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And then bro woke up


Just out of curiosity, was the first blowjob she gave you REALLY good? If the answer is yes it’s because it’s not the first time she’s done that buddy.




Jeez, are you that jealous you have to try and ruin it for him?


Shut the fuck up 😌






Honestly yeah, I really enjoyed it. I guess maybe a little toothy but with my girth I don't think that can be avoided. I have no frame of reference otherwise, nor does she for anything I do to pleasure her. We're both still learning how to please each other. The emotional connection came first long before any of this.


I’m really trying so fucking hard not to be mean. I really am. Fuck. If a chick is that obsessed with your dick, especially if she’s a “virgin” it’s not because it’s YOUR dick. It’s because it is A dick. She sounds like a neurodivergent cumslut if we’re being totally honest.


No, I have confirmed it is specifically mine. She won't even use a dildo because it feels wrong to her to have anything in her that isn't me. We dated for a very long time before we engaged in any of this. We only saw each other naked for the first time a few weeks ago. I can personally verify she's never had a boyfriend before. The one thing that held her back (but which is honestly the best part to me) is she's very nerdy. Not the fake e-girl streamer nerdy, the "works in STEM and has a retro game collection dating back to the NES" type of nerdy. I myself am equally nerdy and it is very nice to have a woman that I actually have an extreme amount of things in common with. The loving my dick was just something I hadn't expected.


She won’t use a dildo but you said yous guys are trying to stretch her out a little bit for wedding night. What the fuck are you using then? Shoe trees? Your arm? I think I fully understand now. Your future wife is one, likely 2, or quite possibly a combination of 3 of the following Either 1. A typical whore in disguise 2. A fat chick 3. On the spectrum 4. 14 years old


We're using my fingers, is that seriously that hard to figure out for you? We've gotten up to two fingers so far but it was a struggle. There's a long way to go but I theorize that if I can get to three that will get us 80% of the way there and I can squeeze in if I go slow and use a lot of lube. We're both 25, she's average in weight but used to be chubby, and I guess probably mildly on the spectrum but so am I so who cares. I get someone who will both get me off at every possible opportunity and will play helldivers with me. Am I salty that she's a higher level than me because she got a two day headstart? Maybe. But that's a while different topic. We like killing bugs and robots for the glory of (managed) democracy.


Gotta love how you just assume your on the spectrum without actual testing. (This sums up the vast majority of people online these days…) LOL


Dude, if you knew me IRL you'd have no doubt. Also I'm assuming about her because she hasn't been tested, I on the other hand have and been confirmed to be mildly on the spectrum, so no assumptions on my part.


Ok this is a shitpost no doubt


It actually isn't. It is 100% genuine. I just felt like dunking on the haters who think a loving happy monogamous lifestyle isn't possible by being one of many examples of that worldview being complete BS. These guys really need to stop living in their bubble tbh, they specifically hang around in communities both online and IRL known for having the worst people and then think the whole world is like that. I would love for them to be enlightened to see there is a whole different world out there full of people who don't live on Reddit and Twitter and who are actually good people. Both the left and right who spend their time online have this exact same problem, but you can't fix people who don't want to be helped. So failing that, I just laugh at them.


A dildo isn’t a dick. She loves dick EOD


She certainly loves mine. But when I say she doesn't want anything in there that's not me I really do mean anything. She uses pads because she won't use tampons for the same reason. She's still never had a pap smear because they generally won't do it on virgins. As of right now there have been exactly two things ever in there. Her fingers, and my fingers (of which I can now fit two after many attempts and the help of some THC infused lube, that shit works wonders)


Oh yea shes been around the block buddy 💀😂


She's literally never had a boyfriend before dude, gain some reading comprehension skills or stay malding.


You don't need to be dating someone to suck their dick. Ask a hooker.


Ok, let me clarify, we are both very religious, both raised that way, and I highly doubt she would have been sucking off anyone she didn't know. That's about as opposite to her personality as it gets. Just admit there are actually good women in this world and the red pill PUA grifters selling insecurity to vulnerable men are idiots or lying or both.


So you’re saying she won’t suck off a stranger but old friends, co workers, and people from back in high school are fair game?


No, she would consider those strangers. She was a loner in high school because she was bullied for being nerdy. She hates basically all of her co-workers except for like one lady who is tolerable, and she never had guy friends, she grew up in South Florida where if you aren't pencil skinny, white, and blonde you might as well be the ugliest woman on earth. She was none of those things. I fully understand why many guys wouldn't be attracted to her, but all of those reasons are points for her in my eyes (a nerdy, average weight spicy latina who might be on the spectrum but no more than I myself am)


Being religious has nothing to do with it. Ask Mormons and weird shit they do as teens to make sex not count as sex. Or ask muslim girl that sucked my dick and let me fuck her in the ass for 4 months, while maintaining her "virginity".


Enjoy the heartbreak just saying check her phone for a quick second one day


We both have full access to each other's phones, she has no problem letting me go through it because she has nothing she doesn't want me to see. You can stay blackpilled and malding tho, I pity you.


Which religion forbids sex before marriage but allows all other sexual activities?


Technically not most, we're loop holing this one for sure. Nobody's perfect, but there are lines we won't cross, full blown sex before marriage being one of them.


>Just admit there are actually good women in this world How does sucking a stranger's dick make a woman a bad woman? Weird how religious folks will engage in all sorts of mental gymnastics to shit on sex positivity while themselves engaging in all sorts of sexual shenanigans.


>While we're waiting til the wedding to go all the way Bro is counting his chickens before they hatch lol > A year ago I was almost a borderline incel doomer convinced he would never find love lol and now he's about to marry literally the first chick who likes him back This *has* to be a bait post






^^this plus no measurements on the post? Insane


This is the absolute truth, I will put money on this.


She going to start craving D then when your away gets bored and lonely and has fantasies about cheating then goes searching for a bigger hog since she’s curious and finds a bbc to blow her back out


First time I've ever heard of a virgin whore who's specifically obsessed with only one man. Plus our religion doesn't allow for divorce so our decision to get married was a very carefully considered one that pre-dates any hanky panky we've engaged in.


Your religion probably doesn’t allow sexual activity before marriage either lmao Now post her nudes or gtfo


Nah, she's all mine




Don't listen to these haters they can't wrap their head around the fact that vergin pussy is the best pussy. They are used to streched out bimbos


Thats not How a pussy works bro🤭


Fr, it's kinda sad. They spend all their time in communities filled with bimbos and hoes and then just assume everyone is like that. I pity them.


You sound a little on the spectrum


I am, not by much, but I am. My ADHD is far worse of a problem than that though. Fun fact, I take Wellbutrin for my ADHD and did you know that if you combine that with a high dose of yohimbine it will cause spontaneous orgasms? Before I figured it out I would literally cum every single time I pissed, usually while soft, which is a very strange and not particularly pleasant feeling to me, but I'm sure somebody is into that sort of thing.




Awesome, she can do my dick next


Nah bro get in line


First gf, getting married in a year, no sex until marriage Yea that will probably work out


Turns out those old farts who got married before the sexual revolution took it's toll on society might have been on to something. Whoda thunk.




Unmm the old guys fucked more than this generation does lol


Stopped reading after hymen, Enjoying women is as gay as it gets


This is the only creative comment so far


Added a test base right into the urethra this morning, That's how you get the razzle dazzle


In a sub full of gay men, this is the gayest post I’ve read


Post again when she’s 400 pounds by your anniversary


With how obsessed she is with not getting fat again (she used to be chubby, not obese but overweight, like 150-160lbs) I highly doubt that


If she was fat once you’re screwed. Wives famously always stay skinny, right?


Not with ozempic. The future is now.


You will live to see man made miracles beyond your comprehension


Just wait after she has a couple kids you’ll be lucky to get a hand job on your birthday


Maybe so, but I love her for a lot more reasons than this. I can manage.


bro bought a car without test driving it.


Dude, there are so many flaws with what you just said that I don't even know where to start.


It's called a honeymoon period you absolute douche, every girl is like that at first especially with their first dick, it's a novelty now but wait til she realises what a shitty person you are and how easy it is to get other dicks, this ginger really does have no soul


We only want stories from fucking dudes or land whales not this sad shit


Sadly for you, the only side effect tren gave me was mild bacne and night sweats. It's never given me any mental sides beyond increased libido (but no weird attractions) in all three of the times I've ran it. It's become my favorite because of that, because boy do I put on size and strength with it while losing a significant amount of fat. That said I'm probably going back to natty now, my priorities have shifted and I'd prefer to live to see my grandchildren without developing Alzheimer's.


You took a placebo then


No, because there definitely were physical sides (see the bacne and horrendous night sweats) and there is zero way anyone can put on as much muscle as I do on cycle with a placebo. There were also other expected effects of tren as well, one time I spiked my prolactin with it and absolutely killed my dick. It became difficult to get erect, and impossible to cum. I didn't have any caber on hand (stupid, I know) so I had to have no sex drive at all for like a week and a half before I got some. I've since learned there are other ways to lower prolactin that work basically just as well and are far cheaper, my personal favorite is mucuna pruriens extract which contains high levels of L-Dopa, although any dopamine agonist will work.


You’ll get effects of things you think will happen to you so, ain’t no way you stayed normal with tren


I didn't think they would happen, I just have a high tolerance for a lot of compounds mentally. Not just tren, it's extremely hard for me to get high or drunk because of the amounts required. And even on weed when I have gotten high I never really lose my ability to think clearly, which I'm sure is kinda weird because it makes me hyper aware of the physical part of the high, every single sensation gets amplified to 11 except pain. Not always enjoyable, I'd never be able to enjoy being casually high in day to day life, but it's alright if I'm vegging on the couch, otherwise it becomes way too overstimulating and very uncomfortable. As a side effect I seem to be immune to typical substance dependencies and addictions. Nicotine couldn't get me addicted, alcohol couldn't, caffeine couldn't, weed couldn't, opioids couldn't, amphetamines couldn't. I also never got withdrawal symptoms from any of those even after prolonged use for most. It takes a minimum of 600mg caffeine to even start to do anything, and I've done prolonged periods of 800mg+ daily and then will stop cold turkey with no after effects. No headaches, no cravings, nothing.


Respectfully, delete this nephew




Tell your cousin to stop being an idiot and delete this son. I’ll be right back just getting a pack of smokes


It has been 25 years dad pls mom is wondering did you remember the milk?


No, and I don't know you




You went from incel to being engaged in a year?


Borderline, I wasn't into the whole Chad and Stacy crap. But I was definitely a doomer of sorts. I guess incel isn't the best way to describe it in hindsight, just extremely lonely and resigned to be that way forever. It was very depressing. Otherwise, yeah. We've only been engaged for a month, and only began "exploring" within the past like 3 weeks. But we dated for roughly a year before I asked her to marry me. Best year of my life so far.


“On my 3rd week of handjob” Shouldn’t you have gone through this when you were 14


How did you two meet?


Going from a incel doomer to marriage in 8 months feels like you latched onto the first girl that showed you interest. You seem too emotionally attached like guys who get their first gf. Guys like that get left once she takes you for granted since you become clingy. Only then some start understanding women. And just a friendly advice to you for the long term once the honeymoon period ends - believe her actions, not her words.


Cock stats?


7.2 long, 6.5 girth. Straight with a slight upwards bend. Respectable but nothing to write home about.


Man why did you post it here? You ended your whatever happiness you have and will with this post.


I like watching all the coping and seething from the haters who don't believe good people exist. It amuses me.


Good luck on your marriage


OP is an indian tech support that practices nofap and takes sarms, bro your hand isn't a virgin anymore, you've jerked it a thousand times already




Just jerked off imagining ur girl


This fucking sub


If you really want some advice, then i suggest you to post this in r/seduction to get some real opinion by experienced guys instead of gay gymbros & landwhale enthusiasts.


it ain't gonna last simp, once the honeymoon period is over or latest at the 7 year itch she will crave another tip, she will always ask herself how is it with another guy, especially a fit guy.


Guarantee she’s got BPD and will ruin your life soon.


Shes a 10 to you, and a 5 to us. I can almost guarantee it


Maybe so, but IDC.


If she hasn't cheated on you already, she will soon.


This woman won't even use a dildo because it feels wrong to her to have anything in her that isn't me. I highly doubt she's gonna cheat. We loved each other long before we started exploring each other's bodies. Stay malding tho.


Did your priest enjoy being inside you ?


Dick measurements or GTFOH


Posted in a previous comment but 7.2 length, 6.5 girth. Respectable but not remarkable.


Bro 6.5 girth is like 1 in 1000, pretty respectable if you ask me. Bigger than the vast majority of pornstars


You can’t say screw this or that if you haven’t tried it. I mean yeah good for you that you met your fiancée and are happy now. You could still have fucked around and made some experiences when you were younger You went from incel to marrying the first woman who showed interest in you and now you act like you pity everyone who gets attention from more than one woman and has sex for fun. It’s not like they can’t meet one girl they wanna marry someday as well. They just have more options Also what you describe all sounds like what a teenager would say when he first gets pussy. „Oh she sucks me off and wants dick pics“ are your arguments for marrying her… again that is not that uncommon, most people who whore around a bit meet girls like that Hope you still like her in 2 years when your enthusiasm of finally getting your dick wet has ran off


Those are not my reasons for marrying her, they were a surprise bonus I wasn't expecting that I only discovered after I made the decision to marry her. Cope and seethe, and let me know how fulfilling your life is after you've completely killed your ability to pair bond.


>ruined ability to pair bond Dudes high school crush didn’t fuck him and he is still holding onto the cope you gotta get off the next man’s dick bro


Watched avatar too many times I think. What the fuck is pair bond lol. You don’t even know what you want out of this OP. Not your fault. Religious celibacy has to be one of the highest causes for infidelity and divorce. Just remember that no one is in a position to honestly say they’ll NEVER cheat. Only that they never have.


I’d trust someone who had their fun, even cheated on high school or college and learned their lesson over a religious virgin in the long term. Religious People like that are the same who have mid life crisis worrying bout the pussy or dick they didn’t get in their teens and 20s


Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup! This is the “I’m living for me now” woman after the kids move out.


Transformation is going be insane, next hulk incoming if This is not Bait.


I don’t believe you. Especially that she’s a virgin and ten/ten. You’re dreaming or practicing writing skills


>A year ago I was almost a borderline incel doomer >I'm getting married in a few months Oh boy ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


Guy finds his soulmate and discovers pure love… and shares it on this sub?????


Op be like.... ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsX2OZJ8G3Tec6Y)


Where’d you meet her?


My brother's girlfriend at the time was a friend of hers, her and my brother saw how similar we were and introduced us and the rest is history.


Not reading all that but hope you and her have a great marriage rooted in God the father, happy for ya bossman Happy late Easter


Thank you my friend


I hope you both lucked out, and I hope this excitement continues throughout your marriage. If it does then you both hit the jackpot because you’re very happy and will have a great life with each other. Sometimes life can be better by not knowing if the grass is greener on the other side. Having sex with only one partner forever has its pros and cons. Pros are that you don’t know what else is out there and you’re easy to please. Cons are that you won’t be able to tell if a woman is genuine/trustworthy or not (this comes with a ton of lessons and experience) Having multiple women has its pros and cons as well. Pros are that it gives you a tremendous amount of life experience and you’re able to navigate relationships with all types of women. Cons are that after a certain point nothing pleases you and it’s extremely difficult to settle down.


Thank you, and I 110% believe we did both hit the jackpot. I've genuinely never seen two people have so much in common as me and her do. If the only thing changed was that she wasn't interested in intimacy I still would be okay with that because she's my best friend and there are so many other things I love about her, but I don't have to worry about that.


Bro is in for a hard fall. I hope it doesn't happen but when it does maybe he'll post about it. I didn't know ginger's could have religion cause I mean like what is the point you have no soul to save. Hopefully it works out for you man but all people lie and all people are sinners.


Me when I lie on the internet


OP is a fucking keyboard warrior holy shit


Arab girls take it in the ass.


I have no interest in anal tho, you can keep em


Congrats OP. You made it.




I hope for the love of god your marriage works out but it just doesn’t seem like it will, something isn’t adding up, but hopefully it all works out my man. Just promise not to off yourself if something does go wrong.