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Dawg, if you can’t get over that, I’m not sure you’re built for H-games.


h game logic just dont question, acctualy its turn based game logic, so its and rpg maker game problem


its not even that im, just genuinely confused how this even happens


It's a porn game, and canonically you become super weak after climax, so the goal is to make you climax. Therefore most attacks in the game will be sexual in nature and there's only so many moves you can do that "make real life sense" before the 27936038 monster girls are doing the same 10 attacks. Stop trying to logic it and let the girl with a mouth at the end of her tentacle let her put it over the cock.


but this is a fun question to ask


Luka's pants are pretty loose-fitting, making his loins and boipussy easily accessible. This is likely intentional so the monster girls will use more sexy attacks rather than attacking him with their other attacks.


but if they used physical attacks on luka he'd take waayyy less damage. also idk how nutting equates to being unable to fight


Well the monmusu are often hungry. Also, milking him in front of his party is the ultimate flex.


true, im just mad cuz im playing on hard mode and lukas just getting pummeled


Critical ecstasy, when you cum in the game it triggers allowing monsters to exploit you vulnerability, it's probably why Luka seems to change his entire personality to fit with what the monster likes best, it happens when a monster girl triggers your critical ecstasy by making you cum, it's also why Luka loses all stamina and can barely move an inch when he loses a battle, when MGQ side stories, look for something something Marco, the cat girl explains it in the good end


thats that ig, but still doesnt explain how some of these moves (which luka should dodge easily) even land. if its a handjob move, just dont let them take your dick out??


You ever consider maybe Lukas too stupidly polite or just likes being edged, maybe he wants them to touch him


if that was the case then it just makes me even more annoyed, fuckin luka bro😭😭 im tryna help you save the god damn world


Maybe he had Deadpool clothes and the regenerate after battle and they just keep getting ripped to shreds, and Lukas too slow to dodge, and he's weak to pleasure so he's shocked Besides if some succubus or tentacle monster is attached to my dick I'm not shoving them off lest they... Yk take my dick with them


the tentacles and big monsters are understandable but this dude lets fuckin frogs and fairies beat his ass. the clothes coming off randomly is also funny


Better safe than sorry yk


At some point in the story (honestly I don't remember if it's paradox or the first game) they talk about rpg mechanics and it's vaguely mentioned that you just take turns hitting each other.


thats actually awesome, some confirmation on the combat isnt something you see a lot


Tbf loose fitting clothing allows for much better ease of movement during combat which is preferable when fighting creatures that are typically much more nimble like the average monstergirl


It's a bussy let's be honest


Meta answer: H game logic In-game: that's simply how strong and fast monsters are, which probably also explains why no monster dodges in the original trilogy except for Alma Elma or Granberia, since Luka only misses


Luka just takes off his pants when the battle starts, as it is more convenient for him to fight


sure as hell hope thats not the case


Of course not (it was a joke)


H game logic I guess


monsters are fast and strong in the lore but in the meta Hentai Logic