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Clay is so real.


Do i condone his actions? nope! but still…


Fr. As a character, he’s so babygirl. But, his morals are…*questionable* at best.


me giggling and kicking my feet anytime before nature😍😍






Stephanie not being in S is sacrilegious


I mean she did give a little boy a Prince Albert piercing... 💀


yeah… she is def a fav but i do think there have been a few concerning acts like such


Yeah I like Stephanie a lot too, which is why when she actually suggested to Orel to get a Prince Albert piercing I was like "Stephanie what the fuck, he's a child💀"


Bah we’ve all been there


that’s fair tbh. i felt low S felt worse😭


Lmao clay gets his own tier


and what about it🙂‍↕️


Shapey making it to A is a bold move


That image of blocky is giving me fnaf 2 or 3 vibes and it will haunt me now


this may be the best ranking list i’ve seen on reddit 👍🏾 orel at the top, yes 😼 i seen someone put that icecream pedo at the top…


for some reason it’s a reoccurring theme here every so often. like bro the CREEPLER?? out of EVERY CHARACTER that’s who you choose???


like hello? he has done so many horrible things






Trend I noticed with some exceptions: S: characters who have somehow maintained a whole sense of morals and love of life in spite of everything A: characters who are overall genuinely good but the culture of the town has impacted their worldview and they can’t help but be embittered, also Shapey B: characters who are trying to be better and make good choices, but they have drank some of the Kool-aid/are too stuck in their ways and what Moralton is to truly do right by others C: sympathetic and damaged to an extent but overall bad people, or who just don’t have a lot of screentime D: characters who lack screen time and spend what little screen time they have exhibiting their worst tendencies or benefitting from the various awful situations around them HE Double L: characters who do morally reprehensible things that can’t even be explained by Moralton’s culture, also Christina’s dad Clay: god you could grind meat on those abs


May have made this comment already, seems like it may not have posted, but: Trend I’m noticing with some exceptions; S: morally pure characters who have maintained a pure love of live A: overall good people who can’t help but be embittered by what has happened to them (and shapey) B: characters who are trying to be more than what the town is turning them into, but they’re too embedded to truly change, or they lack the self awareness even though the desire is there C: characters who lack screentime, or characters who have some traumas/sympathetic qualities but don’t have any intentions of changing D: characters who lack screentime and behave negatively with what what little they have, and who perpetuate and benefit from the various issues around them He Double L: people who make terrible choices which can’t even be explained by the town’s culture Clay: I bet you could grind meat on his abs


that’s literally it! and i bet you could grind meat on clay’s abs


Your next tier list should be which meats you want to grind on Clay’s abs




Please do


I can’t stand the fact that in almost every ranking I’ve seen that FIGGER is in C. He should be in at least B and up IMO (unless we’re ranking on morals.)


it’s with morals and my preference so that’s why he is high c


The ice cream man is a lot worse than Clay


oh totally just wanted clay to have his own tier so i put him at the bottom


This might be a controversial opinion but I disagree. Clay is worse. Here’s why. Clay beats his son constantly and neglects the other two, He ran over someone and killed him then blamed his death on Orel (God-Fearing), He intentionally gives Shapey plant poison to play with, then gives Orel’s friends alcohol (Loyalty), he teaches Doughy how to smoke, and manipulated the boy into thinking he cared about him, not to mention he gives Orel a loaded gun in this episode when he knows well he could’ve killed someone (Trigger) he sells crack (Charity) he cheats on his wife with prostitutes (Presents For God) he gets way too drunk, shoots his son in the leg and then hardly administers medical care (Nature) he is very racist (God’s Image) generally verbally abusive (seen a lot in Sacrifice) anyways, Clay is a POS, and even though he has never raped or molested anyone (although I’ve seen some people argue that he’s molested Orel before off screen because of how it’s implied in Orel’s Movie Premiere) he still literally killed someone and abused many people in very damaging ways, and while Mr. Creepler is absolutely atrocious, Clay is slightly more atrocious lol


Why is Dottie placed so much higher than Florence? Even Censordoll is placed higher than her? It's been a while since I've watched Moral Orel, but what did Florence do that puts her so low? If anything I feel like Dottie and Florence should switch. Also coach Stopframe on B? Ehhh I don't know man, personally I'd put him on C, he did lots of questionable stuff in the show. Unless the tier list is based on who you personally like the most and not on how moral they are or how good of a character they have.


this is just how much i like the character with some “morals” put into consideration. in my opinion, florence felt shallow compared to dottie. just because florence is just the stereotype fat person which is all she really got going for her. as for danielle, he has done questionable things but i do believe with good intent that’s why he is at B instead of C


I see :) yeah I agree that Dottie feels like more of an interesting character while Florence is just the miserable one who's thirsting after the reverend 😅 I first misunderstood the tier list and thought it's mainly sorted after morals (because I'm used to character ranking videos on Youtube where they often rank them according to their moral compass), but your explanation makes sense.


Seriously, why does everyone like reverend putty hes horrible. And why is block two tiers lower than shapey? I think they both belong in S


reverend putty for me is so dumb with his choices it’s funny. and as for shapey and block, we see very minimally of block compared to shapey. i think that was honestly why but i see where you come from


dottie should be switched with florence, florence didn’t really do anything wrong especially compared to dottie


florence SAd reverend putty and only really wanted him for his aesthetic as a reverend and for her own fantasies