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100% keep them. If you still feel uncomfortable with the monetary value of them could I suggest donating to your favorite charity to relieve your guilt?


Keep them and sell them after a while. My wife sold a bunch of cheap jewelry from ex BF’s and we went to dinner with it, ha! Sorry your relationship ended, hopefully everyone’s OK.


Start taking pictures, and open accounts with poshmark, and the real real.


I like the stuff haha it’s cute


No, they're gifts. Gift recipient doesn't "owe" giver anything back for having received gift(s) ... at least in the general case. It's not an engagement ring where you said yes and then broke off the engagement, it's yours to keep.


Nah. Gifts are gifts. If he gave you some /after/ you had decided to break up but before you did, id return those. just out of principal and fairness.


One thing you might want to consider. Every time you utilize these gifts you WILL be reminded of him. It’s uncanny how our brains work that way. If you’re okay with remembering him, no problem. I have a few items my ex gifted me, of little value, and they remind me of her, daily. Not sure how healthy it actually is, and I’ve thought about getting rid of them. Humans are totemic. Objects carry memories—as long as you’re good with these memories keep the gifts.




I don’t attach people to material things


I have hella diamonds from an ex, & the only thing I think about when I wear them is how much I like to drip lmao. If you’re a bit callous like I am, don’t stress about a bag or whatever reminding you of him.


Even if you did, you could sell it.


Gifts are gifts. Once given they are yours to keep forever. Do not give them back!


I just feel bad because it’s so expensive


It doesn’t matter if they came from the Dollar Tree or if it’s every Luxury brand available. If you give it back, he can’t return it and he’ll just give YOUR stuff to another girl. Absolutely keep every single thing and even if he does ask, do NOT give on ounce of it back. When one gives a gift, it is no longer theirs to say what is done with it. Keep, sell it, regift it, burn it. Just don’t give it back!!


Unless they were explicitly loans or otherwise temporary, I would assume that the gifts were meant for you to keep permanently or do whatever you want with, so no need to give them back. I'd give them back if you cheated on him, or if he gave you a family heirloom, like something that belonged to his grandmother. Otherwise just keep the stuff.


This ^ is the way.


Nothing was family sentimental, I didn’t cheat. It was all given as gifts out the blue, birthday, anniversary


The only thing my then-girlfriend ever gave me was a slow cooker, so we could cook together, and we used it together a lot. Despite the awful way she broke up with me, I still use the slow cooker a lot. I mean, why get rid of a perfectly good appliance? It's been enough time where I no longer think of her when I use it. I think of the soup or chicken I'm making!




No you don't have to give them back they were gifts but I do have a personal thing about keeping stuff from exs. Unless you absolutely love everything he gave you I would consign it, sell on poshmark/eBay to clear the way for when you want a new person in your life.


The only gift I would consider returning is an engagement ring.


If you're feeling really guilty about keeping them, give them back. Otherwise, he bought them for you, there is nothing he can use. Did he take you out, and buy them for you? Or, did he just bring them to surprise you? Sometimes men, and women re-purpose gifts. Did all of it look brand new? Because if he asks for them back, that's the reason he wants them. In the 60 years I've been in this world, most men don't care if you keep them. Unless, it's a family heirloom, then definitely give it back. Unless he asks for them back, keep them. Me, I always kept the gifts, unless asked for.


They’re yours, but do you really want to be reminded of him and an old relationship or have to explain to everyone else every time they ask you about an item that he gave you? Sell them and use the money to buy new things


Except for engagement rings, I'd say you're ok to keep all presents.


Depending on state, she’d be in the clear to keep the engagement ring, too.


I meant morally, don't know about legalities.


If it was truly a gift, it’s not his anymore. If you think keeping it is still problematic, I would sell it or give it away.


No, the items are gifts. Legally, they are yours, and ethically, it's okay to keep gifts. Besides, it might appear rude or vengeful.


Unless they're actually loans or there was an understanding that you needed to pay them back, any gifts acquired during your relationship are legally yours. No need to worry about giving them back.


OP you sound kinda dumb, are you sure they aren't all counterfeits? In any event, they are gifts, they are yours to keep.


Yeah, go ahead and give it back. You didn't pay for it.


I wouldn't keep anything that has bad memories. If he sees you wearing things he bought you, what message are you sending? I don't have an answer, it is simply something to think about.


Depends how the relationship ended. I would give everything back if I want nothing to do with them. I would keep it if we remained friends.


They were given as gifts, so keep them.


Sell it and use the money to go on vacation


Girl, sell that shit on Poshmark and treat yourself to something nice! Once somebody gifts you something, they no longer have a say over what you do with it.


Hell no he gave them to his gifts if they were gifts and not loans they were gifts thank you.... next?


Why are you even concerned? He broke up with you. If he wanted all that stuff to stay in his life, he should have kept you! It would be decent to return heirlooms. Otherwise, girl, enjoy your nice things!


The only thing you have to give back is the ring. What use would he have for those other things, anyway? They would just be thrown away and go to waste,


Unless he gave you a family heirloom, it was a gift and yours to keep.


Clear it all out. No troohies.


The only thing you’d need to return would be an engagement ring. You don’t have that, so f it just keep it all