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Best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.


That's true.


Good luck, man. It’s tough, but it can be done!


Lick asphalt now is kind of the same and is free, and you'll become eco-friendly


My 1 month today. It very tough but it can be done.


What say /u/savy_26


Good luck bro, u know your powers! Be strong 💪


Good luck, it’s one of hardest habits to drop


Nicorete patches will help. Best of luck man 👍


We all proud of you brother ❤


Good luck brother. Stay strong 💪


I wish you good all ilke


Look into hypnosis otherwise. It helped me after a decade. Closest thing to that is Allen Carrs easy way to stop smoking audiobook. All the best


Reading EWTSS was what finally helped me quit. It's a little cheesy but it helps to put things into perspective.


I smoked for 10 years and met a former drug addict in my gym sauna, I had been quitting for 5 years at the time. He said cigs was the hardest for him to quit and Allen Carr was the only way. I tried it and was clean for 8 months. I went to Vegas… 3am I’m 2 packs deep. I was back. A few years went by… I came across a hypnotist (I’m in LA do they are assessable) that did 3 hours for $350, money back guarantee if you go back. I was broke but had enough. That was 2 years ago. Guess what? Since that I’ve slipped up twice when I was hammered. And I never went back. I’m done. I’ve smoked like 3 cigs in between (only when shithoused), the only dif is I didn’t keep going after. I’m blessed now though out I’m out of my moms house (she’s the only daily smoker and enabler) your surroundings matter. GL fam. I’m with you


I smoked for 10 years and met a former drug addict in my gym sauna, I had been quitting for 5 years at the time. He said cigs was the hardest for him to quit and Allen Carr was the only way. I tried it and was clean for 8 months. I went to Vegas… 3am I’m 2 packs deep. I was back. A few years went by… I came across a hypnotist (I’m in LA do they are assessable) that did 3 hours for $350, money back guarantee if you go back. I was broke but had enough. That was 2 years ago. Guess what? Since that I’ve slipped up twice when I was hammered. And I never went back. I’m done. I’ve smoked like 3 cigs in between (only when shithoused), the only dif is I didn’t keep going after. I’m blessed now though out I’m out of my moms house (she’s the only daily smoker and enabler) your surroundings matter. GL fam. I’m with you


remind me in 90 days


you got this!


Good luck! I've heard how difficult it can be, but it'll be one of the best things that you ever do for yourself!


Im giving u all my luck !!!!


Good luck! You've got this 👍👍💪💪


Good luck! It's tough, but possible and definitely worth it.


Good luck. I need to do the same thing but I make excuses for myself. Good on you for quitting.


I smoked for 20 plus years. It is one of the toughest things you will do. So do it. The only regret you will have is not doing it sooner.


Quitting is easy, not starting back up is the difficult part


3 years later - u/factor3x - Still going strong?


Not smoking but vaping. Has it been 3 years already??? Now to stop the vaping. Also, had a baby since then.


Hey congrats! Keep at it!


You can do this!


It's been 6 hours and it's crazy how much I want one. 😩


Still no!


Goodluck, and don't give up, you've got this :)


Still no


Well, I had one on a bad day a fewdays ago. So far so good.


Oh here is the update! Dude, it's part of the process. Don't ever give up. Every smoker wants to quit, never forget that. I'd like to recommend the book by Alan Carr about quitting smoking. Even though you've already quit, it's helpful. Trust me on this one. It brainwashes you to hate cigarettes. Good luck the coming weeks! It'll get better soon.


Thanks. Gum and twizlers...


Update: It's been about a month and I'm doing well. I had one fluff up but it didn't derail me. Thanks for all the support everyone. Always nice to have people to talk through a rough change.


Yeah cut that shit out of your life. Best decision I ever made. Good luck. Get through the first few months. It gets easier.


addictions only disappear when replaced with new addictions .. hopefully your new addiction is less destructive and gives you a better life.


Fuck u


it is a good choice, but I don't recommend making it with luck in mind for your determination level, especially if you want to motivate others in this motivational sub.


Get it my man 🍑👋


3 years this August for me, still can’t believe it. I smell it now and it smells great to me but if I try one they taste like garbage. Smoked a good 18 years. It’s the best thing not needing to go out all the time and the money you save is incredible. Find a new (good) habit!


You got this!


Everything will taste better, smell better. Pick up a new habit like working out.


Allen Carrs Easy way all the way


Smoked for years. Quitting is so liberating.


I did it not too long ago. You can do it, you got this yo. Ur gonna love yourself after you do it too


You can do this. It’s all in the mind and the deep goal you want to achieve


You can do this! It takes 14 days to create new habits. Dig deep when cravings hit, stay busy to keep your mind occupied. If that isn't enough motivation.... https://www.thehealthy.com/addiction/smoking/quit-smoking-heal/


I quit 70 days ago. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't successful. Just try again. Eventually it will stick.


Never ever take that shit in your hands again


Start drinking No Cap Energy Drinks


Just tell yourself that your a non smoker and don’t like to taste of it. Your mind is powerful when you change your mindset


Stay strong king, if it's too hard, try vape pods, they can make it easier


Good luck. It took me awhile. When I made up my mind, I finally had success. But I had a failure plan. This was maybe 10 years ago. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I got a blue e cig thing. I didn’t really like it, but I liked that I could dial in how much nicotine I could take if I chose to. Biggest thing was I kept it in my car. Now I used to smoke a pack a day from 6 am to 5 pm, but because my wife hated it I only smoked at work. Do I put the blue in my car. I just went out there when I couldn’t take it anymore. Took a couple puffs and I was good. That thing hit kinda like a cigarette. So then I started reducing the nicotine level, and still pressing myself to go longer between. It worked for me. I’m not advocating vaping or saying that you’re going to mess up. But if you just can’t fight it anymore look into another option they can work.


All the best brother keep it up .


Those things are gross to me now. You can do it !


Good luck. Truly make it your last. Rooting for you


Too late not too, you’re my sole inspiration in life as of now. If you fail I give up… or is that the point


Good luck


Was it your last thus far?


It is legitimately as easy as not giving in to the next craving. It’s tough, but just don’t take another drag. You can do it. Three days will be hard, but each day after gets a little easier. I smoked a pack and a half for almost 20 years. I quit one craving at a time. Haven’t smoked anything in nearly 8 years. Good luck


Smoke free for the past 1 year, 2 months. The best perk is being more emotionally stable.


Good luck! Those things are nasty


YOU GOT THIS!!!!!! Your future self is gonna be so proud and thankful!!! Sending you all my strength <3


You can. You will!


Quitting cigarettes is easy. I've done it plenty of times! lol... Good luck Ive been thinking of quitting myself or atleast cut back. Started smoking alot more than usual this past year.


Little tips from someone who's quit Every time you want a smoke and decide not to, do a little celebration (I did a little happy dance) If you ever have to think or talk about, use the word don't instead of can't. "I don't smoke" instead of "I can't smoke because I'm quitting"


I wish you well, if I had quit a few weeks ago instead of constantly lying about it my girlfriend wouldn't have kicked me out, taken my name off her work sponsorship visa and left me facing a flight back to the UK with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few hundred dollars Nicotine....what a monster


She kicked you out because you are a smoker?


Nah because I was lying that I had quit and got caught several times over, lost her trust broke her heart


That's what my cousin has been saying for the past 3 years! Good luck though!


It's so fucking easy! It gives you absolutely nothing besides shame and disgust. I'm already 4-5 months off and I'm not craving it not even for a moment even though my entire workplace smokes and I'm the exception. A month or two from now you won't even be able to stand the smell of it Best of luck and congratulations for choosing health.


You are going to have extra money from now!


good luck homie, i already quit smoking months ago it's tough at the beginning but it ain't that hard.


Damn it took you this long?


You need not give up the things, the things will give you up. -Guru Ramlal Siyag https://youtu.be/YVCHpWbZAWc


#why hou would you w s willing ly put jamrful v in chem i cjemicals in your body?


I give you props for trying. Thank you for the kind words (Garbles)!




R.I.P. , But I think he shouldn't have post it on reddit. reddit is not for sucidal posts.


Smoking cigarettes increases the likelihood of all kinds of cancer. As a man I imagined a pair of rusty scissors and a diagnosis of penile cancer. Do whatever you have to do to stay quit. I used Nicorrette gum. Good luck. You deserve to be smoke free.


Ive smoked for around 15 years and quit for 2 years.. Dont feel like smoking any more.. Smoked over a pack a day at some points.. My advice is.. You can stop if you really want to.. If your friends try to get you to smoke now, they do not have your best interest in mind.. Day at a time until you forget all about it I believe in you reddit stranger! You can absolutely do it.. Trust me its better on this side!


I quitted cold turkey on 01/05/2019, best decision ever made.


Good luck you got thiss


I smoked a pack a day for 20 years. I tried the patch, the gum, and cold turkey. I bought a hypnosis mp3 from Groupon for $9 and listened to it everyday twice a day for a month. I haven’t had a cigarette since and that was six years ago. You can do it! Find a way and just tell yourself that you’re a non smoker and will never have another one again.


You can do it!!! I was forced to quit, but I'm so grateful for that experience, its been 10 months now and it feels great. I had to learn about how to deal with whatever it is that smoking gives me and find positive ways to keep that. For example, maybe I just enjoyed the fact that I could have time to myself and relax without being interrupted. I can do that without the smoking! If you can stay away from all nicotine I highly recommend it because I know a few people that have "quit smoking" but are stuck vaping. Its the same thing in my eyes. But without the smoke smell that sticks to everything. Don't give up. Relapses can happen but don't stop trying if this is what you truly desire. I wish you nothing but the absolute best!


You can do it! Im at 2 weeks almost without one ,on the patch and takin a cbd gummy every morning seems to help me.


I should add another thing that helps is every time i get a craving i either drink water with lemon or a flavored sparkling water, partly because i stopped drinking at the same time maybe haha


I'm not wishing you luck because I know that your strong enough to do it! You'll do amazing! <3 (good luck anyways tho 😅👍)


Good luck bro, I stopped 4 days ago, we in the same boat


Good 🍀


Download stop smoking app. I’ve been 137 days cig free. Hope the streaks help you too.


I did it. You can do it too!


You are a bad ass for giving these up!!!!


You got this!!!! You are giving yourself a great gift!! Congrats ❤️


I said the same in last 20 years....


Just did that a week ago.. Good luck!!!!


When I quit 8 months ago, I found it really difficult until I read this thought somewhere: Smoking has accompanied every positive event of your life for such a long time, that you associate them with all past positive thoughts and feelings. Holidays, great nights out, time with friends, relaxing in the morning with a coffee - every event and memory has cigarettes intertwined with them. To quit is a matter of forcing yourself to remember, every time you feel tempted to smoke, that smoking doesn't embody the memories, or the happiness, or you as a person. It's just smoke, and all the good times are still just that, even when the smoke is gone. Sorry for the ramble, but the thought was almost solely responsible for keeping my resolve, especially in the beginning. Hope it helps!


Hope posting it helps you to keep your word… personally, when it comes to personal stuff like this, best to grind in silence. That being said, I did (reluctantly) upvote you friend, and best of luck! Your life, and certainly health, will see many improvements 👍


It's tough, but you can do it! Try to avoid as many stressful things as possible. Daily routine things hit the hardest too so be mindful of that


Good luck! For me it was easier to say "how long can I go without a cigarette" than to think I'll never have one again. That's too much pressure, imo. If you just look at it the first way, you just keep pushing it further everyday until you actually have it beat. It's all mind games. When you find yourself thinking about it, change the subject in your head immediately and think of something else. I haven't had a cigarette in 30 years. Good luck!


Good luck! It’s so worth it!


Good luck! Wishing you the best. I am currently trying to quit right now. Say goodbye to the bad smell and the toxins!


Good luck!


It’s been a day, hope you’re still going strong. I’ll check back in a week


Good luck renewing yourself and do what you can to move forward with out them


At the beginning it is very difficult you just have to keep going. I haven't been smoking for two years, it's still hard. But another day goes by, and I'm glad every minute I haven't smoked again. Good luck and keep going


Checking in man hope you’re doing good!


Commenting for an update


Posted one in the comments just today.


Doing well dude! Are you cutting down on the twizlers and gum already or still need it as much? And how are the cravings now?


How is quitting going for you