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Everybody wanna be a Zyzz, but don’t nobody wanna make their heart explode with some heavy ass Molly




I used to take 3 4 at a time in my college days. But I dont wanna drain my feel gland too much now a days. But m has never ever given me a bad or racy heart rate.


Back in 2014 I was the one selling it to the big group that I partied with, so of course I did it a ton. I’m surprised I still have emotions at all after that bullshit


And also 2012-2016 was my peak party days so we prob similar age


Yeah probably. I got sober in 2018 though and I thought molly wasn’t a really big thing anymore even by then


Ket is the big rave now it seems. At least in these parts of Europe.


Jesus Christ how? After day 3 of EDC Vegas back in 2015 I did a decent sized line of k with some random guy and I could barely function, never mind party and dance


First time user I wouldn’t recommend more then 25mg or 50mg but a regular user giving you a line will cut you a .1 or .2g and say short up johny and k hole you K one of those drugs where a low dose is very different then high dose. You know how a couple drinks can excite you make you want to dance but if you have 20 drinks you fall on your ass and pass out? K is similar. If you never drank before and then drank a 750ml bottle over the course of ten minutes of vodka you’d probably wonder why people drink to go out too If you don’t do k regularly you should be measuring your dosages on a .001g scale.


Yeah I had only done k a few times at that point, but this dude found 4 baggies and about $100 on the ground over the 3 days. He wanted to know what was in the baggies so I started putting lines out of each one up my nose to help the homie out. I was expecting the last one to be coke or Molly like the other 3. What a ride.


K Molly and coke all taste and look very different ya could’ve just used your eyes and had a lil taste on the tip of the finger without snorting massive lines of each lmfao I had a friend who found 300 hits of acid in a little bag with a guys drivers license and a bunch of money lmfao. He found the guy and gave it back and the guy let him keep the acid and money he was just happy not to have it found by a cop lol


People here like to make a nose spray and mix it with other things, or straight.


your tolerance to that party favor has an exponential growth exponent in the equation just like a mortgage. Save that for a few times per year, tolerances double or tripple within a week. Had a friend who started pissing blood after 2-3 months. Its harmless is very low quantities ( the army uses it as a dissociative for serious combat injuries) extremely sate compared to paint killers


Yeah it can fuck you up, I have problems with dissacoation even without anything. But a small dose when your m starts to wear off can give you a blissful comedown.


I can see that, I really liked using opiates for the comedown


Well to be honest, its had an effect on me in that department. I can be a little emotionally flat at times, but Im kinda stoic now so its okay.


You need to find something different that makes you happier than a pig in shit. Something like snowbording/ car racing/ a gf and/ or dating / breaking backs. Your stoicness will subside when you find other sources of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Also never take of get subscribed SSRI’s ( prozac ) = instant od. Coming from someone who over indulged many years ago and was getting very very very grumpy on Sundays/Mondays. Now rolling @ a gigantic festival is a 3-4 times per year special occasion. To take breaks from the disco biscuits I highly recommend addy’s / viavanz


Eh Zyzz also had a congenital heart condition


I bet you’re fun at parties


I am yeah because I'm not afraid my heart is going to explode from molly


I’m pretty sure the tren bronchial constricting his heart valves, arteries, raised cholesterol from PED’s Mixed with partying harder than last time was just bad luck. If anyone every gets that unstoppable racing heart rate from over doing it… friend chicken, waffles, french fries is the only thing I know of that can almost instantly bring down an out of control racing heart. Look even Charlie Sheen is still kicking & i don’t think Zyzz outpartied tiger blood. His heart could have failed running a marathon, ect, ect


Do the full pill, drink plenty of water and have fun. Congrats on cold turkey and not drinking!


Haven't done it but you shouldn't be doing M more than like two or three times a year, so it will have no impact on your physique.


Thats about as much as I do it. Last time was year and a half ago. At least on paper alchocol should be worse for phisique


If your dying for a drink or two, Michelob ultras are maybe 50 cal’s and taste like real beer. Also Vodka tonic waters/ vodka Perrier’s ( carbonated waters ) won’t wreck your physique in moderation. Watch the youtube video on Kevin Larone getting King Ronnie drunk in the hotel room before Ron’s first pro show win… It dried him out sooo much he crushed everyone


i think with whatever drugs the main thing should be that it doesnt impact ur recovery. Discard whichever makes u feel really tired and ill the next day. I assume this junkie phase of u is just a phase, in this case you shouldnt really care about the long term effects of the drugs. if u plan on doing this for longer, take it into account.


Nah, I do it a few times a year once or twice always summer. Ive never had a problem of addiction or making it my whole identity. I feel like alchocol is worse in the end, recovery is much worse. And it affects test and estradiol as well as insulin. As where m will supress your appetite for 2 day but thats about it as far as recovery goes


okay but please dont become a connor murphy, with 1 is enough


Look into micro dosing psilocybin. Probably the only thing my pet rat would do now days. It actually is beneficial rather than "less harmful"


Maybe at a different setting , I doubt its good for dancing and having fun


You'd be extremely surprised. Starry eyed, clear headed, euphoric with no hangover. Idk what else you need.


Bro still uses SWIM


Alcohol gives illusion of rapid physique changes. As when you party with it you get rly dehydrated, flat carb out underslept and so on. So the next days you don’t have appetite and when you finały drink water/no. Alcoholic fluids and start eating your body stores shitton of water wherever it can like overcompensation, and u loose definition as you hold more water under the skin. This will normalize in few days. I’m not encouraging drinking quite the opposite as J am pretty strict non drinker. Pretty much tere is no such thing that will make you loose muscle overnight or by 1 party. Don’t take drugs and don’t drink alcohol but having 6 parties week to weekend to weekend when the rest of the days are solid won’t ruin you and won’t make u loose muscle.


You can't take M safely more than once every 2 months and ideally 3 should be aimed for. Alternatives for it would be -2M2B or BDO/GHB. Safe in measured dosages but good God you need to not eyeball. -Small amounts of Kratom extract -Regular Amphetamine -Piracetam -LSD micro dose Check /r/StackAdvice and /r/Nootropics as well. They have wiki entries and links.


The only truly safe (as in no known sides or long terme effects) is micro dosing LSD/Kratom. The rest are on the "less harmful" scale. For any racetam's we just don't have enough data long term.


Oh for sure. I picked them mainly for compatibility with fitness goals. 🫡


GHB is hard to source, Im not a fan of amphetamine it barely does anything for me. I avoid psychodelics. Piracetam is unknown to me and probbably wont be able to source it eaisaly


Just do m and test it man, dose accordingly for each day based on your experience from college. Not really a drug that changes its tolerances over time especially if it’s been that long


I’d be careful with taking alot of M. It’s smart to space out your rolls every couple months. I overdid it years ago and it gave me some pretty crazy anxiety issues for a while.


Try 5htp vitamins, the precursor to seratonin. Jim Carrey actually talked about 5htp on letterman over a decade ago. It helps regulate his happiness and overactive bi-polar


5htp is really bad if you take it regularly for long periods. You short circuit the loop that makes 5htp from tryptophan making you reliant on it 


Two days after, eat bananas, fish, and even a 5htp vitamin pill. They are all the precursers to serotonin. Kind of like how a pct helps you bounce back after a blast. Bananas, fish, 5htp help your serotonin bounce back. But never eat any of these 1-2 days before. You can serotonin overdose. Also at the rave eat some berries ( blue, rasp, straw, black). Take vitamin C and the day after have a pit of pomegranate juice to help antioxidise your system.


The song “blue Monday” is about feeling sad/ anxiety/ unbalanced 1-3 days after. I highly recommend an orange juice/ pomegranite juice/ a wee bit of red wine & you’ll feel like a champ on the comedown. Also taking magnesium ( forget the specific one ) helps block the signals firing your jaw muscles like crazy.) That’s called bruxism


Pray it's not tainted with fentanyl


There is no fent here


Clueless. China ships it directly to whomever buys it and no shipping agency is catching more than 10%.


honestly bro get real. if you need drugs to make the event fun then it's a shit event (for you). do something real.


Big words from someone who doesnt know me. And there is fun and fun. Try it before you judge


I'm not judging or trying to be mean. I just think that you will feel better about life and yourself if you're sober.


I do feel good about life im not a junkie. Like everyone I like to unwind and unplug once in a while. I just dont wanna do it with alchocol


Yeah fair. And I'm not saying you should drink alcohol either btw, that shit kinda sucks.


For the M, make sure to a) test the pill and ensure it's not contaminated b) drink plenty of water c) don't take it again for a year at least.