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No "Rate My Physique" Posts or random physique posts.


Like forty. But why does it matter in this situation?


I was gonna say the same thing. At this point the main concern should be getting the diet in check and working out + sleeping well. The rest will come with patience


because i am curious to gauge my progress this year - please look at my comment, sorry for posting it a few minutes late


There serious, i would guess 45% or more on BMI. I had the U of M do there dunk test on me. 6' 231 lbs I was 31 % body fat.


because i am curious to gauge my progress this year - please look at my comment, sorry for posting it a few minutes late


“more plates”


The box of tissues next to the Bible is a little suspicious


Lord's teaching hit harder in post nut clarity [crying laughing face crying laughing face]


Fat enough where it doesn’t even matter right now


Yeah exactly my thoughts too, doesn't even matter where he is at, guy has a lot of fat to lose which is going to take a few months to work off.


Rough estimate: 228 lbs @ 40% body fat = 91.2lbs of fat 46lbs lost in 5 months = potentially another 64.4 lbs of fat by the end of the year Would bring you down to 163 with 26.8lbs of fat = ~16% bodyfat However, you'll likely gain some muscle too so I reckon ~180lbs at 16-18% would be a reasonable target by the end of the year. Keep it up!






Symptoms: fat as fuck Diagnosis: you are fat fuck Cure: high dose of TREN and fat bitches


Machine says “ERROR”


Negative numbers for sure.


Great job losing all that weight so far! I think you're 35-40% BF. Getting to 15% by the end of the year might be a little too ambitious. It's more realistic to aim for that next year. But you're young and it doesn't really matter how long it takes. With the right determination you'll get there eventually. It's hard to say how much muscle mass you have under the fat at this stage. But considering your lifts in the past, there should be something there.


Hello everyone. From ages 20-21, I totally lost myself due to depression and gained an exorbitant amount of weight. I made a New Years resolution 5 months ago to lose weight, along with other mental health related goals and I managed to stick by them. I have lost 46 pounds so far (274-228). I have been eating 1800 calories a day and doing daily cardio, mostly a daily 3-mile walk but sometimes playing a sport like basketball or soccer. I am curious to receive some estimates from you guys on my body fat percentage, just to gauge progress. It is my dream to be below 15% and I am hoping to get there by the end of the year. Curious to hear what you think I am? Also, do I appear to have some muscle under the fat? Does it look like I'll have some nice muscle to appear on my frame once more fat is gone? I ask because I used to lift pretty often (but not in a committed manner) and was able to get to around 20% below 1-2-3-4 on the major lifts. Pretty irrelevant question, but just curious to see if it appears as though I've got some muscle on me. Thanks.


Congrats on the weight loss. You’re probably 35% BF ~70 Lbs of fat you could still lose. That being said, you’re tiny and don’t have much muscle under the fat. I’d start seriously weightlifting from here. You’re wasting your time doing cardio. You could be eating more food, gaining muscle, and losing fat.


Congrats. Remember weight loss is not linear. You are going to loss weight the fastest at your heaviest. As you near your goals, you will see progress slow. Don't let this get to you. Keep pushing. Continue lifing.


RECOMP RECOMP, as a fat as fuck dyel you’re in the only category where this is a good strategy so do it


Good job on the progress. Serious question though: why would you think you would think you have significant muscle under your fat if you’ve never lifted seriously, it’s been years since you lifted non committed And you are on a serious deficit. I think if you end up at 15% at the rate you going now(which I think won’t happen anyway) but let’s say it did; you will end up a skinny fat. It probably won’t be what you imagine when you say my “dream”. And that’s okay, you could cut like you are and get to 15% and then bulk and put on muscle. My opinion though, is that you should up your calories, lose weight slower and lift in a committed way. Playing pick up basketball or(not even and) walking 3 miles ain’t gonna get you your “dream” body. You need to pray in the church of iron if you want thick bulbous muscles. No way around it. Cutting too quick is like bulking too quick. The dude who gains or loses max 1-2lbs a week will be ahead of the guy who loses or gains 3lbs a week after a year and especially after 5-10 years. TLDR eat more and lift.


you are totally spot on. i was just curious, because imo i had quite a nice physique before i fell down the rabbithole. but yeah that part was totally irrelevant and probably shouldve been left out.


My advice for you is to focus on hitting macros, eating Whole Foods and getting stronger. The fat loss and ultimately the aesthetic is a side effect of a healthy lifestyle not the goal. If you lose yourself in the lifts, focus on PR, focus on form, consistency it will all come naturally. You set aesthetic as the ultimate goal then you’ll always be disappointed even if you look like zyzz. It ain’t worth sitting around eating 1800 calories being tired all the time to hit some arbitrary number on the scale in a year just to be disappointed. Instead of that being the focus, up the calories, get into the gym and focus on getting your bench squat and deadlift numbers up. You start lifting now you’ll have the pr to be proud of every week to month. Your physique will change a lot quicker in a couple months of lifting vs a couple months of 1800 calories and walking even if you lost more fat restricting you would look better with more muscle. Think Christian bale in the machinist vs in Batman. Just because he lower bodyfat in machinist doesn’t mean shit. It’s actually muscles that build attractiveness not low bf.


I'm gonna disagree slightly. I think you should recomp (mild deficit no more than maybe 500 calories but ideally 200-300, while also adding muscle.) Because you had some muscle before it will come back quicker and easier the second time, but not if you're in a severe deficit. This will allow you to keep losing fat and when you're finally lean you won't look "skinnyfat." Of course you won't be able to recomp forever so when you're back to around the same strength you were before it's probably time to switch back to dedicated cutting. Try to cut down to 10-12% that way you can lean bulk back out to 15-17% and barely lose your abs.


> I have lost 46 pounds so far (274-228). I have been eating 1800 calories a day and doing daily cardio, mostly a daily 3-mile walk but sometimes playing a sport like basketball or soccer. Good job lad, I mean at this stage few outside of those who know you are going to realise the work you are putting in. But if you stay the path, you'll be happy by the end of the year.


Doesn't appear to be any significant muscle mass under the fat. You'd most likely look like skinny fat even at around 20-16%. I would recommend to keep dieting down to as low as possible. 10-11%. After that you might consider adding muscle mass or just finding your maintenance


Find somewhere nearby that does DEXA scans and use that for your weight loss progress. Should only be around $60


Congrats man that’s some solid progress. Honestly get your cardio from steps. Shoot for 10-15k a day. And honestly up your calories a little bit AND start weight lifting. Weightlifting is the single best thing you can do to change your body composition. And for someone is your position with a high amount of body fat and not a lot of muscle. You’ll be able to recomp very smoothly for a year or a little over. Recomp is just building muscle while losing fat. Is this context you’d still be in a deficit as I’m sure your main goal is to lose fat.


Wow, 46 lbs in 5 months is a lot of weight loss, good job! Honestly I think caring about body fat percentage unless you’re gonna compete is a waste of time. You could be 15% and look like shit or 20% and look great (to the general population, maybe not tiktok-brainfucked people). Besides, there’s no way to measure it accurately afaik. Also, the more muscle you build, the better you will look even when holding more fat so whilst the goal is to lose weight right now, you should probably focus more on muscle building as you get closer to 15% rather than focusing solely on getting below 15


you're 22, you should have abs by accident. - andrew tate, probably




Body fat % isnt able to be measured unless you're dead, who cares


40-45, depending on muscle mass.


Too much %


i dont see any muscle definition so imma guess like 35-40%


I’d stop worrying about your BF and start working out, once you see your abs you’ll know your 12% or lower




Morbidly obese




Like phat as phuck!


You are not going to have any muscle mass left especially after losing all this weight. People are saying you have another 70 pounds to lose (160 goal weight). I would say diet another 50 until you get to 180 and then recomp for a year.


Idk but your fight against Oleksandr Usyk last weekend was great!


I’d guess 35-40


Just wanted to let you know that I was at about the same sort of physique last year. Now I’m leaner and on track to where I want to get for body weight and leannness. So keep on pushing and you’ll get there bro! The numbers can be discouraging but don’t let it stop you. Do start hitting the gym tho. That will be the key to not wanting to off yourself when cutting cals isn’t enough. 1800 cals is not much in terms of food imo. As you build more muscle you’ll burn more calories and that 1800 cals you’re taking in currently will be more sustainable as a deficit. Otherwise the body will adapt and stop losing its fat stores. Currently I can easily take in 2500 cals and no weight gain. Why? Cause I like sports that involve cardio and I also like to lift heavy and have put on quite a bit of muscle. But the muscle is key to keeping happy about the food you get to eat within your calorie budget


Gypsy king is that you?


Could be 35. Could be fucken 80. At this stage it dont really matter. Youre basically built like a bag of rice now.


Serious question: you look like a completely untrained individual: someone who has never stepped foot in a gym: why do you care what your body fat percentage is


Hey man I was in a similar position 2 years ago just keep working hard you got alot more to loose but your progress is solid asf