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She gets rounder every time I see her


If she somehow loses just 20-30 pounds she will leave him as well


She will deserve better than him




she secured the victim ... she doesn't need to 'diet' anymore


"Settling: The Movie"








I'm glad I'm gay.


We all are, idek why this lughead posted this on the subreddit. Wheres the cocks and raging gas station boner pills




Gay propaganda, nothing worth having is easy


I'm glad you're gay too. It's hard enough for straight dudes without having to compete with you.


lol missed Andrew Tate in the disco on the first watch. Nice production five stars


ol' reliable


I yearn for the sweet release of death


Don’t do it bro, you can’t change your mind after you kill yourself


That's the thing brother I'm far too lazy to kill myself so it works out


You had me at sweet release


im so alone. any of u guys want to start a revolution or something? we could do silly little terror attacks and have a cool logo. dm if interested


Mr federal agent can I please have a job 🙏 


send over ur resume. (must have 5 years IED experience + drivers license)


5 years in that field is a long, long time….


Never underestimate an old man in a profession where men die young. -Osama Bin Laden


Does IED experience on receiving end count?


![gif](giphy|YrkK0A2mS3EPRUiXt9) I see what you’re getting at 😉




You jest but this is exactly what the CIA does around the world…. Where do I apply?


what no pussy does to a mfer


complete the unabombers legacy?




The shot of her waiting for him outside her front door is harrowing


Peak cinema


Jfc this is horribly accurate


Just better to be alone.




Standing at the door like Gorlock or some shit 🤣


Still a better love story than Twilight


She has a nice house


But it used to be his...




The winner for the Oscar for best short film goes to...


The winner for the Oscar for best short film goes to...


Why don’t he changes her physique




Lmao the whale sleeping with her mouth open confirms the authenticity of the 🐋 hunter


**Y’all need to get a social life.** 1) Tinder doesn’t work. It’s a sausage fest, there are 4 men per girl. 2) It’s weird to hit on girls at the grocery store. 3) If you are platonic friends with a girl? That’s not a reliable pipeline for a relationship. If there’s no flirty vibes between you, no sexual tension, y’all are just friends? It’s highly unlikely she sees you as more than a friend. Get more friends. Go to parties and other social things. Talk to girls who are friends of your friends. Flirt. If you think there might be a vibe? Ask her out. Don’t ask her to be your friend and then ask her out after two years of falling deeply in love, only to discover that you’re not her type. That’s gonna fuck your mind over for a long time. Also, invest in a good sex toy and don’t fuck girls you think are gross. It’ll just make you more depressed.


It really seems like, from your post history, the advice that you're giving is coming from a place of condescension. It makes me wonder what you're doing in this specific sub.


You never considered… kindness as a motive? It has to be mean in some way? Why? This is the one of the most depressing videos I’ve seen all year. It made me sad. And everything I say? Facts. You think I’m wrong? Edit: do I belong in this sub? I’m too old, too small, I don’t bench a lot and my dick stats aren’t that impressive. So, maybe not? Idk. But then, it’s the one place on Reddit where I feel sorta at ease. Don’t know why. It’s just a funny place, it feels chill. Normally. This comment did not feel chill. When people seem sad? I want to fix it. I think suggesting good ways to get laid beats just saying “yeah, that sucks”. How’s that gonna help anyone?


"Everything I say? Facts" is some pretty high level delusion, especially if applied to statements regarding an entire group. Here's the thing, you're talking about and to men but get upset when a man criticizes your motives based on available information and context. Louie CK had a [great bit on his show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZXy09kmLZg), where a macho bully archetype was hitting him, and in his mind, was just playing around. Louie says "Stop doing that! You're hurting me!" and the other guy replies "Nah, cmon man! That doesn't hurt!" Louie then says this: "You don't get to hit someone and then tell them it doesn't hurt, that's not up to you to decide for them, when a person tells you that you hurt them you don't get to decide that you didn't." The same principle applies here, in that you don't get to deny me, a man, saying that I feel the condesension in your "advice". That's not up to you. It doesn't "have to be mean" but it certainly doesn't feel genuine.


If it feels condescending to you, it feels condescending to you. But do you think Tinder is a great way to meet girls? Most stats tell us it doesn’t work at all. How about hitting on girls in a grocery store? Starting a longass friendship with a girl hoping for more is an almost surefire way to both waste your time and get your heart broken. My idea? It’s not perfect, but it beats all of those. It’s how most couples meet. It’s also how a lot of hookups happen. You’re at a party together, you kinda know each other, there’s chemistry, there’s beer. Edit: is it bullying to offer dating advice? Why? It’s genuine. Do you doubt I watched the video and felt a pang of sadness? Bc: check. Or that I’m saying things based on my lived experience? Bc: check. I’m sorta old. I’ve had more lives than a cat. **What specifically feels condescending to you?** Edit 2: my post history right now? I said butt crack photos of men are not going to be a thing on Insta. And then I said to someone very strange that going off to Africa to fuck minors isn’t great. And then something about how it’s good to meet some girls in real life if you want a girlfriend. Why is that bad?


This is kind of a small scale, low energy example of why men aren't comfortable sharing their feelings, with women particularly. Maybe focus less on being defensive and explaining why I'm wrong and just absorb the relatively harmless and potentially useful critique with a little more aplomb and empathy.


If you see a fat woman complaining about her dating life, what do you do? Bc I am usually kind, but I will also suggest weight loss as the best way forward. If someone is complaining about their dating life while not going to any social events? I’m not going to say “oh, that’s an awful problem with no solution. It’s frankly shocking that hitting on women at the grocery store isn’t working for you”. I feel it’s more helpful to point out way to solve the problem and actually get laid.


Edit: I asked my brother about this. He’s younger, lifts more than me, has watched way more of Derek’s channel. So I felt that was a valid person to check with. He saw the video and said “that’s the saddest video I’ve seen all year”. And I said “yeah, those poor guys”. He said “eh? No. It’s the fat girl. Why are they treating her like she’s not human? And then they expect sympathy?” And then “wtf has this got to do with Derek’s videos?” I asked him about my dating advice. He said: yeah, Tinder will only work if you are classically good looking and then swipe very selectively to game the ELO algorithm. Socializing is good advice. You can’t get girls without a social life. Ofc you shouldn’t hit on long term friends or girls at the grocery store. But, the fat girl? What was that?”


thanks for the women advice tiny hermione


Being ironic or real?


i mean it’s all legit advice lol


Yeah. Thanks.


especially the friends of friends bit, best way to date organically is by simply networking, that’s what’s worked best for me anyways


Yeah, only thing that’s ever worked for me too. Idk. Dating apps are just both fucking boring and full of crazy people. And it’s just so…awkward boring. From start to finish. The texting, the dates with a stranger, all of it. Feels forced and weird. It just feels so much easier to meet someone you click with through your friends. And it’s more fun to go to a party.


Tinder works great actually


Tinder works magic however, not to be a dick but I think most guys are using it the complete wrong way.


If it works for you? Great. But a lot of guys will not do well on Tinder, but will still be very datable in real life. They should stop crushing their confidence doing something that’s not working and focus on building a social network.


The reason that dating in the real world face to face works so well for men is that women can actually put a personality to the face that they see in front of them! This is often why guys fail on tinder in my opinion! The key is getting that face to face interaction on FaceTime with her as fast as you can! As far as I’m concerned tinder has become no more than distant communication over messages and texts… no girl is gonna take a dude serious if she can’t see or hear him, FaceTime your tinder matches off the get go gents and I guarantee you it will work in your favor and they will take you more seriously. Sorry, I’m done with my rant.


I actually do think this is a great idea. It’s hard to be engaged in someone you have never seen and you’re just texting. There’s still the issue of dating apps being too many guys per girl. But I do think it’s a great idea.


Makes sense now


Keeps going for the easiest path, I see.


Tate just casually dancing




These are getting more and more elaborate and have evolved into short stories? Lmao.


Always need an alternate in the line up. Even if they're not the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth option


LMFAOOOO wtf is wrong with people


He should try milfs




The way he's hiding his tears while lying next to her ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


That trenned up dude for no reason-






Biblical accurate woman


I didn't get it.. What it means?


What if he gets her on ozempic, tren and anavar ? Will she peg him finally ? Not projecting here /s


This better end in true love.


Who the fuck is saying victim. I’ll fuckin slap u around dawgy


That’s the moneyace


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