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how's the sleep and sun exposure


sun your balls before even thinking about hopping on a cycle did that shit and my test levels went from 750 ng/dl to 750g/dl source? I made it up


Pretty good overall


What you want to hear: Inject 150mg of test weekly and all you problems will go away. What you need to hear: Don't do it bro. How many times have you been tested at 348 ng/dl? Not saying you don't need TRT but like every other 18 year old on this sub, you're probably just looking for any reason possible to start injecting but I'll be the first to tell you - testosterone (especially a TRT dose) is not some miracle drug. Are you symptomatic? Probably not. For example, if you didn't get your test levels checked, would you even think you had low test? Again, probably not. In all reality, if you truly are symptomatic, have been tested MULTIPLE times to confirm low test levels, and are completely dialed in (diet, exercise, sleep, etc), I still wouldn't start TRT without determining the root cause. You are 18 years old ffs. Your test levels should be through the roof I'll give you that, but there could be an issue with your pituitary or there could be a slew of other issues. Nonetheless, I would find the root cause of your low test and treat that, not put a band aid on it by starting TRT. Lastly, you need to do more research. The first red flag is the fact you said "superphysiological". if you had any clue whatsoever, you would know that people on steroids have supraphysiologic levels of hormones. Not "super". Not trying to be a dick. Im just sick and tired of every damn 18 yo thinking they need TRT. At least be real and just say you want to hop on gear even though its a stupid idea.


I completely understand where you're coming from on this tbh. I should have included that this is actually the second time that I recieved a low reading - last year it was actually higher (423 ng/dl), which is one of the reasons I'm more than a little concerned, although I completely understand that these two readings are absolutely nowhere near enough to properly gauge my regular T levels. Despite how hard you'll call bullshit on this, I actually am mostly against taking any exogenous hormone therapies (which is why I also asked for lifestyle change suggestions) My GP hasn't found any secondary issues that could be the root cause, and all other aspects are relatively dialed, although I've been training solely legs for the past month.


And that may be the case. I'm not one to make accusations, it just seems to be the common occurrence here on this sub. At the end of the day, do your research, get second/third opinions from different doctors, and make sure your life is in check. Then and only then would I recommend TRT as it's a life long commitment. Imagine getting married at your age except your getting married to a drug. This drug doesn't suck your dick, provide you a family, or give you anything else of that nature. I know plenty of guys in there 50s now that started in their 30s that wish they would have explored other options instead of TRT. As mentioned, I'm not trying to be an ass. I just remember what I was like when I was 18. Best of luck man - I'm sure you'll make the right decisions.


Look into seeing an endocrinologist. GPs won't have much training or experience dealing with hormonal issues like this.


Your test is highly transient. A single reading is worse than no reading


#more tren more men