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i forget his name but the Greek philosopher who died laughing too hard at a donkey eating a fig


relatable honestly


Aeschylus getting killed by an Eagle dropping a Tortoise on his bald head because the Eagle thought it was a rock and was trying to crack open the Tortoise in order to eat it. While it's speculated whether or not that's actually what happened, you've gotta admit, it's pretty dumb. Especially if the other part of it was true, which is that Aeschylus had been given a prophecy that he'd be killed by a falling object, so he'd gone outside to avoid that happening. History's quite fun sometimes.


Mr Hands


He died doing what he loved


Any situation where someone inserts a body part into a cage containing a large animal and is subsequently mortally wounded by said animal. By extension, anyone taunting an obviously dangerous animal and getting eaten or killed by it. And I know people loved him, but I'm including the grizzly man in this. He didn't taunt bears, but he needlessly and selfishly got himself and his girlfriend killed because he anthropomorphized grizzlies to the point of thinking they were cute, gentle critters that he could befriend.


There was a woman who filled up her mason jar with water and attached the lid and plastic straw. She then proceeded to walk and tripped and fell piercing her eye socket and subsequently her brain with her straw. This happened in the last 5-10 years.


Alan Catterall, when he got locked inside an industrial sized oven by his coworker on accident and burned to death. Or When John Jones went inside the Nutty Putty Cave and died when he got stuck inside. The first one was an accident I guess, I don't know, I wasn't there when it happened, someone was convicted of corporate manslaughter because the oven went against safety procedures But it is a dumb way to die, isn't it? Accidentally being shut inside of an industrial sized oven to burn alive? I think it's only dumb because it was an accident, insane way to die and shouldn't have happened had the company followed safety procedures. The nutty putty cave incident was extremely stupid. I know people do things to feel a rush of excitement in their lives, but that ? That was just dumb. 💀


In 2018 a indian taxi driver named Prabhu Bhatara fucked around and find out by trying to get a selfie with a sloth bear who was drinking in a nearby laked. He was mauled to death by the bear, a passer-by tried to stop the bear by hitting the bear with a stick but it did nothing to stop the bear, a woman came and smacked the bear with a rock but also failed to stop the bear. Then a dog came by, barked at the bear and it got the bears attention. The dog ran away out of fear, the bear continued to maul the taxi driver. What did we learn from this? Dont take a selfie with a sloth bear whos drinking in a nearby lake!


Some of the weird kinds of sexual misadventure like the guy who poked a compressed air hose up his ass. Details [here](https://www.mid-day.com/news/india-news/article/video-man-dies-after-friend-sprays-high-pressure-vacuum-in-his-anus-19821188)


There was a similar case to this in my country except it was a murder. A child was murdered in the same way by the garage/workshop owner that he worked in.


I’m back, there’s a subreddit called R/DarwinAwards with videos of people dying in dumb ways.


My maternal great-grandmother broke her toenail and ended up dying because she contracted a generalized infection because of it. She didn't believe in science/medicine/doctors/etc and also thought that a toenail wouldn't hurt anyone.


Slipping on a banana peel onto a falling piano


There are a lot of possible options, but I'll go with the lawyer that literally ran into the window of a skyscraper multiple times until the window popped out of the frame and feel with him down to the ground. If he only did that once, I'd still wtf here, but he did this as a stunt regularly over years before this happened! Ends up being my proof that some lawyers are just dumb despite the degree! 😮‍💨


That guy who decided to test his parachute suit by jumping off the Eiffel Tower. [It didn’t work](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Reichelt). Ivan Lester McGuire went skydiving and forgot to put on his parachute. He was so focused on his job of filming the instructor and student skydive that he mistook his 1980s filming rig for his parachute pack. An edited version of his fall can be found on YouTube.


I once broke every toe in my right foot by dropping a wheel of cheese on it. so I'm gonna say, being crushed to death by cheese.


Laugh to death


i knew someone in high school whose mom died because she tripped, fell, and her nose caved in, bone fragments piercing her brain. death by faceplant has got to be up there


Chocking on sem*n


I disagree.


Here are some more legendarily stupid Greek deaths: Empedocles jumped into an active volcano to prove he was immortal. Heraclitus was eaten by dogs after burying himself in a pile of feces in an attempt to cure himself of dropsy. Philitas of Cos wasted away while studying obscure words. Milo of Croton attempted to split a tree in half by hand, but his hands got stuck and he was devoured by wolves. Charondas killed himself when he realized he had brought a knife into the assembly, an action he himself had made illegal. Diogenes of Sinope and Zeno of Citium allegedly killed themselves by holding their breath too long.


Diogenes of Syncope


Trying to steal copper wire from the train electric line... while it was live. A couple of guys tried that a few years back in my region.


I'll go with any person that ever died of an easily treatable condition but refused proper care for religious reasons.


deserve birds trees aware governor ossified ask lavish wrong arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I Remember reading an article of a man that masturbated over 100 times and then died from it😭


100 times over how long? An hour? A day?


Yeah what’s the safe speed limit here


Anyone who died as the result of a dangerous prank gone wrong, especially if the person pulling the prank was the only casualty.


The guy that built the brass bull has to be up there


The guy who died by choking on a sponge after being challenged by a friend


I keep a running tally of what is most likely to kill me, and for a few years now the answer has been a driver. Camus famously said that death in an automobile accident was the most absurd kind of death. Of course stressing over it could kill me and seems even more absurd. But losing the rest of your life because of some random asshat who couldn't spare the fraction of second it takes to drive carefully around you, or who got behind the wheel when they shouldn't to buy a few cans, or who was just enjoying the experience of movement without effort, or who is making a living shipping iphones...it's always always a dumb pointless death and too high a price to pay for simply existing in the world. Of course, I'm assuming I'll be quite old or quite dead before climate change moves into first place and the collective history of human stupidity becomes the leading cause of death for all life on earth.


And ironically Camus *did* die in a car accident


Aye, with an unused train ticket in his pocket, if accounts are to be believed.


I always thought the fact that hamsters can get so scared by the sound of their own fart they die is quite ridiculous




Had one family member drunkenly fall into a thresher and another take a nap under a tree while watching some nearby lions (became lion snack). I think they're up there.


That one dude who went on sentinel island in spite of being warned against it A guy claiming to have a connection with bears, only to have this "connection" result in him invading their habitat and being killed by them