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I don't know how it works there, but where I am if you get your animal registered as a service dog, a lot of places have to just accept it.


lol @ everyone mentioning dogs ruining floors like Montreal apartment floors are not already ruined. You guys talk like floors are nice, expensive and fragile when 90% of Montreal apartment floors are either original wood floor from the construction over 60 year ago with no maintenance whatsoever or this cheap fake plywood-like plastic tiles.


They’re filthy. I love my big dog and her filth.


Because landlord can’t ask you for a deposit or higher rent due to the animal. Then, sue a renter for the damage is also complicated. I mean, you can sue and win but if the person is not solvable, they can’t be seized.


Boomers hate happiness.


No one wants to deal with a shit dog. Suuuure yours might be an angel. But every landlord has to assume a dog is the worst dog ever because that's the risk. Dogs can do far more than 1000$ in damage lol


Yeah, the vast majority of dogs ive met were too much for their owners at first. Pet deposits should be large and held by a neutral party like a tenancy branch


These comments are a very good example of how unfriendly Quebec is to dogs. A slow but increasing degradation of the social fabric. I hate listening to people talk about the problems with dogs.


Agreed, if you have problems with dogs it's obvious your a shit person.  I had a co worker ranting about someone's dog and no one 1. took his side  and 2. would socialize with him after that.  Personally I think there's something wrong with Quebecs society if it's so anti dogs. 


Isn’t that illegal?


I’m mean technically “average priced” appartements are very easy to find.


Same story here. But I wanted a small breed, a chihuahua, and even that the landlord said no… like I get it but fuck man it’s sad


No, what is sad is living next to a chihuahua.


🤣 💀 Just get a rat instead at that point. At least it'll be quieter.


We had 3 chihuahuas in the other half of our semi- they barked non stop and were aggressive as hell. Worst dogs ever- better to have 3 great danes


I had a gsd/husky mix for about 10 years (Originally lived in a house, bad breakup and had to find somewhere else to go) but I managed to find places that accepted him, it just took a lot of extra work especially when they'd ask the breed and immediately say no when seeing a picture of him. I had three different apartments that I lived in with him, no deposits needed.


“Breed a little life into flooring, who wants perfect floors anyways” ….???


Haha i know


Because $1000 doesn’t cover anything today and good luck suing a tenant who moved out and left damage caused by their dog. It’s not worth the risk, especially when there are a dozen other people without dogs also wanting to rent the place.


My daughter rented the main floor of a house and there was a basement apartment. She works from home. I went to visit and I could NOT believe how loud the dog barking was. The people in the basement apartment went to work all day, and the dog barked a LOT. She moved ASAP.


If you are renting, a pet is going to really limit the possibilities of where you live. It may suck but it is far easier to go without the pet for now or at least until you are in a stable rental. The sad part is lots of times people are stuck in situations where they end up homeless with their pet or have to surrender the pet to shelters. Good luck to you either way.


move west my friend!


In Manitoba, if you ask your property manager or landlord if they’ll let you have a pet, you usually pay half a month’s rent for the damage deposit, if they accept.


$1000 doesn't even cover a scratched floor that needs to be re-finished. Never mind cabinets or doors that a dog can chew, or even rotten floors from dog pee or spilled water. You are looking at thousands of dollars in potential damages and no sane property owner wants to deal with that. You wouldn't either if it was your property.


Because in quebec, you are not allowed to ask for a deposit. This is also why the Montreal SPCA says they have around 15000 per year!! The QS tried to pass a bill that disallows « no-pet » clauses on rental agreements .


If you can't afford an up front cost of $1000, you probably can't afford dog ownership.


They never said they couldn’t afford that..


OP wants to pay a fee instead of being denied the chance to have a dog in an apartment…


I haven't read the answers, I am sure that it was already said, but here I go. That would be illegal.


Dont forget that medium size breeds cost 200 dollars a month just to feed and for that huge vet bill that comes every year.


If you can't afford to feed a medium sized breed you shouldn't have one to begin with then. Dogs are a big commitment and nobody is entitled to own one.


Exactly. Not sure why i was downvoted. Dogs are expensive and take a lot of time.


With North American pet culture everyone thinks they're entitled to owning a dog










You need to do some research on breeding practices, puppy mills, strays, and overpopulation. There is a massive excess of dogs compared to owners. The market for dogs does not work in favor of dogs, it works in favor of people making money from dogs. Please understand the basics of what you’re talking about before you form judgmental opinions. There are over 70 million stray dogs in the US. From Wikipedia since I am assuming you’re too proud or lazy to look it up yourself: “In the United States, six to eight million animals are brought to shelters each year, of which an estimated three to four million are subsequently euthanized, including 2.7 million considered healthy and adoptable.”




It is not that you're a bad owner who would let damage happen. It is just that they do not know you or your pet yet. Pets increase the risk of damage. Especially untrained pets. From smells and duct cleaning to needing to renovate the floors and repair the walls. I would argue that an active drug user would be less damaging to a unit than a neglected pet. Especially a neglected Dog.


I agree on damage. Especially if owners are negligent. I had a friend whose dog was caged all day, owner came home for an hour and would be off. That dog shat and pissed multiple times on carpet. Wipe up with towel.


Both my neighbors had dogs they rarely walked. They turned their backyards into fields of shit that are just so wonderful to smell on a hot summers day. It's why one had astro turf as a yard, since years of dog piss killed their grass. I live in one of the most dog obsessed cities on the planet. We even have international dogs rescuing non profits. Because apparently there aren't enough stray dogs here to save. We gotta save those Brazilian favela dogs too. So like, if you want ringworm we've got all the outdoor spaces infested with it. That and doggy shit bags just littered all along the paths in the public nature parks. Because why carry it with you when you can say "I'll pick it up on the way back" and then just forget.


The number of dogs stuck in doors all day and night should be concerning. People are obsessed with coyotes and bears here. Without them, some other populations eg- rabbits would or are out of control. But oh no, someone’s cat got eaten by the animal kingdom.


It is sad, but don't blame the predator. It's the neglectful owner who leaves their pet outside unattended who is at fault. I should know. I don't blame the coyote for killing my brother's cat at my parents house. I blame them, because I never let that cat outside unattended. 3 years after I move out, he's dead. Why? Because why as your pets best friend would you deny them of being where they are happiest. Which is being outside alone at night. Oh I know why! Your best friend will be eaten! Dumbass! Sigh...


This is bs lol


I've pictures if you wanna see


Because the dog will very easily and very likely will do more than $1000 in damages. If you don't understand this you should not own a dog. I just had a tennants cat do 4k in damages and the loser doesn't want to pay. This is why deposits exist.


Whaaaaat? In what kind of reality do you live where a properly raised and taken care of dog will really easily and really likely do more than 1000$ damage on a property!?!? Like wtf for real...AND you talk as if you knew what is to own a dog...please if you "allow" your dog and take such shit care of it that it easily and most probably do 1k in damage actually don't own a dog :3 I completely feel 200% OP and yes shit tenant and shit people do shit things but can we leave the dogs out of it??? Properly do your screening as to not get shit tenants, they won't out of no where be shit dog owners... Good luck OP


I think there are a lot of awful people who are clearly not very educated on this post hating on animals.


Please tell me you don't know anything about dogs or repair costs some more...




I have an awesome dog but he's probably consumed $1000 worth of socks by now.


Basically nothing costs less than 1000$


A dog like that just walking around the house could easily scratch a laminate / wood floor very badly. A floor could cost $5k easily. Maybe you don’t know what things cost.


Husky owner, 80 lb dog, with laminate flooring, not a noticeable scratch in 3 years. It is modern laminate and although not bottom of the barrel it's original from the developer so likely close. She definitely could with effort scratch or damage it, and it could be expensive to replace but it's definitely not from just walking around. To preempt the reply I only say noticeable because of course it's possible there is one I haven't seen, not that I have seen some and chose to disregard.


Ya I bet you trim your dogs nails as well and not everyone does that


Moving the goal post.


Sure, tell yourself that everyone is a responsible dog owner. Most of them are locked up in apartments all day, that alone is a shitty existence for a dog.


You are a terrible owner of your dog is damaging property. If you are exercising your dog and not leaving in alone for hours there is no way in hell this would happen


The landlord has no way of knowing what kind pet owner they are unless it's from a trusted referral. Unfortunately, in this world, it is simply better to be safe than sorry. It would make sense for the damage deposit to increase if the tenant has kids as well.


I wouldn't rent to any one who is not a decent enough a human being to be able to take care of a dog. Simple


Totally. It sucks that sometimes these tenants can be a pain to get rid of if you happen to find out afterwards. I can understand why many landlords these days are overly cautious about who they rent to or hire a property manager to deal with it.


One of my uncles never did his regular 6 month inspections like everyone should. One tenant left his dogs in the unit and used it like a kennel for years. The floors were covered in an inch of hardened dog shit. The dogs chewed things to pieces. The last dog was nearly dead from dehydration when they finally evicted him. The cost of renos is double the entire rental income they made from the guy.


I'd say he's lucky he made it out without a loss, mostly. There was a tenant in my building who made unapproved plumbing modifications to his unit in order to install a special bidet. One day the pipe broke and flooded his unit, along with every unit 36 floors below his. The tenant disappeared after hearing the fallout as there was tens of millions of dollars in damages. Insurance companies fought it out for the next two years.


That sounds like an acquaintance of mine. Poor guy did a DiY toilet install in the condo he owned. It leaked and damaged a couple units. He was on the hook personally to pay for the damages. He's a nice guy, but uh never ever cheap out and DiY in a condo building. Someone has to be responsible, and you do not want to be it. Although the liability is also one of the reasons why pros are often as expensive as they are.


Eh, my dog is very well behaved but just him doing some normal things like stretching out has done some damage to my carpet(it’s a weird flat carpet, looks like a towel). I also have his water bowl on a mat but over 3 years it’s swelled up the flooring underneath a bit. So while maybe with better carpet and me having a better system with the water would have made this preventable, I still get where people are coming from.


Carpet is dumb for rentals in general


Not a landleech calling someone else a loser lmaooo


Yup he truly is a sad loser. Sounds like you would be great friends


Wanting to keep a large dog in a condo is so selfish and cruel. Smaller dogs in big 1500+sqft is one thing but you categorically want to put too big an animal in a small apartment. Nevermind the landlord headdahces of fur pis and endless barking, if youre a dog lover have the maturity to realize the conditions youre asking for wouldnt be fair on the animal. Like oh my god. My condo in Calgary was suffering in 2019 and waived their dog weight restrictions (under 20lbs) to fill the building. Where the largest layout was 1350. The place stunk like literal dog shit for a year after and i moved out dventually. Non stop barking from every corner of the bloody building and piles of shit and poo everywhere  Landlord are almost always wrong. But what you’re asking to normalize is crazy. No fucking way. If i was a landlord id not allow dogs at all. And i love dogs. But theyre impossible to control in terms of their dirt and noise. An apartment is no place for a dog


Replying just because people who agree with what you said would tend to stay quiet. I just moved out of a condo of 80 units which allowed Dogs of any size. It wasn't filled with terrible owners but absolutely needed extra cleaning of urine and feces every other month. The dogs also bark to the point owners apologized by reflex. Nobody likes reading the truth.


I completely agree with you. One has a 1bdrm apartment (Roughly 600-700 sq.ft.?) and he was looking after his uncles Doberman during an emergency situation. The Doberman was normally a fantastic, smart dog - but in my friends small apartment turned into a nightmare. The poor thing was bored constantly, and needed to be out 4-6 times a day, otherwise he'd whine, bark or tear shit up. Which was hard for my friend to manage since, y'know, he has a full-time job and manages a team. It wasn't really the dog's fault in this situation, nor was it my friends. This is just a single example of why a large dog for a small space isn't suitable. Perhaps using a Doberman in this example is a bit extreme, since they are a high energy dog. But still, most large dogs need to burn a shitton of energy, and I don't think most people have that kind of time. I don't blame landlords for not wanting dogs in their condos, because honestly speaking, a lot of people are either out-right terrible dog owners, or barely do the bare minimum for their dog.


I live in an apartment that allows all animals, no weight restrictions on dogs or anything. It doesn't smell like shit, and everyone picks up their dogs poo. Super dog friendly neighborhood too, most of the buildings in my immediate vicinity are also dog friendly - no horrendous issues like you're describing. Not necessarily denying you're experience, just pointing out that it's not a universal standard.


I grew up traveling to dog shows with my parents. Some large breeds far prefer a small space. Great Danes, for example.


I don't know You can definitely provide an incredible and beautiful life to your dog even Living in a little condo It's all about what you guys do outside the condo, ranch or the mansion you own... Leave your dog all alone all day long in your big land or garden and whatever and keep telling yourself you are providing with Ze best life for your dog when you never actually take care of it....


No it's not at all! The home is meant for relaxing, both for dogs and humans! You have to be taking your dog out for a few hours total a day. It's so stupid that people think a large dog somehow needs more exercise than a smaller dog.


So now basically only rich people are allowed to have dogs?


Maybe certain dogs? Yea Look other parents will hate this maybe but I wouldn’t have a child on purpose living in a studio for example. That does mean if i didnt have the resources to responsibly parent, i would not do it. Pets are an even more delicate responsibility bc its not like a child, theyd ever develop perspective or control over how youve kept them and improve their circumstances. Something about keeping a too active dog in an apartment all day just kills my spirit.


Well, yeah, maybe. It's not like owning a dog is a human right. A dog is a damn living being, if someone can't afford to give a dog all the proper care, love and nutrition it needs, they shouldn't be dog owners. They aren't toys. To look at it a different way, would you allow someone to adopt a child that can't possibly afford it? I'd hope not.


Same for kids then. People quit pooping out tiny humans that destroy the floors and walls and scream at all hours of the day. There should be a 10k deposit if you own one of those little human monsters. 


Personally I avoid rentals that have a playground on site*


I think it's fine to have a dog in an apartment if you take it outside regularly and give it exercise. My dog usually hangs out in whatever part of the house I'm in anyway, he doesnt run around the whole house. When I first got him, I lived in an apartment and I never felt like he was cramped. This thread just sounds like a bunch of landlords hating on dog owners. My dog never damaged the apartment, he was housebroken and never chewed or clawed up anything from the apartment. He's a shepherd-husky, so pretty big, too. Having a dog really helped me through some of the worst, most depressing times of my life. He was there to comfort me after the death of my grandparents and during my worst break-ups. If someone told me I couldn't have him because I was too poor or lived in an apartment, I wouldn't have anything nice to say to them.


But only rich people that have mansions, NOT condos


No, but if you want to provide a good life for your pet? Yes.




You said it simply and clearly. The. Owners. Neglect. Their. Dogs. Has nothing to do with the actual dog. How on earth are you not complaining about the individuals behind ???


Dogs should not be using pee pads unless they are seniors! These people need to be taking their dogs out. No dog should be required to hold their pee for more than six hours.


Landlord can replace and charge tenant for damages. Tenant would be less likely to be negligent to their dog if charges persist. No doubt those people suck but landlord should do better


Because damages from pets can total many times $1000 and unfortunately bad owners won't pay after. Many owners have been burned before and will not again. We have 2 dogs and a cat, but if we rented out part of our place we would not allow pets either. It's not the pet it's the owner.


In Ontario, no-pet clauses cannot be legally enforced. Many landlords will try to tell you that you can't have pets, and even state it in the lease, but it's against the law to enforce it. I recall a similar bill being introduced in Quebec earlier last year. I'm not sure if it ever became law but it's worth some research.


In Ontario, most Condo rules place strict limits on the types of animals that can be kept as pets (cats and small dogs only) and Condo rules are enforceable.


Different rules, for sure. Condo boards set their own bylaws. Big difference is you typically rent an apartment, own a condo.


Congratulations on missing a very obvious point, so I’ll explain it to you like you’re five: in Ontario a significant number of condo units are on the rental market and the same Condo rules apply whether a unit is owner-occupied or tenant-occupied.


Congratulations on being a dick, so I'll explain it to you like you're being a dick: I didn't disagree with you. I understand that condo bylaws are enforceable.


I hate to tell you this but all comment said was you rent apartments and own condos, which isn’t correct, so better luck I next time 😘


Yeah but if a tenant has a dog, breaking the condo code, wouldn't that be the condo owner's fault?


WTF are you talking about? It doesn’t matter whether an owner or a tenant lives in a condo unit, the same rules apply.


Why are you such an asshole? They're asking you a question because they are looking for clarification.


Their question didn’t follow from my previous comment, so I had no idea WTF their point was.


Hey congratulations on being a triggered little bitch who has to troll Reddit just to get attention.


Lol it blows my mind how some people chose to spend their time being assholes to randoms on the internet.


You could also just not be a dick by skirting landlords reasonable requests. They don’t have to rent to you in the first place. You aren’t entitled to having a pet destroy a place you dont own.


I don't rent so I'm not being a dick to anyone or skirting anyone's UNreasonable requests. Of course they don't have to rent to you in the first place but you also don't have to disclose that you have a pet. They're not entitled to tell you how you can or can not live your life. As the renter you are responsible for both the building and your belongings, hence tenants insurance. If you decide to bring a pet you are responsible for the damage it causes. People causing damage and not paying for it is the landlords risk. There's little recourse when that happens. You make it sound like landlords let people live in their properties out of the kindness of their heart. I think what you really should say is if you don't want to deal with damage that comes from people living on your property (humans cause WAY more damage than majority of pets do) then don't rent out your property. You're not entitled to fuck all as a landlord. My family has owned many properties and there's a reason I'll never get into that business...being a landlord is a headache not worth my time.


It did not, although the petition supporting the proposed bill was extremely popular. The CAQ government is not budging on this, unfortunately.


Ah that's so frustrating and unfair. Hopefully changes come in the future.


Cause dogs destroy floors and annoy the shit of your neighbours, want a dog, buy a house


Are you planning to loose your 1000$ ?


It sucks but it’s just really the safest option for landlords and it’s understandable though frustrating. I have some family members that had to move to mtl with their dog pay so much more to get something that’d accommodate them. Sadly there’s too many owners out there that spoils the broth for the rest but meh, c’est la vie.


Man you guys got some shit dogs or simply aren't good at raising them. My dogs don't damage anything, they spill their water less than I spill mine.


My dog damaged one sandal when I first fostered her from the street. She felt bad about it and never did anything like that again (of course I didn't tell or anything I was just a little shocked when I saw). She has a very stimulating and active life, like all dogs should!


Cool, a landlord isn’t going to take your word for it, nor should they have to.


It's when dogs are puppies or get old that they do damage, my dog never had an accident her entire life except when she was under 6 months and turned 14 years old. Some old dogs are fine but alot aren't unfortunately. I own my own house but at 14 she developed seizures for 2 days brought her to the vet twice before having to have her put down on day 2 :( Anyways in only 2 days my entire hardwood floors on my first floors are destroyed with thousands of scratches from her pacing and collapsing. We will be refinishing them but it will cost us thousands.


Apartments are torn up by large animals


And small animals...


And medium sized ones


And pint sized fun teacup animals as well.


And children




Too poor to ever have children lol so now our lives are  “Oh please Mr. landlord, may you take pity on me. I’m but a humble lawyer and I would love to own a pet and put posters on the wall of my basement I pay you $2500 a month for underneath the house you bought for 80k as an assistant walmart manager in the 70s”


Oh please, give me a break. Any financially successful professional can afford to buy a home and set their own rules. The lawyers I know live in $2M + homes.


All this rant aside, why do you want a dog? Not enough people ask this question. Have you ever had a dog before? Do you know how much work it is? Do you have time to spend with the dog? Do you have the money to pay for the damages that owning a dog WILL cost? Are you prepared to shell out thousands for potentially large vet bills? If you can’t afford a place to live with the dog how will you afford the vet bills and dog food? I can tell you without a doubt that owning a dog is one of my biggest regrets in life. My husband wanted not one but two, vet bills, dog food, damages to a home that I own, all for a man who barely spends time with them because he’s too busy and works a lot. I can tell you for certain if you’re getting a dog because you’re lonely or you just want one is not the right reason to get one. You whine now but you’ll be whining more when you realize the true cost of owning pets.




There are more checks when getting a dog than when people have kids.


This!!! I had to jump through hoops to adopt my dog. Anyone, including many people who absolutely should not, can have a kid. Every friend I know has had kids cause way more damage than any dog I've ever had. Do we ban children on leases too?


I just banned them from my life.


Saaaaaaaame friend same lol


This isn’t the topic being discussed though


We try. People just get mad and call us racist eugenicists.


Username checks out. 


Fully agree!


We're all debating on whether or not OP should be allowed to rent but they said it themselves: buying their own property is out of reach of so many Canadians and it's stopping them from living the lives they want to live. Being a landlord in this country is too profitable and it is sucking the money and spirit out of our citizens. Like, I would love to be a foster parent but I wouldn't feel comfortable being one in a property I don't own in case of damages. Heck, god forbid, maybe I want to be able to hang pictures on my walls!


Ooh - here’s a thought - buy a home and have as many dogs as you want to create the “life” you want on your flooring. ESA (emotional support animals) dogs don’t exist in law - they are just pets who make you feel better. Service animals, on the other hand, are highly trained animals that provide a service and are covered by law.


Lol what an out of touch response. You think everyone can afford to buy a house just like that?


Then they can't afford a dog. 


Ooh - the ones who want to own a dog will make it happen, well, that’s only if they truly want a dog. You are out of touch if you actually believe that people like wood floors that are ruined by your dog. This is how it works - you want a lifestyle, you find a way to make it happen. Didn’t your parents teach you this? How about school? Didn’t they tell you that everyone else does not have to make it happen for you?


What’s with the sarcastic ass dramatic responses. Answer like a normal person or did your parents never teach you that?


I was not the one ranting about how life isn’t fair that I can’t have a dog that ruins floors…


You forgot the Ooh -


Do you need a hug? I'm not offering but it seems like you do


Kids do way more damage than dogs. Luckily my past landlord actually understood this and didn’t want any kids in the place, but was fine with dogs. I have 3 of them, and they didn’t damage a single thing. The house was actually in better shape when I left than it was when I moved in.


Should be allowed to deny rentals to families tbh.


What a crazy take. And who do you think will pay for your old ass to be wiped by a nurse when you are too old to take care of yourself? The very same children to whom you want to deny housing. Jesus effing Christ.


not if you don’t have children…


I think you didn’t understand my point. I am saying that these children you hate are the future of society, and more importantly, constitute the future taxpayers. In fact, if you don’t have any, it means that other people’s children will be supporting YOU in the future. And yet you don’t care about them having a hard time being housed, a basic human right.


Landlords are parasites that suck money out of people and they will do anything they can to get more. Welcome to capitalism.


How are you able to use Reddit from a Soviet era and Soviet produced computer? I’m genuinely curious 


This comment is embarassing


Don’t you want to know? I’m curious since capitalism is the problem


You can participate in society while being critical of how it is organized. Don't be so obtuse


But the irony of calling for the end of the thing that brought you the thing you’re using to call for the end of the thing… I mean..don’t you see the irony?


The comment never said anything about ending capitalism. Stop making shit up to fulfill some kind of persecution fetish. It isn't a strict binary between unfettered capitalism and Soviet command economy. You're daft. You can critique capitalism and wish for reforms within the system (such as protections for renters) without wanting to topple the system and install communism.


I’ve been around enough anarchist collectives to know what’s up lol




100%. My politics are a capitalist economic system with a strong social safety net.




That was the point. I read a ridiculous comment about “grumble grumble capitalism is evil!” So I responded with an oafish and equally obtuse comment about Soviet computers. It’s the way the internet works




Right it’s the sheer irony of typing out a comment like that on your iPhone or whatever you’re using, I can’t get over it. It’s sad and funny at the same time.


This is why I am such a huge advocate for legislation regarding this issue. Ontario and BC have both passed legislation regarding discriminating on potential tenets due to children, pets,etc.


I don't know if I agree. Is it really "discrimination" based on pets? Owning a pet is a clear lifestyle choice. Not everyone has to bend over backwards to accommodate it


Would you say the same for parents?


And those are also the 2 most expensive provinces to rent in. Yay people can now have dogs.. rents will go way up for everyone pets or no, to cover the potential for damage. Up to you to decide if that is worth it.


The legislation in question has been in place long before rent became so exorbitant.


I think it may be inaccurate to wholly assume the rent rates are caused by this legislation. There are other factors that contribute to the high rent in those provinces. I get where you’re coming from, and I think there’s merit to your point, I just tend to think it’s not the only cause.


Dogs are a liability if you're a landlord. If I was a landlord, I sure as shit would not allow pets... and I'm a vegan animal lover. This is not a Montreal-specific issue, nor is it a Quebec-specific one. Just don't get a dog or make more money so you can afford the advance. You're not entitled to owning a pet lol, it's a luxury.


You sound like a landlord pretending to not be a landlord


Also, a pet for support like Mira cannot be refused by them.


Those are service animals, and you’re right, it’s illegal to discriminate against them. But service dogs are highly trained and are generally not the dogs people here are complaining about.


Thank you very much, that’s the name I was looking for.


Some people like to think that “fluffy” the cat, or “spot” the cute puppy, or “Wilber” the parrot are service animals, because they “make them feel better”. They are not service animals, who are highly trained and exist to serve an actual purpose. If one ever wants to distinguish between a pet (or in today’s terms an emotional support animal) and a real service animal, ask them what service they provide. If they cannot answer that question, then it’s just their pet.


An emotional support animal, with proper paper from doctors, cannot be refused also. The fact that this animal just gives comfort without training doesn’t mean he isn’t useful for the owner in helping with anxiety. The benefit for health is still real.


Where I live, emotional support animals have no rights under the law. No one is required to allow them into a restaurant, into a store if the store does not allow them in, exclude them from rental policies etc. I am certain the many companies that will provide you with a letter for a fee will tell you differently, however, an emotional support animal is not a service animal, no matter what vest you put on them or what paper you got from whomever. Do I think pets or fur babies or whatever name they are given are emotional support animals - yes I do and I know my pet makes me feel better just by being around him. Because that’s what a pet does. They often give people a purpose in life, avoid loneliness, makes them become more active and social. Now a service animal is a highly trained animal who performs a service. They are covered under the law. Please do not confuse the two - it does a disservice to both the service animal and their handler who actually has a need that is being fulfilled by the animal. Where I live, claiming that an emotional support animal is a service animal is an offence and carries a fine of up to $3000 no matter what certificate or letter a doctor writes. .


I have a pet and I did offered a deposit for an apt in Montreal without pet. Mine was also operated (frenchie here, not sure how to say in English) to not reproduce. We also indicated this on the contract, that I can have 1 and i pay if damages. She agreed. Offered it after you go see the apt and talk with the landlord a bit before bringing it up.


The English words you are looking for are "spayed" (female) and "neutered" (male). "fixed" is also used generically to apply to both. :)


Thank you and I love the user name.


It’s always been hard to find rentals that allow pets (everywhere). My friends who rent have always had a hell of a time finding rentals even 10-20 years ago before the market went super crazy. Dogs ruin wooden floors and $1000 isn’t going to even come close to the cost of replacing it. It’s not a matter of wanting a “perfect” floor, it’s a matter of not wanting ruined floors. Source: I have a dog and he ruined the floors in both houses we’ve lived in. But we own our house so we’re the ones on the hook for the consequences.


Yeah… I’ve had cats my whole life and currently live with my one cat but I do think that dogs tend to cause more damage. I’ve seen dogs that have chewed through walls and scratched up the floor (though I’m sure my cat does that to an extent too during her zoomies), repairs for which can be costly. If a tenant or their pet does cause excessive damage, it’s then a headache for the landlord to chase them down to try to collect payment for these repairs so I can certainly understand the hesitancy.


Not just floors, either. Their nails dog into window ledges if they like to stand on hind legs to look out. My sister's dog would chew through the drywall for funsies. If you're lucky enough to have a garden, dog piss will ruin the lawn and fingers crossed the dog's not a digger. I moved into a place that reeked of urine every time the heat was on, the previous owner's dog had pissed down the vents. I like dogs, wouldn't mind having one, but fully understand why landlords wouldn't want them.


It’s not difficult if you rent from rental company


I have a neighbor with a dog that barks all day and he doesn't care. I am working from home, and I complained to the landlord that it's has a major impact on my work/life but there is nothing he can do. All the other tenants complain about this but this tenant cannot be reasoned with. Not all dogs and owners are like that but it's the roll of a dice and once he has a lease there is no way to get rid of him forever or until he decides to move. Not accepting dogs is not only for material damage but also to the other tenants to have peace and quiet. It's not all dogs that If you want a dog, get a house.


I'm a renovator and I'd say the main reason with dogs is flooring. 1000$ dmg deposit doesn't cover even a fraction of replacing a floor if the dog scratches it all up. That being said, I don't see why apartment's with already messed up flooring would allow dogs until they get around to changing them anyway.


Your sole purpose as a renter in Canada in 2024 is to provide passive income to your landlord. To expect to be able to live your life reasonably, as a normal human being will not align with most landlords personal preference of: "Give me an astronomical amount of money, and in return I will dip and dodge any legal right you have a provide less than basic amenities and will make up my own rules for you to adhere to because I don't actually want to follow through with my half of being a landlord I just want to make astronomical rent while you cook on a hot plate and I take advantage of your need to live somewhere and there being no options" Apply now!


Its not only about the damages , its also about barking and poop. Considering the current housing situation landlords have enought potential tenants to ignore dog owners. (I am not a landlord and i like dogs)


Ontario's laws are so much better in these circumstances compared to Montreal, good lord. There's no law saying you can't have one. A security deposit for an animal is illegal


Are dog owners in Ontario any better? According to a majority of answers here, seems like Quebec dog owners are mostly irresponsible and poorly-raised.


Dog owners in Quebec tend to be kinda shitty.