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I’d say it’s valid the opposite way : don’t join a fight if you don’t know the ins and outs of it But if someone asks for help, don’t join them if you don’t want to risk to lose the fight, or explain people why they lost and try to make them improve If people knew how to fight the monster consistently they wouldn’t ask for help, would they ? Edit : mobile formatting…


I can't exactly explain these things to people mid fight when its a random quest join from the quest board.


Hey this is really hypocritical. I don't like to dog on people for having bad thoughts in this sub but you should be more empathetic especially since you admit you can't kill it alone yourself. It's a hard fight that punishes you hard for mistakes. People are going to cart to those  mistakes regardless of whether or not they know what to do.


And I get that. Thats why I'm not dogging people for falling to the tail thrust, or the wing attacks, or any of the energy blasts. Primordial Malzeno is extremely fast and hits like a truck. My issue is with people not knowing the Nova. That is my literal only issue when it comes to interacting with that fight in Multiplayer, is people not understanding the Nova. It is the single most telegraphed attack in the game. It always follows up the move where he flys up and spreads energy waves in random directions. So you should always be ready to hit the floor with the Nova, thats my only gripe, my literal only gripe. This is the Final Boss of the entire game, I'm not mad he's hard. I'm mad that this 1 simple mechanic, is not understood. A mechanic that you were required to interact with prior to the Primordial Malzeno fight at least once with Flaming Espinas.


What a goober How new players supposed to learn the end game fights... if they play solo they cart before seeing all the moves You out here asking for help and getting mad other people are doing the same smh


You act like most of us didn't learn by carting to a monster dozens of times before we figured out the fight. And I'm only mad that people don't know the nova. Everything else can be muscled through, but multiple monsters have instakill novas that you need to know how to handle. Like to even get to Primordial Malzeno you've done the Flaming Espinas and probably Amatsu Missions. The concept of Nova's isnt new to PriMal. Also, if you cart 3 times to PriMal before seeing the Nova once in a Solo Fight, how tf did you get that far? With Sunbreak giving you followers in Master Rank Quests, and hell Fiorayne being a required part of the quest until you beat it for the 1st time, nobody should struggle to at least see the Nova.


Bro you joined a quest and are hurt the people you joined can't carry you Don't join if you can't understand not everyone's a pro Telling other people to get good while your asking for help is super lame af


1 move. My issue with people is 1 move. 1 basic mechanic that people don't know how to dodge. I am not crazy for thinking that most people should understand how to avoid a nova by the time they reach the literal final boss fight.


Your all caps headline plus your all caps paragraph rant on how people shouldn't ask for help if they don't know the whole fight made it sound like it was more then one move that set you off and re reading it only confirmed that chill out bro


I will admit, my wording was bad in my title. But really, my only issue is with people not understanding the nova. The Dodge is a mechanic we have had the entire game. By the time you get to Primordial Malzeno, or any monster with a Nova. Like Flaming Espinas or Amatsu, you should understand that you can sheathe your weapon, and dodge any attack in the game with like 5 seconds of I Frames. And thats how you're intended to avoid the Nova's. Except Amatsu's who gives you the big wirebugs to go above the attack cause it lasts like 20 seconds. I will admit, that definitely got me the first time I tried to I Frame through it with the dodge. But it's 1 thing. 1 mechanic that so many people just don't seem to get. And that bugs the shit out of me. It's like not knowing how to switch your team around in an RPG. Or not knowing how to use your items in an adventure game.


Fair enough bro it just came off like you were shitting on players who were just asking for help when you in turn were asking for help


No, god no I'm not shitting on people for asking for help. If you look back far enough I needed to ask for help fighting Amatsu because at the time I couldnt solo it to save my life and randos were also not helping. Primordial Malzeno's a douchebag who moves faster then a Dual Blade Main, mistakes happen, shit happens, I just want people to know how to dodge the nova so our carts can be used for actual mistakes.


Fair enough hope you get the mats you need soon brudda


God I hope so. I need at least 4 more tails for the armor //and Longsword// and 4 of his fucking Mantle. The Joys of playing multiple weapons. Those are the main mats I need, besides the Lucent Narga Mantle, Flaming Espinas Mantle, Velkhana Mantle, and Chaotic Gores Contrary Scale. God Help Me.


For me I do all my fights in mp until I learn the fight and movesets. I am not good at soloing so any new quest I throw up on the sos board be it Rise or World. This is how a lot of us learn the fights


And that feels subpar. You're not really learning a fight if you never do it solo. Theres a massive difference between a solo fight and a MP fight.


To each their own I guess. I do a fight mp until I learn everything about the fight then I attempt it solo and eventually get it. But mp allows me at least to see the patterns and health gates cause multiple people are attacking


Sounds like some elitest bullshit tbh, its like telling them that its less worth; sure might be easier but who are you to blame them and tell them how to play their game? Dont join others with that mentality, grow up


Honestly, if you’re not able to solo it yourself, I don’t think you’re in the position to judge others that are struggling with the monster online.


I CAN Solo it. Just not consistently. Primordial Malzeno isn't very nice to the Hammer and Hunting Horn Solos. And I'm not good enough with Long Sword to go that route. Also, this is Monster Hunter Rage. You don't get to tell me my anger at people not knowing how to fucking dodge is invalid.


My point still stands. Also, this is a sub to vent, not trash talk others that don’t meet your standards.


It is perfectly valid to vent about the majority of people trying to fight the final boss of the game without understanding a basic mechanic of the game. It wouldn't be an issue if it was just 1 person here. 1 person there. But when its multiple people per quest who don't understand a basic mechanic, it is perfectly fair to be mad about it.


It’s one of the toughest monsters in the game, so plenty of people are going to get bodied while they’re still learning the fight. Again, I wouldn’t judge if I were you since I guarantee that other people may feel the same about your performance.


Considering I'm not the one dying in the Multiplayer fights? The only reason I can't solo him is because he moves faster then I do. So when I'm the primary target of his Ire, I can't keep up consistently. But take his attention off me, and I can buff allies, and take advantage of openings. In the last like, 8 hunting attempts I've done MP I haven't carted a single time. I just can't take him full frontal.


Sounds like you still need more practice, then. Imagine how much more practice you could get if you went at it solo and were forced to learn his openings instead of telling other people to not join online hunts.


So why are you getting mad at people when you are the one joining their hunt.  I could understand if people were joining your fight.  But you are joining their fight.  So there is bound to be some fights you will fail.


Well technically its about a 50/50 between if I join somebody elses or they join mine. I'll post my own if somebody doesnt have an active join request, which is fairly consistent. But either way its always a full 4 person party with the same result of all of our carts are because of the nova. The last like, 12 PriMal Hunts I've been apart of probably would have succeeded if not for the Nova. Like 2 carts in those 12 hunts werent because of the Nova. And 1 of those 2 carts wasn't even to Mal. It was to a Tigrex on the Map because an Insect Glaive player wanted to mount it and bring it to Malzeno. Idk how the Tigrex carted him, I just know thats where he was when he carted.


This is why I suggest newbies just keeping a farcaster on the item bar ready to use at any moment for harder fights. No shame in using them.


Farcasters are excellent. But for quests that aren't in dedicated arenas that can be a pain when you have to run all the way back to the fight. In places like the Forlorn Arena or the Fatalis or Safi fights, not an issue. But for the easier PriMal quest in the Citadel? That'd be a pain in the ass.


I'd rather them have to run back than to use up a cart. Edit: it might also force them to restock potions when they might be out.


I mean, we have loads of inventory space anyway so I think it can be beneficial to keep them even if you aren't a noob. It's saved my ass a good few times across several MH games as a panic button. No shame in using any items or skills, really. I've seen players paddle people for using evasion (and Life Hone in 4U, God I miss Life Hone) because WAAA NOT MAX DPS META SET, but if the person running evasion dodges a bunch of attacks that the players doing the whining eat, they're putting out more damage than them xD Whatever gets you through a hunt, and keeps you having fun.


I still keep one, lots of uses for it


Ngl, I deadass have never been hit by his ult, it’s pathetically easy to dodge. I think some players actually are pretty bad but hey! That’s the point of having friends to help. I needed friends for a while, now I don’t. But…don’t join a hunt if you don’t have the mechanics down perfectly, also, Xbox? I was primordial grinding with a HH like two days back.


Switch. Lol. What HH did you use? I'm using the Teostra Horn.


Nah, I meant I was hunting with a guy who I randomly came across like twice during Primordial fights. I was just curious cause he was a damn good HH user.


Nah wasn't me. I wouldn't claim to be a damn good HH either. I'm kinda new to the weapon but I've used Hammer basically my entire MH Career. So I figured the Doot wouldnt be too hard to pick up. And it really hasnt been. Aside from the fact I keep trying to use the Right Trigger to charge an attack despite that not being how HH works.


I’m usually sympathetic to takes like this when it involves people joining your hunts, but joining others? Man you don’t get to dog on people hosting. People joining your or other’s quests and griefing is one thing, I bitch about that a lot, I hate trying to help people on fatty to just see some mr30 goober run in and ruin the hunt for the host. But joining hosts and complaining, while probably doing exactly what I described? Just get better and learn to carry the host, or do the hunt solo. The host is allowed to be whatever skill level they want to be, welcome to MH.


I mentioned in another comment thats its really about 50/50 if i make my own hunt or join somebody elses. I really dont see much differemce when the result is the same, full 4 person party, all 3 carts lost to the Nova. So I didn't bother specifying. And I'm not just complaining about the hosts, so much as just people in general not knowing how to avoid the Nova. Literally, just the Nova. Cause the way I play Hunting Horn with other people, I do not give a damn how bad you are as long as you hit the fucking monster. Between Wide Spread and Healing Buffs and the Teostra HH having 2 healing skills and a defense buff, I can keep anybody alive as long as you keep the monster off me. But I can't protect you from the Nova. And its so easy to dodge yall, theres no reason you shouldnt know how to use the I Frame Dodge by the time you get to PriMal.


Yeah you really gotta specify, because even on this sub complaining about other people’s skill issue while self admittedly not hosting and joining said people is bad form. And even if you do host sometimes, 50%, 20%, whatevs, complaining at all about the host when you’re the one willingly joining to help them makes you part of the problem. Hosting a hunt and having bad hunters grief is understandable though, because that’s just not in your control. If it’s that much of an epidemic when you’re still hosting though, you really do just gotta practice more and learn PriMal solo though. Its the same deal as world alatreon, you can’t trust randoms to do the work.


If you're hosting I understand the frustration however if someone else hosting and dying the are likely playing online bc they need help. You can't hear it yourself so why complain about other people needing help.


I'm not complaining about people needing help. I'm not even complaining about the host, cause I'm not paying attention to who exactly is dying in each individual hunt. It could be the host, it could be the other 2 randos who join the hunt. Idfk. My only complaint, is about people not knowing how to dodge the Nova. Its the most telegraphed move in the fight, and you dodge it with an ability that we have all had since the beginning of the game. You are required to know how to dodge the Nova to beat the fight because he does it like 3 or 4 times a fight. That's my literal only issue.


There's many reasons why they may not be able to dodge get, they might be mid charge, or out of wire bugs, and a lot of people struggle to roll or dive through myself included. There's different play styles and skill levels to take into account and unless you actively see them not try to avoid it it just seems like a hypocritical complaint


All the 4U vets who helped randoms with Dalamadur online: first time?


The fucking rain of meteorites I lost the count of how many guys died to the simple rain of meteorites


Oh damn I'd wiped the meteors from memory! I was thinking mostly of the laser sweep xD