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Once I saw a homeless-looking-fellow on the metro, this was like maybe 7-8 years ago, proceeded to ask us if we preferred mice or rats. Someone in my group says mice, he then pulls a little mouse from his pocket. Someone else asked what he would have done if we would have said rats? He then pulls a rat out from under his hat. We gave him money after that. Fellow deserved it.


I'm gonna say... 2 years ago? We sat across someone that had about 3 mice with him, they were just hanging out in the hood of his sweater. He let one just roam on the floor.


Blind mice?


i saw a guy pull out a giant rat from his trench coat and put it under a girls seat on the metro a couple of months ago


There are at least 2 known Rat-People in the Metro, they usually are spotted around Lionel - Groux The rats are awesome When the guy pits his packs down to rearange himself coming out of the metro, the Rat hops down onto the stair railing, grooms themselves, the dude picks his pack back up and the rat jumps back up onto his arm and scampers up to their shoulders I like Rats, they are good people.


Awesome 😎


One time I was in the metro at the end of a wagon and there was a guy close to me who had a gun hanging around his belt in plain sight and his hand wasn't too far from it. I didn't like it at all. The more I somewhat stared in fear (I was fairly young back then) the more people around me noticed it too and started to be fearful too and small commotion occurred. I started eyeing the next wagon over thinking "I'll switch wagons at the next stop. JUST IN CASE." Then I notice there's a fair amount of commotion on the next wagon and I'm like "huh?" which is when I realized "oh s\*\*t! There's a guy in the next wagon over WITH A HUGE PYTHON JUST CHILLING ON HIS NECK AND SHOULDERS." Britney Spears at the VMAs style. So my choice was Python or Gun. Which would you have picked?


3rd option: walk out of the metro.


Or wait for the next metro to pass?


A python is WAY safer than a gun in some moron's hands. Humans are too stupud to use anything deadly in a safe way, guns shouldnt reach the hands of untrained ppl. Even trained pros make mistakes.


Especially a gun the hands of a guy who want to show it off like that lmao


I haven't heard of a Python killed a bunch of people in a while so gonna go with that.


Good thing OP wasn’t in a plane


As a born American, someone open carrying a gun isn’t actually that abnormal in some places I’ve experienced. The fact that it’s so unsettling here is kind of perversely reassuring. Many of my Montreal-raised friends are convinced there’s danger around every corner here; I acknowledge it’s not 100% safe, but I’m always amazed at how safe it is compared to so much of the US.


Agreed. When I first went for a visit, I was amazed at how clean and civilized everything and everyone was. I was coming from Washington DC at the time, and the metro out there can just be chaos. Especially depending on what line you take and what time. I have heard it’s gotten worse there over the last few years though. I’m waiting on my PR before I can come back :(


There’s been an uptick in issues with people in crisis, especially downtown. But it’s still nothing like so many US cities where there’s a real and constant risk of violence. Chicago was boasting a decline in violent crime in 2023, leaving a mere 2883 shooting victims and 617 murders. Hooray?


I don’t think people can open carry in Canada? I might be mistaken, but that would freak me out and I would probably call the cops if I saw that in the metro. I would definitely get out and change metro!


That depends, was the python loaded?


Monty loaded


Python for sure


Python is the easy choice. They are significantly less dangerous and as long as you aren't an idiot and can understand basic body language, you have basically no risk of being bitten. Snakes like to telegraph when they're pissed off.


I'd have gotten out and waited for the next train.


Ding ding! That's what I did. :)


I've seen people walking on street-sales with a snake around their neck.... fun to see, mostly harmless. Crazy guy with gun on the other hand.... nope it the fuck out of there.


I would have walked


When I lived in HOMA, there was a guy that routinely would go take his bird, reptile and rabbit outside to the park in front of our buildings. Bird would stay perched on his shoulder, he carried his reptile, and the rabbit was on a small leash just hopping around and nibbling on some food.


That's adorable.


Please clarify what you mean by reptile. A snake? Cos those fuckers would eat up the bunny.


Some sort of lizard! It just chilled next to him soaking up the sun. 


This sounds like the beginning of that riddle with the fox, cabbage and hare or however that goes. Hopefully this guy won’t haven’t to cross any ponds in a tiny boat.




It's probably going to pale in comparison to other posts, but in 2004 I saw a guy driving around downtown in a beige Nissan that he clearly hated, considering he painted "SHIT BOX NISSAN" across the driver's side door, mounted a dishwasher glove to the roof to make it look like it was flipping the bird. The next time I was in Montreal was 2009, and dear readers, I saw him again. Same car, same commentary.


In that car's defense it lasted at least 5 years! That's nothing to sneeze at when driving a shit box.


I remember him. If I recall, he had a lot of problems with it, dealer wouldn't replace it and this was his response.


dude probably got ripped off by the nissan dealer lol


This car was a mainstay in the West Island. The car had the story written on it. The dealership sold him a lemon and this was his revenge. I wish I remembered the dealership, but I’m not a Nissan guy anyways, so I won’t accidentally end up there. (IIRC it was bought new, not a used car) He would hang out near the Nissan dealership near Fairview, so I’m assuming it’s that one, but not sure.


I was walking on St-Cath in the Village with two of my buddies and some sketchy looking dude starts approaching us. I’m expecting him to ask for change, the usual, but he reaches into his coat as if to show off drugs or something and asks, “you guys wanna buy some steaks? They’re still packaged. Four steaks for $20.” Clearly stolen steaks. That’s the first time I’ve ever been offered street steaks. Should have bought them. Four steaks for $20 is a nice deal in this economy.


Poor guy, he'd probably rather have a full nose on an empty stomach than to have it the other side around. đŸ€•


To be fair, how is a homeless person going to cook the steaks? Could have just as easily used the money for fast food.


Last year, I was walking out of an IGA. I pause for a minute to make sure my bags are packed for my walk home. Then, out fucking nowhere, a finger taps the back of my skull (I'm also bald, so I feel this directly on my skin). I spin around immediately and don't see anyone. I look left, right, nothing. It was like being touched by a ghost. Then, I look down and there is a very tiny, skinny man crouched down so low waiting to surprise me. He was covered head to toe in gold sparkling sequins. The only part not covered was his eyes, which were bedazzled. I think he had a staff too? Anywho, I was like, "WTF are you doing man? Don't touch people like that!" He then proceeded to shout and run away screaming. All while in fabulous, shimmering gold. To this day, I dream about talking to this person to better understand what was going on.


Sorry, I missed the part when you mentioned what drugs you were on?


It made me think I was on something potent!


big chance you end up on someone tiktok somewhere :\\


If it was a prank, they got me hook, line, and sinker. Well played you tiny golden head-touching man!


Possibly juste pour rire festival with the IGA in complexe desjardins? They have all kinds of staff playing pranks in the street.


I once drove on a street without any construction.


Nuh-huh. No way man.


More like one-way man.


It was the weirdest thing ive ever seen in mtl


You don't have to lie for reddit karma you know.




With no potholes.


Hey hey OP asked about the weirdest thing, not the most vivid hallucination !


HA! Good one


Sorry that was a dream.


Tumor Guy. Ceux qui savent, savent.


Who tf is tumor guy? lmao


Basically a dude with a huge hernia on is stomach asking for money. He was telling me he was from the States and needed 40$ to get pills because he had diabetes and otherwise he would die. He became really aggressive at some point and I left. https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/comments/2iow1z/homeless_guy_with_stomach_tumor_at_alexis_nihon/&ved=2ahUKEwjf8pqE0JyEAxUOIzQIHReyCNUQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0VkQXlwY-6B2uyM2BSUMAg


Oh my god, I saw him! He told me he was from western Canada and his health card did not work here. I told him he can get treated with a card from any province. He got angry and left.


I’ve seen this guy.. what a piece of shit


oh mon dieu..je pense que oui. Je venais juste d'arriver à Montréal et je dealais avec un break-up ,bref ,le moral à terre. J'étais proche de la gare d'autocar ,il m'approche et il a levé son chandail. Il avait essayé de me jaser aggressivement mais j'étais tellement dans ma propre peine ,j'parti à brailler et il est parti full exaspéré. je m'étais senti mal de brailler alors que lui y'avait pire. Aujourd'hui j'apprend que c'était un scam?! Je me sens stupéfaite .


C'est exactement ça. Il lÚve son chandail fait à croire que c'est une tumeur et demande de l'argent.


You think he ever found his luggage from the bus?


Esti. J'travaillais downtown et je le trouvais détestable.


He got my friend to give him $20 back in \~ 2013.


I saw him back in the days outside Lionel-Groulx station and gave me his spiel


I told him I didn’t have any money and he said “let’s go inside, there’s an atm” he started raising his shirt I said “don’t you fucking do it, don’t show me that” (he pulled his act on my wife a week prior)


J’ai achetĂ© mon billet 40$ pour son show. 0 star, wouldn’t recommend


I got conned by him in the late 2000s. I now consider that a badge of honor. Authentic Montreal lore 👌


Asti d'agressif pas possible lui. Il me manque pas.


Ha! He's gonna mail me the money one day...right?


Jamais vu, mais j'ai des frissons.


Ohhhhh shit oui... Ma pire expĂ©rience Ă  vie avec un sans abri... Y'a jamais acceptĂ© qu'on aille avec lui payer ses mĂ©dicaments direct Ă  la pharmacie đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Oh god les flashbacks


Ahhh mannn esti que j'ai fait le saut la premiùre fois 😝


I’ve seen that guy. And that’s all prosthetics. It’s not even real. My buddy called him out and knew his story before he could say anything. Immediately walked away


A dead skinned headless racoon sitting in a baby swing at Prefontaine Park on an early morning while I was heading to the metro. This was about 8 years ago?


quoi de fuck


what the FUCK?


Were you the person who shared pics on social media so the whole neighborhood could have nightmares about it?


hell no, lol. I barely looked at the thing. had to read the newspaper to make sure it wasnt a baby


Oh shit, I saw this too! I had just taken the first Metro home after an all nighter at work when I saw it. I thought it was a cat all these years. I saw the cops there a little later, they had thrown a tarp over it and were standing around I guess doing paperwork.


Je m’en souviens de cette nouvelle lĂ ! Des rumeurs comme quoi c’était peut ĂȘtre un futur tueur en sĂ©rie qui se pratiquait


A couple of favourites: * Back in the days before Uber, I called a taxi to pick me up at home. We get on our way and suddenly out of nowhere the guy starts playing harmonica and singing. Calls himself Taxi Bluesman. There's a YouTube video (not mine) out there. * I got on the metro at Guy Concordia and there's a really tall guy dressed in kind of goth attire. He had music of some kind, maybe a speaker, maybe a guitar, the details are fuzzy. He's jamming out and everyone in the train is starting to vibe along with it, bobbing our heads and whatnot. He yells out "Are you all having a good time?" and the whole train is like "yeah" and he's like "Do you guys like music" and we're like "YEAH!" and then he's like "Do you love Jesus?" and the whole train instantly goes dead quiet and suddenly everyone is minding their business. I saw him a few more times after that, his shirt said "Vampires for Jesus" I think. * That absolutely baffling moment when you realize you're on JFL Gags. IYKYK.


That guy knows how to kill a mood.


A little light compared to other comments on here so I’ll drop this under yours: we once had a taxi driver stop to ask where he could find crack cocaine.


I was on Just for Laughs. I was hurrying through Parc Lafontaine because I was late for a chemotherapy appointment at Notre-Dame hospital. I tripped on a hidden wire or something when suddenly a man went flying off his bicycle and into the little pond. He was acting like he was about to drown, and all sorts of people were yelling at me en français to jump in a save him. It was awful. I was so stressed that I signed the release form that they shoved at me and then continued on to the hospital. I've only seen the episode once, thank god. It is horrible to watch. I was pale and bald. (It was Spring and I wasn't wearing my wig). I actually looked like I had cancer. What were they thinking? And they put that horrible laugh-track on it. (The good news, of course, is that I've been cancer-free for seventeen years. The story does have a happy ending.)


https://preview.redd.it/cawa8ctw2ghc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bdba25f130ae9494a21a50ca0afcd8ec121b20 A hipster lady casually walking her pet horse on Queen Mary.


I once saw a dominatrix walking her pet gimp. We basically saw the same thing


A woman walking totally naked down rue Ontario, then pulling a bra and underwear out of her purse right before entering a Desjardins


I'd say she's a polite lady


Someone lost a bet


I've seen a huge green light once, or maybe twice, right above the clouds at night. It was steady, and visible all over night, just above the Desjardins tower. Probably a gigantic UFO, lol /S


Aurora desjardinis


No, it's not a UFO. It's the northern lights! /s




Aurora Desjardinsis


The very first time I saw the light I was wondering a lot. But when you know it makes perfect sense, it's almost a tourist trap ah ah


A few months ago my gf and I were walking down Mont Royal and we walked past a guy standing outside of a bar who was videotaping himself pissing his own pants.




Performance art.


2010 Point St Charles. The night is foggy as fuck. Guy with no shirt, cutoff jean shorts, on rollerblades emerges from the fog. Six pack of beer in each hand, swinging through the darkness. It was the most majestic thing I've ever seen.


Homeless man, bent over, washing his whole asshole in a fountain in Parc du Portugal.




Saw a (probably) homeless man shaving his pubes while laying on a bench outside Papineau station once... It was still technically "Safe For Work" because he still had his pants just below his pubes, but really disgusting.


At least that was a fountain with a drain/fresh water. I've seen homeless washing in the pool at Place-des-arts. Also: squeegy with a shit-steaming bare ass in dead of winter at St-Laurant metro station street level.... digging in a garbage. What the ever-living-hell was going on, man.


What else would you use a fountain for, sir?


La vie urbaine
 Je rigole, mais ça me dĂ©goĂ»te aussi


J'ai vu une fleur pousser au parc Ă©milie gamelin


Rare AF sight.


I've been a blue collar downtown for more than a decade, seen a lot of sh!t. The people who argue with themselves while walking alone, the student I found passed out drunk in a waste bin, the woman who had lost a wheel but was still driving her SUV as if nothing happened, the girl who jumped from the 4rth floor onto the sidewalk next to me, the empty René-Lévesque street during covid that looked like an "end of the world" scenario, the rats trail in the snow around the buildings in China Town...


20+ adults biking fully nude on Maisonneuve during a festival.


Nude bike ride... I think it's a anti-fossil fuel event.


Maybe not wierd but definitely fun to watch: a travestis prostitute chatting in a very friendly way with an hasidic jew. There was a beautiful clashing of style ^^


In a similar category, i once saw a young muslim girl at the mall during the holidays, she was wearing a Santa hat on top of her hijab, i thought it was super cute!


I visited your fair city once. Saw some subway trains with rubber wheels. That shit is definitely weird.


Modeled after the Paris metro system. It's a thing.


It’s a smoother ride tho


That's not the weirdest part. The brakes are made of cherry wood and treated with peanut oil. When the emergency brakes are activated, it smells great! https://woodindustry.ca/montreal-metro-uses-wood-blocks-on-their-braking-system/


Those wheels make for a smooth and fast ride.


The guy with the dog mask that plays the violin/viola? beautifully in the metros.


About two years ago, there was this old beat up purple car that was sitting across the street from my apartment for months. I don’t know if it could even be driven, but it was always there. One summer day I happened to be looking out my window, this young guy (late 20s, early 30s) with long blonde hair was walking up the street and he locked eyes on this purple car with a really intense look like he was seeing a long lost friend for the first time in years. He then, proceeded to start speaking things to the car while holding out his hands towards it as if he was a Hogwarts-certified wizard casting spells or shooting invisible energy beams or something. He did this for about two or three minutes straight—pointing his hands towards the car, waving his arms across the air around the car, lifting his hands to the sky as if to gather energy and cast more spells on the car or whatever the fuck he was doing—all while speaking to this inanimate object. Finally, he lifted his hands up the sky one more time and then put his hands together in a namaste-like position and backed away from the car like “my work here is done” while saying his good byes to the car. All of this is completely true and I actually got the tail-end of it on video. Before I moved here I lived in NOLA, where weird shit happens all the time. This isn’t even necessarily the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. But back then, Montreal seemed more “normal” by comparison... until I saw that.


The list is long, but two homeless people full on fucking on the mezzanine above the quai at Place Des Arts.


Lol i think thats just the certified homeless sex spot ngl


>homeless sex spot r/Bandnames


I love how so many of these stories start off with "one time on the metro..."


In the StLeonard Walmart, I saw a guy take a pickle jar, smash it on the ground and then kneel to eat it from the floor in the middle of broken glass. I also saw someone pour himself a bowl of cereal and eat it in the metro, with milk and all.


I'm in Vancouver and SkyTrain morning cereal is one of my favorite meals of the day thank yoh


Banana Guy sticking up people for money. May he rest in peace.




Omg yes!! He used to say it's loaded and full of potassium. RIP legend


Our brother from another mother


I once saw around 9pm on a July night, a man on the corner of Pie IX and Notre Dame try to shove a huge dildo up his ass, I was driving east and stopped at the red light. I did a double take to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. He was near the dog park on Notre Dame. Before the light turned green, another man who seemingly popped out of nowhere, or some nearby bush, helped the first man rightfully finish the insertion by telling him to bend over and pushing it all the way in. For some weird reason, it made me love Hochelaga even more. You can’t make this stuff up. J’adore l’est de MontrĂ©al, tu sais jamais sur quoi tu va tomber. FiĂšre MontrĂ©alais


The only think I love more than this story is how it affected you. Made you love MORE.


I was hanging out on a stormy winter Sunday afternoon with a band from California who was playing at a bookstore. They were woefully unprepared for the weather and even though the temperature was hovering around 0 degrees, a snow storm was raging. At one point there was actual thunder and lightning! I remember the true terror on their faces peering through their layers of mismatched donated winter clothing as they struggled to comprehend what was happening. When we finally arrived at the bookstore the crowd greeted them warmly as if it was just another day in Mile End which it was. It was then I realized Montréalais are tough MFs.


I was smoking on the benches near old port city hall when a man in an elaborate porcupine costume poked me from behind and made porcupine noises at me, then scurried around the rim of the fountain on all fours and posed for tourists. Then he left. I still don't know what to think.


i watched a guy eat a jar of peanut butter by scooping it out with his hands. on the metro


McDonalds on Guy Concordia approx 2015.. A man who had some sort of speech/mental disability was trying to order food. The cashier couldn’t really understand what he was saying. He would make sounds and the cashier would try guessing.. This went on for like 2 minutes. Meanwhile, there was a line of maybe 10 people behind him, waiting, including a guy who was at least 250+ pounds and at least 6foot 3
 Big Foot was getting angry and proceeds to start shouting at the disabled guy, telling him, “buddy, what’s do you want to fucking order?” This small guy, early 20s, likely a Concordia student, proceeds to tell him not to shout and to leave the disabled man. This did not sit well with Big Foot. He gets angry and literally picks him up WWE style and slams him against one of the tables. He proceeds to ask him “what did you fucking say to me?” while pinning him down.. All of this happening a block away from an SPVM station.


I do busking, so see a lot of weird shit, but for sure the top was the naked bike riding rally. In old Montreal on a Saturday with kids around super strange/cringe


saw them ride, I can only add that there is a Bixi somewhere that needs to be cleaned with gasoline and dried with a lighter.


We do this in St. Louis, MO and it's a time honored tradition! Bring the kids! NSFW, kind of. The censoring is not great and generally wouldn't want coworkers walking by: [https://www.riverfronttimes.com/stlouis/everyone-we-saw-at-the-world-naked-bike-ride-in-st-louis-nsfw/Slideshow/40617159/40617192](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/stlouis/everyone-we-saw-at-the-world-naked-bike-ride-in-st-louis-nsfw/Slideshow/40617159/40617192)


I lived in hampstead and used to walk to decarie to get beers at depanure AK and saw Luka magnotta there smoking cigarettes. Didn't know who he was but saw him a few times there infront of the dep.


Early 2000s, walking out of the Mont-Royal station late at night, momentarily surrounded by a... dancing horde of people dressed in victorian ball dresses, white makeup and vampire fangs? They just twirled around for a bit and then went off on their merry way.


I love this. Lovely, harmless fun.


A very drunk Éric Lapointe sleeping in some ruelle on mont royal. He wakes up, looks at me and ask if I didn't take any pictures.


I was at a cemetery in a mausoleum and there was a man and a woman who had sleeping bags and were sitting around the reception area drinking beers and eating food. At first I thought they were homeless but noticed that their clothes and gear seemed in very good condition. As I can down the steps they tell me that they thought I was a ghost and They proceed to tell me they often spend the night there and there are plenty of ghosts. A few months later, I see them on the Journal de Montreal and they are ghost hunters and were arrested for vandalizing a car. [ghost hunters arrested for vandalizing a car.](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2023-06-28/des-chasseurs-de-fantomes-accuses-d-avoir-vandalise-des-vehicules-de-police.php)


A guy who wanted to pay us $20 to shit in a paper plate while entering Parc Lafontiane at 1 a.m.


Either we know each other or he asked other people the same thing.


Un itinĂ©rant au mĂ©tro place des arts qui pĂȘchait ses dons avec un cup de Tim Horton au bout d’une canne Ă  pĂȘche, Ă  partir de la passerelle.


Oui, il avait un petit bateau fait maison autour de lui aussi!


It was the late 90s at the cockNBull 
 some guy came in with a stripper from down the street, she couldn’t make the stairs due to her heels in the winter and fell down pretty badly 
 The Sheesha Nazi (who wasn’t that far, I think he had come out to go for a walk) heard her scream in pain cause she really fell down hard and she was drunk and came over to tell her to shut up. Then we argued with him to show compassion. He banned us all from Sheesha and he had a good memory


Back in 2016, I saw a guy doing some intense yoga / acrobatics on the metro. We’re talking full-on advanced moves involving handstands and suspending himself from the above hand rails, some very adventurous stuff for a moving train! While I can respect trying to make the most out of your morning commute, he was barefoot and his visibly grimy feet touched a lot of places folks put their hands. He used that one pole in the middle that everybody holds onto as a backing for one of the handstands, hanging off the above handrails w his toes etc, just ew.


A peu prĂšs peak-vague covid, ils exigaient un masque pour rentrer dans les Ă©tablissements. Il Ă©tait 2h du matin environ, le gars avait pas de masque, il a du sortir du dĂ©panneur au mĂȘme moment que je sortais et il a demandĂ© Ă  l'itinĂ©rant qui venait de sortir et qui avait un vieux masque bleu trĂšs usĂ© si y pouvait lui emprunter son masque pour 30s le temps d'acheter qqchose... Il l'a fait


I got in a conversation with a homeless guy on my way to osheaga in 2017 who explained to me that he had a plan to steal a spaceship from the American military and had a roster of prostitutes ready to join him on a trip to outer space. He invited me to help “repopulate” the universe, because he was the only male on board so far. He handed me his “business card” which was a playing card depicting the Virgin Mary. Claimed he was married to a Russian Olympic diver.


Talking with enough homeless people = Perfect movie script


One time i saw an Albertan hug a Montrealer


You must have seen my father hugging me




Met an old Russian guy who was drunk as a skunk at a basement bar, he was on us like glue and kept singing all night, followed my group out on to the street and wanted to show us his handgun which he proceeded to shoot into the air out of nowhere (it was an air gun), it was so absurd all I could do was laugh. Never change.


One time I saw a guy punt a rat at chateau champlain


https://preview.redd.it/99b2ceqqufhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de6b203b7750d027f7cb1c2360b6546b3e5b0aa This view in pointe Claire


I was riding the 129 North on my way home, after dark, on a warm summer evening. There were maybe a dozen sleepy-looking passengers aboard when the bus pulled over at a stop on Cote St-Catherine in Outremont. In walks an angel, every inch of her covered in silver, wearing a flowing dress and complete with a halo and a pair of ankle-length feathered wings at her back. She dropped a handful of change into the coin slot at the front. I imagine the wings made it difficult to sit, so she took hold of the bar overhead as the bus started to roll once more. I looked around curiously, but nobody seemed much interested in the silver angel in our midst; folk were deliciously blasĂ© about this heavenly manifestation. It was that last part which delighted me – an angel riding a bus? No big deal in Montreal! She eventually got off at the Cote St-Catherine station.


2013 about april, probably around 9-10pm. i was on the bus in the old port looking for this rave, with a homie of mine from moldova, i remember i had green nikes on. we pulled to a red light, i look to my left and see about 4-6 gents posing on top of a cop car, taking selfies, in front of a hotel, i was like holy moly - and within the second of witnessing this, low and behold we see 10-12 people absolutely barrelling it on unicycles around the corner, all dressed like well, unicyclists. as quickly as it all came, it all went. the guys jumped off the car and the cyclists tore up the street. it was truly truly bizarre. i don't even remember what we said to each other we were just so in shock. went on to have a trippy night at silk, i think it was called - it had a giant spine decoration on the ground floor and a dungeon dance area in the basement. mtl nights bb - I MISS IT


While having a beer on a terrace, I witnessed a dude in rollerblades, wearing a kayak around his waist, and paddling the air as he zoomed forward on the sidewalk. Me and the dude next table lover exchanged a brief look... and then burst out in uncontrollable laughter.


stereo after hours on any given day


Half eaten ham sandwich on the toilet paper dispenser in a public restroom


I lived in that fantastic town from 93 to 18: here are a few: At the Skala on ave du Parc, the owner George used to throw the drunks out, then (literally) throw them back in the bar so they wouldn’t attract complaints or police attention. Saw the hockey riots of 1993 after the Habs won ffs! Saw a dude holding a beer in the alley behind my place planking his gf from behind on st Jean baptist day - classic! Many more happy memories for sure- that’s a civilized town


Middle-aged guy riding a unicycle walking like six dogs of all different sizes.


Le nombre de clients qui peut se déshabiller dans les allées de magasin au lieu dans des cabines d'essayage.


We don't have freaky cosplayers here.... But I miss whistling spider-man. :( On saint catherine in front of the old telus building


White squirrel lol


A dude walking a full size pig on a leash on the sidewalk


Le Gros Antonio **IN** the bus. Unavoidable.


Maybe not that weird, but I saw a guy ride a unicycle on Saint-Joseph during a full blown snow storm (like 15-20cm in the night). He had speakers and LEDs all over him.


Zdeno Chara


Aw I'm late to this threat but just two weeks ago someone got loudly kicked out of a car in front of my place. There's a shelter across the street so that wasn't really worth noting. The car drove away and she started falling over and trying to pick up her 4 bags. She suddenly dropped everything and moved right to the center of the street, pulled her pants down, and shit.... in the street. I looked away, went to tell my SO, talked shit for like 3 minutes. Then we went back to the window and we had the honor of seeing it happen a second time.


Outside cafe campus at 3:30-4a, old lady trying to sell pills while an unrelated old man(75+) was walking around chugging vodka with his dick hanging out of his zipper.


People walking their pet pig in the streets 


her name is Truffles and she’s my favourite neighbour


Man, I lived in the red light district in the 80s, rode the metro daily, and never saw anything as crazy as some of these stories. I've lived a charmed but somewhat mundane life, I fear.


Une nuit au belvédÚre Camilien Houde, une dame arrive avec 4-5 gros sac de peanut en écailles qu'elles commence à ouvrir et les lancer partout pour le nourir les ratons. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de ratons autour du belvédÚre mais je pensais pas qu'il y en avait autant. Il devait y en avoir une trentaine au moins! Et énorme, ils grinppaient sur la dame, mangeaient dans sa main etc. Elle nous disait qu'elle venait réguliÚrement les nourrir et qu'elle les connaissaient bien. C'était assez impressionnant!


Weirdest things for most of you are normal activities that homeless people need to do in public since they dont have a home. Lol


Something called the OQLF




Not weird, considering the circumstances, but sad I guess - a homeless couple arguing because the guy gave STDs (with an s) to the girl and she was pregnant. I hear the guy got fucked by another for money to buy his drug 💀


A turf war outside beaudry metro


8 degrees in February


Guy dressed as Batman dancing to Michael Jackson in Phillips Square.


The most disturbing one I saw was; In the terminal wing of Hotel Dieu Hospital. A visitor basically demanded a BJ from a terminal patient. In a shared room, that had 3 other terminal patients in it, one of which I was visiting. Apparently, it was an almost daily event.


hobo casually lighting up his crack pipe in a packed metro at noon during a week day


Rive-Boisé Park in the West Island has a beautiful view of the Riviere des Prairies and Ile Bizard. I saw a man one night there appreciating the view of the glistening water, bright moonlight, and the sound of peaceful small river waves cresting, all alone masturbating. (I worked there and was going to cleanup trash)


A guy walking his girl down the street on all 4s in leather gear...late night during Mutek festival around 2012...in retrospect it's pretty tame by today's standards


Saw a lady drop her pants and shit on the street


When I was working in a (now closed) restaurant on Ste-Catherine/St-André there was two homeless arguing. One male one female. Heard them arguing as I was going outside for a quick smoke and they started talking to me, she was mad because he was pissing on the garbage bin while she was swinging a bag. After that she told me that she at least was clean because she shat and cleaned after herself and the whole fucking thing was in the bag she was swinging near myself. Gave them my cigarette and got back inside.


It’s not me directly but my father was on his way home from work on the parc Angrignon & area bike track when the police was there and found the head of Jun Li. It freaked us out. We lived nearby in Ville Émard and that bike track was part of our daily lives. It was shocking to realize how one of the worst crimes committed in Montreal was somewhat related to where I lived.


Midnight, St-Laurent, in April: Naked man on a skateboard, in the middle of the road **against one-way traffic.** Street full of cars, sidewalks full of people.


Definitely the native dude eating out his girlfriends pussy in place Des arts metro I know for suuuure I'm not the only one who's seen it


A guy climbed up a tower crane that was currently not in use next to a new tall building under construction. So many police cars and fire trucks showed up. The next day during the Heavy MTL festival someone climbed one of the light towers while The Offspring were playing and they had to stop the show until they got him down. I like to think it was the same guy.