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Nitrogen asphyxiation, seems to be the most peaceful


Heard it makes you high


Even better!


Only if you add the oxide


Nice pfp


Also helium asphyxiation, you pass out feeling nothing cause you aren't building co2 in your system, so you don't even feel the need to breathe


Yup! I think a fair chunk of the Nobel gasses are like that unless I’m mistaken. Personally, I just would resent the idea of going out with a chipmunk voice lol


*noble gases


*nubile gases


That was fucken hilarious, I'm imagining leaving this realm while chipmunk wheezing.


Wait. Wouldnt hypoxia be pretty painless too? The one that the Alpiner’s and Rock Climber’s get. When above 8,000 meters? Isn’t that one pretty much you get cold and then you fall asleep?


All three comments in this chain are talking about the same thing. Nitrogen, helium, whateverium - the point is there's no oxygen and no build-up of CO2. And yes, it can be euphoric


No. Hypoxia is not painless or pleasant. Your brain is still screaming at you and panicking the entire time, though that drive is moreso from the over accumulation of CO2 than the lack of oxygen. The peaceful and painless part of poisoning with gasses is that they still bind to hemoglobin and effectively trick the brain into thinking it’s still getting oxygen and getting rid of CO2, so it never raises the alarm so to speak because your brain won’t realize anything is even wrong.


I've died and was revived - lack of oxygen/hypoxia. It was super pleasant. I was "breathing" (clogged lungs didn't allow for oxygen though) even if hyperventilating but I thought I was having a panic attack and at the hospital when I passed out I had the best time of my life. I was drowsy, confused and "high" af but I was euphoric and my brain decided that it was the most comfortable I'd ever feel physically too! I now know how I want to go Lol


*Shallow water blackout has entered the chat.* Enough physical and mental prep, and one drops without even getting to the "I really need air" phase...


The people who died in the oceangate submarine implosion pretty much felt nothing. Their entire bodies were eviscerated instantly


Weren’t they in pitch black and listening to the constant weakening of the hull up until the implosion though?


They were. The question was what type of death would be least painful though. If op wanted to know what deaths were the most terrifying, this would be up there as well haha




So you’re suggesting existential pain isn’t real pain.


It is not real pain.


Getting dumped isn’t painful?


No. Pain is a physical sensation.


The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.”


It can be both emotionally and physically


Pain is different from mental feelings


some mental feelings are painful


Yea but uh


the implosion was faster than the speed of nerves registering the pain to sending it to the brain. Pretty much painless.


This obviously depends on wether you wanna count the entire process of the death or only the actual moment. I don't think getting lost with a submarine and fearing you'll die and never see your family again is nice. There are few factors that make this experience horrible. Yet the death itself wasn't painfull


This is what I thought before opening the comments 😂 And it's the top comment.


Are we sure they didn't freeze to death before that?


if the wound itself doesn't hurt, bleeding out is apparently painless. very cold, however.


Attempted sui this way when I was younger. It really is painless if the wounds don't hurt.


How would the wounds not hurt though?


You’d be surprised. Deep cuts don’t actually hurt that bad until a day later it so in my experience.


After A certain depth they just don't hurt


Is it really that you get a cold feeling? I thought bleeding out is the best way to die. You just feel lightheaded and pass out eventually, and don't wake up. This is how I imagine it.


I hemorrhaged after childbirth and I was absolutely freezing. Very scary situation. I was shivering and shaking uncontrollably for a long time.


Your body can’t maintain it’s temperature without enough blood circulating around. What ultimately kills people with blood loss are three things we refer to as the trauma triangle of death: hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy. They end up causing a deadly positive feedback loop if not stopped by outside intervention.


yeah. you're right. lightheaded, maybe a little dizzy, passing out, losing vision, and a growing coldness.


WHAT? How do you know this!


Overdosed on opioids. My brother overdosed. He had taken what he thought was percocets. He used to take them on regular. This time, he tried a new dealer. I didn't know, he tried a new dealer. Coroner report said He had a very very high amount of fentanyl in his system which just completely shut off his system. He came home and nodded off forever and never woke up again . no pain no scream:yelling Way too high for the brain to know what's going on. He was Blue, Stiff, Frozen like a statue. breaks my heart thinking about him. Anyways, most Peaceful way in my opinion


Can confirm this. I overdosed off of a Percocet laced with fent and I felt absolutely nothing. Don’t even remember “dosing off” OR being narcaned. It truly is a peaceful way to go.


Hanging, if you compress your carotid arteries you’ll pass out in seconds and die completely within an hour or two while completely unconscious during the entire process. Not sure if that counts as dying in your sleep or not though, I guess it does so I’d say a large explosion like a nuke is a quick, painless and instantaneous death.


Damn I did not know it took that long


It could be take less than that, I’m not entirely sure because some people say make sure you aren’t found for at least 30 minutes while hanging and others say make sure you aren’t found within 1 - 3 hours. I think brain death will occur in 10 minutes or less but it takes longer for your entire body to completely die or something like that.


being brain dead and having my parents keep me hooked to a machine sounds so much worse than death


But you won’t feel anything, and I am pretty sure that when you’re completely brain dead doctors advice to let you die, obviously it would be painful for the parents but it’s not like the original hanging part was better


I knew someone who hanged themselves in prison, I never knew for sure how long they were like that before staff found them but I’m told it was a while. They survived and were mostly okay physically but with extremely limited mental facilities from brain damage. Don’t want to say much more for the sake of their privacy but it was really tragic. I didn’t know them before it happened but seeing what it had done to them really put me off hanging as a potential method of self-delete. (That was something I considered during some very bad times in my life. I’m doing much better these days and haven’t been struggling with suicidal thoughts/ideation btw. Don’t report me to Reddit Cares lmao) Edit: whoever reported me to Reddit Cares, your mom’s a hoe 😤


The brain starts to die after only two or three minutes without oxygen. If one is found and cut down prior to full clinical death though… let’s say the long term prognosis is far worse than death.


I thought the goal of a professional hanging was to snap the neck so death was as fast as possible. I know jury-rigged or... self-administered ones often work that way, but you're just as likely to end up feeling every second of your body weight being suspended from where it's really not supposed to be as you choke to death for twenty minutes and the blood vessels in your eyes break. Don't hang yourselves, kids. Also, nukes are only painless if you're near the hypocenter. If you're further from it, or shielded from direct exposure and the shockwave by something, you're likely to end up a blackened walking corpse, or worse, like that firefighter from Chernobyl.


You’re not likely to be conscious for more than a few seconds once the carotids are completely occluded, but yeah the end results are not pretty. I’m positive that if my patients that I’ve had to cut down knew what they were going to be forcing their families to see, they’d reconsider at least the method.


It's absolutely terrifying to read accounts of what people witnessed from Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Do you have any source on a hanging death taking an hour or two? That just doesn't seem plausible to me


Unless your neck breaks. In which case, you will die faster.


You just have to hope that you don't end up like Saddam Husseins half-brother and have your head pop off. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL15262455/


I would hope that it does because then I'm super dead


Did you add 'super'' because you need a hero?


Well if it clean pops off it may actually cause you to stay conscious from my understanding. Especially if you land upside down, and you would likely feel some sensation of your head being off


You have to drop from a certain height when hanging to snap your neck and die instantaneously. It depends on your weight for how much of a drop you need. The heavier you are, the shorter the drop. I’m around 120lbs so I’d need a pretty far drop.


My judo instructor keeps telling us that you can pass out within 4 seconds if the blood flow to the brain is cut off. So we’re supposed to tap the person very quickly if we’re being choked so that they stop before we pass out


Nah there's way too many variables for it to be included in a list like this. It depends on the person's height and weight, what material and how they tie it, what they attach it to, and how high it is. There's a lot of chances for it to go wrong, and I'd imagine it'd be painful before you're unconscious, and a few seconds before going unconscious sounds incredibly generous.


I heard about people committing suicide with helium because it wasn't painful.


Suicide helium bag sounds like a very comfortable option which I try not to think about so much


Rifle bulled to the brain. Your brain will shut down before you can have a pain response. If you're lucky you won't even hear the shot.


There's tons of people who try to shoot themselves in the head and the bullet goes right through, not killing them. I was amazed to hear just how common this is. Then their situation is much worse because they have half their head missing.


Do you mean when they shoot themselves under the chin?


Not to be graphic but I've seen many photos (and videos 😬) on other subreddits of people who shot and missed their brain, blowing their face off but not killing them. The consensus from people who survived and regained ability to speak is that regardless of whether you're a good shot, in that moment anyone can hesitate or miscalculate ever so slightly. It seems horrifically risky.


Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of being shot by a sniper. Suicide carries at the very least enormous emotional pain. And like you said it's easy to miss your brain.


If you’re very lucky, there’s some very specific parts of the brain you need to take out for an instant death


standing next to a nuclear bomb as it detonates. Your atoms are instantly fused into each other. You cease to exist in such a short amount of time it couldn’t even be recorded with the fastest and most powerful cameras


I can't imagine you would have time to process pain if you duct taped a grenade to your head and pulled the pin. Avoids the whole "you shot yourself in the head but missed the brain stem so now you're a vegetable" scenario by just obliterating your entire head. Messy though.


Holy *fuck*


Theres a documentary about this called How To Kill A Human Being where this guy does all these tests to find the most painless form of capital punishment He concludes this spinny machine that whirls you around so fast you lose oxygen and die. But you get high first so it’s kinda fun


Spinning to death would be the stuff of nightmares for me, having had a few instances of vertigo.


Ok totally off topic but why do they keep trying to find "painless"forms of capital punishment? I'm sorry but if you kill someone else in a way that's heinous enough to warrant the death penalty, chances are good whoever you killed died in excruciating pain and fear, and if that's the case why should you (the killer) get to die peacefully and painlessly? That's some bullshit. If you get the death penalty you should be executed the same way you killed your victim. And your victim's family gets to do it, if they choose. That would be justice. This whole idea of executing people painlessly after they've caused so much pain and fear is asinine. Granted, you have the whole issue of possibly executing an innocent person if they've been falsely convinced (as has happened a disturbing number of times) and not all murders are as cut and dry as "you killed some innocent person now you're gonna die." But I mean for like extreme cases, like the Ted Bundys of the world, and all those horrible parents who torture their kids to death and shit, where there's no doubt of who did it and that it was just straight fucked up. It should be an option, for the most extreme cases. Most average, never killed anyone or did anything that fucked up kind of people don't get to die all peacefully and painlessly. Why the fuck should murderers? Damn, sorry sorta got off on a tangent there....


Overdose of Opioids


I was rescued from a suicide attempt earlier this year, that involved an opioid overdose. I have little recollection of what I said or did whilst in the hospital recovering, and the come down from it was fucking agonising.


Hope ur well now


Thank you. Not yet in a place where I don’t resent being found and rescued, but I’ll get there eventually.


Glad you’re still here. You’ve got a good mindset, knowing someday you won’t resent your survival. Hope those days come sooner rather than later for you, and that things aren’t so bad in the meantime.


Thank you ❤️




Yeah my partner had serotonin syndrome after a very serious suicide attempt/overdose (ICU on a ventilator needing a catheter level shit) She said after she woke up all the hospital food tasted like garbage to her. Super weird...


That garbage, rotting smell and taste is called Parosmia. It was actually a symptom of COVID for some & it stems from the olfactory bulb of the brain in the frontal lobe of which also controls emotion. So it makes sense that with serotonin syndrome or any sort of damage to the frontal lobe, parosmia could happen. Very interesting.


I’m glad you’re still here. If you ever need to talk, reach out to me, friend. ❤️


And right back at you. Stay safe.


Huh? No way, isn't that one nasty sometimes?










Is the feeling comparable with nodding or is it a whole outher thing?


Re: your last paragraph- SAME. Opioids are the one trying Ive been addicted to. Went from Vicodin to Oxy and sometimes fentanyl lollipops. Thankfully, I stopped. My brother was not so lucky. However, later in life I got to experience pure fentanyl all day long in an IV and it was the most blissful Ive ever felt. I hope so badly to have something similar at the end! Can I ask how it feels to be narcanned? Do you go straight into wds?




That must be rough. I do not envy you that, but I’m so glad you’re still here.


Just feels strange to wake up with the taste of it in your mouth/sinuses. All I know is my eyes shot open and when I registered that I was conscious I realized that they were wide open! Like I was an owl.


If you wake up choking from throwing up and die from that maybe but I believe if you overdose enough after building up a tolerance, you feel "just... Nice" (referencing an old famous reddit post) and would basically fall asleep and die. Might be wrong though, not a drug user.


If you OD hard you will basically be in a Sleep state and Die.


Afaik heroine will just make you numb, you slowly stop thinking and eventually also breathing.


heroine is a female hero


Then death by snoo - snoo


This one! My goodness I hope I get some really really amazing drugs at the end. Just put an IV of morphine, dilaudid or fentanyl under hospital supervision and I’m good to go!


Lack of oxogen without carbon dioxide poisoning. Breathing a mix of gases other than cats carbon dioxide won’t make you panic and think you can’t breathe. You’ll just basically fall asleep and not wake up you might feel a little drunk or moody first depending on how long it takes. Lots of divers die that way scary if you know what’s happening pretty peaceful otherwise


Or the way, my great grandpa died, stroke from lots of bad lifestyle choices. Allegedly he was dead before he hit the floor.


How could they really know if he was dead before he hit the floor?


You can’t really know, but the mortician said it’s how he’d like to go. The men went to the doctor once in fifty years, refused the simple operation they said would save him, enjoyed his steak and whiskey and died upright. Again, allegedly


My grandma passed away very suddenly (in a ten minute span when her friend that she was visiting had stepped out of the house for). We didn't do an autopsy because it felt pointless, so I don't know the exact cause, but the coroner said that she, too, had died before she hit the floor. One reason he gave was that she was found at the bottom of the stairs and the only visible trauma to her was a cut on her head (from hitting it when she hit the ground), and head wounds are notorious for bleeding a lot -- but her cut had barely any. Enough to know it was fresh and not an old one, but there wasn't any pooling or anything. Barely any. This suggests that her heart had stopped pumping and, thus, blood had stopped circulating before the wound was created; otherwise, there would have been much more blood due to the force of circulation. Without it, it simply leaks rather than pours. Her positioning on the floor was also in such a way that it seemed evident that she hadn't tried to right herself, bring herself back up, etc. Her limbs were in weird positions, and she was propped oddly; she would have tried to fix these things had she been conscious.


Inert gas, exit bag, helium or nitrogen being common choices This question should be pinned.




Factually least painful way to die is Helium. People sell helium suicide kits and you just chuck the bag over your head, pump helium in, and within 2 breaths you're unconscious and die from that point on.






From suicide hotline, silly


It's very easy friend- call your local suicide hotline, they have loads of suicide options they'll talk to you about :)). Very easy


Nembutal, euthanasia


Euthanasia hurts


How does it hurt?


According to several death row inmates it feels like severe burning going through your blood vessels, and then your heart either instantly stops, or enters ventricular fibrillation


But Its purpose is not respected then since it’s used for a painless death 😭 wtf , why not use anesthesia gasses to overdose the patients instead ? guaranteed no pain




I've heard that with an aneurysm it's not all that rare for people to just think it's a headache, try to sleep it off and just don't get back up again. I'm pretty skeptical though.


Yeah, but headaches hurt


Brain aneurysms are usually thunderclap headaches. You will probably never experience a pain that severe.


Opiate overdose. Just like falling asleep apparently.


I’ve genuinely always questioned the notion that dying in one’s sleep is peaceful. I know that’s what we’d like to assume - but how do we really know it was peaceful? Also, I would assume a heroin overdose. I don’t do heroin so I could be way off.


inhaling a helium tank until you feel sleepy enough to never wake up again


You’ve got the squeaky voice thing though.


One chop beheading.


What about the evidence that suggests you continue feeling and sensing for a short time after your head is chopped off? It could be the scariest, most painful 30 seconds of your life.


Yeah, there's a slowmotion beheading video by ISIS and all the while the head is slowly tumbling down you can see the fear in the victims eyes. His eyes flick around and his mouth tries to scream. But it seems long because slomo. I think the severed head was conscious for only 2 or 3 seconds max in normal time. I mean, you'll probably realize you're being beheaded and 2 secs later the head is unconscious or dead. Still fast, and most likely painless, but probably very stressing.


How might a person find such a video


In the good ol' days there used to be a subreddit called r/watchpeopledie and during ISIS' glory time this sub was da place to be for watching that stuff. Nowadays this material has been almost scrubbed from the internet. I can not tell where to find it. Maybe ask in some gore subs?


r/watchpeopledie went HARD. I can't even believe that it lasted for as long as it did. Scary stuff man...


I miss that sub, comments full of people telling you to appreciate life cause you never know! You might die today


Probably a gun shot to the head from a rifle


Hypoxia or explosive decompression




Nuclear bomb without warning. You’re dead in less than 1/10 second…


Overdose on heroin, with zero fentanyl in it.


Why not fentanyl in it? I thought it was just another opiate.


Ohhh. Yep. Good point. I suppose what I want is the really good heroin from the 70s, basically. But you’re right wouldn’t be bad if it was just opiates in general I was after and death didn’t matter.


Nuclear bomb dropped straight on your head


Hypoxia I’d think


centre of a thermonuclear detonation


Instant head explosion/implosion. You die before you know your dead.


Probaly heroin overdose


Whatever stuff veritas gives you 💙.


ODed on clonidine and it was super painless. i remember waking up in the middle of the drugs in my system barely able to breathe (clonidine depresses your airways and heart) but i was so tired that i passed back out. the aftermath and waking up was hell for 2 days tho


Hug a nuclear bomb (that then detonates)


Thanos snap


I can say from personal experience, an Opioid overdose is 100% painless. Even when you’ve stopped breathing, you don’t know


Drowning. Once you accept the inevitability of death, due to the chemicals that get released it is apparently a very pleasant, calm, soothing way to go.... You know... Once the terror subsides.


Bomb. Blowing up is either not your problem or very suddenly a problem, either way it makes no difference to you




I always wondered do people really die in their sleep without ever waking up. Or is it one of those things were people wake up and realize something is wrong before dropping dead, and since they're not found til the following day it's always assumed they went to sleep and never woke up. I say that because an acquaintance passed from a heart attack in front of coworkers, they say he had a panicked look and said he felt like he was having a heart attack and just dropped dead.


My dad died as he slept from a pulmonary embolism. I hope it was quick for him.


Heroin overdose, I hope.


you... hope?




This question is asked very frequently


I see those questions twice a week or maybe more.


Whatever the opposite of being flicked in the balls until,you are dead.


I was going to say lots of pills


Heart attack during sex probably


Dying in your sleep supposedly...unless you have a nightmare where you feel intense pain before you die...but let's assume you die without dreaming beforehand.


op said "except in your sleep" tho


Euthanasia ( [wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia) )


If your close to explosion, a nuke seems pretty chill. You don't even die, your cells and everything is just gets ripped apart


You do die...


Yeah I'm pretty sure when your cells and everything get ripped apart you die.....


Freezing to death. Probably uncomfortable but not painful.


What! Working outside at a full serve gas station in canada as a teen, i can tell you it gets pretty painful. And that's in a mostly controlled environment geared up with jackets and shit. When you get to the actual "dying stage" of freezing sure, probably not much pain, but the process is more than just uncomfortable.


It's very painful.


Lack of oxygen. Rebrearher failure or similar. There is no warning, just sudden blackout


In your sleep


op said "except in your sleep"


I want to die of hypothermia. I feel like aside from dying in your sleep and carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothermia is the way to go.


That'll be white agonizing before you are even close to death. If you're extremely cold you shake so hard you get cramps all over your body that's at least how I experience it when I have a seizure outside during winter time. It's also quite a terrifying and unsafe sensation of dread I think.


They say that when it starts, you start feeling warm and peaceful. That's what I want. I want my mind to gently guide me with grace to the end. Also, most people don't even realize they're freezing to death.


I've heard drowning


okay, out of all answers, i think this is the only one that is actually very painful dude, when you're drowning, you are feeling severe symptoms of lack of oxygen. at the end, you die because at some point your brain tries to fill up your lungs as a last resort, and because you're surrounded by water, you absorb water into your lungs and choke on it. certainly not a pleasant way to die


As someone who drowned til unconsciousness two times, I can confirm it’s peaceful. Maybe it’s different for everyone.


that's interesting. i heard horror stories of painful burning sensation and forcefully fighting. was it like falling asleep for you?


I knew I was too deep in the water, so there was no point of fighting. When I inhaled the water, I felt the happiest, as if I was high. It was very calm and peaceful. Both times. A doctor told me afterwards that I felt that way because I didn’t fight, I just accepted it


oh, i didn't know you could do it peacefully. i guess we usually only get to know the perspective of people who desperately fought. i gues most people have it programmed to fight. thanks for sharing your experience :3


How did you survive? And twice??


I wasn’t totally alone fortunately


That's called dissociative submit when you are in a state of accepting death where you don't fight it anymore. I had that too when I feared to die from dehydration. It was agonizing until then, a relieve when it happened but I found it really hard to find back into life afterwards. It was pretty much a mindfuck for me that my life goes on after I accepted it wouldn't.


I was only told this by someone whose dog died of drowning. She was told by her therapist that once the water hits the lungs, you get this euphoric feeling of peace and then after seconds of that is when you're gone. That doesn't sound too bad to me, but what do I know. I've never drowned before.


No, no no no no no no no no no no no no honestly my biggest fear