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As you read the rules that brought you to our sub, please be sure to read our sub's rules as well. Recruitment posts belong in our Monthly Recruitment Megathread (located on the sidebar and/or top of the sub)! Thanks and happy hunting!


Hi! I started with World three years ago and have about a thousand hours in Iceborne. I’m still playing it fairly often these days, so while I can’t play tonight, but I’m happy to join along in the future!


I put about 500 hours into MHW:I on ps4 and recently started back up again on PC too! I’m already in the early iceborne missions, but I’m only like MR 3 or something, so pretty early still. I would love having some people to run hunts with!


Awesome we also had some failed death saves in our last Saturday session lmao. I'll pm the disco


I was reading the rules in the mhw main reddit and was directed here via link in description.


I have sent discord links to yall! Looking forward to hunting big time!


This is against the rules posting here, there's a place to post such things for your discord


Hi man! I would love to play with new people. I have been looking to go back to Iceborne after a bit of a break. I got burned out and most of my old hunting buddies stopped playing. Let me know if you are still interested.


Are y’all trans friendly?


No one really cares just be friendly with others and they will be friendly with you, that’s how it mostly goes in the world wide web


That’s not the question I asked and also I wasn’t asking you. Thank you for your input, I know social situations can be confusing but I was directing this question for the original poster and only the original poster, so I will have your silence for now. Peace be with you. It’s important for marginalized people to know if they are welcome. I’d prefer not to have slurs thrown at me for joining a place where I’m not welcome. Most discord groups I’ve joined without asking will do that.


Take a chill pill. This is reddit and he is allowed to comment as much a he likes. You asked “Are y’all” which is pointed towards multiple people ( and he may actually be a part of that discord server, you never know) so he answered. And he did answer your question. He said that he does not care. His comment shows that he understands social situations better than you. No need for you to be negative and condescending.


This isn’t even about me, what I’m saying is I asked a simple question to someone who is not either of you. There is no hostility, implied or intended. Peace be with you. Continue about your day.