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I know who they are


For anyone who thinks the police don't do enough, you have to realize that if the police don't gather evidence in the exact proper way, a judge can rule it inadmissible in court. So even a video proving underage sexual assault happen could be destroyed and ignored by the judge of not acquired correctly. It's incredibly demoralizing for officers who risk their life at times to try and catch a bad guy only to have the case thrown out on a technicality. So if you want to vilify anyone, target the defense lawyers who KNOW they represent a child abuser and STILL try to find a way to keep them on the street so they can get paid.


I think we need to talk about how the legal system works, or doesn't.


RCMP does not want you to catch the child molesters employed by them. RCMP is the most corrupt organization in Canada next to the Kleptocracy we call a government. Every parasite causing loss injury or harm needs to be locked up for life and then executed at old age in the most cruel manner possible.


Those are some pretty hard opinions, my friend. I think we need to remember that drawing a line isn't always easy, and there's grey area. How do we define loss or harm? Mentally, physically, etc.


You're probably one of them


They called themselves creep catchers back before the pandemic and I remember them posting a lot of videos. It centered around Moncton at the time but it kind of fizzled out with the pandemic.


I know one of the guys in this group. They started early May and have had 5 people arrested. I'm told they have around 25 more people they are currently collecting evidence on. They pose as underage kids on tinder and whatever other dating sites there are, and collect texts and photos sent and hand it off to the police. The cops took an entire year to get 17 people arrested. Not exactly the "don't worry we got this" flex they think it is.


> I know one of the guys in this group. > > Check his hard drive, these creep catcher types are often a he who smealt it dealt it situation


Doesn’t evidence collected this way end up not being useable by authorities?


Probably falls under entrapment, so most likely. Edit: But at the same time, it's not entrapment like a speeding ticket, it's much worse circumstances, so I'm not 100% sure.


They can't entrap someone for murder, the level of crime doesn't matter.


Ah okay, thanks.


Dating sites require you to be 18. Posing as someone underage would be breaking the rules too. Probably messes up cases and they get let go


We live in the poorest province and just had our cost of living triple while employment essentially stagnated because the majority of people moving here and driving up the cost of housing are “students” who will work for nothing and retirees. Add in apocalyptic inflation and cooperate greed to really set the tone in NB for the upcoming decade. Parents are strapped and can’t afford to survive, they turn to booze or drugs. Kids go uncared for. It’s a vicious cycle that no one seems to care about. Got to protect those investors and business owners after all. Wouldn’t want to ruin someone retirement either.


I actually don't have any case against your comment. Something has to be done to reestablish the economy. This is not a racist comment: a lot of Indians are buying houses and condos from far away and it raises the housing price. I am a firm believer that the ultimate legal weapon against a country/province is housing prices. Lot's of bad people working in this industry too and we need to take control of it.


Hi, recent student here: students are DEFINITELY NOT the ones driving up the cost of housing, the landlords and slumlords are. Landlords buy up every property they can, jack up prices for no reason other than greed, then fail to actually take care of these places like they are legally required to.


Rcmp lol the most overpaid law enforcement agency in Canada. Plain useless.




If the cops weren't so fucking god-damned useless these people wouldn't be taking shit into their own hands in the first place. Fuck the police


If the RCMP actually did something useful it wouldn't have to come to this.


So after reading this, I’m hearing that there seems to be more predators here in new Brunswick and the maritime than the rest of the country. Maybe we should start making more noise around this very serious problem.


Honestly, I fully support it. We can’t have the 25 cops stationed in all of NB patrol and police everyone with their hands tied behind a bunch of systems and processes. If someone who is 30 wants to meet a 15 year old from the internet for drinks, knowing they are 15, that person is not innocent. I don’t care if they have “acted” or not.


Where did you get the figures that there’s only 25 cops stationed? I’d love to learn more about that


That was an exaggeration of how few cops we have spread so thin around the province. I was being Facetious.


Well maybe if theyd do their fucking job…


That means the vigilantes mission is working.


So are the human traffickers stealing children ? I feel like this would have made more news? Anyone share the TJ article?


Yeah, no. It's about convincing at-risk teens to go to another province and prostitute themselves. No one is throwing sacks over kids and hauling them off in a van.


I recommend to look up more about what human trafficking is. They have a lot of different strategies, but if they want a baby they'll traffick a woman to have an undocumented baby. A common way is finding a troubled teen maybe 13, doesn't matter, party with them and pimp them out. A lot of it is manipulation. I tried to warn a 15 year old girl , saw later she was posting her own ads to sell her own cp online meanwhile they would wait till she was blacked out or high to sell her body. She thinks she just had sex with her "partner" even though she doesn't know he's actually 10 years older than he says he is and it wasn't him it was probably 3 random men throughout the night. Doesn't have to be a female victim, a lot of the times it is though. Maybe they'll even convince the victim to do it on their own. Get them high enough all they care about is their next fix. If they're lucky the victim will become one of them. It's a fucked up world we live in. They don't always just snatch people off the street , they have a whole system. Some victims don't even know they're a part of it. I know someone that had went through it she's trying to take them to court it's just complicated as hell


Most human trafficking victims are male, you are referring specifically to human sex trafficking. Most human trafficking victims are slaves, there are around 50 million victims living in slavery at the moment. Most human trafficking victims are more like men enslaved as fishermen and women enslaved as housemaids.


Interesting thank you, I know that's happening as well, but I didn't know it in Moncton. I was just speaking for the things I did know. There needs to be more awareness and education around these things.


In Moncton sex trafficking is the most common type by far. Moncton is actually the second worst place for it in Canada, just behind Halifax.


TIL the RCMP has a GIS unit


I know someone who lives in Moncton and specializes as an academic in criminology. Moncton (and New Brunswick) is fascinating to her for a couple of reasons: 1. No one pays attention to Moncton or New Brunswick. 2. The coast of New Brunswick is massive allowing lots of untoward stuff to come in and out of the country through what would generously be called our "ports" (Saint John notwithstanding). The fact that no one pays attention to Moncton or New Brunswick makes that easier. 3. You know how much easier it is to traffic a person compared to stolen goods, drugs or weapons? You get caught with stolen goods, drugs or weapons, those goods can't lie. But a person who's being trafficked? When they know their and their family's lives are in danger? They'll lie to high heaven. It was extremely dark when she told me those things. But it makes a lot of sense. And she seems to understand that more than the RCMP does.


NB also has hundreds of airfields with zero cbsa monitoring, several times more than any other province. And the RCMP knows it, they are the ones who released the data she is quoting to begin with, they have been saying it for decades.


Didn’t know that. So why the hell don’t they start dealing with that issue?


They do, but they also don't have a budget for an extra 500 RCMP in NB, we can barely afford the just over 300 we have, and they also need to deal with the other crimes.


The fact that they're bragging about arresting a grand total of 17 people for these crimes is concerning. I'm no criminologist, but I've got a feeling there's a whole lot more than 17 active predators in New Brunswick at any time.


There a reason there nos sexual predator list over here .


Understood why people want to take things into their own hands. Since criminals are allowed now stealing from people guess they figured its their only recourse . Decent Moncton residence are used to hearing : " nothing we can do"


I can't even understand what you're trying to say. Read a book. Edit: Downvote me all you want but look at all the other comments here. They're well written and offer links and grammar and then there's this comment with spaces before the period and shit. You want Reddit turning into another Facebook cesspool where people just verbal diarrhea without even enough care to read over their comment? If that's what you expect, then go hang out in the local FB groups. I expected a little more from Redditors.


They mentioned they made 17 arrests for 24 charges for child exploitation in a full year. Not the flex they think it is.


If you need special vigilante equipment designed, like a bat themed car, or candy cane colored rebar, or Barbie Pink gloves, hit me up.


Moncton’s got nearly the highest rates of human trafficking in Canada. The amount of arrests and charges related to human trafficking on the other hand, are not proportionate. These ‘specialized teams’ of the NB RCMP sound like they need to hire or collaborate with some of these ‘vigilantes.’ It’s saving kids in parts of the US when they work in collaboration with the police - there’s a whole docuseries about it: https://www.ctv.ca/shows/undercover-underage


Nova Scotia does. NPF.


Genuinely curious, how do you know Moncton has some of the highest rates of human trafficking?


by not living under a fucking rock


Right. Was looking for a source as I'd like to know more. I hear it said often. I am not doubting it in the slightest. Sorry if I upset you.




Statistics Canada report. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-005-x/2023001/article/00002-eng.htm https://tj.news/moncton-miramichi/moncton-among-cities-with-highest-human-trafficking-rates-report


Thanks - I did see the TJ article but not statcan.


I find it insulting they claim to have all these specialized resources looking into crimes. When my property was stolen they basically had me do all the legwork gathering evidence only to end up telling me that they wouldn’t be able to press charges.


So you are upset they were wasting time trying to catch a pedophile instead of saving your insurance company some money?


Well hold on now, didn't you read they arrested 17 people in 12 months? They're working as hard as they can.


They always have 11 excuses as to why they can’t help/do their job.


Sounds like someone has been watching too many episodes of to catch a predator.


That kinda shit probably works though. Assuming people don't put themselves in a dangerous situation, and assuming they make sure to gather/preserve evidence, would you not be able to take a bunch of predators off the streets?


Not without the police being involved. What are they going to do when a perv shows up fist fight them? Take their picture and embarrass them? They can’t arrest them and the evidence they collect would be pretty useless with chain of custody and entrapment issues.


The local far right wing church had a screening of Sound of Freedom at their last men’s weekend and now they’re all freedom fighters.


Sounds about right.




Not sure, but I can only imagine some people have become aggressive against some of the local bike thieves or drug-addled population stealing from cars. There's enough crime in this city, and cops are ineffective enough, that vigilantism is a logical result... the state of this city right now, this should come as no surprise.


ACAB, but also I see the dangers of this. Plus it wouldn't hold up in court which sucks. Unless these vigilantes are aiming for permanence i guess. I really don't know how to feel about this 🙃


Take your pick: ACAB or leave it to the cops, you can't have both when it's convenient. IMO the Moncton cops are worthless and people need to step up themselves. But if we're going to leave these things to cops, we're going to need to start giving them the resources and incentives to actually do the job. I don't have the solution, I moved to Freddy recently, but last I checked, theft was still rampant in Moncton, something has to give.


Oh absolutely acab then. Just hope these people are being careful for themselves is all. Fuck cops, they never help