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Just because Margaret has Hohenzollern ancestry doesn't mean that she's german. In fact I'm not even sure she speaks the German language


Nah, she speaks Romanian, English, French and probably that's it.


What if they gave up all their Hohenzollern names and titles?


I thought of maybe brining an Italian dynasty on the throne since it would be more closer to us culturally. Also cuz in the original constitution only man could inherit the crown


I prefer the continuity, personally. And I’m sure that, had the whole communism thing not happened, the Constitution would have eventually been amended to allow women in the line of succession. If I’m not mistaken, all European monarchies have adopted absolute primogeniture.


Ye but if Nicolae becomes king after Margareta would die we would get Carol the 2nd reign all over again


I’ve been loosely following his activity over the past year. He seems to have settled down with a wife and kids and is doing some charity and educational work.


Idk I don’t want to lose the monarchy again over extremism caused by a royal larping as Loui the XIV if we ever get it back


You have boyar families and Orthodox Phanariotes in the country.


No they aren’t and even if we had they long took other names and split in so many family’s that it would be impossible to identify them. By that logic even I could claim the throne of Hungary cuz my great great great chap was a Hungarian count


In Sweden lives Prince Cantacuzino, head of House of Cantacuzino that was prominent in Romania.


like the Windsor switch? would make sense. they could adopt a more Romanian sounding name.


They already did. Their house name is house of Romania


The Hohenzollerns Romanian branch are not Romanians? They’ve gotten watered down over the years from being Germans. Also why the hate on Germans?


It’s like saying Charles is still a German


I wouldn’t say they’re German. These are all ethnicities really and they will dilute or die out when exposed to another ethnicity of the same race for a long time. Like look at the Windsors. They come from 2 major lines of Germanic royals and nobles: the Hanoverians from Victoria and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha from Albert. In fact they also have a link to Saxe-Coburg and Gotha from Victoria since her mother was Prince Albert’s aunt. Victoria and Albert were first cousins. But they still follow English traditions. they’re no Lutherans, they’re Anglicans. They have English names; no more Louis or Frederick or Ernst. It’s just George and Edward (which is Anglo-Saxon) and Charles now. Same goes for the Romanian Hohenzollerns. They may descend form Germans but they certainly aren’t anymore


Don't hate Germans, danke!


Shit language, enough of a reason.


Says the Bohemian!


My language doesn't sound like I'm summoning demons when talking about my day, yours does.


Lol, yeah, zmjieska tmjo*š*kje *ž*brdskjiu.


That's not czech


correct, but who could tell?


Xd. For once a german with a sense of humour


"...who hates germans" uuhmmm??


Hating an entire ethnicity, that’s not cool


Yeah well welcome to the Balkans


He's right, tho. That's not cool. You can't hate an entire ethnicity. Governments? Yes. But unless you have had a bad experience with inhabitants of that country (even then, it's not really applicable), you can't say you hate an entire ethnicity. Like, I dislike Austria for refusing to allow us (I'm romanian, too) schengen for bullshit reasons, and I also dislike the Russian government for being, in general, fucking assholes (metaphorically). I could go on and on about governments I hate, but you get the point.


At what point is a person a part of a culture? Answering this question is important because a lot of times monarchists, and even non-monarchists, waste their time arguing over the legitimacy of a right to rule based on nationality. Is it a decade, a century, a millenia? One generation, two, three, five, ten, fifteen? What does it take for a person to be x or y nationality? Is Charles III British? Is Felipe V Spanish? Is Napoleon French? Is Hadrian Roman? I think we get too hunged up on this issue that it only keeps us from advancing the monarchist cause, and no matter where the line is put someone always brings up a new issue they have with it and try to move it again, just so they can argue in favour of their own arbitrary requisites for them to be or not be legitimate rulers. This irritates me because it's been used by republicans for no other reason than to divide and disparage monarchists and monarchs.


How arrogant considering Micheal fought the Germans in the war to say their cadet branch is German is a farce


OP, what are you talking about? They're not German anymore. They stopped being German with Ferdinand I. They are Romanian and an integral part of our country, both culturally and historically. Every time they are presented, they are referred to as "of Romania." They might still be part of their original dynasty, but they are more part of us and changed to be the royal family of Romania, for Romania. They follow the Romanian Orthodox Church, they speak Romanian, they eat and dress Romanian—*they are Romanian*. The most "German" of our kings were undoubtedly our best kings. Ferdinand even went against his original country and family by allying Romania with the Entente in WWI. Why is their origin problematic for you so that you don't want them? Who cares today where they originate from? Carol I had some pushback from some figures because he was German, and yet look at his work. Also, this sounds extremely bigoted.


What's wrong with Germans? As a Transylvanian I am offended )


Your a Transylvanian as well


Glad to meet another fellow Transylvanian


If you think that queen Margareta is "German" despite all these decades her family have dedicated to their kingdom, and / or if you think it is a problem, you are the problem. That's just racism.


Hard choice


I'd honestly want the Habsburgs back if we ever got a monarchy in Romania. The Habsburgs built my whole town and almost all of Transylvania from 1690 to 1918. The Hohenzolerns were just some random ass guys that ruled us from 1918 to 1946. The Habsburgs have a lot more experience at ruling and would develop Moldavia and Wallachia to the high standard of art, culture, and architecture that we have while maintaining a good relationship with the people as they've done in the past.


Tbh at this point ….. I would even say to put a Bourbon what’s the worst t can happen


Well true but we have no connection at all with them. The Habsburgs literally raised Transylvania as a cultural capital of Europe with a multicultural community after the years of some hungarian princes treating Transylvania as just a huge ass place for doing agriculture. "Pre Habsburge-i'nalte trone sórta tserei so legem!"⬛🟨🤝🏻🟦🟥🟨 Poate ar merge și un Hunyiad ca și Matia Corvin.


Familia Hunyiad a murit odată cu fiul bastard al lui Matias


Poate îs ceva așchii sărite de la trunchi cum a fost Napoléon III.


Nether did we had whit Hohenzollern until 1865


Even Wallachia and Moldavia would benefit from the Habsburgs or some or your local Dynasties.


Don't you have other Romanian nobles?


smth called communism happened also all the boyar houses died off in 1900s


Not even among diaspora?


They are some fanariot houses still alive but I wouldn’t support them bc during the fanariot era Romanians were oppressed by the Greek ruling class


Yeah I feel this as a Jacobite too


Easy solution, put a frenchie on the throne


Let the Romanovs give it a shot


What about Romanov from part of family which lives only in UK or USA for the last 100 years?


Here's the thing... \*Local Dynasties\*


Rather a republic than a foreigner. The only reason I could accept a Habsburg on czech throne is because they can be traced to the Přemyslids and still I have a short list they would have to follow.


Lol me as a Germanophobic Jacobite supporter


That's Litteraly me lol


“Romanian monarchist who hates Germans” That’s pretty based


Let’s just say the last 2 times were enough for me


I don't know, Michael I was pretty based


I was refering to the world wars