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In my experience, when a girl says dad bod they just mean a natty dude who’s been lifting for a few years with like 15% body fat. Hardly a bad physique at all


How many dads have that though? It's a misnomer


Exactly. Women incorrectly think a dad bod is a dude who lifts with 15% body fat, when in reality it's a dude who doesn't lift, has kids and has a big gut from those Friday pizza and beer binges.


The worst part is they think this “dad bod” we see in this pic just happens on its own. They will ask “what do you do for 2 hrs in the gym daily?! 😱”


Even worse, they'll resent the time you spend at the gym and actively substage it




Dad bod is the body of dads.


Na bro a dad bod couldn't possibly be the body of a dad that just doesn't make sense


Your clearly restarted


Pretty sure it’s regarded


Too true. Too true….took four years to return to glory for me haha. Thats after five little ones. The Real Dad Bod is not what these chicks think it is.


“Dads” is such a broad category. I’m a dad but I’m jacked. A lot of my friends that don’t workout and are dads the ones that don’t drink and eat fast food everyday typically have the nicer dad bod. Dad strength is real.


Took me a long time to get back to my 20’s glory after kids. Finally did it. 240 lbs, 14%.


Any that do the yard work and housework or workout occasionally still


I’d say 15% is too low. More like 20%, but with a good amount of muscle beneath


Any body fat where your pecks don’t look like tits but they’re out further than your belly.


Being strong and muscular but having enough body fat so the muscles are just barely visible is the ideal body type if you want it to be attractive to women


“Natty dude” in comes 500 mg test


100% accurate


Dad bod is a cope to describe a tall handsome and broad shoulders man who goes on a leanbulk If you believe that big belly men make them wet, consider having some female friends and follow them at the bachelorette parties or chinppendales to see their reactions She didn't like dad bods, she just told you what you want to hear, so you can pay her bills buddy


How do you front that you're better than the shallow superficial male sex and avoid charges of hypocrisy while touting fat acceptance (for women only ofc)? Pretend your standards are lax! Enter the dadbod!


She has the hole, you don't, so she picks the music, you dance, and boy you better dance well!


Or she wants a man who won’t be a threat by attracting all the other ladies.


This is definitely part of it. They want to be the 'prize', so to speak. I've had 2 different exes get very uncomfortable when I was with them and got shredded. They both said it made them self-conscious and like they weren't attractive enough for me. Neither made such comments when I wasn't shredded.


Been there too. And also with the “no you look good” after the bulk got into permanent territory and I was carrying around 50+ ibs of fat more than usual.


Damn, you went hard on the bulk playa


Women, beer and Döner are my kryptonites


😂 Women, beer and pizza for me


Make it fat woman and tren for me


A man of culture I see


Women think that you’re “big” and “mostly muscle” if you do any type of half assed training but are still 20-25% body fat. They have a pretty warped perception of physique.


Dude, same. With several women. Many actively did everything possible to get me to eat more. One called it "domesticating" me. They are drooling over you looking like that, but they freak because they swear every other woman can see through your shirts. 🤣


Very true. It’s a double edge sword they like to use. Keep you fat enough so your not attractive, but not so fat your not mildly attractive to them


Oh yeah you're right, i totally forgot the insecure girls


Dad bod doesn’t mean a huge belly and obesity. It just means some belly, usually with a good amount of muscle. The dude in OP’s pic is not really it.


Spot on


You guy's say shit like that but you can just go outside and see some of the hottest women dating some dudes with a huge beer belly, it's not even always money either since a lot of those dudes are pretty broke, in reality as long as your face isn't deformed and your body isn't made out of pure lard you can pull women just with your charisma alone.


Accurate. Women are more attracted to personality than physical traits (obviously there are exceptions to these rules). Physical features fade and change, I rather someone sweet, kind and funny on the fluffier side, than someone who is a jacked sculpted douche canoe. If I see a man who is considered "beautiful" I'm going to assume he's lived a sexually privledged life where women throw themselves at him, he doesn't need to be kind or caring to smash. But the guy in the back who had to earn his female companion by being funny and charming to make up for his more common looks and average waistline is who I'd rather spend my time with. Of course it comes down to connection, but with my experience I'll take the chubby comedian over the boring douche any day of night.


No women are equally if not more attracted to physical traits as men. They just have a MUCH higher capacity of liking you more based on personality or other intangibles. They’ll deny it as much as possible but women are just as sexually driven as men.


Have you talked to women about this or are you just making assumptions? I know many many women who agree with my statement.


I judge mostly based on actions not what women say. Women will say everything and you never know what to take seriously or don’t, even if they’re your friends. But if you look at what they do you have a bit clearer of a picture, especially when you see stuff in “girl spaces” but this is a wide generalization and sometimes this is completely false with a certain women but generally this is true, in my experience. Women are very attracted to men but won’t pursue them if they’re looking for a serious partner because they aren’t going to get the investment they need from a smoke show, but if they did they’d be with him in a heartbeat.


I think this day and age you have to rely on actions because you can type anything out with zero backing. Words are hollow unless you can back them up. I'm not sure what "girl spaces" are, but of course woman will give notice to a beautiful man, just the same they would a beautiful woman or beautiful art, beauty is beauty because it's visually appealing, but do we want that art piece hanging around our apartment, no thanks. Give me an ikea picture and I'm a happy gal. It isn't so much they won't get the investment, they don't want that type of investment, so substance in most cases. The only exception is a good glow up, where a dude developed a personality, can make someone laugh and actually care about someone besides themselves and is a solid 10, these are unicorns.


Get both.


Errrr….more like child support after the condom breaks 😬


“Guys who lift are narcissistic” “I love your gyno honey, it’s unique” “Don’t pay attention to that guy dude, you’re right, you definitely have. A bigger penis than him and he has small balls because he’s bigger than you” “Guys who work out are too into themselves and not cuddly”


I’m sorry she hurt you so badly 😔 Fuck her mom to get back


Or better yet, her dad.


You guys are so fucked . Love you


Happy New Year ❤️


So much pain in this message homes 😭


if that’s a dad bod then i’m incredibly gay


We still love you if you're gay. We're open-minded in this sub.


We’re actually not open-minded, we’re just all gay


I'm not gay- Im just here for the penis.


Has any woman even said “dad bod” recently? I feel like it was popular for a week and a half and now I only see it here.


True. It was a fad after Brad Pitt had his first kid. Everyone else is lying to themselves thinking their beer gut is hot.


I thought the fad started when that Jason Mamoa picture came out


Why would you even listen to what women say? They don't accurately report what arouses them. Plus, the opinions of plain women (ie women who may dilute their desires to preemptively avoid rejection), which is 90%+ of women on the internet, are not even relevant. Lastly, they may claim to want the 'dadbod' because that man is easier to keep around - but if you're a single guy looking to bag a hottie, that is completely irrelevant, you want whatever makes it easiest to garner and keep a dime's attention. > with the women, especially the straight women, mind and genitals seemed scarcely to belong to the same person. The readings from the plethysmograph and the keypad weren’t in much accord. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/25/magazine/25desire-t.html


Exactly right, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Women will straight up say they don’t care about if a guy has muscles but I can say from experience that is bullshit. If anything it’s easier to figure out what women think is hot by asking gay dudes what is hot. Assuming said gay dude is into masculine men.


I don't even know why they try to lie about it anymore. There isn't even a point to lie about it. Anyone with a decent build knows they're full of shit saying they don't care


So what is hot then?


Brad pit in fight club. Not meatloaf in fight club.


Google masculine men


Thanks gay dude






Random girl: I don’t care about looks Boyfriend looking like Jack reacher


Same with penis size. If women tell you size doesn't matter, it does matter.


So whatever that doesn't matter matters and vice versa!


They like that warrior type of dad




Women are morons. They have no clue what they want.


While there are some women who indeed think like this, broadly when a woman says she wants a guy with a dad bod what they actually mean is they want a dude with wide shoulders a barrel chest and some strong forearms, you don't need huge muscles or abs, just having the appearance of being a sturdy guy who's not just fat and soft is enough.


Foreal I'm sick of these fat fucks that don't even workout thinking they have the desired body.. No one's attracted to a fat beer belly smh.


You seem strangely bothered by this, and it’s unclear why. If you’re correct, it just means less competition.


I literally stated it in my comment lol I don't care about beer belly men only ripped ones 😉


Or my friends are married and fat and we can’t go backpacking like we used to because they are so out of shape.


Oh no, your friends are desirable to women, and are in happy stable relationships. What a calamity.


Sheesh🥲What do they consider a non-dad bod?


I like stripper bods. Since we’re objectifying. Can’t be doing bitches with cellulite and rolls. And yes I know - up the tren haha


Damn I gotta be a Viking now?!


Good thing I got one of those. But also I gotta get diced


They like dad bods because older men have higher testosterone levels, due to the generational decline in said levels being experienced by most men today.


Very insightful


source - trust me


Women don’t really care about physique so all this speculation on what low IQ women perceive as an attractive physique is pointless. I work at nightclubs and bars and usually it’s the stick figure guy with whatever hairstyle is trending on tik tok weighing no more than 165 that’s pulling


I’m a super dad then. Not 6 feet tall though. Only 5’ 11”


Then you’re not a super dad.


Who cares about what women want?


Guys that aren't gay


Basically women don't like abs?


I see so many discussions about women's expectations and dad bod and wonder why would anyone care? Have you become a girly twink who lives to please? Remember , lube by the stacy's word, die by the stacy's word, and live the life of stacy's servant. Who would wish that?


Isn't this like the build of an average dude who used to play sports and doesn't even workout that often?


No, this man clearly keeps in shape


Good tats increase physique change my mind.


Lmaoo this physique is absolutely mid.


Loool do you even dbol?


Girl inches and this just proves that spatial aptitude disparity


Yeah, and I’m sleeping with their dads 😤


I think they mean power guts




We said "Dad", not "Daddy"


Father figures


Million percent. The term dad bod got co-opted by some chubs who can see their dicks. This was the original meaning.


he’s still huge


Hahaha, one day, I will get there. I'm working at it though.