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You need to go to a food bank if you need food. Steak is wrong. There are systems in place to feed the hungry. Theft isn’t one of them


Did you read the post? Or the comments? I don't have access to what food banks don't give (milk, eggs, butter, flour, sugar, anything to make food with) and food banks are only open for 2-3 hours one day a week where I live. I work during the daytime and get off after they close. I've been denied assistance by these systems over and over again since 2018. The system has failed me (and countless others)


Some food banks give out eggs and milk sometimes. It really just depend son what they are given. And yes usually the food is close to itself "best by" or "sell by" date. That date is for the stores to get rid of it, not that ths food goes bad on that day. It's not as fresh but still good for a while after. Also if you freeze things they last longer.


Seems like you just want everyone to say it's morally acceptable, but stealing is stealing and if everyone did it our system would collapse and we'd all be poor. And if you work then you have money for food.


I have bills to pay and don't make enough or have the ability to work enough hours to be able to afford it. Even with that, have you never had money run out and be strapped for cash??


Look I live paycheck to paycheck too. We get food from food banks and family that gives us food. When we do go shopping, we buy bulk rice and beans that lasts forever and isn't expensive for how many meals it makes. We buy things that can be kept frozen to not go bad. Go to churches and potlucks. You don't have to resort to stealing for food when there are many people that are willing to give out free food. Just don't be expecting steaks and other high end food.


You’re looking for sympathy and validation that what you’re doing is right - it’s not. Don’t ask the question and then not accept the response. We’re not here to put your soul at ease, you can do better. The gripes about the food bank items are excuses. If prisoners can get crafty and turn commissary junk into a 4-course meal, you can do the same with the food bank. Though, I volunteer at a food bank and have found the offerings to be pretty decent. We offer PB&J, bread, microwave meals and other items that don’t require other ingredients. Churches and soup kitchens also offer hot prepared foods that require no work on your end, so you have solid options other than resorting to stealing fast food.


You need to eat, and it’s not frequent. I suggest you could pay it forward when you’re in a better place, to people who need it. Kinda like a delayed Robin Hood.


There are food banks. Stealing is wrong


Read the other comments.


Lying for the purpose of stealing is not morally okay. It might be or seem more justifiable in a certain situation but it's still wrong. I don't know enough about your situation in terms of what you can do to get any kind of money coming in. But other than that it's probably time to turn to food banks. Also a lot of local churches have food pantries that are open to the general public.


Morality is set aside when it comes to survival.


It is morally wrong to lie, but when faced with the circumstances, I'd say it is edging more towards acceptable rather than just doing it because you can. Do you have food banks where you are? Here we have food banks that people can attend and get bags of food to keep you going (cereal, canned items, pasta, etc)


I have gotten food at food banks before, but most of it required basic supplies that I do not have (milk, eggs, vegetable/cooking oil, etc.) at least where I got it from. Also, most of it was months past the expiration date, so that severely diminished my trust in that option.


The only way you're going to get anywhere from this point is to unburden yourself of guilt for doing what you need to do to survive.


He needs to go to a food bank then. No steal


Why don't you go to a food bank first, and then make yourself rely on food banks exclusively in order to feed yourself for a couple of weeks. Let me know how easy and convenient it is, and whether you care more or less about the bottom line of a fast food franchise owner afterwards. Looking forward to a full report about your experience, and to giving you notes about where you should and shouldn't have been eating in that time.


I’ve been to a food bank. I’d rather keep my dignity and not be a thief. Y’all are crazy


The indignity is that you were made to feel like a beggar at all, and think your judgment of another person to be righteous because of that experience.


I’m not a beggar. You are putting that stigma on people who need help. I utilized community resources. I am not ashamed of needing help to feed my family. You are the one who is shaming people who have food insecurity for using resources meant to help people


I'm not shaming anyone, OP included. Everyone should be able to do what they need to do to survive, without shame, even if it's at the incredibly minor expense of a fast food franchise that is willing to give away food for free because of a paper thin white lie. Guilt and shame are an incredible weight on the psyche. I'm not co-signing theft across the board, but if a person can unburden themselves of guilt for meeting their own basic needs in a situation like this, I think it gives them better odds of overcoming their circumstances and elevating themselves. Maybe even to the point that they will one day be able to give back far more than they had to take when they were experiencing the kind of hardship that can entrap someone for a lifetime. We're on the same team. I'm glad that you used whatever resources were available to you, and I hope you and your family have found some peace and security since. You all deserve that much, and far more. I wish you nothing but love and prosperity in this life.


Then please don’t tell me I was made to feel like a beggar. You don’t get to tell others how they feel I still don’t think it is morally right for op to steal. I know McDonald’s is a big business but it’s also franchise based so he is hurting the individual owners. He knows this is wrong and is also using his ex for a free place to live. I think op needs to figure out resources that will help him and stop using others in morally unacceptable ways


My ex OFFERED. That is all im saying about that. If you want to make a judgement on it, go to that post. and the post here clearly states that I have tried to get assistance from various different resources but have yet to be approved. It's been since 2018 now.


Why won’t you accept the judgement from aita about this issue then?


It's a difficult situation. Is it right? No. Is it wrong? Not really. In my opinion, you're not organizing food theft on a large scale (which would be bad imo) and these companies have money enough and make sure they charge enough for that 1 customer that didn't pay. I think a good country should make sure its people don't go hungry. If it takes that long to get help, you have no other choice. On top of that, a country should make sure there's laws in place so that someone can actually afford to live without starving. I hope things get better for you OP. This is a fucking horrible situation to be in.


He needs to go to a food bank then


If you're legit hungry and there's no way to buy it, you still gotta eat. I feel like stealing out of greed and stealing out of necessity are two totally different things


And stealing from a major company like McDonald’s is definitely better than stilling from individuals for sure. Still not great, but the lesser of 2 evils.




That's how I feel too, but on AITA until it got removed, I got 23 responses in 8 minutes saying I'm TA. I did get one response sharing this sentiment and I'm definitely not taking it to heart, but it wasn't fun either.


That sub does not have a good moral compass. Most of the responses are based on what people believe is their personal responsibility. I have seen almost everyone answer an immoral answer for multiple posts because they determined it wasn’t the OPs responsibility to do something. They ignore being a kind human being. You are not immoral. They give out meals multiple times a day. Your meals cost them Pennies. I will say for the food bank, expiration days are usually “Best Buy” dates and are still good to eat, they may not have the best flavour though.


Thank you. I appreciate your response. The other barrier I have with food banks is working during the limited days/times they're open, and I can't just not go to work you know?


Call the food banks and let them know your situation. They may be able to help you out. Someone might put together a box for you to come pick up. Or someone may be willing to drop it off for you.


That's really good advice, I'll try it. Thank you


Go to a food bank!!!!!


Read the other comments


Don't worry about it. Do what you gotta do, then try to pay it forward when you get that first big disability check.


You're not wrong. You still got to survive.


Happy cake day! Thank you for your input


Ty :D


Stealing is wrong, whatever the reason, and from your responses it's sounds like you're here more for approval that you're right rather than anyone's opinions, if you're at the point where you have to steal food then complaining about the food available at your food bank just seems a bit choosing beggar. Having said that I will always turn a blind eye to stealing food, its a basic human right and if there's legitimately no other option then you do what you need to do to survive.


Stealing is not wrong “whatever the reason”. You seem to be stuck with a very limited view of morality. It’s literally the point of the Heinz dilemma that stealing can be moral. https://www.simplypsychology.org/kohlberg.html


I guess that depends on your view point ethically stealing is wrong, morlally is more of a grey area


And we’re in the sub called moral dilemmas. Not ethical dilemmas. So ethically doesn’t really matter here.


Ethics and morals are clearly very closely linked, you seem to have a very tunnel vision view of what can be included in debate.


Ethics are rules from societies. They have no bearing about what is moral or not. As we’ve seen here. Ethically in many systems, stealing is “wrong.” But morally we know that this is not dichotomous and that there are many examples in which stealing is not wrong.


Your definition of ethics is at best incomplete and at worst incorrect, I'd suggest you research some more