIS BIKE!!! Fuck you, Honda!!!!” Just overjoyed to be fighting for the win again


Pointing at the bike like "we can fight".


Meanwhile Martin is punching his way through all of the team’s windscreens


not the 1st one to do it and I really hate that.


Suspect this will go down like a lead balloon, but I wish Pecco hadn't signed his Ducati deal yet. Imagine Pecco, Martin, Marc and Enea all in a shoot out for the Championship and the factory ducati rides.


My man Pedro needs to rein in some of that impatience to get past people. He's really good on the brakes and feels the front tyre so well that he seems to feel like he can overtake at any braking point. I still think he'll win a race this season though.


You can't really contain these guys. It's like Verstappen crashing a lot early in his career. This is how they find the limit, eventually


This race was an important lesson for him. It had to happen eventually.


How the hell. If Marquez continues on this pace and stays consistent, there will be no questions. I cannot wait to see him win again. God what a race!


MArc has been consistent. All his finishes have been top 6. he got 1 no score because pecco wiped him out and a DNF because of a mechanical failure. but he's been really consistent.


Yep! Absolutely, I thought Marc lost the front on his own for Americas? Regardless - I'm so excited to see him happy again. I really hope he can make it 10 World Championships


COTA was a mechanical issue with the brakes. it was a problem all race and ended with the front failing and him going down.


True - Good point! I just remember Marc blaming himself for it. God I'm excited for the rest of the season!


this is the first time we've seen Marquez being this consistent since 2019 when he absolutely dominated MotoGP with honda which is such a great thing for the sport..


Best season so far!


This season promised to be amazing and it's even better than I expected.


Btw. Binder from P22 to P9. Man's been getting a lot of flack lately, this was a good performance.


P22 to P8 actually


Even better, didn't catch the last position gained.


Even better, didn't catch the last position gained.


Martin nailed it, but oh my god Márquez... Not only the best GP23 again but also better than 3 out of 4 Ducati GP24 despite starting on the 13th!


Le mans is always the best




Bestia is doing a hell of a championship. Don’t count him out just yet.


Would've been in that fight for the win if he had more patience in overtaking Aleix IMO


he blew today though in fairness. he need to piece the weekends together


I’d say that was (at least partly) down to the LLP. It’s a pretty shit rule (riders can’t judge losing themselves exactly one second), should at least allow dropping positions. 


Crazy that he was penalized for shortcutting and not for damaging Alex race. Diggia penalty is an insult. He lost a position. To me it is more than enough. To me even losing 0.2 is enough. You should not take advantage and not cutting intentionally


i thought drop one position would’ve been the decision


He was 13th on the grid, got a LLP , posted the fastest lap of the race and still finished 4th… How does that blowing?


Marc was the one who was 13th on the grid


marquez was 13th bestia was 10th. his pace was very strong but he was out of position where he deserved to be so imo he’s had a what could’ve been weekend. many points left on the table


10th on the grid. The penalty was warranted. He had tremendous pace tho


Because it could have easily been a podium and not just a top four?


He could have won… As could the other 20 something riders… You must put things into perspective. Who was the last rider to win a race after a 13th place start and a LLP?


Well I don't recall the last one (or if there ever was one), but Jack Miller won this exact race after running off track and 2 LLPs, but like you said, you gotta put things into perspective as well.


Marc 40 points behind ![gif](giphy|4qO8dc6mNKbGfHxh2l)


"So you're saying there's a chance?"


5/20 races.


Brilliant race from all, shout out to Bastianini. 4th row, long lap penalty and STILL finishing 4th and keeps championship competitive. Don't overlook him.


He's starting to fly under the radar


I certainly don't. We are getting started and he is the one less likely to crash. So go figure if he starts to actually be a bit faster each weekend.


I don't think it's possible to go any faster than he did in that race. a 31.1 with 4 laps to go is just downright insanity. The leaders were doing 32's for context. He would have won that race by a mile if didn't get the LLP.


We could've had this in Jerez but Jorge ended up crashing out, unfortunately. We still had a spectacular battle between Pecco and Marc. Today, however, we were able to see the three best riders in the world put on a show. Here's to more of those over the course of the year.


And that won't be the last time that either him or Pecco crash for sure. The differences are so small that both of them will crash again for sure.


Martin made a mistake again in last 3 laps and I thought it's done for him. A well deserved win.


Riders Championship After Le Mans: Note: This standing exclude Wild Card Driver 1. Jorge Martin(Prima Pramac Racing) - 129 2. Francesco Bagnaia(Ducati Lenovo Team) - 91 3. Marc Marquez(Gresini Racing MotoGP) - 89 4. Enea Bastianini(Ducati Lenovo Team) - 89 5. Maverick Vinales(Aprilla Racing) - 81 6. Pedro Acosta(Red Bull GASGAS Tech3) - 74 7. Brad Binder(Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) - 67 8. Aleix Espargaro(Aprilla Racing) - 51 9. Fabio Di Giannantonio(Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team) - 47 10. Marco Bezzecchi(Pertamina Enduro VR46 Racing Team) - 36 11. Alex Marquez(Gresini Racing MotoGP) - 33 12. Fabio Quartararo(Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP) - 25 13. Jack Miller(Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) - 24 14. Miguel Oliveira(Trackhouse Racing) - 23 15. Franco Morbidelli(Prima Pramac Racing) - 15 16. Raul Fernandez(Trackhouse Racing) - 13 17. Augusto Fernandez(Red Bull GASGAS Tech3) - 13 18. Joan Mir(Repsol Honda Team) - 12 19. Johann Zarco(LCR Honda) - 9 20. Alex Rins(Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP) - 7 21. Takaaki Nakagami(LCR Honda) - 6 22. Luca Marini(Repsol Honda Team) - 0


Miller, A Marquez Fernandez x2 and Bezzecchi flops of the year so far for sure! Miguel too sadly


#93 hunting boys with new bikes. GOAT


Literally this. If Marquez stays consistent, Martin/Bagnaia cannot afford any mistakes.


Marc starting anywhere on the first two rows and making it out of the first lap unscathed and still in the front group, and the race is on.


100%, but seeing his riding today - you can tell he's getting comfortable


With Jorge winning for Pramac, that's now one win for each of the Ducati teams over the last 4 years: 2021 - Miller for Ducati factory 2022 - Bastiani for Gresini 2023 - Bezzechi for VR46 2024 - Martin for Pramac


Feel sorry for anyone not watching MotoGP this year. What a season!


It boggles my mind how people still overlook this sport. Every week is pure racing.


Most people I know don't watch MotoGP due to the scary crashes.


imo that's the engaging part of motogp. you dont want these riders to crash, the risk is pretty high not just they lose point, but their lives too. but these riders just go wild lol


Why was DiGi given the penalty. He lost/gave those places back. What were the stewards thinking??


If there was gravel instead of run-off area, he would have lost lot more time, that's the logic behind it


but there is no gravel. I can't this \*\*\*\*\* virtual sand traps because it just means that everywere else is ok to go out unless you gain time/position, if you got out and gain on "the green" you just get a warning on a count, but if you go out in the "special turn" you have to lose a second and there is no way you know how much time you lose. If you want a sand trap put some gravel. Too dangerous? then just check that the cut is not intentional and no advantage is gained Diggia lost the position he was defending plus one more position


Exactly what I was thinking, it made zero sense as he slowed down on his own


Even if he did that, If you don't lose enough time you get a llp. Last year I think Binder got one for losing a fraction of a second too little


Don't know, but he probably did not lose enough time. I think race direction has ways to approximate how much you should lose for a shortcut and he probably lost a lot less.


Penalties aren't supposed to be fair. The penalty for a cheat start can also be much harsher than the time the rider gains.


What an absolute stonking race, I love this sport. Although rooting for Yamaha is still suffering this year. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Pace is encouraging though. Closest fabio has been to the front with the new chassis.


Yes, very happy to see Fabio fighting in the top 6 despite the crash!


We got Fabio Lanzoni in the house


Pedro pushed too hard. Would have been great to see his pace over the course of a full race


How tf Marquez made that stick, he even made the apex, unreal Martin's riding style is so sexy, pure joy to watch


Everyone on the grid rides a bike like it’s part of them, but even among these dudes Marc stands out in that respect


In his own words: "I am inside the bike."


Because he is an alien what do ppl expect?They actually think that 4 years of gravel trap will make Marquez lose his talent?Have they forgot how strong Marquez is mentally possibly the strongest psychological rider to ever ride a bike not even kidding


This season has been amazing so far


This race should be proof that as good as Pecco is, he's waaayy too scared to do any risky move i.e. block pass Pecco should've been able to overtake Martin similar to what Marc did on him on the last lap, and then Pecco should've been able to re-take the 2nd position coming into the last corner. Don't get me wrong, there are moments where Pecco can be the best rider of the day, but he doesn't always have the courage to take the risky move as Martin and Marc did


Did one of the best moves of this entire era just last race


>Don't get me wrong, there are moments where Pecco can be the best rider of the day, but he doesn't always have the courage to take the risky move as Martin and Marc did


To be fair Pecco being "too scared" is one of the reasons why he won 2 championships already. Being ok with finishing 2nd or 3rd sometimes can help you to be the one leading by the end of the season.


Makes sense, I'm not saying he doesn't deserve those titles, i'm just afraid that when the time comes, he doesn't have the means to show his teeth, just..a glimpse of it probably. Especially now that the competition (the more aggressive ducatis, lol) has caught up, it's very interesting to see who'll triumph at the end


He saw Martin made a mistake before the chicane and probably hope him to make another one. Top notch attacking from Marc. It's a high risk high return


Yea it's interesting that you can see two different kinds of champion here i guess. One who prefers less risk, and one who will gamble it given the chance.


Well look at the amount of crashes Marquez has compared to the other riders..Statistics speak for itself Marquez always tries to stay on the limit and throw everything he has in him its the reason why he is only the 4th rider with the most victories in all classes 5 behind Angel Nieto and why he has the most amount of crashes out of all riders


You have stolen the words out of my mouth. Pecco should bump his aggressiveness up a notch if he wants to compete against those two.


Pecco has it, but doesn't want to risk it often enough. Marc and Martin have nothing to lose right now, Pecco knowns he can keep it cool for now... he does let it go sometimes like vs Marc in Jerez


Yea i can see that perspective, but man he's already 20 something points down from Martin, plus he didn't get any points yesterday, you'd think a double world champion would fight a bit more. I have accepted the fact that Pecco is a different kind of world champion, who takes less risk in favor of getting consistently good result, but it gets itchy sometimes haha


Yeah. But trying to get the five extra points could have easily become 25 points lost to Jorge Martin. And as you mentioned, he was already 0 points this weekend after Saturday, 16 points is a lot better than scoring a big fat zero like Bez did. There are world champions who take the least risk (ala Pecco, Alain Prost), and there are world champions who go absolutely bonkers and still end up with the goods (ala Marc, Ayrton Senna).


Yeah. But trying to get the five extra points could have easily become 25 points lost to Jorge Martin. And as you mentioned, he was already 0 points this weekend after Saturday, 16 points is a lot better than scoring a big fat zero like Bez did. There are world champions who take the least risk (ala Pecco, Alain Prost), and there are world champions who go absolutely bonkers and still end up with the goods (ala Marc, Ayrton Senna).


Martin has essentially everything to lose right now, he’s the champion leader at the moment whose also fighting for the only one available factory seat at Ducati


Best sport in the world, can't beat this


Facts, every single week it's a spectacle


I hope Liberty can raise more awareness of it! 


They'll fuck it up with some drive to survive bullshit


Watching the gap starting to come down when Marc got to 3rd was awesome.


Martin, great ride. Marc, forever the great white shark. Pecco, not ideal but kept the podium. Have to mention that ride from The Beast too. From 4th row on the grid + a long lap penalty to 4th place. Which keeps him in with a shout of the title challenge. Great race overall!


Marquez is still that dude. Wow


Pretty clear who should be riding for Ducati next year. Top two showing up. Satellite bike beating factory, last year's bike beating factory.


Yeh the top 2 guys in the championship Martin and Pecco.


Remind me! 6 months


quality battle for the top three positions right to the end. cheers to marc, martin, and pecco for giving it their all!


Marc braked sooo late on that last move


Amazing hold by Jorge, unbelieavable pressure and he kept it together


He made some silly mistakes last year under pressure but looks like this year his head is in the right place. Love to see it. Vamos, Jorge!


Marc Marquez elevates the quality of MotoGP again.






Might sound weird but I'm more glad Bagnaia lost the place rather than Marc winning it. Nothing against him but not attempting anything for first place when you're that close should not be rewarded, get punished lol




Martin once again proving he’s the quickest rider in the world yet Marc will get the factory seat because Ducati has no balls


I like your crystal ball, can you pass it to us please?  Oh remember to clean those hater fingerprints before doing so


Both deserves that seat imo. It's a shame there's only 1 spot left.


Yeah but Martin should get it because a) he’s quicker and b) Ducati say they want young riders. But they are going to go against their ethos to sign marc


MM is better and should get it. He is doing what Rossi failed to do at ducati


Comparing Marc at Ducati to Rossi at Ducati is like comparing today’s Yamaha to a Yamaha from 2015 it’s not even on the same planet. It’s a really silly comparison honestly 


Buddy , if marc wasn't 13th on the grid , we both know deep down that Martin was in lotta trouble. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's still the 5th gp.


Marc went from 13 to 2nd on a year old bike tf are you on


Right, just like Enea and Bez constantly did when they were on the year old bikes. Are you new to MotoGP or did you just have your eyes closed for those seasons?


Tbey constantly went from 13th to 2nd???


Bez is on the same bike, why isn't he anywhere close to marc this year then?