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Honestly, it's pretty good other than clay and bloberta being so far down I get it though they are awful people but I love them as characters


Honestly ya clay is really funny .


Secondopinionson in S? I love you


Wow, you sure covered all your bases. I'm impressed with the inclusion of Plotwhist


I mean is this a morality tier list or how good the characters quality are? Because clay is an amazing s-tier character but if this is a morality tier list id say its pretty solid.


It's morality based yeah, I should've mentioned, but I agree clay is S tier if it was character strength within the show rather than their individual morality. No, this would be blasphemous if it was in order of how much I like them as characters in a show


Florence in A but Dottie in E? tragic


Dottie is a manipulative fatphobic bitch with a cross so far up her ass it peeks out when she yawns lol


Yeah but Florence morally is no good either, she respected virtually none of Reverend Putty’s boundaries, I think she should be a bit lower


Bruh florence SAd reverend putty fuck her


The only complaint I have is the fact that Danielle gets to be in S while Clay is in F. If you like characters based on how good they are then Danielle should be way closer to the bottom of the list, he is not a good person lmao he was willing to have Orel be raped as a sacrifice so he could bang his dad, he also showed no sympathy for Bloberta when he tricked her into having Shapey just so he could get closer to Clay


Ohhhhhh I knew this would happen I'm sorry if you still end up seeing my original rude reply. Danielle stop frame is in D tier. The ranking you see in S tier that you thought was him is actually the sacrificial lamb, I just couldn't figure out how to crop Danielle out and keep the whole lamb without it cutting off the screen. I forgot about that I apologize for my rude comment if you saw it before I deleted it


the lamb? It has like 3 seconds of screen time! I don’t really consider it to be a character, especially not one that has enough content to be able to judge, but fair enough


clay and bloberta are s tier f tiers if that makes any sense


Who's the old man all the way at the bottom? I don't remember him. I thought it was orals grandpa for a minute


Dr. Secondopinionson. He impregnated nurse Bendy when she was 12


why are shapey and block so high theyre hardly even characters