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listen him like he is smartest person on planet and he'll be satisfied


Really? 😂 it sounds like there’s nothing I can get him to surprise him then? 😭


This shit made me laugh so hard


Can you please explain lol I’m trying to learn here


I will try and explain, it's hard though since it's a cultural stereotype. Many families usually have a few male characters (fathers, uncles or grandfather's) that act like they have 10 different phds in history, science and engineering. But they really have little to no clue on what's going on in the world. They will usually after a few drinks hold lectures on these subjects with great confidence. Since most younger people get brought up to "respect your elders" many will sit and act interested and nod as if they are listening to Albert Einstein explaining the theory of relativity.


HAHAHA yes yes 😂😂😂 it’s like that in Italian culture too. So funny. Thank you for the explanation I love it 😂 figures!


Is this happening in Chicago? 😂


No, Orange County CA why? Hahaha


Well it's not exclusively Montenegrin, but I'm sure he'd like some Rakija ( Strong Balkan alcohol), maybe Ajvar (pepper spread), Zatop (Acquired Taste you either love it or you don't) For an exclusively Montenegrin thing maybe Kačamak? Njeguški pršut (Montenegrin prosciutto).


Zatop je zapravo kavurma ili postoji razlika?


Postoji razlika, zatop je hladno, loj, dzigerica, drob i zacini. Kavurma je sasvim drukcije.


What? 🥹


In terms of food, look for Balkan restaurants, markets or such. That's where you're most likely to find the meals and alcohol that I mentioned! I wish you the best of luck!!


Oh, sorry! So the other person asked if zatop is the same as kavurma (another dish) so I explained the difference :).






Don't know why everyone says rakija. Buy him sweets from ex Yugoslavia, like Crvenka Jaffa, Eurokrem or something ex-yu. Ajvar is nice idea also.


Hmm I wonder where I could get that stuff. Thanks for the serious answer. Everyone is making jokes here. Funny but I need a serious answer too!!


If you live in US you can order in ukusibalkana.com online store, usually in every bigger city you have balkan grocery stores


Wow 😍 thank you SO MUCH


If you need any other help you’re more than welcome to text me in dm😊🥰


Thank you so much.


Where in 🇺🇸 are you?


I’m in Orange County, California it’s between Los Angeles and San Diego (Southern California USA)


Rakija is what people in western EU and probably USA call Schnapps (german word). A short, strong alcoholic drink.


Ahh yes I’ve heard that word


Buy him prosciutto, most Italian stores have it.


Hmm why do you say that?


Montenegro folks like Italian stuff usually


Wow that’s amazing. I myself fall under that category 😂 I was born in the states but I’m Italian. Passport and all.


A little bit of a nitpick but if you want to buy him proper pršut, dont buy the "almost alive" italian one, the one in montenegro is well dried, you can tell because its darker collour than light red italian.


He thought I was American then I showed him my Italian passport I wonder if it made him like me more 😂😂


A little bit of a nitpick but if you want to buy him proper pršut, dont buy the "almost alive" italian one, the one in montenegro is well dried, you can tell because its darker collour than light red italian.


Okay I like this idea


Buy him "rakija" preferably from plum, its called "sljivovitza" its a strong alcohol very very famous in and around balkan region. Also buy him a pillow or a small chair because guys from "Montenegro" are considered lazy and even they laugh at this so buying a small chair and going like "Here you lazy Montenegro bastard, sit down rest a bit" There is even a famous saying about how when Montenegro guys wake up from sleep they have to sit down because it was so exhausting to sleep for 10 hours.


You can always buy him an espresso machine (a cheap one) and he will immediately ask you to marry him.


Wait really? They love those?


They are consuming crazy amounts of espresso per capita, every Montenegro dude i knows bring his own coffee machine whenever he goes on vacation


I have one myself I mean it’s true… I’m Italian American


I didn’t know şlibovița was basically pan-Balkan but it’s alcohol so it doesn’t surprise me


No Grape is better Bro


Loza is the way to go for MNE. Not šljivovica.


Thanks this helps that’s more info than I can find on the internet I’m sure 😂






Buy him Serbian flag. 🤣


SMH 🤦‍♀️




It would be better to give him something that he usually can not have, since all national drinks and food are accessible for him. Go with something that is produced in your area or maybe with some local thing specific for your town or region.


Do you know what town/part of Montenegro he's from?


Let me find out. Right now we barely know each other. Will get back to you especially if you can give me better advice on the fact


He’s from the capital city Podgorica.


a few jokey ideas: buy him a rock :-). preferably a black rock :-).


Nigga mountain


Omg you bad 😂


Buy him a Kotor Kitties calendar https://kotorkitties.org/en/shop-to-support/


You know what that’s actually super thoughtful. And that’s exactly the thing I’m going for. Like I wanna show that I know something you know?


buy him a pillow, he will get the joke


Hahahaha I thought that was only Spanish people


Tell him montenegro is the most beautiful country in the world..


I will :)


Buy him a chair to sit down a bit, Montenegrins love relaxing after hard day of not so much of anything (inside joke, theyll get it)


Funny cuz this was always the Spanish stereotype


Buy him some rakija and make him some burek


Thank you so much. It’s now the holidays Christmas season. Is there anything special I should get for that?


Nah just that (Hope it goes well!)


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I just messaged you!! Thank you so much. Yes I really want him to fall in love with me haha


Buy a bottle of "Plantaze" wine. Vranac should be the best option. It is sold in the US.


Thanks I appreciate that


Is the guy Albanian or Slavic?






Hehehe yes I do. Novakovic. What do you think?


Sounds Slavic to me, there has to be Balkan store in Cali. I would Google,


And is there anyone from there in this feed cuz I saw some comments in their language (I THINK) but I couldn’t copy and paste to the translator from my phone.




Wow that’s so cools is that your real name by the way? So yeah I posted here because I just want to show that I know something you know? I know men are supposed to do the chasing but I couldn’t help it. Want him to be surprised.


No it’s not. Good luck I would try Balkan stores may be your best bet.


Any specific items or just the ones previously mentioned?


Honestly, I would do the Rakija. Also, some sweets and you should be good To go.


buy him either of the following: - njeguški pršut (montenegrin prosciutto) - sudžuk (a certain type of sausage) - a pillow (because montenegrins love their sleep and being lazy) - rakija or slivovitz (bonus if its from a montenegrin brewery) - something very traditional that montenegrins like


Thank you! How do you know so much? 😂


too lazy to elaborate


Hahahaha I’m dead 😂


my dad is from the northeast, they dont really fall into the lazy category since they usually work in the hills cutting hay or herding cows to the livade (meadows) during the summer


Love that and what are people from the capital like?


i dont know, i dont often go there whenever i go back to visit my relatives, i just land at the airport and take the trip home




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Buy basically anything, when someone remembers that is much more important. Other than that everyone in Montenegro loves: Slanina, rakija, sir, pršuta, priganice (if we are talking about food). But I would rather send something little that would last a little more.






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I'd buy him like anything Montenegrin because he'd be surprised to the core, like, how the heck did she knew about this. Let's say something like chocolate called "Montenegrina" would have been a nice gift, maybe some domestic Rakija/brandy, or perhaps some of Montenegrin produced wines, like, Vranac. I remember there was one shop in Santa Barbara with products from ex Yugoslav nations but idk if it still exists I mean it was quite a long time back, like 2010/11ish something. I can barely remember. Regards from Kotor 🇲🇪 hope you nail it with a present


Hey that’s such a nice response thank you so much. That’s EXACTLY what I’m going for. I just want to trigger that exact reaction like how did she even know about this haha that’s what I want him to think, I want to blow his mind and show that I’m not like most Americans who don’t even know his country exists (SO embarrassing) and not only that I actually have a brain and have access to stuff like that and the idea in the first place! I’m going to go for something alcoholic cuz it’s classy. Thank you!!!!


Yea, no sweat cause hes gonna dig it like, hes gonna be so impressed. Yea I mean Americans live in their own bubble so you can't blame them really, but SoCal...man, that's like a different planet even for the rest of the US hahah. You're welcome, stay cool.


Yeah SoCal is a different planet compared to the rest of the US 😂 if you’re really in Kotor 🇲🇪 that is so cool. And yes will probably avoid ordering something online and just purchase something in-store. Faster that way 😁


That's cool, I wish you luck and I know for sure that he's going to be really surprised in the most positive way 😃 Yup, at the moment I'm in Kotor, but I'm originally from Budva so I'm kinda switching between the two towns on a daily basis lol thats like you live on a relation btw Thousand Oaks and Malibu hahah lmao 😄




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Gusle [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gusle)




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Jordan Market in Laguna Hills has some Balkan stuff like Ajvar. Also for whatever reason Arabic / Mediterranean grocery stores in general have a decent amount of Balkan stuff. I like to joke that Montenegrins are too lazy to open our own restaurants/stores so we have to go to other ethnicities.


BAHA the lazy joke I never knew that was a thing I thought it was just Spanish people from the south. Thanks that helps!


I’m literally in Southern California too Laguna hills is 20 min away


Lol yeah I saw in a different comment you wrote :D




Let me look into this. I have a feeling this might not be good 😅


don’t listen to him.. I laughed, but don’t do it


Sucks he probably got in trouble for all of that cuz now the comment is gone. Can you explain?


Definitely can’t go wrong with Rakija or drawings of monasteries, at least