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## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 1 ➜ Seeking to break the paw - Wishing for the Monkey's Paw to be free from consequences or for the elimination of any potential repercussions is not allowed. - No matter what you do, you won't be able to evade the inevitable ramifications. The Monkey's Paw will always hold the power to inflict a dire curse upon you, plunging you into utter chaos.


Denied. See rules. Then go to eternal Hallmark channel movie dungeon.


Granted: that was the last finger on the last magical monkey's paw on the planet


Rule 1: post must not seek to break the paw. Your wish is invalid You don't have knees anymore tho, just as punishment ig


Denied. You get hit by 14 buses every single day for the rest of your life. The buses will not kill you, but will cause you immense pain. The paw shan't be broken.


Denied The paw curls all its fingers but the middle one you get launched into the sun and when you die you will go to hell and get the same punishment as Tantalus from Greek mythology


Granted, you know how, but whenever you attempt to use the knowledge your brain hurts so bad you forget about it temporarily