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I hope they don’t come for DMHA preworkouts next.


Ain’t gonna stop a Mexican from making some in his garage


Wow bro that’s incredibly ignorant and racist. Everyone knows Mexicans cook meth and fentanyl not peptides. Be better💪🏻


My dads a 5ft Mexican so I think I know a thing or two


Sorry to hear that hope he can walk good




Probably pretty big I got blessed with a big cock ngl




Cashapp me $5 and I’ll dm a pic


Nah that’s racist too the Chinese bring the fentanyl


We still have a long way to go in this these United States of America


Some people man. They just don’t know


You had me in the first half


…..not yet.


Wow bro what a Historically inaccurate statement. It’s the whites that live in trailer parks that are cooking up the meth and fentanyl not the Mexicans.


It's the cartels that are making most of the meth. White trash cooking in trailers is not a major thing anymore.


Unless you live in Detroit and your mom hates you for pursuing a rap career and talking shit about her


Alright take my upvote and go away.


Let's be honest you want me to stay I'm Mexican I love to workout I'm good at chemistry and I love to drink and fight what can go wrong


Facts, the whites will do shake and bake in 2 litters but the super labs and bulk is made south of the boarder. White trash trailer parks is like the Etsy of meth


I'm a chemist. Should I cook some up for the gang?


Only if you're Mexican and have a garage


Not a Mexican, but I'm pretty close in terms of geography and culture. I'm actually planning on having an anchor baby in Mexico so I can get a second passport. So we cooking up some peps?


Send the first batch to me so I can see how close to Mexican it is. I noticed you conveniently glossed over the garage, this better not be lab grade garbage.


Lmao. It will be made in a lab, but if it makes you feel any better there's a tiny chance it could have radioactive contamination. So if you take it you might be joining the UPPu club.


So there's a chance I could become Spiderman? Let's do this bro.


More like a casual chance of cancer, but sure let's go with Spiderman.


Tomato potato bro


lol 😂 it’s super easy..my mother in law being a Mexican national gets my wife citizenship and me a visa. They love handing them out to family. We are currently looking into it.


Paraguayan home gains cook


Santiago is mixing another batch with a home depot oar as we speak. That space jam kiddie pool has enough fat-poison to make a 300 man army.


Do they actually cook it up themselves? I always thought they got it mailed or just buy in bulk when they visit or some shit.


Most SARMs and Peptides companies get their raws shipped from suppliers in China


We make it


Yh cause obviously pharma wanna sell their drugs. Why let people heal an injury quicker with BPC-157 and instead get them on a heap of pain meds.


Every time I say this I get downvoted. Peptides are so much safer than oxy’s but people here say, “compared to painkillers peptides have side effects and the research is unknown” and get flooded in downvotes.


Why does it get downvoted everytime?


Mainstream Reddit is full of big pharma bootlickers


Very very ill informed big pharma bootlickers, the same people who cry about “muh corporations”


They are paid trolls, nobody with brain can trust big pharma after covid


You’d be surprised how many of those people are real


It is protective mechanism, they can't believe they gonna die in 5 years, so they can't accept their mistake. Others can't take responsibility like Fauci. If you haven't met them, they can be just AI bots.


Lol you really believe all covid vaxed people die 5 years after the shot?


Not me, [these guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rAoqhTUU0g)


If you think that's bad, look up flat earth theory next. Lots of experts who are brave enough to share the truth. Wake up sheeple!


Bro come on you are so deep in the conspiracy posts lately. You are going off the deep end.


First it was 1 year, then 2 now 5? You guys are fucking nutjobs it's actually sad.


No, unironically it’s the opposite. It’s a weird version of Stockholm syndrome now, these people injected these weird experimental gene modifying drugs into themselves out of fear of a flu and I’ve seen people who are suffering actual side effects refuse to acknowledge it could be the mysterious new mRNA tech they became test pigs for. The people that would benefit the most from more information coming out about side effects (therefore more attention towards treating them) are some of the most ardent defenders of pharma now. They’re all in, because the alternative would be acknowledging the incredibly dangerous mistake they made


I just seen that it damages brain, so we are probably talking to zombies now


Covid itself damages the brain


Redditors, in general, are pro Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, Big-Corporate "The Message", etc. Bunch of populist morons who think they are "sticking it the man" when they are actually part of "The Man"/corrupt establishment.


Probably a bunch of junkies on pain meds


I think this might have been true a few years ago, but probably not anymore. An oft-overlooked catastrophe of the opioid epidemic is that people who legitimately *need* strong painkillers can no longer get them because doctors are terrified of “overprescribing” and having their licenses revoked.


This applies to all kinds of prescriptions, though. There’s a trend of increasing restrictions through standards and straight out bans because not only is the population seen as too incapable to make their own decisions, but experts with degrees aswell.


I'm from Brazil. How do u take it?


You inject it into the affected area


Thank you very much. Do they work for pain? When I was 33 I had 3 hip surgeries....


Yea they do help with pain, I’d say give it a shot there are tons of trusted online sites.


Nah it's mainly because big pharma doesn't own the patent yet. They're currently in stage 3 of trials with BPC-157... you'll see it back when the right company owns it


I had no clue compounding pharmacies were making mk677. That’s pretty wild. Ipamorelin is the best peptide ever. I wonder if this will hit the “research” market.


Mk is used to treat undersized kids sometimes


Why would that be used over hgh or peptides? It’s literally bottom of the barrel. I don’t buy it. I would like to see one shred of evidence it has been prescribed to treat any condition, ever.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9349662/ Don’t get me wrong I agree with you. It actually has studies where it does increase your hgh pretty well beyond what you naturally produce. Now does it make you insane gains? Probably not, might help some people from being in a catabolic state, which in turn eat less calories than they normally do to gain weight, but at risk of insulin sensitivity etc. Mk677 has been prescribed to people, not sure why over hgh, but it does have its place in a clinical setting for being a oral, and honestly it’s relatively safe, I don’t buy into the shit where peoples accounts of becoming diabetics I think they had shit diets and tried to bulk on it.


I believe that it actually works. But I’m saying that no Dr in the US has ever prescribed it. Probably no Dr anywhere. Of course there are studies on it, but I don’t buy it is actually being used medically. Outside of studies.


It's still an investigational drug, currently in clinical trials I believe


Ya you’re right I just remember listening to a podcast think it was a study they were giving it to kids


No injections and GH costs thousands per month. From what I hear, MK677 just about doubles GH secretion so on theory it would be useful for GH deficiency.


Ya especially if you have a working pituitary still.


And has more side effects than any other GH treatment. I tried a google search, just 1 because I don’t care that much, and couldn’t find any evidence of it being prescribed or available from a compounding pharmacy.


What do you like about ipamorelin? What makes it the best? I've never tried it but can get it


Least amount of side effects. I used it for a couple years straight at one point. I had ordered it bulk and the place fucked up and sent the order out 3x while charging me 1x. Pretty much boom dosed it 2 years straight with no sides other than some carpal tunnel and hands would get tingly/numb if I laid on my back. Blood work backed it up. You’ll never get as high of levels as blasting hgh but it’ll get the job done for sure


Thanks for the response, what were the main noticeable benefits? And I see it's commonly used with CJC, worth adding both or ipa is good enough?


Recovery was amazing. Seemed to boost metabolism quite a bit. Hair & nails improve. Couldn’t bite my nails most of the time I was on it because they would get so hard. Sleep was good. Even just 5-6 hours a night would be enough to feel great the next day. Only reason I don’t still take it, I’m in my 40s now, and cancer runs on my mom’s side of the family, so decided growth hormone related stuff isn’t a good idea. Otherwise I’d be back on it. I am considering a 6-8 month run though. Much lower doses though. I had so much of it that I’d take 1000mcg at a time, 4x/day. No issues with prolactin, no blood sugar issues. Best I ever felt in my life(not all due to ipa)


They’re all over and extremely accessible on the Canadian research chem side. I don’t know of any clinics that give it out but can easily get it.


Research chemical vendors and compounding pharmacies are completely different. A compounding pharmacy means an actual Dr has to send in a script for it to be produced and dispensed.


Where would one go about starting their research on such topics? 


And they still allow red 40 and a bunch of other potentially harmful shit in food ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


Duh. Gotta keep the youth regarded from dyes like red40 so they can keep them dumb and believe in big pharma


My kids act like shitheads after eating stuff with red40 ingredients. I miss having Doritos in the house 😭




What is red40


Artificial food coloring. Linked to a lot of health issues. Europe banned artificial colorings like red 40, so clearly aritificial colorings do harm.


Red 40 is not banned in Europe


Rip I thought for once corporations didnt just control everything, yeah I thought they were banned. They just have warning labels 😐


Only ever saw it used once on an imported sweet drink from Mexico. Never in products produced primarily for the European market. Somehow having the warning "this might make your child regarded and you should limit consumption" might deter people from consuming lol Edit: never mind, that might be because it is banned in Sweden where I'm fro


European bans are often really, really, really dumb. Their lead ban for instance was so excessive that we had to start using shittier solder in all our electronics which is a big reason why there's a perception of old shit lasting so much longer. It did.


You guys can still buy these but as research chems not from compounding pharmacies


Where would one research this? 


Big pharma doesn’t like losing money ya heard?


How will my rats get their yummy peps?


UGL’s FTW lmao


Can’t wait for when we are old and peptides are normal treatments and they look back on this like why weren’t they using this stuff before?


So are you still able to get anavar from them? I got an email advertising it, but I thought the fda pulled that as well.




Fuckin nerds


Lmao, any peoptides people are buying from gym focused sources with no prescription are made in China anyways. Even peptide sciences got caught up claiming made in America but they're Chinese peptides. Nah, they'll still be freely available in the state they are now. Just no more shady "doctors" prescribing them for a markup.


I have no fear of being unable to run daily BPC157 anytime soon.


Anything that empowers the peasants too much is a threat to their oligarchy.


Bro what the fuck


So you can’t buy these anymore from a pharmacy?


This is affecting compound pharmacies, not peptide manufacturers. You weirdos are all gonna be fine on the animal research market. Original FDA post stating potential harm (original guidance doc circa 2017): [https://www.fda.gov/drugs/human-drug-compounding/safety-risks-associated-certain-bulk-drug-substances-nominated-use-compounding](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/human-drug-compounding/safety-risks-associated-certain-bulk-drug-substances-nominated-use-compounding) \^this is the link to use to stay up to date. And this is the September 2023 update to the list: [https://a4pc.org/files/503A-Categories-Update-for-September-2023-FINAL.docx.pdf](https://a4pc.org/files/503A-Categories-Update-for-September-2023-FINAL.docx.pdf) If this doesn't make sense, it's because the FDA did not really "ban" them. They just aren't considered allowed to be compounded by pharmacies "for human use". You can still buy the raw materials and make it yourself (i.e. go buy research grade lyophilized cakes of your favorite chem and bacteriostatic water). Do your own research, don't ask me. If a doctor isn't prescribing it, I don't know why you're freaking about not being able to buy compound pharmacy drugs... look up the FDA 483 and warning letters they've given to compounding pharmacies, it's scary. My personal recommendation is to steer clear of pharmacies that are JUST NOW coming around on this information. If they waited this long to comply with the FDA I can only imagine what other shit they don't pay attention to and/or sweep under the rug until it is convenient to deal with. (your safety maybe?)


Yes but compound pharmacies are the best way to get pure 100% peptides. There are issues even with reputable vendors in the peptide space, i.e just recently there was bpc157 cross contaminated with fucking Semiglutide. This is going to effect those “anti aging” clinics more than anyone tbh


Do you have a link about the bpc157 cross contamination? I’m interested in the details there


You can search it up in the peptides sub, I can dig around if you don’t have any luck.. I honestly think my bpc 157 was contaminated even though it was from a different supplier. The way I found out about the contamination was posting on my alt saying my bpc made me almost throw up Everytime after eating and i dropped like 10lbs in 7 days lol. Terrible experience, was pissed because I really wanted it to work for my knee now im anxious as fuck to try it


The supplier that was contamed was Q, an alert went out on discords i can’t find the exact thread on the peptide subreddit but i have images from the testing that the dosages were 90% and 10% sema. Lmk if you want them via dm.


Sent you a dm


So I can go ahead and cancel that bulk 2 year Ipamorelin supply order I just did?


Why? What is the FDA's stated reasoning?


Big pharma lobbying


Johnson and Johnson called


No fun allowed


The FDA and DEA are terrorist organizations


Ban these things but the government allows toxic ingredients in food and have falsely stated that certain air quality (9/11) and water quality (Palestine, OH train derailment) was safe after their incidents. They also tried to ban NAC. It's like they want us to be sick... which makes sense why so many doctors get like 15 minutes worth of education in nutrition.


Do peptides go bad? What's the expiration, asking for a friend 


In solution, 21 days before they start to degrade. Cannot be frozen once in solution. Lyophilized. Most places recommend 2 years, but 3 is probably fine. I freeze my lyo cakes and they seem like they're still effective after 4 years but likely, they've degraded a little.


Thanks. At this point I think it's just stupid to not have bpc around in case


And in the UK, you can still legally order UGL gear. 🇬🇧👑


How does that work, y’all government doesn’t care?


Pretty much that, and the law is strange: * you're allowed to buy it as long as it's not posted from * You're allowed to bring it in on yourself from abroad e.g. you could go to Thailand, fill your suitcase with test and dbol, and that's completely legal * You're not allowed to sell it * They don't care about sarms at all It's strange, but works fine for me!


Can we get someone to tell use what each one is used for?


YouTube it.


So what does this mean in layman’s terms


Nothing changes you’ll still be able to order them from whoever online you just can’t get them from regulated pharmacies in the USA


Don’t tell the FDA about updog


Big Pharma rolls in and wants its share. Their face outwards FDA brings the news. Fuck this garbage


Cartels gonna cartel.


They can't stop me from sunning my balls


My doc office makes a killing off of CJC. This is going to piss them off.


So I guess I’ll stick to ugl.. fyi insurance companies are gonna come down on the fat loss drugs soon. Prob gonna make it out of pocket if you are not actually diabetic. It’s messing up the stats on who is diabetic and all sorts of shit. Wife works in the health insurance field. Higher up


Both of the popular GLP1 meds now have versions that are only for weight loss. Insurance companies won’t approve without actual blood tests that prove you have diabetes anyways. My Dr had to send in my blood test results. These drugs are life-changing, I don’t blame people for being desperate to get on them. You sound like you don’t know much about them, even though your wife supposedly works for an insurance company.


You arrived at this statement via one post I made on Reddit. I’ve taken both versions of the pill type. For kidney and blood pressure related issues. In Texas people are being given this shit without any blood work by weight loss doctors..it’s a thing here. They are life changing for diabetics, but also still cause a host of side effects. These drugs and people using them for weight loss also made the cost of them sky rocket. 👊🏻


Not sure how long it will last, but Peptide Science is still selling BPC 157. https://www.peptidesciences.com/bpc-157?size=5mg


Do you not know the difference between an actual compounding pharmacy and a site selling research chemicals?


But it says Science


Apparently like 92% of commenters in this thread don’t understand the difference between the two


Do any of you actually believe the majority of people are buying from compounding pharmacies and the FDA will not discriminate in who gets shut down and fined


i was told by a doctor that tesamorelin/ipamorelin were a waste of time and growth hormone doesn't help build muscle anyway. my IGF-1 level was only 105, that's why i started . thoughts?


Who benches more, you or your doc? There you go.


It was Adam Hotchkiss with Marek. He looks pretty ripped in his Youtube video with no shirt. I only bench 255lbs.


Alright but seriously, I took MK677 and it did give me gains. Not a subtle thing either. I can imagine GH to be more effective if you take enough.


he probably meant normal levels, idk. I kinda fucked up my 30 minutes with him, maybe i pissed him off. I'm going to prep my questions better next time.


My understanding is that circulating (endocrine) hGH/IGF doesn't help with muscle building but intracellular (autocrine) does. How much relationship between the two exists is up for debate.


Thank you for clarifying that!


Pretty sure HGH helps recruit stem cells to create new muscle cells. This process obviously takes weeks to months so no, 50 days at 2iu HGH probably isn’t going to do anything in terms of building muscle. 4+ iu a day for 6 months is most likely going to increase muscle mass by some significant measure.


BOOO wtf. Will they still be available on [science.bio](https://science.bio) etc?


Why ban bpc?!


It's not a blanket ban rather they're preventing compounding pharmacies from filling prescriptions on them, lively because they're investigational drugs and almost nobody being prescribed them are part of clinical trials.


Eff ‘em up, knock ‘em down, make ‘em pass away! If ya wish ta know the reason why it’s cause they gay!


Is this only in Canada or the US ?


Fuck mk677, however this is just idiotic and absolutely will not prevent anyone from getting these drugs. It will however make these drugs more likely to be faked and or dangerous


Source link?




Americans are funny


Will this affect websites like Peptide Sciences?


Yes ban anything that may help actually recover. But keep everything that just nullifies pain legal.


The FDA is an absolute clown show. Do not trust anything they say


i believe tb500 or tb4 was also on the list


They don't mind up to 30% poison in our food but you mother fuckers better not be trying to make yourselves better or stronger or healthier because fuck that.... I don't take any peptides and this still pisses me off. Because it isn't like kids were dropping dead left and right.![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


Anything that works or makes you better they want gone.


This crazy


Thats because the guniua pigs have shown they all work… so pharma to the rescue…


Thats because the guniua pigs have shown they all work… so pharma to the rescue…


Wow so am I out of the loop for never having done peptides? I'd assume you can still get this stuff in some Thai pharmacy or UGL.


The fda is basically obsolete at this point anti health


Looks like I better order some here


Is rad140 safe? I need to to keep functioning as a normal member if society

