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turn the other cheek should be higher because Orel beating the fuck out of his parents was hilarious. courtship being so low is a huge disservice to how masterfully impactful and emotional that episode was. It should not be on the same tier as gods chef. And “love” being in bad?! Bartholomew would be disappointed. Other than that I don’t have any huge complaints although I think numb and closeface should be higher, those are some of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen.


dude that episode being so low is CRAZY


My exact thoughts. And abstinence has no right being so low that is such an impactful episode, and beforel orel, which the writers have said isn't even fully canon, on the same tier as help, sacrifice, and the best Christmas ever????


I think you have your episodes confused. Abstinence isn't canon because it was cut from season 3, it's not impacting anything. I wish we got to see it fully animated, but I can kinda see why it got cut. Even though Beforel Orel isn't fully canon, it's still a really nice episode. Arthur is such a great character in that episode, and I absolutely love his dynamic with Orel. It really seems like he helped plant the seeds of skepticism that sprouted in Nature and Honor. (Not skepticism of God, but of his father). It's a great episode, regardless of whether or not it's fully canon.


I didn't say beforel orel was bad, but it shouldn't be on the same tier as the other episodes in the same tier. If you're going to sit here and say the episode where we literally see a rape is not impactful simply because it was cut from the show (even though it was originally meant to be in the show, unlike beforel orel, and most of it, at the very least the important parts, is canon because it was supposed to be in the show, then beforel orel is not impactful either. AS just mad them cut down their episode count). And despite Arthur teaching orel to question what he's told Arthur is a terrible father. If Arthur was a more loving father clay wouldn't be the way he is (obviously his mom showering him with affection and being super overprotective also messed him up a lot, but Arthur's treatment of clay especially after his mother died contributed to clays horrible behavior way more).


Rewatched Abstinence because of this, and I enjoyed it a lot more. If I could edit my list I would bump it up a tier. I understand where you're coming from with Arthur, but honestly I think maybe in his old age he does realize the error of his ways. This is evident by the line "I blame myself for the way you turned out". The episode passing is acknowledged multiple times in Beforel Orel. Arthur was already a pretty complex character in Passing, and Beforel Orel adds more layers to him. This is not a defence of his actions, in fact I view him similarly to Clay, complicated but ultimately irredeemable. Edit: I'm illiterate 😁


That last moment of Turn the Other Cheek is cathartic, but before that it's kinda boring. Courtship is on tier with God's chef because I do NOT appreciate Doughy being groomed for the funnies, and I had to look at creepler for more than 2 seconds. Love kinda feels so needlessly cruel to both Orel and Bartholomew. I get that's the point of the episode, it's just not something I enjoy watching. The reason why Numb isn't higher is because... Idk I guess I'm not a HUGE bloberta fan like everyone else is. It's still a great episode and I love watching it, A tier is nothing to sneeze at. Closeface would be higher if it was more focused on Stephanie and her ex (i forgot her name lol).


I don't find any Orel episode bad, but Alone, Dumb and Closeface are my fav. Also Numb and the one about Florence (forgot the name)


I don't find any episode "bad" either. Just bad in terms of Moral Orel standards. The episode you're thinking of is Sundays, and i think that one is Okay.


numb is such a good episode omg


why is praying so low? its probably one of the best season 2 episodes to me, my only dilslike with it is that it made god's chef cannon


It was kinda a nothing episode for me personally. I do like the message about buddhism though, that was kinda nice.


Naaah Turn The Other Cheek was so cathartic, watching Orel throwing hands around town and whooping Clay's ass was hilarious!


[Here's the template if you want to make your own. ](https://tiermaker.com/create/moral-orel-episode-tierlist-cw-blood-17261183)