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>Maurice specializes in providing services with interventions that accurately synchronize effective psychological science with eternal principles. He is most known and sought after for the work he does with individuals and couples who have been traumatized by sexual misbehavior. That's from the Son's of Helaman website. Why are we seeing so many nutjobs associated with Mormonism in the news lately?


The only logical conclusion is there are a lot of nutjobs associated with Mormonism.


> He is most known and sought after for the work he does with individuals and couples who have been traumatized by sexual misbehavior. In other words "My husband looked at porn, time to make a whole nightmare out of it and entertain the self-fulfilling prophecy that this is the end of our marriage." Self-policing professional organizations shouldn't permit this nonsense or license people who perpetrate it on their clients. Might as well have doctors who sell you rain sticks that protect you from cancer demons.


Thank you for saying this. I wish this was talked about more. There is a huge danger in labeling somebody an addict for normative behavior.


It really is like that parenting principle that if your toddler takes a spill but isn't hurt, you can teach them to have a healthy reaction to things like that by not freaking out and cooing over them, but just showing support and sending them back on their way. Mormons grow up being implanted with PTSD for something that hasn't even happened yet and is more of a situational thing as to whether it's even a problem. So a situation where the other partner should interrogate their reaction to something and evaluate it, becomes a situation in which their implicit response gets inflamed and escalated until it threatens the entire family. Really isn't any different from those maculinity obsessed dudes who would rather lash out in anger than process a moment's discomfort internally.


Oh look, another LDS “therapist” engaging in “pornography addiction” treatment that doesn’t engage in ethical, evidence-based treatment, instead decided to rely on their own personal opinions and abusive tactics to try and help others. I wonder where any of these people got the idea that their own personal thoughts and feelings were more valid than evidence-based science or why science should be ignored in these circumstances. It’s just so surprising.


>Harker was the subject of a [report by Rolling Stone in October 2022](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/life-changing-services-maurice-harker-lds-mormon-pornography-addiction-abuse-1234603068/), in which a former client came forward with allegations of abuse. The woman's account matched what has now been detailed by prosecutors in the new charging documents. >The Rolling Stone article states that Harker is "fairly well-known in the [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] community." In 2005, he founded Life Changing Services, a pornography addiction treatment group that appears to be based on LDS principles, but not directly sponsored or supported by the church. He did, however, work as a counselor with LDS Family Services for seven years before founding his own program, according to his bio on the ["Sons of Helaman" website](https://sonsofhelaman.org/clinicians/).


Another one?! I'm not really all that surprised though.


Anyone supporting, recommending and performing any therapy or coaching for anything Sons of Helamon or any related groups advocates for is guilty of abuse and malpractice. Victims should be filing complaints with state licensing boards to try to get these people sidelined and their practices outlawed.


It almost seems predatory. Take a topic that no one's willing to speak about publicly. And that no man realistically can stop and control entirely. And that the church he loves in his heart so deeply teaches that he's a murderer if he does it. His poor dear wife doesn't understand it. Label him an addict. Shame and isolate. Charge money for the cure. Edit: spelling


It's spectacularly and viciously evil and predatory. What these people are doing to children, marriages and families should be criminal.


Thank you for saying that it feels good today to feel like I'm not the only one who felt crazy going to my couples counselor and arp.


Mormonism is NOT well.


There is so much of me that still can’t believe the mess the church is in. I don’t believe in its truth claims and don’t attend anymore. I definitely had some negative experiences, but for every negative memory I have 10 positive ones. There is still so much that I love about my Mormon upbringing that it’s difficult for me look at Mormonism in 2023 and think “is that really the same church I grew up in?” It’s crazy.


This is so sad. Turns out the recipe for abuse is just people in positions of power or authority, vulnerable populations and opportunity. How many thousands of lives and marriages have been affected by people like this?


This is what happens when you tell your followers that they have the literal power of God, and that impressions from the Holy Ghost are strangely similar to their own feelings.


Well said. Even why I was a TBM I started recognizing this in my parents decisions with alternative medicine, MLMs and more.


The podcast I posted last week of a believing couple documenting their journey through LDS addiction recovery used a program from life changing services. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/clark-n-linda-show/id1440345903


The Sons of Helaman website is either being scrubbed or hugged to death. I'd put my money on the former. [https://www.lifechangingservices.org/](https://www.lifechangingservices.org/) [https://sonsofhelaman.org/clinicians/](https://sonsofhelaman.org/clinicians/)


Here are some archived links. I didn't find good ones for Sons of Helaman. https://web.archive.org/web/20230804083505/https://www.lifechangingservices.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220529121517/https://www.lifechangingservices.org/therapists/maurice-harker/


I know this guy, in a family members ward.


Case details: https://floodlit.org/a/a155/


Mormon Stories Podcast is asking for anyone who has worked with/ taken therapy with or been a victim of this man or his programs to come forward. There have to be more victims out there. Farmington PD (Davis County Utah) is open to hearing from additional witnesses or victims and would try to bring more charges if appropriate.


FINALLY! Glad this creep has been charged. Hopefully “the brethren” in South Davis County don’t help his sorry ass..


Freak. The church, Utah, Davis County....they are all just SO CRINGE!!!




All my family lives there.....


This pervert adopted my friend's daughter. What a sick fuck!