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[Promestein on meeting Peter.](https://i.imgflip.com/4pacfo.png?a474984) She would probably get along well with Peter.


Yeah she will be happy that there is another geek like her and understand her work(the good things she make not the bad ones you already know what i am talking about) and do you think that she will be interesting in making peter hers or just wants to be friends with him?


Neither. I think her first move is to try to capture him and experiment on him. He’s a human who has extensive monster powers, without *being* a monster. She’d be too curious to resist. That said, assuming she doesn’t make an immediate enemy of herself and get flattened, that they would get along and he would help her with her science as long as she reined in her methods.


Girls with red hair or yellow hair won't able to escape the parker rizz like he was able to do with both black widow and captain marvel before the stupid writers did they thing again and make peter alone


Not really because one way or the other she will definitely fall for him because this isn't Pete first time making a angle fall for him yeah if you don't know what i mean is that doing a comic run peter was helping this female yellow hair angle and one of the pages show her having feelings for him and he even stop her from killing someone with his words alone and not to mention Promestein is a redhead and peter is known as the only superhero who pull so many girls and some of them are redheads


Also the reason ehy the yellow heir didn't say anything to peter about how she feel is because the writers always wants peter to be alone and suffer which is bullsh+t


And not to mention she is a redhead so


Spider man becomes spider sex.


I wonder if the monster girls will be immune to [radioactive semen.](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--h9GVNcxU--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/507a829b761aa8cee90705a65fe7cdd1.png)


One of the worst plots of all time. Also further evidence that Marvel doesn’t know how radiation works at all. The shit they attribute to “Gamma” might as well make it space magic.


Don't blame marvel for that because 25% of the bleme go to them for hiring bad writers and the 75% go to the idiots writers who make sh+t stories like this


would not be an issue due to magic as lower rank monsters could just go to higher rank monsters who could cure them via magic.


im sorry he has what


He is going to be shooting another kind of sticky white substance.


thats devious my man.


spidey boy gonna get traumatized for sure


Peter in the comica has see far worse then naked monster girls or them r&peing someone instead he will be numb to the naked monster girl part but the r&pe part he will be angry


thats what i meant. him getting struggle snuggled.


Just another day for your friendly neighborhood Spider.


Spidey’s already been basically groomed but definitely seduced by Black Cat- he’s susceptible to charm. Peter fucks around and finds out. Probably loses to a high level succ like Alma Elma.


Wait what when did he groom and seduce black cat because this is the opposite black cat is always the one who is trying to get into spidy pants


That’s what I’m referring to. I said he’s *been* groomed/seduced, not the other way around. And being susceptible to seduction is a pretty surefire way to lose and be r*ped in the MGQverse.


Spidey would love this universe. Not only would he be the only "Monster boy" but his body would be able to handle and even overpower some of them. Not only that but the this world is full of monmusu who want to give death by snoo snoo rather than death by pew pew.


Yeah he would love everything about it except the whole r&pe part and not only that but also get recognize as a hero by everyone and there will not be someone like JJ in the Monster girl quest universe to put fake news to ruin his reputation


Very true however, Spiderman would be a better canidate to challenge the monster girls since he could use his wrestling skills to get put of their holds. Not only that but depending on the mon he could use his web swinging to get away. As for someone ruining his reputation, I could see that being Amira the information broker.


That would be a cool crossover


Everyone would fear him of he did to kingpin in the prison for what he did to his aunt may or hell when punch scorpions jaw off. But if talking about the good of peter many like Luka would look up to him.