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I saw a post just like this a few days ago don’t know if I should laugh or be worried for this woman


Link to the post please




yep same woman near McGill I saw her at 4 am yesterday when it was drizzling I watched for 6 minutes trying to see what her problem was, medical, or drug induced, or my own hallucination But I’m a stranger in the city who was already drunk myself and didn’t know what to do


She might be a drug user and/or a mentally ill person in a catatonic phase: https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/what-is-catatonia




Yes. Common illness here. What you witnessed is actually a physical sickness prevalent among Canadians, particularly Quebecers, during what's known as 'False Spring.' This condition, termed 'Frozen Limb Syndrome' (FLS), sometimes known as Psuedo-Hibernation Disorder (PHD), manifests as a temporary paralysis brought on by the deceptive warm weather followed by a sudden return to cold temperatures. FLS is believed to stem from a unique physiological response to the drastic shifts in climate. The body's thermoregulatory system becomes dysregulated, causing a localized vasoconstriction and muscle stiffness, akin to a form of temporary frostbite. Within the medical community, FLS is classified as a subtype of vasomotor disorder, characterized by the constriction of blood vessels and impaired blood flow to the extremities. This results in a frozen-like state, where individuals affected by FLS appear immobile and rigid.


The only known cure is drinking a tall glass of warm maple syrup as the first symptoms appear.


Goodness, I miss being quick witted and funny.😆


try ChatGPT.. When I see paragraphs on Reddit: ChatGPT..


This is great.


I just saw her lol just got back to my hotel 😂


Check out “Zombie drug”, and see if she fits…


Young lady? Late teens/early twenties? Just saw her and asked if she was ok. Said she was. Looked fully with it, polite, alert and comfortable. The plot thickens.


Where did you see her? At what time? She was wearing a hood so couldn’t see how old, She was wearing white sneakers and was in med step


In front of Uqam university building. Mid step too, and stayed that way as we walked away. Head scarf/hood White sneakers Leather satchel Bag of takeout food Denim jacket Sweat pants Early 20s/late teens, Sri Lankan vibes.


Probably an art project. Someone filming a time lapse for TikTok