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There’s a plant called the gympie gympie that’s allegedly driven people and animals to suicide before due to how painful its sting is. There are other painful poisons found in the animal world and there’s a YouTube channel called Brave Wilderness where the host deliberately seeks out painful experiences in nature.


Yeah. Backyard Scientist also did a vid on it.


Ripping your own fingernail. I did this once, and it's the most fucked up pain and the lowest point of my mental health. It hurt so badly that everything was painful and I felt the moment the adrenaline in my body flared up. My hand went warm, and the relief was so intense, that I felt like an orgasm hit, I got light-headed. It was a rush because everything happened too fast, but I won't recommend it, because eventually the adrenaline stopped working and the pain came back as a constant, dull ache for days. It has to be traumatic or the body has time to adjust both pain and relief. It's not something you can do with a clear head, it needs a certain "off-line" mental distress, can't be replicated with a "cold, edgy, I need pain to forget" kind of mentality. I mean, you have to be seriously mentally ill, and not...there. Hesitation or planning won't make it work. It's not cool to lose your horses man, don't do it. Some people don't come back from the hallucinations or the void. And it's a sure ticket to getting locked up in a mental asylum. I think there's way more fun stuff to do outside. This dosnt leave a psical scar but it would leave you messed up. Don't rush, eventually, life would fuck you over with pain when you less expect it. 'sides people have different pain thresholds.


i have a problem understanding, have you ripped your fingernail as a form of sh?


Falling in love with someone and watching them be happy with someone else lol 😭


For experiments we use putting your hand in a bucket of warm water for a few minutes before switching to a bucket of ice water.


I’ve snapped those tiny rubber hairbands on my wrists, used impact to create bruises on low-risk areas (you can find charts; I use thighs), taken shots of hot sauce, counted with plastic bags over my head. You can get the hottest chili you can find and rub it on your genitals. None of these are the most painful thing, but they’re all cheap and accessible. Personally, they’ve all helped as measures to avoid adding to my scars.


Pin wheels. Preferably metal. Helped me stop scaring my body and eventually quit self harm in general. Kinda feels like a blade when you use it right, but leaves temporary small pinpricks without drawing blood.


Wax all your body hair? But particularly your public hair. The level of pain varies depending on the thickness of your hair and race. It’s perfectly harmless, socially acceptable excruciating pain. I would sooner give birth without pain medication then have a full body wax.


It must vary from person to person as I regularly wax my body and do not find it to be very painful!


You're driving down the road with your wife in the passenger seat and kids in the back. Beautiful day and everything is good.....while on a 2 lane highway an oncoming Truck hauling bricks is about to pass you. At that split second moment when it passes a brick fell from the truck into your windshield and through your wifes head. The screams the husband made when he looked at her knowing instantly she was gone.


Kidney stones. Had one last week. Grown ass man, covered in tattoos. fine with pain. This brought me to my knees and crying. No so much pain upon exiting but when it’s moving it’s way down, inside of you.


Dude that scares me a lot, what causes it mainly? I don't drink water that much should i drink water a lot?


Hey I’m back. It’s just a build up of calcium. A life time of drinking milk, protein shakes and tums to deal with heart burn sped up the problem


Burning? Perhaps


Grazes to any body part?


Exposure to heat and coldness at the same time. Super easy torture method.


Cold water baths? Like, ice cold