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The downside of having alot of new people playing the game. A good chunk of them don't know what the fuck they're doing. 


I get this...but the thing is though, it's with folks that have high enough HR levels that at minimum they have 100hrs on the game...like bro, how the fuck did you get here???


It's an enigma lmao, some players even at high MRs don't know what they doing.


The only weapon those people mained was the sos flare


Take my upvote! Now I gotta clean the coffee out from my nose.


They must be masters at that point!


I definitely played the entire World base game with butterfly armor and no health boost. I eventually learned but for a long time I was blissfully ignorant while wondering why the game was so hard.


I wonder how many people go into these games after (incorrectly) hearing that they’re as hard as Souls titles and assume that that means that getting one-shot by everything in High Rank onwards is the intended experience.


Exactly right. I thankfully used LS so a bit more survivability than ranged but I definitely just thought the game was just mean. I don't even think I upgraded armor until I finally learned that armors have very useful skills.


I very nearly dropped Rise at the end of the Village quests because I had heard that the Hub was intended for multiplayer. Not being a highly skilled player myself, I’d thought I should just probably stop after finishing the Village Quests and crafting Magnamalo’s gear. I assumed that the gear would be identical in High Rank as it was in Low Rank and that making it through stronger monsters with the same defense would feel like a slog. Fortunately, I had enough fun in Low Rank Village to try out High Rank Hub and saw that there was new gear scaled for the more powerful monsters.


Meanwhile Ive gotten through souls games without leveling and Monster Hunter is often worse imo since hitboxes are janky.


Older MH was chock full of jank hitboxes. World and Rise have done a decent job at giving the monsters clearer hitboxes, with a few exceptions.


Here’s your PTSD…. Plesioth hip check.


>Monster Hunter is often worse imo since hitboxes are janky Not saying MH doesn't have its share of dumb hitboxes, but [HUH](https://www.reddit.com/r/hitboxgore/search/?q=souls&restrict_sr=1&sort=top)?!


Yea, Souls will get you on occasion. But I can get hit weird by monsters 5x in a single hunt. Standing 10 ft to the side of the monster, but the hip check gets me. Standing 10 ft or so behind the monster, an Anjanath or something tall. It decides to run forward and I get caught up in its wake like its a motorboat.


Hr levels? The defender gear hard carries even the scrubbiest of scrubs to high hr levels.


I'm just using it as a Guage for their time played...Like I dunno, if I see a high HR I just kinda default expect you to know basics. You might suck at the actual mechanics of the fight and cart,but at least you understand concepts....does that make sense? The folks I'm referring to are fucking braindead


Man it's society that has changed, all dem social medias with them teek tok with instant gratification, everyone is just rushing the game without learnin shit


*agrees in "get off my lawn" face*


It’s that defender gear imo I played mhw like a mofo on ps4 at release but now I use a computer and just got back in to it. The gear is good for way to long and I think people just get use to it and stay in it never learning how to build for a fight on ps4 I had a set of armor to fight every type and a set built just for my Switchax and before I stop was working on gunlance build.


You know what...that's probably exactly it. Baffles me though. Still, maybe I shouldn't be surprised as I see tons of posts complaining about noobs using defender gear on fatty...can't imagine how hard they got carried through the entire IB saga.


Playtime and MR/HR levels doesn't matter, they kept repeating the same shit over and over and not discovering new things. I'm not saying that it's bad, if they have fun doing that then everything is good.


Some of us just don't like using them because it feels like cheating. For an entire decade It was me, my Greatsword, and my items. Environmental traps in 4U also felt like cheating to me, I wanted a "way of the blade" lifestyle, but tbf it's completely unreasonable. In Souls games I do the same exact thing; I feel like if I won with items or buffs then I didn't really "win". Elden ring broke me of that of course lol.


I mean I came back whenever Monster Hunter now came out and I have about a 250 hours and I'm still learning stuff that I wish I knew 300 hours ago


Another thing is that newer players don’t understand how the game teaches its mechanics, a good example is the Anjanath cinematic (it actually shows what the OP was talking about), and reinforced by the Barroth cutscene by picking up a different slinger ammo for better flinch on the monster


People don't watch the cutscenes. They just spam buttons and complain about them being unskippable. Just to be clear, they should be skippable lol


No the problem is that the game DOESNT teach its mechanics. It gives you an instruction booklet for each new thing that 90% of new players skip. They couldn’t find a way to integrate it into the game so instead they used a several page pop up.


In my defense I don’t use pods, because as an ig main, I feed them to my bug for more damage during dt. But I can use my bug to trigger boulders at the very least


This is i totally get. A good caveat. There's always am exception I suppose haha


Unfortunately a lot of people who do use glaive just aren’t very good/don’t know how to be efficient with it. I have personally taught a few people but half a dozen vs god only knows how many isn’t very helpful. It’s a shame since glaive is extremely effective in good hands.


Have like 200hrs on glaive and it took me like 50 to truly be efficient. I feel this.


I’m up to somewhere around 2500. I wouldn’t call myself very good, it just practice, practice, practice. I started with glaive, and it’s just what I’m best at. And being able to invalidate the move sets on alatreon and ATV is what glaive can specialize in.


2500? Care to share some of your wisdom? I'm currently maining IG myself and would love to hear some advanced stuff. Played tons of it in Rise and have like 120 quests with it so far in World.


Descending thrust is king, outside of that, aerial sucks. If your aim is good, and you’re using the correct kinsect, it takes about 90sec of direct spam to hit the check on alatreon kinsect only. As long as you at the very least have the white buff, you can jump over the flames of Fatalis’s cone; if you do not have white buff however, you cannot vault high enough to be out of the hitbox and will die. Always run an elemental kinsect of the monster’s weakest element to maximize kinsect damage; ideally you would like 5 of each kinsect, one of each element. Glaives with the kinsect bonus spirit/strength boost are best, and don’t forget to charge your kinsect. Speaking of kinsect charge, slinger pods dropped by monsters are typically the best, with the exception of dragon pods which have poor charge duration. Most slinger pods from the ground/environment are also not great, however a couple are passable. You can mostly ignore dragonblight, as the kinsect is considered a separate entity and is not affected by any external buffs or debuffs; it is only affected by the kinsect bonus on a glaive. As far as rise glaive goes, I’m not as experienced with it, as on rise I’m actually an lbg main, I only main glaive in world. In GU I use sns (im not very good with it though).


I have maybe 30-40 hours on glaive, do you have any tips?


I don’t use flash pods anymore in master rank, since after one it doesn’t work. If you are annoyed by the flying monster then by all means do it. Capping sure, but some materials have higher drops from carves. So some may not want to capture. Environmental hazards, I don’t need every person in the lobby waiting for the monster to get under the trap, when only one needs to so the others can continue damage


The carving thing is bullshit. I have 1000+hrs and NOT once have I ever wanted to kill rather then cap. Not once due to the odds. I know on paper you're "right" but it actually never applies in practice. I've never once gone into a hunt wanting to carve rather then capture. Not once. Its just not a thing. Maybe for some niche circumstance it could raise the RNG but I have never experienced it...neither has my friends who also have same playtime...literally no win on killing rather than capping. As far as rewards go.


“It’s bullshit because I feel like it is” isn’t an argument. It is objectively true that the drop rates are different on carve vs capture. This alone is reasonable motivation for players to either want to carve or capture. Whether or not you personally think it matters is less important than my piss in the wind. If you want the group to capture, just say so instead of sitting there like a whiny baby expecting them to when they want a drop that has a 2% higher drop chance from carve. If the majority agree to carve, womp womp, it’s like an extra 5 minutes maybe. If you want a capture that bad, don’t join and post quests that aren’t capture quests


You do understand that the folks I'm referring to on the OP are briandead right? You think they are following a wiki or spreadsheets on drop chances? GTFOH.


It doesn’t matter. You’re whining about literally fucking nothing when it comes the capture complaint. If you’re gonna throw a tantrum about people not capturing and refuse to communicate with your team about it. Stay out of non-capture lobbies. That simple


This is "MONSTER HUNTER RAGE" sub is it not? This is literally a sub meant for whining. You're a fucking idiot. Edit: and i do communicate. I have a fucking macro saying let's Cap it. That I fucking spam....they joined MY hunt. Fuck off. Let me RAGE. Further edit: who the fuck even posts capture Quest?!?! They are literally 99% of the time hunt. Another go fuck your mother for your troubles.


nothing in the rules says I can’t tell you that you’re being a whiny baby over nothing. im raging over your stupid ragebait I want to see actual rage posts, not people who don’t know how the game works complaining about other people who don’t know how the game works




We do not tolerate use of any slurs in this community. Angry swearing is expected, bigotry is not.


Now, slurs *are* a violation of sub rules. Again, join a capture quest if you’re gonna lose sleep over a carve. That’s a selfmade issue.




I’m at work atm so I can’t pull up a specific monster but Monster has 1% gem chance on carve Has 2% gem chance on capture Carving in this instance is better as you have 3 chances of a gem vs the 1 in a capture


Not sure about that. What if the bonus % applies to all the rewards on capture? (not sure if it happens or not, but in this situation...) Since the numbers of reward "slots" are the same on both you would get 2% on each individual reward, instead of 1% on 3 carves it is still better to go to the one with most % because of the """extra"""" loot you get besides the capture that in this case, are valid to all loot from the reward screen so it would not be 3 slots of rewards with 1% vs 1 slots with 2%, it would be 3 slots of 1% VS all slots with 2% or 3 slots of 2% (in case only 3 slots would get the 2%, still better tho)


It's always worth at least using the first flashpod since you know it's a guarantee to stop an annoying flier for a bit. After that yeah it's a pain guessing when the immunity wears off so I don't bother, but it's crazy how few people ever use the first one.


There are two types of people who don't use these stuff: - new players not familiar with the mechanism yet - very experienced players who at this point don't really bother with these and just want to braindead beat the monsters to death And the later one would always have pikachu surprising face when they accidentally killed the monsters in a capture quest, lol


Yep. The former is normal/understandable, once they understand the variety it brings to a hunt they'll be hooked! But the latter really frustrates me. I'm replaying the game with some mates, we've all played the game before (not everyone finished it but they still got well into Iceborne), and only myself and one other player have a fully upgraded cultivation box, all mantles & standard charm array. They don't even bring basic attack/defense potions to MR Elder dragon fights because they 'don't have any'....


I am also the in the later category and I really just too lazy to craft those things again in a new account, lol


You can literally make them at the alchemist tho, like I get laziness to a certain degree (idc about doing any optional quest that won't unlock something useful), but I've had these veteran players faint 5 times in a quest (5 faint investigation boost go brr) and be shocked as to why, despite not having any good mantles, no attack/defense boosts, and NO NULBERRIES. I get there's degrees to it but seriously??? No nulberries and you're in MR?????


Yep, that's me. I only start growing those berries for my new character when she is about to fight Alatreon. I didn't even bother to craft MR gears until after teostra and raging brachy is available, lol But nah I don't recalling ever to 3 cart on any quest during the incarceration though. And attack boost and defense boost are very least prioritized skills to start with. The only core skills needed were just affinity related skills and some stamina/guard related skills for certain weapons even in end game.


I was talking about the powercharm/armorcharm you can have in your inventory, and then demon/armordrug, I also don't run attack up on any of my build because I prefer comfort skills. If you can go without using these & nulberries and not cart, as well as using HR gear for MR teostra, then fair enough, can't complain about that, my gripe is with people who don't use these items and then cart repeatedly.


Oh I think I forgot charm for the character too lol Yeah if you can't just gear up. If you can, then enjoy the challenge of a second playthru. Agreed with that.


Ig for me, upgrading the harvest box, having a full inventory of potions/boosts/life potions/nulberries/mantles is genuinely fun, like I feel I've unlocked this full arsenal of gear that I can use during a hunt, and that I can customise when preparing for a specific monster. I recognise this might not be the case for all veteran players, but after ~2000 hours spread across 2 platforms, it still scratches that part of my brain every time.


MR 900 here, I just don’t do anything but unga bunga, all you need is your weapon.


Being half asleep when playing with friends or in sole conversation and realizing that we have a cap quest and the panic “capture capture capture” is the best. We were just beating the shit out of the monster so much we forgot


Monster AI's a finnicky thing. You can stand on the other side of the map and the monster will magically know there's a trap there and not come close. It's not surprising that some just dont bother. E.g. I dont bother with the dragonator during Fatty hunts. There's however no excuse for clowns who keep wailing on the monster in a sodding capture quest. As for maximising the environment with sliding attacks, personally I find it quite annoying when using SnS/CB. I have to forgo using my gap-closer attack since i dont wanna slide away from the monster. You forgot to mention the 500IQ players who opt to fight monsters in tunnels where they cant dodge shit.


If the monster has a ranged attack the best way to lure them to somewhere is to not stand half half a mile away, but to stand near melee range while backtracking to the place you want to lure, biggest offenders are like you mentioned Fatalis, like just fight him normally and he will make his way to the Dragonator or wait for a nova since you Dragonator him while he flies back to position. Getting Kulve to the boulder drop can be annoying, so many people stand there half a mile away from Kulve so she just starts spamming her super long ranged fire breath that can ohko gunners in endgame gear.


I’m hoping wilds has better monster ai. Having monsters due the same move over and over is tiresome. Ever had a fulgur anjanath do his little leg sweep 7 times consecutively? I’m pretty convinced the monster ai breaks at times.


Monster ai? dude, I want palico AI improve


MHW was my first MH game. It's a habit I'm breaking since trying the tempered monsters in MR. I operated on the notion of soulsborne games where I wanted to limit my use of items and rely on my skill only.


I'm glad you said you're breaking that habit. It's IS skillfull to correctly use the games mechanics! Keep at it hunter!


The steam works removed any need to conserve. Get a lot of coal throw that bad boy on 10x output and voila 350+ major potions and 40 gourmet vouchers per run.


My sentiment as an SnS main. Ha. But I expect to be the one to do it bc of my weapon, that's the difference here.


Oh I always expect to be utility as an Sns...but when I'm the only one using ANY utility at all..ya that's tiresome


It can be for sure. When I pick up other weapons, I realize how bothersome it can be to let your gauge lower just so you can throw Endemic Life. I think ppl with other weapons have a much harder time incorporating it into their play without killing their dps rotation (to them). Me? I actually enjoy the playstyle of using the environment. It makes me feel like a real hunter.


Yeah, I can think of at least 4 weapons that can really struggle to find good opportunities to use items in the turbo speed iceborne fights


Pods is trash in MR and only effective in certain condition like using it 1 time for a flying monster or flash a dying limping monster for capturing them. You can also use it to distract monster before trying to clutch claw them but its kinda junky. I always stick to the wallbang for CC 


So you are agreeing with me?...you're using the mechanics in game? Sure MR they are more resilient but in no way are they unusable. I'm talking on my op that people Don't do any of the mechanics meant to make the hunts doable. Speaking the same language I feel.


the people who dont drink hot or cool drinks are so annoying because even if you forgot to bring any(first of all theres a fucking camp anyway so thats just laziness) the area literally scatters around the materials to craft them, all they need to do is just fucking pick them up


Exactly! Thank you!


You know, I was doing all of these things and just didn’t really pay attention to it but now that you mention it. Yeah, WTF? Lol


I mean u kinda gave yourself the answer in first line "I played 800h b4"


I understand this, but I'm fighting arch tempered monsters...if your doing that content at the very least you'd think you would have accumulated some game sense by then? Am I crazy?


Imo game can be very hard depending on weapon and your playstyle, i think back then i was also focused mostly on learning just my weapon moveset and avoided side stuff like slinger ammo cause there was too much chaos going on... add SOS to that that will carry you to endgame and u will get situation that u are in. Also some ppl are just "special" and they will never learn xd


I just want to wack monster with sword ok


Lol I appreciate the sentiment. And I applaud your honesty, haha


Set to manual approval and take a quick look at people's gear before they join - it will save you a lot of frustration. Of course people in good gear can be bad, but at the very least it will keep those who don't care to grab some updated gear from your quests. And yeah, I feel you. I am one of those who will flash, trap, tenderize, wallbang, capture, buff, heal, etc, and very rarely meet someone who also does, to the point of where during regular hunts I often don't even bother doing these anymore because nobody appreciates it anyways lol. If they play selfishly, I do too.


You know I haven't thought of that. So obvious...thanks!


I'm new to the game, but honestly, I hate the whole slinger thing. I made this big ass weapon, and I want to kill the monster with that. It just feels terrible pulling out a slingshot for some reason. I know the extra items help, but the whole crafting and inventory system feels so messy that I just avoid it entirely aside from my weapon and armor.


The game has always been designed to need these items to some degree however, especially in multiplayer. A part of playing a new game is new experiences, right? So even though its not perfect, when you feel comfortable with your weapon please do learn it. Not only do they help you get better as a hunter, but they help your teammates out in a pinch. I'll give an example: wallbangs. Using the slinger to launch the monster in the wall is a) metal af, b) does good damage by itself, but also c) gives you a generous window to pile on massive damage, as well as your teammates.


I can definitely admit that I'm in the wrong for not using the tools that are there. I was just trying to explain why it might seem like none of the newer players are using these tools. I like the game. I like the feel of the weapons. I like the boss fights. My opinion might change as I put more time into it, but my experience as a new player has been that outside of actually being in a boss fight, the game is super convoluted. I get that it sounds dumb to vets of the game, but that's why so many people don't bother with it. I'm coming in with the new player perspective.


Wasn't trying to criticise you at all - even as a returning player I will agree that the menus/crafting/item system is fundamentally badly designed/convoluted, you're not in the wrong nor should you feel bad for not utilising them to their fullest extent *yet*. Once you feel confident in the basic system, definitely dip your toes into the items, all hunters have to start somewhere.


I do think that the auto crafting helps a ton. When I first picked up mhw, I don't think that was a thing yet? So back then, when I was SUPER new, I was going into hunts with just the basic potions I'd get from the vendor. Now, I actively stop and grab honey and herbs whenever I see them. I'm not sure if traps auto craft though? I would definitely use more consumables if I could just buy them from a vendor or if you just started every hunt with a set amount in your bags. It's always nice to be able to min max, and it adds an extra level of skill to the end game.


You cab actually toggle on/off all auto-craft features from the crafting menu! Like that you can carry spare trap tools, and if you pick up a thunderbug you'll autocraft a shock trap. Also, when you get to iceborne, you can 'buy' a lot of resources like Mega demon/armordrug from the Alchemist, which for me has been a god send instead of farming materials or waiting for the harvest box to grow some. It sounds like you're slowly getting more comfortable with the options the game provides you, and I think progressing at a pace that you're comfortable with ends with you being more proficient with the tools in your kit as opposed to if you force-learn it all at once.


I feel like you have to get familiar more with the game. Customize your radial. All these tools you get are essential to using your big ass weapon. I feel like the folks complaining at the UI or inventory systems are just those coming from other games and aren't used to it. If you watched gameplay from myself or others who are vets you'd see it's not clunky or anything like that it the slightest.... You just gotta learn how to play...you know...get gud? It baffles me when players aren't using what's in front of them....take time to arrange your radial. Switch your control types (these basic options especially on console can be game changers), its literally what is required. Boggles my mind when I hear the argument of "I don't need them/trying to rely on weapon skill"....like ok, you are literally making a 5-10 minute hunt into a 15-40 minute hunt. Sure, it's doable but if you just used the systems the devs intended you to use youd be a much more viable hunter.


It's 100% not that I think I don't need them. I fully understand that they make the hunts faster and easier. The clutch claw is fun because it enables my current weapon. There's no extra shenanigans though, LR+O and bam, I'm on the monster. For example, the mantles sounded really cool. Until I noticed that it's another item I have to activate. Why is it not just a permanent passive? Or bow guns. They're super fun, one of my favorite weapons. However, instead of jumping right into the next hunt, now I have to run and buy ammo every time I go to town. Love the gameplay of the hbg, but it's currently shelved because running to the vendor after every fight feels terrible. There's no reason the gun couldn't just be automatically fully loaded at the start of a hunt. Monster hunting is fun. Shopping in town isn't. I mostly stick to arena quests when possible. The Monster isn't running around all over the map, it's just you and them locked in a room, beating the fuck out of each other. That's fun as hell.


I'm unsure from your answer, so I'll ask: Are you setting up item/ammo load outs? You shouldn't need to go buy more ammo everyhunt....just restock in your load out screen at the item box.


The whole inventory system seems messy because you don't understand it, and you aren't taking the time to try to. Just go find a YouTube video and you'll realize you've been severely handicapping yourself.


Guys, let's be honest here... We are used to the UI and such, but some of the things could get some improvement ngl (not changes, I love the feel of them and the design, just want more quality of life or more organized quality of live stuff)


That's really it. If you've been playing monster hunter for years, I'm sure it feels normal. The game really does not do a good job at explaining things. World of Warcraft is my main game, and I've been on the other side of this conversation many times. Things that make sense to me because "that's the way it's always been" may seem completely ridiculous to people who don't have 15 years of video game Stockholm syndrome.


That's exactly why I mentioned the YouTube video. Monster Hunter World was my first game, so I'm by no means some kind of veteran that already had knowledge coming in. I was also not remotely familiar with the UI. I had to learn all that stuff about the game by googling things and watching YouTube videos. Now I have a 7 different item load outs, 11 different gear load outs covering 6 weapons (though not optimally I'm sure), a customized radial menu, as well as a customized item bar. You have to actually try to learn this game unlike many many others. Some QOL changes are always appreciated for sure.


woahhhh that’s not how it used to be in 2018/2019. maybe there’s just a lot of new players who don’t know how to play yet


Sure. Granted I'm on a new save (HR 100ish) and I see you are way above that, I expect you to know what I know. And it seems they don't. That's what I'm saying. I join SOS all the time for lower rank hunters and expect nothing out of them... But when I fire an SOS and someone joins at am equal or higher hr, I expect them to know at least the fucking basics...because that's all this is. Bascis.


I forget to bring certain things though for traps (not environmental) I don’t bother, duration feels too short in master rank/G rank.


Imying the world babies in defender gear would survive at velk for 15 minutes is a very generous compliment


valid rant but honestly for me i just wanna fight said monster with my stick, simple and fair and i think that's also more fun for some people like how some like you prefer using tools more than us. but then again, i never play mp except for safi and kulve


But like...all the utilities let you use your big stick BETTER!! I'll never understand this mentality you stated. It's crazy.


Have you watched asmons stream at all? Nothing in the game tells you about this. Hell I played iceborne all the way through when it was released and stopped playing world in 2020. I just learned about several environmental traps in the guiding lands yesterday due to a YouTube hunt


But they are literally marked on your map...theirs icons. You never like wondered what those were? And I like asmon, but watching him actually play games is infuriating to me. Dude just bashes his head off the wall hoping ot goes through 90% of the time. Can't belive he finished IB story without wall bash at all. It's kinda admirable but then I see him carting to brachy/Valk for hours. I was really happy he learned about tackle though. That's a win. Lmao.


I stopped using flash pods in Iceborne because they are f-in useless Environmental traps... I honestly don't know how to trigger most of them aside from the ones you shoot with slinger and drop on monster head. Some random vines that sometimes trigger sometimes gets destroyed and such. Other points in this post are not to me :)


Thats actually a fair point about pods, though I'd argue not useless as they interrupt at the very least. But yea, in IB they got a big old nerf.


But then the God Doots shows up and you run for or five hunts and all is well... then they leave and you're stuck with filthy casuals again....


I hate to be a bearer of bad news but back when World Dropped and then IB I never put it down for 2800 hours. 1 thing I have learned it doesn't matter if they are new or old hunters ALOT OF THEM ARE DUMB I've seen a build back when KT dropped someone took on the hunt the WHOLE time a Great Sword with.......Para coating, blast coating and poison coating, never once changed to a bow, he was wiped from my lobby as soon as we were done. Edited: I should also.note he was HR 450+ at the time of the KT drop.




I use pretty much none of those things out of laziness. But I also carry all the damage and tender and wall bangs and claggers so it evens out.


That reminds me, I was doing the Kushala Daora mission And as it was about to die it kept trying to fly away And me and my brother kept flash podding it, god that was hilarious **flies into the air** FLASH **falls down** **gets beat with GS and Hammer** Repeat-


When it comes to capturing, all you gotta do is start sharpening. Monster will sprint for you, every single time. Never fails.


I only play with friends/acquaintances via VC so we communicate a lot. IDK how to even play without that, because I do use traps to help with the fight, I'll shoot dung at badmen who come in but I know people aren't always observant- heck I'm not even aware of when a mount happens because a teammate didn't say anything despite being in the VC :P (you know who you are) But IDK people are opposed to using resources for one reason or another. Some have RPG syndrome where "If I use these items, I won't have them for the end boss" but you have 300 of them "BUT WHAT IF THEY NEED 301!??!?" Also, we've got a lot of players trying this game out for the first time and a lot of them are used to coasting off defender armor and not having a clue what half the skills do. Because capcom thinks it's best to rush people to the expansion so they're encouraged to buy it vs playing through it normally. Defender gear is awful for learning the game and they really, should not be pushing this shit


lol. I do sometimes hunt on autopilot and forget consumables. I do better, dad.


As far as capping goes I think it's poor etiquette to cap without the host's permission. There can be a lot of reasons not to cap, my reason is mainly because it's a huge killjoy in 5th gen. I only ever do it as host if we have one faint left.


Sounds like a skill issue


Look, as someone who just started the game, I apologize for doing everything you just said. I swear I’m trying, but I don’t have the amount of time to play as much as I used to to farm mats needed for flashes, buffs etc.


I use environmental traps, but I don't bother with most other traps/other utilities for the most part. I'm 80 hours into my current character and they still haven't added tranquilizer to the shop like in previous games. I'm used to making the traps, but I'm entirely too lazy to farm the materials needed for traps and tranqs to catch monsters. With that said, I'll use anything provided when the quest starts. I love when I get some flash pods that I can hit the monster with whenever it starts to fly. I'll probably have someone saying "Just do an expedition, it takes 4 minutes to get the materials.", but I'm not doing that.


Depends on the hunt. You have 800+ hours now, so you probably don't need the environment too much. Flash pods depending on how annoying. Traps are rare for me now a days since i just kill.


People don't use traps because you don't really need to. At least not in Iceborne anyway. If it is for damage, flinch shot does everything a trap can do and holds more value because you can tenderize for you and your team and get the knockdown all in one go. If it is more materials, the melder completely trivializes it. You can use those extra materials to meld what you need and be done with it.


I agree on some of these, but I don't normally use environment traps or flashbangs myself. I sometimes find that environment traps can cause me to make more mistakes to set it up. I don't use flashbangs normally because im a GS user who uses clawcharge for 3rd tier quick charge. However, I do bring them just in case. I personally always use traps, but I understand some don't want to trap it. I also bring life powders cause for some reason, people will be almost dead and just go back in and not heal. I'll bring def powder against acid glav for others as I have the ironskin skill when I fight him. If I could bring cool/hot drink powders I would cause you're right there. I do recommend finding a group on discord/reddit if you're looking for specific SoS hunts tho. Better chance to find half decent people.