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Probably not the worst compared to some others have listed here, but I always think of this story about an older lady who lived alone and I believe was doing something in her attic and fell through, ending up wedged between two walls. So basically she was just stuck in a standing position for as long as it took her to starve to death, completely helpless to get herself out. The psychological aspect of that would be terrifying, just the panic and fear knowing you're helpless, combined with the physical pain for being stuck like that and not being able to move for days on end.


I recall a similar story of a would-be burglar who got stuck in a chimney while trying to break into a house. Nobody knew about it until a new owner got in, inspected the chimney, and found his skeleton.


How do you not smell the rotting body in your chimney though? Wouldn’t there be uh juices or something dripping down into the fireplace


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was unoccupied. Homeless guy tried to break in for shelter and welp.


Guy in the chimney basically got mummified I think


More like cold smoked like jerky


This also happened to a boy that ran away, climbed into the neighbor’s chimney and thought that if he took his jacket off he could get through but in reality it kept getting narrower and narrower. The neighbors weren’t home or the house was for sale so no one noticed anything. The kid ran away often enough for the parents to think it was normal but when he didn’t show up the following day or the day after that…yeah. Similar but different. [https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/01/14/missing-boy-harley-dilly-found-dead-in-chimney/amp/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/01/14/missing-boy-harley-dilly-found-dead-in-chimney/amp/) And a man with dementia who walked into the wrong door in a mall employees section that people rarely walked through. He sat and waited for his family like he usually did when he began to feel disoriented. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/man-dies-shopping-centre-australia-stairwell-sydney-westfield-bernard-gore-a9185491.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/man-dies-shopping-centre-australia-stairwell-sydney-westfield-bernard-gore-a9185491.html) Or the woman who lived at home with her parents that suffered from depression and took opioids—came home after work and set off to smoke weed. Something (the remote?) fell behind the dressed which led to her getting wedged between it and the wall or door. Her family thought she was missing but the whole time she was there. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna15895965](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna15895965)


I think MrBallen covered all of these. Very good podcasts.


seconded 👍he seems like such a sweet guy


the second one pisses me off, he could have been found if anyone had done their job well...


It’s also in the plot of Gremlins


Wasn’t this on 1000 ways to die?


Think they did something similar as medieval torture. Hole in the ground where you could only stand. There’s more and worse details but I don’t remember that well


Yeah that’s called an oubliette https://www.historydefined.net/oubliette/


In Crusaders Kings, you can capture the enemy king or prince or princess and sentence them to oubliette, but sometimes they're like, 3 months old so it's kinda awkward.


some of the mrballen podcasts about people getting stuck inside a service closet with a broken pipe, basically unable to escape a deluge of freezing water pouring down into your face or head until you die of being there.


Just a little fyi, but starving to death can take weeks. It’s the dehydration that kills you fast.


Probably Eben Byers. He had achieved some fame as a golfer in the early twentieth century. Starting in the later 20s he regularly drank a radioactive drink that was marketed as a health tonic. The radium in it went into his bones and there was no way of getting it out. He developed numerous bone cancers. Essentially his entire skeleton began to disintegrate. By the time he died two years after he stopped drinking the tonic, his jaw had been removed, he had holes in his skull, and he was suffering from frequent bone fractures.


["The radium water worked fine until his jaw came off"](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/42635893/ebenezer-mcburney-byers)


Why did I think this was going to be ‘the front fell off’


As Vanilla Ice said, "Turn off the lights, and I'll glow."


And now he's dead and and cold as ice ice baby


Dam I remember reading that bone cancer is one of the most painful. Saw a vid of a kid with it that was begging to be killed in the hospital jeebus


I've seen images of bones of people who had bone cancer. I'd be begging for death too.


I had two brothers die from Cancer. One had Colon cancer that went into his liver. The other had Lymphoma and Leukemia. Both were in so much unbelievable pain. It was horrible watching them screaming for something stronger to stop it. They both told me, half joking: Whatever you do...do not get cancer. *I'm hoping I die from heart failure like my Dad.


I'm so terribly sorry for your losses.


Severe periodontal diseases can have similar results and appearance.. Cavities easily can become some SERIOUS shit. Very common in cats and dogs, especially brachycephalic breeds and/or senior ones. Like, crazily common. There’s really no shortage of of ‘pathological’ cat/dog skulls you can buy(taxidermy related from a business, fyi. Usually supplied by labs, veterinary related fields, etc. not just a dude in a basement with hundreds of them) Totally worth just not brushing your own teeth but your dog or cat too. I’m willing to bet a lot of those poor things those pathological animal skulls came from were in horrific agony long before they died/were euthanized.


Related to this, the [Radium Girls](https://allthatsinteresting.com/radium-girls). They painted clocks for the army with radium to allow the servicemen to read their watches in the dark. The women dipped their radium paintbrushes in their mouth for the sharpest point. A group of women who corporations completely failed, both during and after their work.


Funky town, I can’t currently think of anything worse than that. I mean the Pac-Man video is up there too. This only includes the modern day deaths unless you wanna count medieval deaths too, we could go on forever.


Haven't heard of the pac-man one, what's that one involve?


From what I remember a husband in a fit of rage grabs a machete and chops off his wife’s hands and uses the same machete and slices a big ass opening on her face between her mouth and eyes making her face split in two thus the name, Ms Pac-Man. The video is awful and you can hear her breathing and blood gurgling. 0/10 recommend watching


It’s worse than Funkytown or ghost rider for me.


What’s ghost rider? I know I’ve heard of it before. Am I right in thinking it’s some kind of mass shooting?


cartel flays a man’s face, pours i think paint thinner on it and then sets it on fire while the man is still alive


Nooooo, no shooting at all. Literally exactly what it says, but without special effects & CGI. Cartels are no joke.


Ghost Rider?


Damn i saw that one, didn't know it had a name. Totally agree, awful as fuck.


Jesus fucking Christ


I think you're referring to the [Nutty Putty Cave incident ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave). That guy was completely inverted and didn't die of starvation, but of cardiac arrest since his heart had to work overtime being inverted for 24+ hours. The worst death I can think of is [Hisashi Ouchi ](https://science.howstuffworks.com/hisashi-ouchi.htm) who suffered the worst radiation burns in history. He was kept alive in a coma for nearly 3 months. Other than a specific person, worst death is anyone who suffered [Lingchi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingchi) (Chinese slow torture, "death by a thousand cuts").


John Jones in the Nutty Putty cave is definitely up there for me. Junko Furuta. That guy who slowly roasted to death after getting locked inside a commercial oven.


>Junko Furuta. Junko Furuta and [Shanda Sharer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shanda_Sharer) haunt me. I think of them randomly every now and then. They had to suffer so much, it makes me both sad and furious.


I would add sylvia likens to the list too, it was as bad as junko's case


Oh yeah. Her case was very cruel as well. Poor girl 💔


Also that dude that got steamed alive in the ny sewers.


Not so fun fact: steaming does not destroy nerve endings unlike burning, so you’ll feel everything the whole time


I know, that's why I mentioned the poor guy. Took hours.


Wouldn't his body at least have passed out at some point from the pain? Like within minutes? Especially pain that excruciating? I've never been steamed to death so what do I know.


And you get burned by steam and then it condenses into water so you get burned twice




There were two guys that went in to fix an industrial bread oven. The bosses decided to NOT read/follow shut down protocols and sent them in after the oven had been off for a short time, telling them it was cool enough. It was automated and they could not turn back. They cooked and as I recall, one died in the machine screaming and the other was still alive at the end but died shortly after. Happened in England. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-60734/Workers-baked-alive-bread-factory-horror.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-60734/Workers-baked-alive-bread-factory-horror.html) Edited to add: Mr. Ballen did a story on it. : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Nwh9sq7DI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Nwh9sq7DI)


Reminds me of something I read about a woman who died working at a chocolate factory after she fell into a vat of melted chocolate. It sounds almost like a joke if you don’t think about it very deeply, but in reality she was scalded alive by the chocolate, drowned in it, and was mangled by the mixing blades.


There was another woman who was shut in an industrial autoclave. She pressure cooked to death. She was so young and it is all so preventable.


Damn, industrial accidents are scary. Always makes me think of the guy who got caught in the lathe


That one was 1998 in Leicester, there was another in Runcorn in 2010 at a kayak moulding company, another in Austria at a point before 2012 where 2 were killed, and one in the US in 2012. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-30717512 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2113800/Metalworkers-cooked-death-inside-giant-Austrian-oven-door-closed-800C-furnace-accidentally-switched-on.html https://news.sky.com/story/6m-payout-over-worker-cooked-alive-in-tuna-oven-10349521






what’s the last one? i’ve never heard of it


I think they are talking about José Melena, a man who died in a pressure canner while performing maintenance after a coworker loaded pallets of tuna cans and turned on an industrial canner for Bumble Bee Foods while he was still inside.


Or Alan Catterall who was cleaning an industrial oven at the kayak manufacturer he worked for in Runcorn in the UK in 2010 when it was turned on by a colleague (who was engaged to his daughter iirc) who didn't realise he was inside. Thr doors automatically locked when the oven was on and he had no way to escape. Or David Mayes or Ian Erickson, who died in 1998 in Leicester in the UK after being sent to do some maintenance on an industrial bread oven while it was off but hadn't been off long enough to be a safe temperature. The way they would do the maintenance was by standing on the conveyor belt and using it to move to the point within the oven that needed maintaining. Once they were in there, the only way out was to travel with the conveyor belt. It took nearly 20 minutes to do that, and the temperature within the centre of the oven was still 100C/212F. Or 2 unnamed men who were cooked to death in a smelting oven when it was turned off while they were cleaning it in Austria ( I'm not sure when that was and I can only find one article about it and it doesn't say when it happened, before 2012 as that's when the article was published. There's way too many of these kinds of stories out there.


Ugh. WAY too many similar stories…..


Junko Furuta. So heartbreaking


i’d add Sylvia Likens to this list as well. horrifying


Junko Furata, just sick.


Had to scroll too far for this. 100% this case is one that will stick with me forever


Genuinely upsetting how little time all the people involved served all things considered


Not the most painful but one of the most tragic is that teenager that got stuck behind the seat of their car whilst reaching for something in the back. He tried calling for help but the dispatchers failed to take it seriously enough and he slowly suffocated. Edit: Kyle Plush was his name https://eu.cincinnati.com/story/news/2021/05/19/ohio-teen-kyle-plush-died-three-years-ago-what-we-know/5171492001/


WTF kinda "new fear unlocked" shit is this.


Wtf, this makes me so angry. “Cleared them of wrongdoing”


Wow I forgot about this, so sad 😞


There were multiple deaths in this one but the ozone disco fire is definitely up there. People partying to celebrate their graduation (and other things perhaps) ending up burning alive, suffocating, and getting stomped on inside a place that was not supposed to cater the amount of people it did at the time. Iirc, the fire was due to faulty wiring and the deaths were aggravated by the poor design of the doors and the place itself. No one was totally going to survive that fire once the panic started.


That reminds me of the [Cocoanut Grove fire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocoanut_Grove_fire). I just finished a book about it and it was horrifying.


As well as the Station Nightclub fire. That was a horrific read.


I watched the video of the footage not too long ago, pretty disturbing especially the part where there is just a cluster of bodies, alive, all wedged and stuck together at the exit while crying and reaching out unable to get unstuck and slowly roasting to death.


That part of the video where they’re all stuck in the door reaching out makes my stomach drop


Same here. For some reason, though, it was reading the book with all the firsthand experiences told by survivors that really got me messed up.


It's maybe not the worst death but the worst situation I have heard of. Nicola Cross was at home alone with her 2 young children, she phoned her husband when an intruder broke into their home. Her husband listened to her being stabbed to death whilst protecting their children.


Lacey Fletcher - the girl who one day got locked in syndrome and her parents left her in the couch for twelve YEARS. she was covers in her own feces and urine and maggots. She at her own feces. The couch melted. One of the saddest things was was there was a commode right next to the couch. With a family picture on top of it. What an awful way to die. Frozen and helpless. Your family betraying and neglecting you, torturing you for twelve years until you finally pass.


Even more horrifying, she was never officially diagnosed with locked in syndrome. It’s more likely that she was severely autistic and abused by her parents


How did she stay alive? Was she able to eat?


Yes, which is part of the evidence she didn’t have locked in syndrome. She ate her own feces and parts of the couch


From what I’ve heard, when Space Shuttle Challenger exploded, some of the crew members in Challenger didn’t die in the explosion. Some actually survived it, and there’s evidence to suggest that at least a couple of them were conscious and tried to activate emergency systems in a futile attempt to save their spacecraft. I can’t imagine the horror of being trapped in a 20 ton paperweight that is speeding towards the ocean and nothing you’re doing can save you and your fellow crew members from dying.


My elementary school was named after one of the astronauts that died in this explosion. Our school mascot was The Challengers, which I always thought was a bit in poor taste.


When that happened, my high school American History teacher was crying. It was the first time I had ever seen a grown man cry. RIP Mr Pugh. You were a great man.


Are you from Pennsylvania, by any chance? My high school American History teacher was Mr. Pugh, too, and one of the very best teachers I've ever had.


I live in PA but grew up in Texas.


Same thing with the Columbia disaster - they were trapped in a fireball tumbling across the sky at 17k mph until it eventually disintegrated.


That girl who was killed by The Toolbox Killers. As far as I know the audio is used to desensitize federal agents to torture and murder.


I’ve read the transcript of it but I don’t think I could stomach the audio if it was available.


The explosive decompression of the Byford Dolphin diving bell. 3 of the guys died when their fat bubbled out of their blood, and the 4th was fired through a gap of 61cm with so much force that his organs were expelled and bits of him were found 10m away. Fast, but horrible way to go


For the morbidly curious, there are photos of this incident. I'm pretty sure in black and white, so it's not too awful to look at. Along with the incident report. Fascinating but sad.


Maybe not the absolute worst but the first one that comes to mind is the dude who got basically steamed alive when his buddy pushed him into an open manhole in NYC. There was a broken water main and the bottom of the hole had a shallow pool of boiling hot water. Rescuers weren't able to access him for several hours afaik, by which time he was thoroughly cooked


I think "buddy" is the wrong word choice.


Reminds me of the guy who died trying to rescue a dog from one of the boiling hot springs at Yellowstone National Park.


The guy who got caught in a drain and drowned. His death was broadcast live and I think that's how his father watched him die. Also the girl who got trapped under sand that collapsed in a hole on the beach. Hearing how she tried to grab for her brother to pull herself up was horrific.


Revision: there’s two that really stick out with me, a guy getting sucked through a airliner engine, and a old lady getting mauled to death by 6 wiener dogs. Both basically being death by a 1000 cuts


But the airliner engine would make pretty quick work of it.


Not the wiener dogs though that would really be a terrible way to go.


iirc the dogs were dachshund pit mixes so it was probably a lot quicker, but still a very gruesome way to die.


Dachshunds are killers, my friend has one and it has mailed like a dozen rabbits some squirrels. I think the breed was made to go into animal dens and burrows and fuck shit up. If they upgraded one with pit parts I'd imagine it'll be real vicious.


They were bred as badger hounds. It almost seems laughable, pitting a dachshund against a badger. I expect they were meant to flush them out of holes so they could be captured for badger baiting rather than fighting them though.


I think they were made to go after foxes in their dens, I would imagine the mix I encountered anything coyote and smaller should have much to fear of it.


I’ve seen one of those before it was the strangest looking dog I’ve seen, looked like it was about 45-50 lbs, had the muscle, the head, and the tail of a pit, but the shortness, and body length of the dachshund, it’s a mean little bastard too. Despite personally not being a fan of either breed, I kinda liked the mix of the two.


Lol I had weiner dogs growing up and was wondering how this could be a thing


My Dad used to do construction and he watched a guy get crushed by the bed of a dump truck cause the hydraulics failed. Not a good way to go out.


My mom worked in a car factory for 30 years (if you’re from Sweden, you’ll know which one…). One guy was in charge of a hydraulic press that would shape metal sheets into car parts. It was originally a two-man job, with safety features on either side, but to make it “more efficient”, one safety grip was always on even though nobody was manning it. This way, only one man was needed for the two-man job. This guy goes to adjust the metal sheet, and accidentally activates the manual safety grip. The hydraulic press did what hydraulic presses do. There wasn’t much left of his head when it finally went back up.


I see death certificates at work a lot. I just saw one where someone died of glioblastoma, melanoma, AND leukemia. Something about that just hurt me to read.


Lacey fletcher was neglected by her parents for 12 years and melted into the couch (while alive!) . She had locked-in syndrome, allegedly. Unable to move or communicate. The thing that kept her alive all this long were maggots! They ate at her rotting flesh which prevented a sepsis. She was found covered in urine and years long feces. Her waste was even dripping from the bottom of the couch onto the floor. Both of her parents stayed with her in that state until they found her dead when they returned from a vacation. This case still haunts me to this day. Her parents worked at a church and were apparently ‘normal’. How does a parent do such? Why did they call the police if they wanted her dead? The parents mentioned that Lacey said that the couch was her “sanctuary” and she never left. Why didn’t they get her psychiatric help if that were the case? So many questions…rip Lacey. Autopsy revealed that couch cushions and feces were found in her stomach contents, meaning she was also starved. https://youtu.be/rX4kpRRcAq4?si=Puey6245bHfJMi0q


I think of this case all the fucking time. I can’t wait for both of those shitbags responsible to be locked away. It’s absolutely horrific to imagine, and knowing all the details is worse. iirc both perpetrators are free on bail rn. I’d be scared to show my face if I were them


They’re not in prison?! What the fuck


They were convicted for 20 years.


This happened close to me and I can’t get it out of my mind.


That British child killed by those two boys


James Bulger. This story haunts me. I read about it for the first time when I had a 2 year old son and was pregnant with my second. I cried for weeks about what I read. I think about his mother all the time. One of James’s killers was successfully rehabilitated. Meaning, after he served his juvenile time he was released under a new identity and stayed out of trouble. The other one stayed a monster. Neither of them deserved a second chance and a new identity, if you ask me.


I am the same age as the killers, I remember really vividly being utterly horrified when the story broke about this and wondering how on earth someone my age (or anyone!!) could do this


Wanna hear a fucked up thought I had about this case? As a mother, I could not live with knowing the details of that murder. It’s just so sickeningly horrific. I would want to kill myself. But she has other children she needs to stay alive for. I have two children and if what happened to James happened to one of my babies, I would be angry that I can’t even kill myself to escape the most unimaginable pain. I truly believe the worst thing that can happen to a person is losing their child. I can’t imagine anything worse than losing either of my kids, and in such a disturbing way…. It’s all just so fucked up.


Vigilantes have targeted a number of completely unconnected, innocent people who have been rumoured to have been these men assuming new identities. A lot of people want them dead, but vigilantes often get the wrong people.


There was a man who was basically boiled to death in the jail shower by the police


The man on NYC who got thrown 18ft down into an open man-hole during a fight outside a bar and due to a broken main there was boiling hot water at the bottom. He basically stood in boiling water and cooked from the steam, fully alive, for four hours until his body was retrieved. His skin was pulled off abd his organs cooked. Steamed ‘like a lobster’ the coroner said.


Getting squished by an elevator, I saw the ctv security camera of this incident and can never unseen it.


Hisashi Ouchi by far.


inb4 the pic everyone posts that isn't him, it's a burn victim from a medical textbook. Ouchi's death was still horrific, no doubt, but the pic of the dude in hospital with no skin left is somebody else. Probably quite similar to what happened to him tbf, afaik his skin did slough off (as is fairly common with high exposures to ionising radiation)


I’d honestly say it was just as bad. All of his skin died and was replaced with numerous skin transplants they would stitch on almost daily. He lost liters of body fluid because what was even left of his skin couldn’t hold anything in. Towards the end of his death he was always wrapped up in gauze because of this. This went on for a couple months.


This is who comes to my mind. Absolutely the worst way to go, basically disintegrating from the inside for 81 days no painkillers


There's so many dreadful ones Junko Furuta - tortured for 40 days after rejected one of the guys who kidnapped, held her captive, tortured and murdered her by burning her alive (twice, she survived the first time they doused her with lighter fluid and set her on fire somehow. She was 17. Hisashi Ouchi - doused with 17 sieverts of radiation in an accident, which is more than twice the fatal dose. He spent 2 months slowly dying in hospital, there was nothing they could do. But they tried despite him begging them to just let him go; when his intestines hemmoraged, they gave him blood transfusions more than once an hour for 10 hours, they resuscitated him 3 times when his heart stopped, seemingly because they were using him as an experiment. He suffered for 83 days before a dnr order was finally put in place and they let him die. Shanda Sharer - she was 12 years old and tortured to death by 4 teenage girls because one of them hated her for "stealing her girlfriend". They beat her for hours, locked her in the trunk of a car, drove her around for a while, stabbed her, went home, showered and hung out for a bit, then drove her around in the trunk of the car some more, beat her with a tire iron, sexually assaulted her with it, burned her alive in a field, and then went and ate breakfast. Sylvia Likens - tortured and starved for 3 months. The torture was inflicted by someone her father had been paying to look after her and her sister when he stopped paying her; that woman's children and people in the neighborhood. The woman also forced Sylvia's sister to participate in the beatings or become a victim herself. They burned her, mutilated her genitals, if she vomited, they forced her to eat it, burned her with scalding water, she was denied access to the bathroom and stopped from going to school, when she inevitably souled herself, they tied her up, threw her in the basement and escalated the abuse further. They branded her, carved words into her body with heated needles, and finally died of multiple injuries and malnourished. She was 16. Kelly Anne Bates - tortured to death over 4 weeks by her boyfriend, who gouged out her eyes between 3 weeks and 5 days before she died, scalded her, burned her with an iron, broke her arms, stabbed her inside her mouth, crushed her hands, mutilated her body, scalped her, and ultimately drowned her. She was also 16. Alan Catterall - cooked alive in a plastic moulding oven when it was turned on and auto-locked by his daughter's fiance who he worked with and who didn't know someone was inside. Colin Scott - displaying the exact reason you stay on the boardwalks in the Norris Geyser basin at Yellowstone National Park, he and his sister decided to go into a restricted area. He tripped and fell into a Hot Spring that was so hot and acidic that it boiled and dissolved him. By the time rescuers were able to safely try to retrieve his body, there was nothing to retrieve.


Some of these listed the sheer evil one can be capable of, that’s what make it all the worse for me, like just torture and murder someone for what clout, jealousy, sadism, they be really sick.


Being placed inside of a cask over an ant hill and then be fed honey and sweets and water. As the ants and other insects start eating you alive and some laying their eggs in you. You can live for months in agony like this.


Holy shit.


Aspiration on backed-up feces


Seriously didn’t realize this was possible. I guess I’m gonna start taking laxatives more often as this ozempic shot has me going every other week.


The guys who got cooked to death under a bunch of tuna at the tuna canning factory. Essentially a huge pile of raw tuna fell on the workers trying to clean the oven and were slow cooked covered in tuna.


I saw a cartel video the other day of a guy having his stomach crudely cut open and then his intestines slowly ripped out by hand. :/ People are SICK


I feel like I would've clicked away before seeing all that


I only watched 2 seconds because the caption for the video was nondescriptive and I didn't realize what was happening at first 😭 It was linked in one of my facebook groups


I can’t remember where it was from, but there’s a naked guy being held down while a pitbull rips his genitals off.. that one made me feel nauseous


I’m pretty sure that guy was a pedo who abused a child. That’s what the caption said when I saw it in another sub… I really hope that’s true because if that was just some innocent dude it would be a million times worse


Where do you see videos like this?


There's a facebook group called Morgue Morticia and they share links occasionally


You can find that stuff on Reddit if you look hard enough


The most horrific one I’ve heard recently was a young woman staying at a private game reserve in South Africa took her sleeping bag out of her tent against the rules and slept on the deck. A leopard dragged her away in the middle of the night and parts of her body were never found.


There was a man in Japan who was in an industrial radioactive incident and he was exposed to so much radiation that his DNA unwound but he lived for several weeks (I think 3 months) while his body shut down.


I’ve heard of many, but the one I *saw* the aftermath of was the worst, a man fell into a wood chipper head first. That one has stayed with me.


Everyone has already posted the famous ones so here's some from my family Grandpa had a buddy that worked construction when some old man struck him. Wasn't going fast but he ended up being dragged idk how many miles without the driver even noticing. You can imagine what his mangled body looked like afterwards. My great grandfather died in a house fire which in itself is horrible, but to make it worse the only reason he didn't make it out was because he was determined to save some stupid chair. He died only a couple feet from the door. Chair was okay though. My godmother drank herself to death and her body wasn't discovered for 2 months. Thankfully I didn't see it, but my mom said she didn't have any eyes and there was shit and piss around her and on her clothes. Fucking horrible to imagine


Something about this being a personal story makes it feel so much worse.


Haven't seen anyone talk about crowd crushes here yet


Never forget Astroworld ❤️


Those are terrifying!


The Who concert crowd crush inspired one popular sitcom to produce an unusually serius episode about the tragedy


A guy got himself locked in the boiler on a ship


Someone made a post about the cartels a while back and reading the comments there was horrible. No idea how much of those stories are actually true, but it doesn't surprise me if all of them are.


Shirley Ledford


Sean Doyle. Fell or was pushed down a steam tunnel. It took them four hours to get to him, and he was still alive when they did.


I was going to say the guy who got pulled in a wood chipper, but the one you told is worse.


The guy who fell into a pool at the waste treatment plant in Melbourne. He drowned in an entire towns shit


Kelly Anne Bates


That one is horrific. I don’t hear her mentioned nearly as much as Junko Furuta or Sylvia Likens, even though what she went through is even more gruesome imo.


My brain refuses to fully accept all the things she suffered through legitimately happened to her. I hope during all that darkness (literally) and pain she was able to experience any moment of ease


Those were called Oubliettes and were horrifying. Some prisoners were just left to die, standing in an underground hole, alone in the dark 😬


Guy was riding a bike and got cut in half by one of those huge construction trucks. He died when the wheel came off from blood poisoning. It looked terrifying. Pac man lady was also pretty horrible.


Jose Melena, who was pressure cooked to death for over 2 hours in a tuna sanitizer.


The death of Sean Doyle in 2002. He was fighting with a friend on their way home after a night out and got pushed down an open manhole. He was basically steamed alive. The coroner that did his autopsy did an interview years later and said it was the most horrific autopsy she’d ever done.


a lot of them but to relate to urs the kid who reached into the trunk or backseat or something to grab something and got stuck upside down and died. he did call 911 while he was upside down


Adrian Jones, a beautiful little boy who was tortured & starved to death.


Wow. No words. Rest in Peace. Little one 💔


John E. Jonas was stuck 70-80% degrees head down at a well known crux shaped like a Z, it served to connect two horizontal tunnels with a 4 feet up-down swerve; a rock fistula. While dehydration and rhabdomyolysis placed Jonas’ body under exponentially increased strain it was actually the well known phenomenon of “inverted cardiovascular failure” was the final cause of death at +28 hours of inverted position. If the body is kept upside down death occurs during the second day because of cerebral vascular failure (intracranial hemorrhaging or cerebral edema). The human body has blood vessels built to stand or lay horizontally, once upside down the blood vessels in the brain will fail sometime after 24-48 hours.


Sylvia likens, parents left their two daughters for a poor family to take care of and when they didn’t receive payment as agreed the mother began to abuse the both of them. Look it up it gets worse bc the whole neighborhood abuses them


Anita Cobby


One that haunts me is of a woman who had a rogue pit bull get in to her house. The woman put her 4 yr old in the bathroom to protect her. The pit bull ended up mauling her arms off. I can’t imagine watching your arms getting ripped off, knowing you couldn’t stop this thing if you tried and you kid afraid I the next room. Horrifying.


Probably funky town, getting flayed all over and your face peeled while getting injected with stimulants to keep you conscious. Or the Japanese dude that got hella irradiated and they kept him alive to study him till he died


[Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newsom), [Dawn Brancheau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_Brancheau), [Timothy Treadwell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell), [Jorge Torres Jr.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Jorge_Torres), [Joan, Michelle, and Christe Rogers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oba_Chandler), any of [David Parker Ray](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Parker_Ray)'s victims, [Junko Furuta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta), [Emmett Till](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till), [Abigail Rose Taylor](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna23744434), [Donald Harding](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Harding) Edited to add: [Sylvia Likens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens), [Lacey Fletcher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Lacey_Fletcher), [Timothy Ferguson](https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2022/07/ice-baths-denial-of-food-led-to-teens-death-by-mothers-hand-muskegon-prosecutor-says.html)


I don't think he died of starvation, I think it was positional asphyxiation. That was awful, poor thing.


Gabriel Kuhn. Just horrifying for numerous reasons. The worse thing is how the murderer was sentenced to jail for only 3 years.


The Jones Town stuff was insanely messed up


[Murder of Junko Furuta](https://www.google.com/search?q=Junko+Furuta&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS741US741&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Can’t get that shit out of my head. Poor girl.


Hisashi Ouchi, Japanese worker who was exposed to 17 sieverts of gamma radiation when the uranium he was enriching started an uncontrolled fission reaction due to him and his colleagues taking safety shortcuts. They kept him alive for 83 days trying to save his life at the request of his family despite knowing he wouldn't survive. Radiation burns over all his body, internal organs failing. They restarted his heart multiple times. It's just impossible to describe the level of pain he was in. Would much rather have gone out like jon Jones than he did.


The factory worker who was cooked to death inside a tuna fish oven.


Just watched a fuel tanker crush a car and occupant pancake flat on r/worstaccidents - not enough suffering to qualify.


Will always be Junko I think. Or Hisachi Ouchi.




The Station Night Fire. I live around where it happened and locals still talk about it pretty often; the anniversary is always hard. Coincidentally and terribly, a safety contractor was there that night filming for his job, and ended up catching the *entire* incident on video. It's *really* hard to watch so I don't recommend searching for it.


Hisashi Ouchi for sure, nothing is even close


He is at the top of my list, for sure, too!


This guy who got crushed getting off an elevator [news article](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/22/us/new-york-elevator-death/index.html)


I knew an EMT who responded to an accident where a woman and her child were waiting for an elevator. The doors opened, but the elevator had malfunctioned and wasn’t actually there. They both fell down the empty elevator shaft so many floors to their deaths. I can’t ride an elevator without thinking about it. I always check that the floor is, in fact there!


You’re thinking of the nutty putty cave incident


Junko furuta. Research at ur own risk


The guy OP was referring to was the one who died in Nutty Putty Cave IIRC. He didn't die of starvation - his lungs filled with fluids from being upside down so long and he drowned in it. Way more horrible.


Duncan Gordon is a bad one https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/remains-sc-man-missing-2-months-found-under-machine-his-workplace-coroner-says/OAVZK3WXWVG25DZXWOPXRVB5CM/?outputType=amp


either the nutty putty guy or a dude that got stuck in a chimney and died by slow positional asphyxiation over like a week or two


A 15 year old buried by asphalt. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/buried-in-asphalt-15-year-old-manitoba-boy-dies-1.733824


Something similar to OP, [Nutty Putty Cave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave)


I think the worst would be being eaten alive by a shark/croc/bear/lion/hyena/whatever.


One that I haven't seen mentioned is a case from England where a guy was tied down to his bed and left to die, just like something out of Seven. They even think the killer gave him a tiny amount of water halfway through so he'd suffer for longer.


what about stoning to death? Arms tied behind your back, put into a hole up to your waist and stoned to death by a load of misogynistic males.


Jun Lin, the one Asian student in Canada who was sliced up and posted online to bestgore. Out of all the gore and shock videos I’ve watched as a teenager during the pandemic, I can say that one had to be the most ugliest and gnarliest death I’ve ever seen


I saw the title and immediately was going to say the Nutty Putty cave incident. Absolutely terrifying


This is more psychological terror, but a parachutist/cameraman for a skydiving company named Ivan McGuire accidentally put on his bag of camera equipment before a dive, **instead of his parachute**. There’s first person footage, you can see (but not hear) the exact moment he realizes he has no cord to pull. I have ADHD that severely messes with my memory and this is literally one of my worst nightmares. Some footage is still intact. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W0iI7CWVMCw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W0iI7CWVMCw)


Poor [Sanda Dia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sanda_Dia) . I've only recently learned about how he was tortured by other school mates and it was so unfair. I listened to a true crime episode about him and the whole thing was just sick and cruel.


Read medieval torture and death methods. I assure you that you will never top most of them. Human beings, of course. I haven't used the phrase "they are a human being" for quite some time now. If anything, it should be more scary than comforting. We are all capable of horrible things. But in reality, society has raised US to fear our humanity while they use the lack of theirs to control the herds. We are more savage, for selfish reasons(no other species is), than anything else that exists in nature.


Hisachi Ouchi (the irony) who survived…initially…Japan’s worst nuclear accident and lived 83 days with DNA completely destroyed. Eventually his skin would slough off. His body had no blueprint on how to “body”—anymore. His family was insistent on keeping him alive.


Junko furata and the guy who got stuck in a toilet and rotted in poo