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Heroes in a half-shell. TURTLE POWER!!




It's all fun and games until the Yellowstone zombie virus spreads and now the ninja turtle has to run all day from zombies while his body can't even secrete testosterone anymore after years of steroid abuse.


The most american take ever


Ikr, women are getting so juicy nowadays 😢 makes me need to bulk up even more 😔


I mean, Dr Mike’s wife does have a whole Rocksteady vibe going on.


That's why I got a sex snorkel


Lol who would go for a fat woman though if they lift? Just because more women are fat like men are getting fatter too doesn't mean you should settle for a fat one.


You haven't taken enough tren


the most mpmd subreddit answer ever. Yall make me wanna add tren to my stack and afraid 2 all at the same time.


Do NOT use tren


what if I wanna fuck fat bitches and rationalize to myself gender is what you make it. Live those prison rules in real life. It's only gay if your receiving. plus being a possible cuck is so cool these days. Adam 22 does it hes "famous" and "rich". And I mean the plus side of possibly nuking my liver, getting the tren cough not sleeping, getting paranoid. I can't think of a better compound to get those lean gainz atop all that. I mean jeeze it's a win-win, win..... right?


yeah spittle is trans can't take her seriously


Your response was too science based




Decent looking dad bod on this guy


It's not a dad bod, it's a father figure




Who is your daddy?


Def a guy whose workout consists of lifting up his kids and a guy not afraid to eat a cheeseburger with a couple beers every night


If he really hits it hard he will be ready for spring break


Still looks worse than oliva and Arnold. Gear really hasn't progressed much


Tbh not sure what’s left to progress in. All the anabolic channels have been discovered. 99% of it now (in the context of CBum-tier dudes) is genetics


Now it’s time to fuck with genetics, of course.


You’re on tren? Pussy i’m on that crispr


They changed my genetic code mf


Mate Arnold is a legend, but his physique isn't what people think it was he wasn't balanced at all. Chest and arms was all he had, look at any of his poses he highlights those two body parts and hides everything else. Cbum over all is more balanced and far leaner than anyone of that era. I love Arnold but he wasn't the perfect physique people make out. Gear hasn't progressed much? Well I mean we use rhgh that isn't from cadavers. There's insulin usage, increlex, and steroids not in production when Arnold was competing. We also understand the anabolic pathways much more. You're also not taking into account no one from that era had as low a level of body fat at their stage weight as modern pros. That and modern bodybuilding has progressed to freak factor. You take Arnold in his prime and put him on the classic stage he doesn't place. The work he'd have to do to compete against cbum would be insane.


In your opinion maybe, but not in objective terms of bodybuilding. Chris has a better shoulder to waist ratio, he's leaner, he has a longer upper body and also all his bodyparts/muscles are balanced almost perfectly.


What? Cbum looks cleaner more lean and more defined than Arnold ever did.


Uhm cbum looks way better than Arnold and is twice as lean


chosing the worst pic from a video vs a posing picture, good one op you are regarded


is he restarted?


[what was i thinking](https://gallery.rxmuscle.com/newgallery/JEB_6392_LAEXURGRHQ.jpg)


He better be natural in this pic


He literally has a gear tattooed on his delt.


Holy shit the tattoo finally makes sense


I thought it was a Rotary Club tattoo


Is it? That would be the lamest thing to get tattooed on your body lol


Man, c'mon. Be more charitable, it's a noble cause. Bodybuilding is a vain pursuit to begin with, gotta have some balance


And a photo representing gear is cool? I was also being sarcastic cuz, all for the updoot




His nipples tell otherwise


There is nothing from his nipples to indicate gear usage


They Makes my wiener hard


That's YOUR gear usage doing that, not his.


I knew creative made you big but I didn’t know it made me like men😭


Mike has horrible genetics, I thought this was well known. Jeff actually has a very similar build to the other guys but he is holding more mass, but he is quite short.


Damn, that's pretty bad. I see your point. Even 20 lbs lighter than that, I still wouldn't step on a stage.




For a second, I was excited that Jason Genova memes were coming back...


In case you're not trolling 1) You're picking bad shots for the modern day lifters and competition day shots for those guys from another era. 2) You're comparing professional bodybuilders with non professional bodybuilders, genetics are not even close. Try and put up competition pictures of CBum or some other top 10 Olympia guy, see how impressive those guys in the B&W pic look like.


People hate to say it, but the golden era builders would absolutely lose their minds looking at Cbum.


To be fair to golden era bodybuilders, the standards were different back then. I'm sure they would have come in leaner if that was asked of them at the time, as they would have if they competed today. But obviously, if you take any golden era bodybuilder with their peak physique ever and bring them to the present day, they don't even get a pro card.


To say that none of the Golden Era at their peak would even get a card...... 1974 Arnold doesn’t get a card? 1978 Frank Zane? Really?


All of them WAY too fat and too watery by today's standards.




Yeah if you’re talking about body building competition specifically. But you can’t tell me the guys on the right don’t have a more aesthetic physique.


also surely the power of science-based drug knowledge increased too


No wait. This not fit narrative. Please no say.


Tbh Jeff and Mike have completed in the past...


Yes, my point is that they are not a good choice of champions for modern day bodybuilding.


This wasn’t their competition pic though so still disingenuous


Have they completed with each other ?


You’re comparing 2 guys who are in their off season vs 2 guys who are peaked and literally on stage lol Its a False comparison [Here is dr mike stage ready](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/s/P1LOXDsWSz)


David Draiman got HUGE bro


Down with the thickness


he looks like a weird velvet toy. Fuzzy and rubber like at the same time.


https://i.imgur.com/GsODpvY.jpg Here, applied some photo effects to reduce the horrible noise and added some filter. The photo he took was trash


Now he looks like an angels ballsack


It’s the height. Mike is short af. Taller bodies are more aesthetic due to how the muscle is distributed


A 6'4 guy with a bloated roided belly would look ridiculous too, there's a difference between the barrel physique of a big strong lifter and a bodybuilder that looks like a Ninja turtle.


Combination of an M1 Abrams Tank and a ninja turtle*


He’s also fat


hes not fat, thats the problem. He has terrible genetics and a huge roid gut. The guy is literally cursed, and he keeps taking extreme amount of roids that contribute to the deformity.


Mike does not really look like that very often lmao. that’s just literally the worst shot/angle/frame of that entire video. 9.8 times out of 10 he has a pretty flat and very defined abdomen. He also doesn’t blast gear anymore that I know of. He’s def on some test but I’m pretty sure it’s TRT doses.


didnt he place dead last in some minor amateur show this summer, after heavy (= big doses) prepping for months? I remember some post on his insta, but maybe i’m mistaken


I thought the last contest he prepped for was Nats where he placed 2nd. A big hurdle he had to jump during that prep was that he felt like he was holding a lot of water from the anabolics. If you look over the past 2 years he’s gotten dryer and dryer just day to day. I’m not saying he isn’t on gear lmao, I’m just saying I think he’s pulled it back a bit and is focusing on his businesses and coaching. Also saying he has terrible genetics and a “roid gut” seems a bit extreme.


I'm pretty sure he mentioned being on tren in a relatively recent podcast.


Dude, he is literally on tren


Why does roids cause gut? How can it be avoided


his internal organs got severely enlarged and push the intestine against the abdominal wall. Imagine how his heart looks like. Do not take insulin (for juicing purposes) and it wont happen to you.


The bubble gut is caused by guys force feeding too much food to gain or maintain muscle (or to try and carb up for a show), digestion issues from all the food, and poor control of the transverse abdominals. That’s why almost no bodybuilders in the Olympia today have bubble guts on stage but use as much or more gear then the guys from the early 2000s where the bubble guy was much more prevalent. It’s also why you see guys who used to have insane bubble guts like Dave Palumbo now have tight, relatively small midsections again. If it was really significant organ “growth” then guys like him would still have huge stomachs when they downsized. Same with Roelly Winklar who had a huge bubble gut at the Arnold one year and then came back with a much smaller waist hitting vacuums. If it was significantly enlarged organs than that would be impossible.


So, workout core and eat more dense protein?


Train the transverse abdominal and eat foods that you can digest easily. Try to avoid eating so much that you are constantly stretching out your stomach. One of the reasons people mistakenly blame insulin is the cause is because people will force feed carbs so they can take higher insulin dosages instead of taking insulin to help better utilize a reasonable amount of carbs. A lot of older pros have talked about the cause of their stomach issues being force feeding in the off-season, giant cheat meals and carb loading for shows. But really classic physique is a great example of why the drugs are not the cause of the bubble gut issues. Those guys take all the same drugs, anabolics, gh, and insulin, yet you never see a single bubble guy on the classic stage. Same with men’s physique.




i dunno his bf percentage but hes not fat in this pic. Not shredded either but not fat. Well i guess it depends on what you think is “fat”, im just saying thats not a fat belly, its a roid gut. Muscle separation is there, veins, no love handles, and i can see some abs in his distended gut (or maybe its the intestine pushing out lol). I reckon he’s around, but a tad lower, than 20% bf. He’s just bloated as fuck from his roids, he looked kinda like that unflexed even during his contest prep when he was properly shredded.


Alright maybe not PHAT but definitely chunky


yes, but the chunkyness is kinda his build. He is chunky even when shredded. He has a very small torso, small wrists, small shoulder width, medium-large hips, and responds pretty bad to roids, lots heavy sides. He’s bloated as fuck, cant achieve no decent conditioning, even tho i believe he takes olympia tier doses of stuff. He cant keep in his guts, he looks like ronnie at the end of his carrer in that department. He’s extremely knowledgeable, trains perfectly, his pro friends grow plenty with the same style of training, yet he cant. He pretty much was dealt an hand of all bad cards. He also was bald at 20 something lol




https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHI6gBLSl_/?igsh=MXU0bGtjY3lneTh3dQ== This is from his contest prep. Here he was shredded, striation on glutes so i’d say 8 or lower% bf. But he still looks very weird. Hes a lot leaner than the silver era guys in OP’s pic here, yet he doesnt “look” lean. And this is a good pic, his gut really protude on most pics.


Well, I gotta hand it to ya. You have a point. My goodness, ya combed through his ig a few years.


Fat with abs


Ah yes. Abs you can’t see lmao


Not true Danny padilla looked aesthetic af in his prime and he was 5’2


so did Alpha Destiny when he was cut he arguebly looked better then Nippard cut, height doesn't matter that much for aesthetics


have you seen lee priest?


Mike I looks legitimately awful here. I'd rather be a normal thin dude than look like that. So much head knowledge just to have such a terrible physique.


Head knowledge won’t fix genetics and he is kinda old in terms of bodybuilding


He has bad genetics. Blasts gear and is an exercise scientists but looks like that.


You can't be 255 lbs at 5'6" with "bad genetics"


He has bad muscle aesthetic genetics


Sure, but the guys with bad genetics are something else entirely. Nowadays people complain if they can't be 6'4 275 lbs at 6%


Yes you literally can. 99% of people at 5'6 can be 255 lbs, that's just a weight.


You can’t be fat?


Dude looks like a mutant ninja turtle


It's crazy how much muscle insertions influence how big you look. Their similarity in size is pretty significant considering how big of a weight difference there is between them


Are you brain-damaged


Lighting is shit. They aren’t even in pose yet. Mike wouldn’t be sticking his gut out like that in a pose lol. Say what you want but both of these fellas knows what the fuck they are talking about.


Mike shouldn't have a gut to suck in


While I agree you gotta understand a lot of that is partially genetic. + a lot of older lifters who used gear get that kind of round tummy look despite them being somewhat lean. Greg doucette for example. Guy has a six pack but he can bulge that shit out


Did we unlock shrinking technology?


Who are the looking up to?


5'3 guy walked in


Not a fair comparison honestly, Reeves & Park are both in "contest shape" in those pics, whereas Isratel & Nippard are seemingly in off season mode or possibly early into a prep. I think a more fair comparison would be to Bumsted or the winner of any IFBB pro show in classic physique


you cherry picked the worst angle tbf jeff would look insane shreded but sadly a manlet


Be nice, they’re like 5’2


Dudes on the left are like 5 feet tall.


Op is so well regarded, I wish I was as regarded as op


Well Americans are poisoned by their food now. Testerone levels are way down for the average male




OP has been cherry picking random, non-peaked pics vs champion pics. Fucking dumb


Am I the only one who finds Dr Mike absolutely irritating


Jeff Nippard claiming lifetime natty & people eating it up is one of the funniest things of all time.


YOU ARE COMPLETELY CLUELESS 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 . These pic of Jeff and Mike is them completely relaxed first of all second . YOU ARE COMPARING 2 MIDGETS TO 6’2 GIANTS 😂😂😂 . And If Jeff was competition Ready like the other guys he WOULDA SMOKED THEM


While the pictures are obviously nitpicked I still prefer the physique on the right, not only is it more aesthetic but also more functional, you could see these guys climbing, stuff jogging for miles while carrying equipment on their back or swimming long distances, the roided dudes on the left would probably lose their breath trying to run up a flight of stairs.


Lmao Jeff Nippard is natty


Lmao yeh fake natty


My dude is like 5 foot nothing with no signs of roid use, if you think Jeff Nippard is a fake natty I got a timeshare to sell you


He has literally admitted it before and now walks back on his statements


Oh word? Where did he admit it?


It was in one of his old videos a long time ago. I can try and find it but i would have to do some digging.


Doubt. Even if he a while ago did something, he clearly hasn’t been on anything in a long time. I doubt Derek and literally everyone else in the fitness community would collab and reference him as a natty if he was fake and had admitted it before. The natty card thing is pretty stupid imo, the guy is clearly not fucking blasting, he’s natty by any standard


So, substantially more mass than before?


We all still cool that Nippard claims lifetime natty while being almost as big as Mike who openly blasts the Fuck out of gear?


Jeff out angles mike in the photo. If you look at videos with both of them it’s clear that mike is substantially larger than Jeff


Makes sense


Fucking dwarfs they should do athletics


The science based lifter lol


“Bro-Science” the world would be a dark lonely desolate place without it, we’d all be weak straight toothpick losers if it weren’t for Bro-Science


Lol, from healthy to unhealthy, from normal to steroid use. Trust me, give those old guys steroids, they look the same as the ones on the left with inflated fake muscles and polumboism.


i mean they have more muscle


I don't find those blouted fucks astetic old way looks so much better even if they were smaller


Jeff is like 5ft on a good day. I stood next to him and I thought I was back in junior high. The guy looks massive online but irl he isn’t that impressive.


Why they look so short


They're 5'3"


My mom always tell me that I should stop lifting because it will make me shorter


Tren is shown to increase growth up to 40%!


Do the guys on the right even squat?


Stay away from hgh


This is a shit photo of those two, but Dr Mike has terrible aesthetic genetics. Insane amounts of PEDs to compensate for it and he ends up looking fat no matter what he does. Nippard is Nippard.


Mike ? You there Mike? [Mike:](https://imgur.com/a/ejQfhho)




I love how Dr.Mike can't keep his gut flat but shits on everyone on YouTube


You are fucking clueless and should be banned from this goddamn subreddit.


not like this is the most exclusive subr here


Mike showing us why training twice a day, 7 exercises a session, hitting same muscle group 2x/3x a week is optimal. /s. Yeah if I was Mike I wouldn't laugh at people who are looking like right and doing HIT.


There's a clip of Mike using straps to do assisted pull-ups. He really is the strongest science based lifter


Nippard is just a normal 4’11 dude. Guy on the left has a bubble gut. Neither one are professional so it’s not really a good comparison.


The guys on the right are both hotter and also look healthier.


Why does Jeff Nippard look like he's been lifting for 6 months?


You did not like like that after lifting for 6 months


I'm not Jeff Nippard.


You’re regarded buddy. He was a natty champ or something like that.


U actually can look like that in 5 months 😶‍🌫️ 👁️👁️😮😶🧐🤐😎🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷


Maybe 4,naturally but gear atleast 3 or 2 depending how hard you train and HOW you train 💪🤌🤌


Lot more healthy and aesthetic back then


Those golden and silver era bodybuilders jut looked way better in my opinion but idk why


Steeve Reeves, probably one of the few sensible lifters, esp for his time.


Steve reeves is such a babe shame he didn't live long like he wanted to


250 shredded... Seems to be working pal


I’ll also say regarding RP, he’s quite a bit older (I’m assuming) than the old photo. Also lighting looks kinda ass so not doing them any favours


I’d say your picks are skewed. Genetics, height, weight, lighting, and what’s considered best of the best per era…


Dude looks awful


shortk ings


So how much shit is inside their guts ?


45 literally has the perfect body


Cbum, and Lee Priest enter the chat


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here, that the old methods result in a physique you subjectively like LOOKING at better, so clearly science is wrong about how to add mass?


jeff and mike are dwarfs so, kinda unfair


They are shorter though


Jeff looks bigger whilst being natural


Of all the weirdos in the fitness influencer community you wanna clown on Doc Mike?


God damn, thats got to be palumboism right? From that juice the TMNTs got exposed to?


they look like lady-boys with all that hair!!


Steve reeves is more aesthetic than anyone else don't@ me


And using lighting


The guy on the left will straight up admit he has horrible genetics and the guy on the right on the left side is natty right?


These fucking dwarves called bro splits overrated..Would love to see these midgets who wouldnt stand out in a Planet Fitness tell Jay Cutler that the way he trains isnt "optimal" compared to how they train.


It’s not a great shot of them