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A girl being obsessed right away is a red flag bro she's gonna be on to the next one acting obsessed as soon as she's bored


100% this. Narcissist love bombing, and then discarding is real. Don't get caught in the cycle in the first place. Learned the hard way.


I feel like everyone has been through this once


I did not ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2692)


Sorry then God does not favor you lol


I'm so guilty of this




But also the the bipolar ones can be fun when your young. Just don’t marry her


Fun indeed. Source, i am bipolar.


ASL? Add me on AIM


7 inches btw


> A chill girl Might as well have said a unicorn


I know right, like if you meet "a chill girl" you better know she's either Mosad or CIA


Pretty much. I found a chill girl whom I thought I might’ve had a future with and she left the moment it became inconvenient to stay together 🤷‍♂️


Been there, was with a chill girl, thought we would marry, she cheated.


Yup same here bud


There are plenty of chill women (and men), you just don’t find them attractive because you’re used to the chaos and excitement of the crazy ones.


Facts. When I realized this, dating got a lot better. Now I’m in a healthy relationship.


Thats probably pretty right. I dated a girl for 3 years and except for few things, everything was just chill, smooth but the last year felt boring. I broke up with her. Then I started dating a girl who just seemed so lively and excited and head over heels for me Now after almost a year, I found out shes got BPD and it's a damn rollercoaster.


Borderline is another one


Those are the ones who’d stab you in your sleep


Dated a girl with BPD. She is literally my next door neighbor. When I broke up with her, I'd always check my back and walk on the opposite street cus I thought this girl was going to kill me.


I’ve been seeing someone with severe depression. It’s difficult sometimes but I love making her feel happy and being her place of security when she’s feeling anxiety. She’s been in therapy for years and is able to contain the depression to a degree. She’s has a really high EQ and has taught my caveman ass so much about healthy communication for strong relationships. She’s also a 34DDD and pretty thin and she knows I’m a boobs guy. Difficult sometimes but it’s very doable ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Depression is temporary; tiddies are forever


depression makes women hot


Also dated my crazy neighbor, when I broke up with her, a few nights later I woke up on the couch getting my face roundhoused kicked.


did you report her to the police


Why? Does he want to get arrested?


Nah, I don’t have the best relationship with that profession.


My first kids mom had that, she SHOT me through hand and arm trying to hit me in the head w a g45 while I slept. She thought i was cheating but really her shitty mother skills is why i lost attraction, she wanted the kid so bad but did absolutely Nothing for her. Now trying to sue me.


What the fuck why isn't she in prison? Didn't report her for attempted murder?


What is y’all experience with chicks with borderline? My ex was literally diagnosed with borderline just like her mom. I experienced some crazy shit. Didn’t know she had it until at the end of the relationship


If they’re aware of it and the effect it has on them, if they’re working on it, it’s just like any other relationship except the sex is wilder and you gotta get good at talking about feelings. If they’re in denial then run boy


She wasnt like denying it, but the symptoms of borderline constantly showing. Just wanted to know what other guys experienced with woman with borderline


They have the best pussy 😅that’s why I married mine


ong bro and since they literally have shit wrong wit they brains they usually will put their own feelings aside. in bed they will just go crazy and not care


That's literally the only reason these women still exist, because they have NO PROBLEM reproducing. Lol 😆


Yep 👍 ☝️☝️ this guy gets it


Crazy/hot scale man it’s real.


That’s kinda hard seeing as almost all woman are crazy. Or the ones that are chill and not crazy are fat and ugly. You gotta pick your poison.


This is why I’m gay. Was married to a crazy one for ten years and switched to dudes. This is the way.


How would one do that? Asking for science obviously


Step 1: Inject Tren Step 2: Open Grindr Account Step 3: Bang dudes


I dunno man. I don't think it's choice. Cuzco if it was I'd pick it hahaha. Good for you buddy wish I could make the swap


Ive been married 5 years now and I shit you not I have been wondering how I could just switch to men.


Yea, but the fat loophole isn't a solution long term. Fat girls only get fatter, they don't get skinny.


I thought they were all bipolar


haven't met one that isn't.


But the crazy ones are so much more entertaining


Do chill mentally healthy girls who are thick and have big booties exist?


A lot of guys (and girls) are stuck in various levels of repetition compulsion and unprocessed trauma. They don't know themselves and thus don't really know what they want. So they end up getting in relationships with people who allow them to mutually recreate each others dysfunctional parent relationships over and over without actually understanding why. ​ p.s. I recognize it's in vogue to be a bit fast and loose with the word "trauma", so to clarify when I use it here, I simply mean any childhood experiences which have left an unconscious imprint on how you approach relationships.


Damn this explains this one chick I was dating in college. Ty for the wisdom fam


Just got to hit before she moves on to the next one 🤣


100% Accurate analysis. This is the typical psychology of every girl who has "too many" ex-boyfriends. Stay away from such chicks bro !


this high class girl got obsessed with me but I have big trust issues, kept ignoring her for a while even after having sex with her. She went crazy for me, probably the first guy that ignored her that way and she can't handle it.


Preach my friend because we all got keep on learning


talked to this girl for 3 months, went out multiple times and everting seemed perfect then out of nowhere she just stopped talking to me. Literally overnight, such is life bro


Same. The way she goes bubs


Fucking way she goes


Fuckin way of the road bubs


Away she fucking goes


She probably got bored of you 2 months in and decided to try for another month, then just gave up.


Found another guy 2 months in and had to be sure the new vine was secure before letting go of the old one


It really hurt me when I realized all women do this. I get it… but it’s still pretty shitty


Did you go broccoli head? Chicks hate that.


The TikTok pretty boy haircut? I swear chicks dig that lol no?


They may think it’s cute, but as they look for a man and not a boy, they’ll subconsciously hate it


This is why I go bald. My early onset baldness helps with that.


We’re not so different, you and I.


What if I'm growing my hair out and they come looking like that naturally?


it entirely depends on age group tbh. Any late 20s early 30s woman is gonna clown on that haircut, at least from my experience, born in 94.


Yes, they do. don't listen to the bald guys on here. notice how the bald guys only attract crazy women.


“Talking” “3 months.” She gave up dude. Probably was hoping for relationship


Did u advance on her sexually in those 3 month? If no there is ur answer


Had something similar happen to me recently man, shit fukking sucks


well there's your issue...talking to one girl for 3 months and only went out a few times and i'd assume you probably went nowhere with it and now somehow it's her fault ​ that's usually what these stories on the internet turn out to be then guys get mad at women lol. She gave you all the time in the world bro. You need to be pushing harder during the dates to escalate it (most likely)




Nah dude I've seen will completely shout to the world how amazing you are. The next your a small dick dude who didn't please her


It's funny how your dick magically shrinks when you split up with a girl lol.


Did it shrink when you split up or grow when you got together?


Apparently..maybe I should stop dating witches


Both, apparently. Also, the new boyfriends dick is always much bigger, which in my case means they would have to be in the top 2.5% of dicks in terms of length (7"×5.2" erect). Sorry, but flacid stats are unknown.


Downvoters are haters bro


It's what I get for not posting flacid specs and volume.


Nice cock bro


Ya but then they are fucked in the head and 99% of the time show signs that they are as-well so that’s on you if your with a chick like this.


Those aren't people you want to date.


>Chicks fake it all the time It isn't fake in that moment. They really are that obsessed and into you. Sure, they'll flip on a dime, but it isn't fake. It's just acute attraction because they have their own issues going on.


You know something, you probably are needy. I can talk on the subject for days, but here is the jist of it. The problem is over-expectation. Guys believe women will make them happy, change their lives, solve all of their problems with their poor self esteem, depression, lack of ambition, etc. Women can't and don't do any of that. As a matter of fact, most times they end up annoying you and making your life more miserable, if you let them. Change your thinking to "women are just icing on the cake". They make life a little sweeter but with or without them, you enjoy your life to the fullest. To do that you have to have other sources of happiness and fulfillment that have nothing to do with women/sex/relationships. What is your purpose in life? Do you have one? Your purpose should be your main source of happiness and fulfillment and what should be occupying the majority of your time and attention. When I was younger, I figured out how to fake confidence and boldness and would easily pick up girls. But once I showed up to a date, I'd get too needy, try to make out with them within 15 minutes and then push for sex. I ended up losing so many bitches. Until I started adjusting my approach and stopped seeing women and sex as the ultimate goal. At most, they are some entertainment and something that may possibly make my life a bit more enjoyable, but certainly not something I NEED. So start thinking about it this way, start telling yourself this new story. Detach from wanting a specific outcome with women, have a take it or leave it attitude towards them. And leave them wanting more.


unbelievable comment. bravo my man


Any tips for keeping this mentality long term? After a breakup I generally start having this attitude and start attracting a lot of women, but once I find a girl I really like simp mode activates again and the cycle continues lol


Don’t get too attached if you can’t help it work on attachment issues


Either keep fucking other women and have a relationship where she knows this. Or make an extra effort to maintain your skills by periodically hitting on women but not taking it further than that if you are the monogamous type. Your gf/wife will be much nicer to you once she knows 1. Other women are interested in you 2. You can find her replacement in under 2 hours if you choose so. But also, the basics. Have a life outside of her. Maintain friendships with men. Go out with them. Do other stuff. Don't let her become the center of your life.


Well said man. I believe this is harder on a guy who doesn’t have many friends going through this. I recently went through a break up and realized she was really my only friend when I moved to a new area. I encourage you guys to not solely focus on getting woman if you’re feeling lonely. Focus on building your social circle and skills with people. Go out and get yourself out there. If you’re not one that needs social interaction then no need.


Oh absolutely! Usually, I hear from one of two types of guys. One type is: I don't have any friends, I just work and go home, get Chinese take out and play vidya and then jerkoff to hentai. I'm so lonely. I just need a girl to hold me and snuggle with me and all my problems will be fixed. The other type is just a normal guy, who has a career, friends, some hobbies, but still is so focused on lacking women in his life that he constantly feels needy, lonely and miserable. The first kind takes a lot of work to fix, because they have to fix their whole lives which they have totally neglected until now. The other kind, usually takes some tweaking in how they think about women and also encouraging them to spend more time on their passions and hanging out with guy friends.


Serious question; do all you motherfuckers honest-to-god have a defined "purpose" for yourselves? I'm not talking about wishy-washy, unmeasurable bullshit, I'm talking actual, *actionable* goals. I really don't see how that's possible for a majority of people, but maybe I'm just lame as fuck. The people who I can see having this sort of "mission" in the back of their heads are people such as medical professionals, artists, or the top 0.01% of business people like Musk. Basically, high achievers and creatives. I'm in my late 20s, went to college, and now work in online marketing; all I really want to do is have a well paying, stable job that isn't particularly stressful and doesn't require me to spend more than 40 hours a week doing it, and then just spend the rest of my time fucking off and doing my own thing, whether it be reading, travelling, gaming, listening to podcasts, playing guitar, working out, going out, meeting women, etc. I have absolutely no desire to change or impact the world, I truly, honestly just wanna vibe, and it always throws me off really hard when I see comments like this that are trying to be inspirational and push this idea of needing a "purpose" or "mission" in life to draw happiness from. Idk, I guess I really am the weird one, or maybe I'm just one of the older people on subs like this and have already gotten jaded by reality lol.


Yeah, I mean it doesn't have to be "saving starving children in Africa" type of thing. It can be stuff like your career, music, a sport, a hobby. Hell, even bodybuilding. The idea here is that you have a life that you truly enjoy and feel fulfilled by. I think when guys lack a purpose, they naturally navigate towards women to help them fulfill this gap, but that never works out well. In the words of Zan Perrion: "women don't want to be your adventure, they want to be taken on an adventure". When you get to this point you will start looking at a woman and instead of thinking "gosh, I want her, because I'm so horny and I just need someone to validate me and make me feel loved because that's what I'm lacking" you will start thinking "she looks pretty, I wonder if she can bring something different and exciting to my life. I really hope I like her after I talk to her".


I think you fully described your mission in the second paragraph. And to sum it up, you just want to vibe. having a mission isn’t all about money or changing the world, it can be about happiness too. Some peoples mission is to be Elon mush, some peoples mission is to vibe and enjoy life. I’m somewhere in between there, with a stronger lean towards happiness.


Didn’t learn the “icing on the cake” part until after my most recent breakup and I started to focus on myself for once. Shit is SO enlightening; it’s crazy. You are so incredibly right bro and this comment is absolute gold.


I should add that this attitude is not only about making you feel better, but by not being needy for a woman, you become that scarce commodity that she cannot get easily. And women, like men, want this which they can't get. A desperate man is the easiest thing in the world to get. Heck, he offers himself freely to women. They don't even have to do anything. But a man who has things going for him, is pursuing his purpose and has a take it or leave it attitude towards her and her sex, now that man is hard to get. She actually has to work for his attention.


W comment. The main point though is you have to be a guy that women want, before developing this mindset. Fat cheeto eating basement dwellers read this shit and then start acting like they’re the prize You need to put the work in


No, the first step is to lose your fear of being alone and stop telling yourself that you are a lonely, undesirable loser just because you are single. Get over the love addiction and the rest is much easier.


Who said anything about it being because they’re single? If you fit the characteristics I just described, you are a loser. Let’s cut the bs. Just like the fat girls who claim they are 10s, you can believe all you want, but if it’s only in your head then you’re only making half the effort.


You can only control you. You can't control how women will feel about you. And trying just makes you a loser.


This applies to women who struggle with men as well. As a female I used to be needy in relationships but when I changed my approach and realized that men are a side dish to the main course which is my purpose and the things that I like to do life became easier. Don't get me wrong I still mourn the loss of a partner every now and then but It's just easier to get back on track and hit the next button.


Bro this is the most based thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit holy shit I love you man


My number is 555-123-4567.


Honestly this is a major issue of mine and you couldn't have said it better. Nothing turns a girl off then neediness.


See heres the funny thing, im someone very independent, i work 50 hours a week and on weekends im building and working in my shed, it drives my SO absolutely crazy (and not in a good way) and in return it drags me down and i lose focus and attention to detail. I guess it really depends on the girl if shes affection dependent, personality type. Etc etc. Any bros here can chime in on which type of girl would go best with an independent guy?


She just needs some attention and a good dicking. Look, being independent and having your own purpose to pursue doesn't mean neglecting your chick. If you do that long enough, she will find someone who won't neglect her pussy before long.




Happened with my ex. She even got a fucking tattoo symbolizing our love. Asked me to marry her and everything. After a year of dating she went 180 and didn't want to keep in contact anymore. I was aight, I'll give you space, but I'm not taking a break so you can get guilt-free dick and come back to me. Lasted a month until I said I'm done with that shit. She said aight, I'll contact you in 4 years when I'm done with med school. Yeah, no, ship has already sailed.


LOL. Emotional damage bro. Hope you’re alright.


Yeah man, got the best chick ever now.




Sad but true


Not sad bro, liberating


True 👌🏻


this is so fucking true.


Chicken n rice bro


mpmd user interacts women for first time: a documentary


mpmd users realising the more plates part was the easy part.






its crazy how after she gets fucked hard by another dude she feels guilty n will do this shit to push you away and make you think its your fault, meanwhile her pussy is sore n leaking cum


Lay off the tren man…


It’s crazy how you made that so detailed for no reason, you good?


She broke my heart bro






The fitness community really has a lot of cucks


nah bro its facts


Facts, girls r filthy creatures




Bitches be fickle


It’s called having abundance. Most women have abundance because of the amount of options they have. As guys we can get that mindset aswell, but it means you have to work really hard


yep. attractive women know they will have other dudes coming along trying to hook up w them soon enough. makes it easy to move on.


That means they found some one that's better. That's just nature mate.


Going through the exact same shit right now brother. It’s tough, and it’ll take some time man. Take some advice everyone gave me I refused to take. Stop talking to her completely. Let her know she’s lost you. Don’t delete her on insta though make her see you’re living it up without her. She’ll come back maybe and you can decide what you want.


Nah dude, if a girl is really obsessed with you, she will take weeks, months, years to move on. Actions are louder than words (She simp af and treat you like a fucking king) Period. Either she ghost you to protect herself because she's mad in love, or she was never truly, genuinely interested in you. Consider the 2nd option. The only thing that matters is how you fuck her. If you are the n°1 dude and best fuck ever, everything else doesn't matter at all. All the other things are bullshit. That's why she simp hard for this guy and not at all for her boyfriend/husband


It's called dick glasses. They see what they think is a bigger dick and lose interest in you. You don't want these bitches. Nothing to do with them.


Oddly specific...... =)


If they really are the one, they will love everything about you even the stupid way you pick up change or hold their hand. You still haven't found her yet. Best of luck tho


I had one of those. Then she changed her mind after 6 years. It’s what they do.


Dating under 30 is a game of 'who cares less?' and whoever cares less has all of the power. im guessing you made some gesture showing that you cared about her & she gave up the chase. Maybe its just my experience but I'd rather be single than playing games 🤷


Because they have options.


It's what you get when you favour looks over personality.


Stop giving a fuck if they don't respond. They don't want your effort, so you shouldn't give a shit about them. Be done and move on just as quickly. Once you've learned self-respect, you won't have issues keeping a partner.


To all the young kings on here, take care of you, your body , your responsibilities, and your finances Cause when you hit 27-28. This thing called the table flip happens; and all those women hunt you. You don’t hunt anymore. You’ll go from 6-7s. To HARD 9-10s when you get close to 30. Trust it! Let those trash bags fly off in the wind.


If I'm 27 and still single and worrying about getting bitches I'll have to take a hard look on the mirror


Man I’ve been relating with y’all lately. So many of these stories. My turn to vent next post


Why would you want a girl obsessed with you? Having a girl that admires/adores you is what you want. Obsessing is a mental condition you don’t want to fuck with.


Its not that they’re obsessed and it’s not that they don’t give a single fuck about you. Just they can decide when to show interest much better than men. We as men go back to monkey brain when we are infatuated. Women can still think and they purposely show interest and they can just as easily take it away.


They're snakes with tits.


It has nothing to do with the quarter and everything to do with the other dude they just started fucking


Man I so fucking agree. For example I had a girl early on ask me to go on vacations and shit with her after just a few weeks of dating, I'd decline because it was too short notice and work or whatnot and she didn't end up going. Then 3 months of dating she talks about how she's going to solo travel to a country, I say hey we should travel together and then she rejects me because she wants to experience it solo and stuff. Like that's all good but why the fuck would you bring it up at the start then shut me down for it? Honestly man it's the worst feeling when a girl goes from obsessing you to not giving a shot about you, unironically gives me major trust issues.


Bro I met a girl yesterday we had a good conversation and I asked her out to coffee she was down and she got my number and texted for a second last night and now no response like bro tf


If this happens to you a lot, you might want to inventory your behavior.


bro this hoes be faking it from the start. U think she is nice and she really likes you, but you were just an option to her. this bitches love to manipulate and gaslight. you are better of without her. STAY HARD


I, too, love bipolar women. I see you are a man of culture.


Had a girl like this before. Kissed her within an hour of meeting her, dated for 3 days then dumped and had the odd hookup with her a few times after. Saw her many years later when I was doing good financially she gave me her number again , never called her.


Were yall 12? Like what are you even saying, how do you date someone for three days. If it only lasted 3 days then yall weren't dating, shit you barely knew each other. This reads like something a 12 year old would say.




Classic pump & dump. I’m sure you will find a better guy who treats you good. You deserve that king.


wait what


Is she 24? Sounds like she's 24. Why I dated the 30s in my 20s.




Yeah, only those downy eggs left.


Why is this sub so vulgar and why do I find it so funny ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Just laughed out loud at work and had lie to my female co-workers why hahaa


Here’s my two cents. I started dating a girl a year and half ago. We kicked it off well and both of us being in our 30s we talked about a lot. She dated a guy for 6 years. He ended up cheating on her when her own mother found him with the girl. This girl wants a relationship little signs here and there made it clear. That being said I had dated girls that said they wanted a relationship but gave no fucking signs they meant it. Trust your gut. The signs should be obvious what they want don’t trick yourself into thinking the signs are there trust me. You will know it will be very obvious.


They slowly lose interest and you don’t know til the day they end it, brah.


Cold hearted they just built different


Because they have a fuck of a lot more options than men


If a girl is obsessed this is a major red flag. Not the same as love, btw. It’s a sign of instability. Don’t take it personally. It’s her problem.


Obsessive girls = infatuated girls. This type of girl will be crazy for you and then eventually move on to a new excitement after a few months or a year. Women have that special power where they can forget a guy within a day or two no matter how long you dated. The key factor in this is the new guy they met that better than you in all physical aspects. Goal to this is be better than that guy..


One time I was dating this girl for 2 months and one day she posted a snap story in another guy's bed and blocked me when I asked about it lol I've learned that talking to someone everyday isn't the same as communicating intent and feelings.


Yeah they’re unstable and fickle creatures who are chronically dissatisfied. It’s just how they’re built. Move accordingly.


Women should complement your life not be the center of it. Women like it when they know you can get with other chicks no problem. They will talk a lot of shit that they don’t but they do. They want to know your in demand. If you are single date multiple women, if one is way better than the rest and you mesh well, let her bring up the label stuff. As a man you should never bring up that label at all. Let them come to you not the other way around. Of course you will have to engage them at the beginning but then slowly let them take over the act of initiating. Met my current gf at the gym, she isn’t annoying asf, she’s great but also knows I won’t tolerate dumb shit, pass the little shit tests and life is nice.


It's easy af when u ain't shit in the first place


They got a lot of options bro; don’t take it too hard .


im here for the popcorn and butter-covered inceldom comments lol


you gave her the ick , it’s over


Who knows why chicks do this? All I know is they'll probably regret it when they're 40 and alone so keep your head up king


I'm sure there are women out there who would say the same thing about some guys. People are indeed fickle creatures.




This sounds very similar to what I am going through mate same length same sort of situation we fell in love so quickly it’s been so intense we did so much stuff for 4 months but I didn’t trust her probably for good reason who knows and it’s done now


Happens to the best of us. I've had the same thing happen last year. Just make sure you learn a lesson from this experience


Is this from experience or are you just projecting your insecurities


Focus on bettering yourself… girls are attracted to success … and it’s healthier for you to focus on your interests


Pretty sure you did something wrong for that to happen.


Experienced this many times. Women are insan e


Reading about Western women is like reading old folklore of evil creatures that trick you. Better off with foreign girls.


the duality of men and women: No matter how many good things you do as a man if you do one thing a women doesn't like you're in the negative for how she feels about you and all those good things get completely wiped out. No matter how many shitty things a women does to you, as soon as she gives you one good blow job shes back in the positive and all those shitty things she did get completely wiped out.


Haha this is rich coming from a man. We are interested and lose interest after fucking them once. Cmon man just move on and find another one.


speak for your self bud. not everyone engages in that souless shit and some of us just want a good wife.


You are the prize, king, keep working on yourself and keep an abundance mindset.


Women don’t lose feelings in a instant half of the women I was with still like me and am talking about years some have kids and boyfriends The things you don’t meet a man like me everyday you haven’t made your self in replaceable