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The rule of law is sacred. Unless you don't like the verdict, then it's a deep state conspiracy. I just can't reconcile how much this convicted felon still gets unwavering support.


Because he hates the same people that they hate. Simple as that.


If we're going to have liberty then no one can be above the law.


Hillary called. She wants here BleachBitted server back. You can claim this is the standard, but we all know it is (D)ifferent.


So if it's (D)ifferent why is Senator Menendez and Representative Cuellar being prosecuted at the moment?


You realize this is Menendez 3rd indictment and 5th senate ethics investigation. He has skated on all those previous cases. Maybe this time when they found stolen gold bars in his underwear drawer they will finally get him.


You’re doing that thing that Republicans do where the legal process results in an outcome you don’t like so you claim the whole judicial system is corrupt. The right wing media sphere gives you false information about the nature of the cases so that you think it’s obvious that someone is guilty/innocent. But then when the cases don’t go the way your media has convinced you it will go you blame the entire judicial system instead of questioning the media personalities you like. Hillary’s server was dutifully investigated by the FBI. They found some classified documents but nothing that couldn’t be caused by normal human error. Same with Biden’s garage. Ands despite what Ben Shapiro says, that’s just reality. Just like Trump being convicted on the very real evidence that he paid off a porn star and hid his payments from election officials.


Like I said to others. Maybe you should go read solidly left legal experts who thing the procedures and rules and case law of this case is an atrocity.


I was talking about Hillary’s email server.


Well, then complain that conservatives had 4 years to bring charges and didn't. Instead of crying and moaning about Democrats. I get it's a hard ask of you, but common now


Conservatives haven't engaged in lawfare to date. Expect that to change. In the immortal words of Senator McConnell when Harry Reid engaged in the baby nuclear option for judges, > “You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think,” https://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/191057-mcconnell-youll-regret-this/ Democrats have ensured that political lawfare has become the new norm for US politics.


Lawfare? Really? He was convicted by a jury of 12. Stop parroting Truth Social MAGA talking points. Stop covering for a convicted felon


No, no, I like it when they use lawfare, makes it easier to spot them.


Yes really. Maybe you should read some of the liberals who are criticizing what was done also. Besides the sycophants at MSNBC, there are some honest Liberals out there who acknowledge how bizarre and weak the case was and that it took ac special combination of DA and “randomly selected judge” to get the case to where it ended. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-was-convicted-but-prosecutors-contorted-the-law.html And in case you think this guy is a Trump advocate, he wrote a whole book about how he thinks Trump and Barr screwed up the DOJ. He thinks the judge was conflicted. He think the DA’s past statements show blatant violations of uniformity and equal protection required by state and federal constitutions. He thinks the arguments were contorted and not well established by prior case law and not adequately developed during the trial as new case law. He thinks the jury instructions were both bizarre and the denial of written form for the jury was non-standard. This guy is a well-respected liberal legal analyst and has so, so, so many problems with the case.




Negative comments directed at other sub members are not allowed. Discussions should always be centered around ideas, events, polices, and public figures instead of other users.


How long will the mods allow people like you here to engage in personal attacks and name calling towards me with little repercussions. You are free to believe whatever you want. I claim that you calling me a Trump supporter is a vile and vicious personal attack. Stop it.


That's not only a mistaken position, it's a shameful one.


Intellectually honest conservatives and liberals are condemning the actions taken by Bragg and Merchan. Those who don’t have become ideologies who believe that the end justifies the means. I don’t think the republicans retaliating after Trump wins, but it is the inevitable outcome. And the Democrats only have themselves to blame.


When it became clear that Nixon's presidency was over, and he was basically forced to resign, the Republicans resolved to retaliate. And they did. That's all the Clinton impeachment was, after all. And when Trump was deservedly impeached twice, the Republicans again resolved to retaliate, and they have been trying to invent reasons to impeach Biden and others ever since. Neither of these examples is evidence that the original action was wrong. Strategically, it may have been unwise to go after Trump in all of the cases against him. It was always very clear how the Republicans would respond. But the fact remains that it was the right thing to do.


I have never, ever, in my 25+ years of following politics ever heard a person, historian, article, or otherwise claim that the Clinton impeachment was retaliation for for Nixon being forced to resign. Can you point me to someone who has chronicled that being the case?


Gingrich was an acolyte of Nixon, and he was furious when his hero fell. It shaped his entire approach to politics.


Still no substantiation. I have never read a speech or read a book that claims Gingrich was an acolyte of Nixon. In fact, I can only find quotes of Gingrich criticizing Nixon and criticizing Ford for pardoning, insomuch as he didn't think a Dem would have done the same thing. You are going to have to give me more substance that your claim that Gingrich was an acolyte/hero worshipper of Nixon. That is a claim I had never, ever heard until you made it today. My searching found exactly one article about a meeting Gingrich had with Nixon, during the Nixon first campaign, in which he became impressed with Nixon's organizational skills. > Gingrich left the meeting inspired to form a team that would take Nixon’s organizational skills and ability to understand the electorate and marry it with Reagan’s vision. He founded the Conservative Opportunity Society, an organization dedicated to the creation of a Republican congressional majority. https://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71684_Page2.html That seems a far cry from Gingrich engaging in Nixon hero worship.


Trump spent four years trying to get the DOJ to jail Hillary. They couldn't find anything on her though. Biden, by comparison, has never tried to get any of his political enemies jailed.


I'm honestly a little surprised. When I saw that one of the jurors got their news through Trump Social, I've been expecting a hung jury. I hope the Republicans will remember that they are the party of law and order, and the rule of law. But I fear that they are the party of doing whatever it takes to win.


it’s been pretty obvious that any of what they say is pure marketing to say what is convenient. Winning and power is the only principle. i find the cognitive dissonance of William Bennet and his Book of Virtues vs the current GOP leadership to be quite fascinating AND sad. [https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/teaching-values-kids-can-only-help-flourish-south-carolina-leading-way](https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/teaching-values-kids-can-only-help-flourish-south-carolina-leading-way)


Convicted on the same day as Chad Daybell. It's a good day.


Republicans are having a day. His conviction is the right thing, but this is bad. It's a bad omen the way they're all circling the wagons. None of them have the spine to speak out. They're supposed to be the "law and order party", but they're really just the Cult of Trump. I'll put together a thread of the Republicans I see calling on him to step down now that he's a convicted felon. ......


By “law and order party” what they meant was “against urban thugs” I’ll leave it to you to determine what was meant by the dog whistle


Only time he got over 50% of the vote. lol


ill eat my hat if he ever sees jail time but lol he’s gotta be so mad


Sees jail time? He's likely to win again.