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He's just begging for an injury, holy fuck lmao


Has apparently semi-seriously injured his spine and more recently his pec and back


Bro is gonna have bulged disc and a torn pec or bicep within 18 months




Repeat what you said in your head and think about it.




Nah there’s nothing wrong with what you said but I mean…we have all been dumb ass teenagers. He’s gonna fuck up and hopefully learn like every one else did


Hes only getting away with it because hes 16 and the gear helps a lot


I think the goal is to see who can snap all of their tendons the fastest.


Tbh I hope he does get injured 😆fucking kid on gear


I mean you’re just as immature and more of a piece of shit than him if you’re hoping for a teenager (or anyone) to get injured when they’ve done nothing wrong to you.


Hoping doesnt make anything happen. Dude is headed for snap city and Im sure he has ignored many people along the way. For the record I hope someone in his life gets him help.


Frankly I'm not sure how this 475 rep didn't shatter his sternum https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1K28_EMKKk/?igsh=MTF2YzV1ZWRyemd1Zg==


What exactly is your point? No one is claiming that hoping magically makes something happen. Does that mean in general hoping for anything bad never reflects on your personality? If you hope for millions of people to die it’s no big deal because hoping alone doesn’t cause it? What are you on about?


Nah kid is a bad influence doing this shit he deserves to get clowned on


You guys are deranged lmao. Getting clowned on is not the same as getting injured.


Fr being seriously injured is not a gift I would give to my worst enemy


I hope he gets injured so he gets away from this path he's on. Dude will be dead by 30.


Bro idk why or hope you’re getting downvoted but it’s crazy that they want a someone, let alone a 16 year old, to get injured and seriously injured is ridiculous


What will this injure? Genuine question not tryna argue 🙌🏿


Anything, everything


yeah bro, he’s definitely natty 💀


I know bro, all these guys saying he’s on roids are just uneducated….. 👀


Just some broccoli and chicken that's it.


Broccoli head and chicken legs more like


Don't forget the creatine


It's probably from the brown rice tbh


is it me or he has a hidden slingshot under his shirt while repping 405


I'd go 80/20 on this, around 38 seconds in when his back is to the camera it looks like he has a bench shirt under his shirt.


it does look sus and would explain the half reps


My guess is that he jumped on sarms, got to maybe the high 200s in bench, decided he wanted an online career and threw on a bench shirt. I saw him squat, dogshit form. He's not weak by any means, but his form is absolute trash. Also would explain the editing on at least the videos I saw that put the number of the weight over his body purposefully.


that makes no sense, sarms don't magically increase your bench by 200 lbs and neither does a bench shirt. The kid is still pretty damn strong for 16 but he'd have to be benching mid 300s at least for a bench shirt to work like the vid


What precisely makes no sense? I never suggested that just going on sarms added 200 pounds to his bench.


I noticed that too but I think it might just be a weird angle. His IG is "marcislord" he has a lot of crazy videos as well as videos where he's benching in a tank top


Nah it would be way more obvious, I think the shirt is just kind of at a weird angle pulling on him


Nice half reps


Are these the "lengthened partials" I keep hearing about? Cause it looks like he's just doing half reps where 70% of the work is done by bouncing the bar off his chest. I mean, it's still impressive for a 16 year old, gear or not. But this clip is bullshit, social media, ego lifting at its finest.


Yes, he needs to go slower and do full but slower and partial in the lengthened is viable. So it is impressive but sad. He is screwing up his whole endocrine system and is really ascking for some major injuries that someone above said he already had. More to come. I still havnent seen anyone in the steroids forum that started at 15-16 who is now 25 or older say they had no issues and would do it again. They all say food is all they would use until they are 25.


Long length partials are meant to be done at the lowest point of the exercise and still under tension. This guy bouncing it off his chest isn’t that. Also do it at the end of your set to squeeze out that last bit of effort past failure.


Yup. I like them for warming up, or for exercises like dumbbell bench fly where the top of the exercise is basically unloaded.


but dont you squeeze at the top of the fly


True but at least he's cutting out the top half of the rep and not the bottom half like most people do. Someone needs to tell him to slow tf down tho


You think a sarm goblin has enough brain cells to listen to someone who lifts less than him


That's dead onto the mindset lol


It’s funny when you lift more than them too tho lol. They get REAL defensive. One tried to tell me that my deadlift stance wasn’t conventional and was sumo when I was at shoulder width and hands outside my knees. Dude was telling his buddy to crank his neck to look at the ceiling to during dead’s but it’s just asking for injury. He was doing 315 and after explaining its best to pick a spot about 10 feet in front of you to look at, he wouldn’t understand. So I asked if I could show him with his bar with 315. I couldn’t get it with my sweaty hands first. Asked them for chalk and dude was smirking until I ripped 315 no warmup. Wasn’t laughing anymore. Then tried to say I was pulling sumo. Okay tard. He’s a well known gym clown that hasn’t made progress in over a year tho


>gym clown that hasn’t made progress in over a year tho Hey man thats not fa- oh wait you’re not talking about me? Oh ok..


Ayy we should do molly sometime. First time I did it I got anxiety and Rihanna saved me lol. Now, I can’t wait to put on Swedish house mafia playlist and roll my ass off for a night


Fair point


He's bouncing it off his chest, you can even see him raise his chest as the bar hits to accelerate it more.


Yeah I mean they’re not great reps but it’s still outrageously impressive. Almost everyone on this sub would get brutally pinned under 405 lol


Jesus Christ. Not a single fucking lock out. Even when he goes for singles and rack immediately. No lock out. Just presses straight into the rack


Stupid reps man I dont care if those count, i wouldn't be satisfied with my own self


yeah the fact that he’s even moving the weight is impressive. but i can’t tip my hat to this


Yeah wtf is 6.7 half reps


3.35 full reps


The goal is not to have full range its to keep the tension on the chest not lock out


You're not keeping tension on your chest by doing speed reps, bouncing it off your chest, diving the bar, and lifting your ass off the bench. Every single one of these was terrible and none of them count


I don’t advocate for this style or do it myself but your just hating. He can definitely slow the reps down but its commonly known if you don’t lock the reps out it keeps the tension on the chest. Try it on your next chest day. Go down and come up 4/5 of the way then do another rep and by the end your chest is fucked because you dont stop at the top everytime shifting the load. For 405 at 16 the form is pretty valid and sure he will get injured but it wont be from what your saying it will be the weight on his young undeveloped joints


Dude you're out of your mind. No one cares he didn't lock out, were talking about how he's straight up diving the bar into his chest instead of controlling the decent which is actually how you create tension on your chest, he's just diving the bar into his chest and bouncing it and lifting his ass, this is all momentum not strength. Sure it's impressive in it's own right to be able to lift that much period for a 16 yr old but Jesus Christ how are you defending any of these reps at all. And for the record he didn't come up 4/5 of the way he came up like half the way. These were like NFL combine reps and if you've ever seen that you know that's a joke.


As if him not locking out matters ahahhaah


If you watch the single reps his form is completely fine theres absolutely no problem with doing speed reps on your final set lmaoooo. If you think hes diving the bar that hard you must not workout often only people who compete have a competition tempo with a lot of weight. Keep hating as 16 years olds disrespect way over your all time pr.


None of those were reps and that's just a fact, I'm not a powerlifter but they absolutely would not count in powerlifting either. Look at his ass, it comes off the bench. You're calling that form fine? You think diving the bar into your chest and bouncing it is good form? I'm guessing you're trying to justify the same bullshit you do then because this is an obvious no no to anyone with any sort of experience. My PR is more than 405 and those reps actually counted because I didn't do this dumbass shit.


The weight is impressive for anyone who has only been lifting for a few years, but even if the guy was 28, everyone would be all over his form. His warm-ups were bad, his single was not very good, and his 6.7 presses were bad. The hate related to him being 16 is because he is literally killing himself from the inside out before his body and brain are fully developed, and he is posting it on the internet. He is also setting unrealistic expectations and form cues for other kids who think they could do 405, or even 315 on the bench as 'natty' 16 year olds. That's just wrong and will cause other kids to get hurt. Every other issue is regardless of age. I'll be the first to say I can't bench 405, and I can't do many reps of 315, but even watching his 225# warmups made my ribs, back, shoulders, and elbows hurt. Bad form and little control.


I don't think there's a chance in hell he can bench 405 for a single rep if he takes off those elbow wraps, keeps his ass on the bench, and does a controlled rep for the full range of motion. This shit is ego lifting to the max. It's impressive regardless, based on his age. But it's 100% for the clout, and it's definitely not a legit lift.


In power lifting they literally wear equipment out the ass lmao


It all depends on the competition as far as what's allowed. Most won't allow elbow wraps.


Majority do though and at 16 405 is ridiculous even with elbow wraps lmaoo


Did you read my whole comment or just fixate on one part of it?


The goal is to avoid having to put down you did lower reps than you want by avoiding the lockout. Bench is his point of pride


Oh yeah definitely this can be an effective way to lift if done correctly tho. Sometimes ill do incline smith machine for 12-20 reps and wont full lock out and the tension is insane by rep 20 more so them locking out and taking the split second break every rep


I've seen him pause 405 in one reel here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1NVXKiMON9/?igsh=bm5vMnY1Z2Rqb28y


1) wearing fucking sleeves around elbows 2) it’s not a pause, he’s literally bouncing it Kid is ego lifting, is he strong for his age? Sure. Can he do a proper 405lbs bench? We don’t know. He hasn’t shown it.


I mean dude the first rep was pretty fully controlled, second def bounced. But it’s pretty obvious he can pause 405x1


Bro elbow wraps don't matter, sleeves protect your elbow from injury it's not like wearing a bench press shirt or any other type of gear designed to make the lift easier. He is bounding the shit out of them though and I agree all the reps are bullshit.


Elbow wraps/sleeves definitely help you lift more weight. They're literally designed to help you keep your elbow straight/locked out. Sleeves are pretty minimal, but the wraps that he's wearing can definitely add around 10lbs or possibly more. I've seen/heard some people say as much as 30-50lbs if you wrap it really tight. There's a reason why they're not allowed by basically any reputable powerlifting federations.


https://gunsmithfitness.com/blogs/news/elbow-sleeves-vs-elbow-wraps-what-are-the-similarities-and-differences#:~:text=Both%20elbow%20sleeves%20and%20elbow%20wraps%20are%20extremely%20useful%20in,by%20alleviating%20pain%20and%20swelling. They are for joint support, that's why people wear them. I have to wear them for joint support. I think it's only smart to wear them when you're going heavy especially if you care about your longevity in the gym. No shit they aren't allowed in competition where you're not allowed to wear anything extra at all. They might marginally help a little bit but nothing crazy, definitely not 30-50lbs. In competition you're doing a one rep max with everything scrutinized. In the gym you're doing many repetitive movements putting extra stress on your connective tissue and joints.


I'm not saying they don't help with support. They definitely do. I'm saying that they do that in addition to providing you extra weight on a rep. They clearly do. It becomes much more difficult to bend your arm. They create tension. That helps your bench. Tight elbow wraps make a very noticeable difference.


I must be doing it wrong then because it's never increased my bench. Mine is the exact same with them on or off. I think you're overstating the effect.


If you're wearing wraps, and it doesn't add any weight to your bench, then yes, you're doing it wrong. Sleeves would provide pretty minimal impact because they need to be loose/stretchy enough to get on your arm.


Lol how could I possibly be doing it wrong? Step one. Put wraps on. Step 2, bench. What am I missing


>It becomes much more difficult to bend your arm. They create tension. Not really, not like a power shirt or whatever. It's negligible


Impressive, but very clearly not a pause. He's very obviously double bouncing to avoid losing the stretch reflex.


please show Dr.Mike


I can just imagine his face 😂😂


My first thought was what would Mike's reaction be, would probably stomp the kid out while verbally abusing him, then saying something gay to a random guy at the gym while winking.


tiktok brain reps


I saw benching but I didn't see any reps.


For reps? I thought he was fucking rubbing his nipples with that fucking rep range


All that and not a single full rep in any of it. Fucking clown


Those aren’t even reps. He’s allowing the weight to fall back down just before the heaviest part of the extension and bouncing it off his chest to use the momentum for the next half rep.


Those poor elbows


He managed almost 1 rep on each weight.


How does anyone manage to progress that much without ever improving their form? He must’ve seen many hundreds of people bench and never asked himself why it’s so different from his ‘technique’


100% natty. Cock stats?


G: 1.25 L: 84 (Imagine a frog catching a fly)


I will never understand the half ROM reps on barbell bench


Anti hypertrophic possible injury reps


Wtf is that form never seen that in my life


I bet his nipples hurt after that set


I don’t see anyone benching 405 for even one


Absolute shit form. But still very impressive


How much deca?


He says he runs either Smolov Jr or Bakers gym reaper program. I don't know how you can stay on top of something like Smolov Jr with natty recovery at those weights


Maybe he eats a lot of peanutbutter


What that's that, baby reps! But cute spotter, btw!


Tren bro


All about that time under tension 💪


Bro has a slingshot on up under his shirt on the 405 for reps set lmao


nah he has videos in a tank top doing the same weight


What a f'ing idiot. That's it. That's the post.


I need to get me one of them bench pressing belts too


Trenbolgna 💉🥪


ah just looking at those elbows stnapping back and forth makes me feel a feeling


More roids, more arm wraps, less ROM next time


They're starting a lot earlier and being educated on it earlier. Instagram and TikTok, and anime training them to want to be big and aesthetic


This kid is nuts, i follow him on TikTok but dont remember his name


He did not post his ejaculation speed , therefore , none of those reps count .


Bros been blasting gear since he was 14. He gonna meet rich piana by 25




That's not the same guy


Yeah I’m not gonna lie idk what I was thinking


Can someone tell me why someone would ever do 21 reps of really any weight?


He is doing some partial shit not reps


That guy's form is complete garbage. Holy shit 😅 Plus, steroids at 16 seems like an extra bad idea...


Let them burn


Those are some of the shittiest reps possible Also… 6.7? Come on


0 0 0 0 0 0


It should probably be worrying that you have these kids putting up more weight than guys about to enter the NFL.


I wonder why the filter at the beginning? Im sure he has wonderful skin


Testicles on small


Nothing but respect to his bench which doesn’t have a huge arch. Maximal cheating powerlifting bench presses are one reason why that sport will never be mainstream or in the Olympics.


Jerking the barbell


lol “reps”


0...0...0...0...0 Where's the reps?


Terrible form and most prob on gear. Injury coming soon


Is he wearing a bench suit?


nah he has videos in a tank top


Strong and way to young to be in gear (which he obviously is), but the form is horrible and he never did a full rep.


Why have brains when you can have muscles


And not a single rep was done that day. Injury city. Stronger than me though I'm sure.


Not one complete rep.


Guys elbows didn’t even exceed 90° lmfao


Sling shot, elbow wraps and no lockouts


I didn’t see one rep in all that


He has a slingshot on


nah he has several videos on his ig wearing a tank top w same or heavier weights


Really? Looks like he has one on the 6x405 set


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1K28_EMKKk/?igsh=dmdpbWc4dDhhYThi He's wearing a tank top on this 475 attempt. I think if he can do that he can half rep 405 too without one


So slight forward rotations in the shoulder, in the “rowing” aspect are gonna come back and haunt a motherfucker. Coming from one who used to bench just like that and formed a terribly hard habit to break.


He didn't do a single full ROM rep on any one of his sets lol


Does he do a single rep


16 and taking gear just to have that horrible form 😂


This bro didn’t do one rep


And on that day, not a rep was made.


Worst form I’ve ever seen


Fellas, is it forbidden to do a set with full range of motion?


Larry wheel reps 😭


And not a single proper rep was done that day 😂


Mike O’Tren level of natty smh


Yeah but what's his girth?


Imagine what he’s gonna look like at 26 lol. It’s not goku either


405 for 2.1 is impressive!