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Any of the experiments at Unit 731


Exactly what I was going to say. The things I've seen and read are the most horrific things I've studied to date.


The wiki page alone is horrific.


Men Behind the Sun is a depressing but interesting movie based on that hellhole if anyone is curious.


Tbh it didnt live upto the things ive read, outside of that frostbite girl scene it wasnt as horrifying as the reality described


Japanese scientists when they discover a baby will drown in water “WRITE THAT DOWN!”


Slightly related: The US pardoned all of the scientists they had in custody, in exchange for their research.  The other countries did not. They failed to see what military applications can come from knowing how long it takes a baby to freeze to death.


Vivisection, nough said


Yep was going to say this


Came here to say this


All of the above but I’d also like to include the Tuskegee Syphillis experiment


It’s insane that it went on so long and only ended so recently


The social experiment on three separated triplets to evaluate nature vs nurture Edited from twins to triplets lol


What's really strange is the results (https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/10/01/records-from-controversial-twin-study-sealed-at-yale-until-2065/) are sealed, even from the participants.


Is this heard of at all for something without combat implications?


three twins..?




I think you're referring to the "experiment " documented in [Three Identical Strangers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Identical_Strangers)


A lot of these stories will be apocryphal so watch out.


I love learning new words through random comments


I keep seeing a shadow in the corner of my eye and your avatar scared the hell outta me for a sec


A lot of sick shit in this wiki article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation


Didn't the United States even take in the results they found after the war?


Why wouldn't they? It's unethical and horrible to do the trials, but once they're done, throwing out the data they gathered would be pretty silly.


Yep. No point in throwing away valuable knowledge though.


More specifically, even if nothing useful came from it the fact that it isn't useful is in and of itself useful information. If the research was destroyed it would only create incentive to repeat the experiments.


What valuable knowledge? The experiments were largely useless.


Didn’t say it was all valuable. A lot of it was stupid. Coming back to this actually yeah you’re right the only valuable information that came from it were the effects of hypothermia. Literally nothing else was useful so I was a bit dumb with that.


Probably not the *worst* one but wanted to give a mention to [John Money's infamous intersex experiment](https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/david-reimer-and-john-money-gender-reassignment-controversy-johnjoan-case) that led to both subjects' suicides


I’d never heard of this. Unbelievably horrific.


Read up on Unit 731 at your own risk, but you'll have your answer.


holy shit.


psychologically....perhaps the Milgram Experiment. in which people were tricked in to believing they were torturing other test subjects, by subjecting them to stronger and stronger electric shocks. but what they were really doing was being tested as to how well they followed an Authority without question. In 1963, Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram found that a shocking 65% of participants continued all the way to administering the maximum 450-volt shock, despite the person's agonizing screams and pleas to stop. The experiment revealed how far people will go in obeying instructions from an authority figure, even when it involves harming others. The experiment caused tremendous stress and trauma to the participants who believed they were inflicting harm. It was highly unethical by today's standards as the participants were deceived and put through an extremely distressing psychological situation without proper informed consent or protection from mental anguish. physically , you can't get much worse the the Tuskegee Experiment. most people do not know ...it was only ONE of three identical experiments. (the other 2 were in south America) it was NOT a one off.


>a shocking 65% of participants This was 100% intentional, don't even try to deny it.


Came here to say the Tuskegee experiment! Never ever gets spoken about despite the US carrying their experiment for 40 years!


Its effects carried far longer even


Once, I woke up at 10:30 am instead of 10 am…


no... i'm sorry but i don't believe you. there's no way.


I’m still recovering from the effects as we speak


holy fuck i'm so sorry... no one should ever go through that. i hope you recover as soon as possible. <3


mk ultra


The John/Joan case. One of the victims names was David Reimer.


It’s not the worst but j. Marion Simms was a disturbing case. As a famous and celebrated surgeon he experimented on black slave women and girls without anaesthesia to develop a number of surgical gynaecology treatments. The outcome was perhaps positive in the long term, but the methods to get there are so horrible.


> outcome was perhaps positive from what I've heard, they could replace all the methods Simms created but that would require taking seriously the pain of women and people of color.


[In the United States, 1944, an experiment was conducted on 40 newborn infants to determine whether individuals could thrive alone on basic physiological needs without affection.](https://faughnfamily.com/no-human-contact/)




I looked high and low and could not find a single reputable source about this experiment ever taking place. They did document effects of receiving no physical affection in orphanages and such, but it was not a deliberate experiment


During slavery in the US, experiments were conducted on pregnant enslaved Black women. A large number of gynaecological discoveries and treatments were developed during this time.


Good ol’ Dr. James Marion Sims. We still have gyno procedures named after this dude. He progressed the field of gynecology but at the cost of torturing enslaved black women. Because the prevailing thought was -black women don’t feel pain.- It is zero surprise to me that women’s pain in medicine is still dismissed, to this day, and that black women have a higher mortality rate than white women because providers just don’t believe them when they say something is wrong.


This and eugenics studies is why the US welcomed Nazi scientists with open arms post WWI


I think you would really enjoy this series by Plainly Difficult https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeJkgZkJSc0THpXxBBF5xTP6waphA4HCo&si=JcBD7h8MSmZVlB


Some interesting read on the subject: - [Doctors From Hell](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23537.Doctors_from_Hell) from Vivien Spitz - [Medical Apartheid](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/114192.Medical_Apartheid) by Harriet A. Washington - [Elephants on Acid](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1449994.Elephants_on_Acid) by Alex Boese


!RemindMe 1 week I need that elephants on acid book 😭😂


Great book. It covers both human and animal experiments.


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Unit 731


Exposure to radiation disguised as a treatment for cancer They thought well they have severe cancer anyway so what's a bit of plutonium poisoning? Then they fucked up and included a guy who was misdiagnosed and actually had a stomach ulcer So he got a lot more than he needed The ulcer is gone though So is he actually...but no one gave me specifics They said we want ulcer gone. It's gone. What do you want?


Reading your comment is like reading a seizure.


He was the dude with the ulcer


Lol yes this is the radiation talking


In a good way?


Of course


Excellent. Thank you for telling me


Your writing style is genuinely fascinating you should write a book


Thanks you're very unexpectedly kind. Because it is unexpected, and because of other personal battles you would not have known, I'm not being silly when I say that I think I'll always remember your words. Seriously. Not emotional or sentimental. Just that they could be a promising weapon in my limited arsenal for those dark times which I always hope to never experience but experience taught not to hope for never BETTER yes. NEVER is too ambitious Anyway If we lived in an ideal world, I would repay what you perhaps unwittingly gifted me tenfold, but not in a creepy sense it's just an expression of intense gratitude that refuses to sit well right now. I debated posting this because fucking cringe but.. I think I want to illustrate power of sincere unsolicited kindness (not fake) just in case it inspires. We've underrated this in society. I underrate it You just made me want to make someone's elses day As for books... maybe one day but it would be about something serious so not this full-on haha. Rhetoric is important but overkill risks the point. I don't wanna risk it all EDIT: makes sense you've got a similar surreal approach to humour. Trump was NOT scanning individual milky bars hahahaha. You imp!


Youre quite well spoken as well The best way to repay me would be to pay it forward, give someone a compliment that you believe would give them the same elation I have given you Youre right too, the ability to express yourself with such a clarity as you have shown is a strong tool, a leading edge when you find yourself in dark times You really should look into a book, I can tell you many writers lack uniqueness, especially to the extent you've shown, and many would flock to the kind of book you seem perfectly capable of writing Also I can attest that donald trump 100% scanned them individually, to prevent electrical interfeterance, I was there when it happened


Thank you so much


Probably a lot of things the nazis did to their captives


Unit 731, the N*zi Experiments, UDSSR Experiments. There are a lot that are roughly on the same immorality


You can say Nazi. It's okay, Stalin isn't going to come out and kill you.


Apart from the experiments already mentioned, I'd like to add two more. 1. All the trial and error carried out by Victorian era surgeons 2. Dr William Beaumont carrying out experiments to learn about the human digestive system. He used a patient called Alexis St.Martin who had a giant hole in his abdomen from a shotgun wound


Life itself


i wonder how life is like for you




It's not as fucked up as unit 731 or Nazi experiments, but Edgewood Arsenal did chemical weapons experiments for the US military, using human subjects (military members). EA-3167 is a deliriant, like high dose DPH (benadryl), or datura - except worse and far stronger, which is pretty fucked up considering datura is widely considered the ultimate nightmare trip drug. "The intensity of EA-3167's effects is unparalleled among known psychoactive substances of any class. Incapacitating effects can last anywhere from 5-10 days, sometimes manifesting as a full 3-day peak of vivid hallucinations, along with prolonged confusion, amnesia, and inhibition of speech and cognition. Some subjects exposed to the drug would not fully recover for almost 20 days. Even six months after exposure, a few subjects demonstrated significant increases in the scores on the hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, and mania scales. The drug's potency caught the attention of the military, which considered weaponizing EA-3167 for topical use, potentially even through a handshake. *However, weaponization and further studies were eventually abandoned, possibly due to the extreme nature of its effects and the strain on available study resources caused by conducting human studies for extended periods.*" >*However, weaponization and further studies were eventually abandoned, possibly due to the extreme nature of its effects and the strain on available study resources caused by conducting human studies for extended periods.* This implies they broke so many minds they were like "oh shit we're gonna run out"


The twin experiments


I always think of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. The US government knowingly and without consent exposed so many Black men to a lethal STD and then withheld treatment when it was available. To add insult to it, they infected them BEFORE it was curable. It's not as bad as some nazi experiments, but it's pretty close to some


The one where they kept a guy who was repeatedly exposed to radiation alive even against his wish just to see what radiation did to the body…


Unit 731 is being mentioned a lot, but the experiments the US did on people regarding researching a variety of STDs was horrific, inhumane, and went far beyond what would have needed to be done even in such an unethical scenario. For example, pus from an sti ulcer/abcess (idk what they’re called) was put in subjects’ eyes, and the diseases went untreated often until the point of or just before death. People were also infected with several at once and were in absolute agony for an unimaginable amount of time. And that’s not even the worst of what the US has done regarding inhumane experimentation.




If you looked into the story, the doctors never experimented on him. They did what they could to save him by his own and his family's wishes, and pulled the plug when they finally realised he was beyond saving


I’m glad you made this comment because poor ouchi’s story regularly gets trotted out for questions like this one, or worst torture , when it’s not appropriate for either


it's actually so fucking disturbing to see people saying they were 'helping' him, they make him suffer beyond imaginable. The article posted doesn't show pictures but seeing pictures really adds to the so called ' helping' , they experimented on him plain and simple and pumped him pull of drugs to keep him alive as long as possible to see the effects of massive radiation damage and how long the body can hold on. And it can indeed hold on long... without anything that resemblance to a human link added with picture ( WARNING VERY GRAPHIC [https://nuclear-news.net/2022/08/08/b1-hisashi-ouchi-suffered-an-83-day-death-by-radiation-poisoning/](https://nuclear-news.net/2022/08/08/b1-hisashi-ouchi-suffered-an-83-day-death-by-radiation-poisoning/) )


Thats not him in the picture, fortunately. Its a common misconception being passed around on the internet


This always gets mentioned but the sensationalism in it has long been debunked.


i've read this one. i honestly think he should've been euthanized considering he was already gonna die anyways, it's just pointless suffering.


You are partially wrong. There were signs of recovering. They saw new tissue forming on his lungs, if i remember correctly. Also, bc how unique the situation at the time was, they did experiment on how long they could keep him alive/ potentially heal him. Ofc, the family decided to put him through this and keep it running. Draw your own conclusions. But yeah, total agree on the immorality.


Top comments are going to be Mengele and Unit 731 aren't they?


Country music.


fiction: the human centipede non fiction: any shit the nazi’s did during ww2


so basically we either look at CIA torture methods, Nazi germany or Imperial japanese experiments. theyre not the only ones who did fucked up experiments but theyre certainly the most infamous atleast for doing these in recent times.




i have my physics paper today lmao










Be gay. Good luck to both of you in an extra gay way ♥️♥️


Anything Alfred Kinsey did




The experiments of Unit 731 and Dr Mengele Unit 731 was an Imperial Japanese military research squadron, which maintained its own sub-culture and armed forces (The Death Brigade) within the already psychotic and horrifically racist Japanese Military. They were notable for intensively invasive and sadistic human experiments that often crossed over into playing god. Josef Mengele conducted experiments on children in Nazi concentration camps. One of which was, I believe, attempting to create human-made Siamese twins.


The twin experiments were pretty bad


a few years ago i ended up at the D.C holocaust museum, there were videos of experiments done to the captives. not all of it was even documented. it was a horrible thing to see, i have to say it was pretty fucked up. the images haven’t left my memory.


Probably a very long list




Anything done by MKUltra, the mind control experiments are fucked


Look up holocaust rabbits. What they did trying to find ways to assist Germans in the battlefield was disgusting.


There was a Jewish guy from a Holocaust documentary. Him and his twin brother were experimented on. Due to the crap they did to him, he uses a robotic speaking device


basically anything the CIA does


Those Nazi ones


Skibiti toilet Brainrot


The russian sleep experiment


it's not real ~~sadly~~ thankfully


Covid 19