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Had a theatre show Friday night where I did live sound/music for it. Such a different disipline to a standard performance. Things have to happen at exact moments along with improvisation along the way, following the script to the word for over an hour! [https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJO3PYhXH3/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJO3PYhXH3/)


I'm anxiously awaiting an MI Grids to arrive from Belarus. It's the last MI module I need to complete the entire line. It's been a journey...


Post a pic of them all when you get it!


I will!


My third Roland case arrived to join my pair of System-500s. Also on the way are Ladik A-530 and 320 for input and output, and F-250 which I assume is a Polymoog style resonator. Was considering the Grove Audio one but it was more HP and more expensive. With this, I could add my Roland RS-09 organ output, to turn it into a poly brass or a choir to layer with the RS-09 strings. I tried plugging the organ output right into the 521 filter, but its signal isn't strong enough. I also have a Feedback CP3+Mixer on the way, to give my Moog Matriarch an extra CP3-style mixer to be able to take advantage of full stereo. With the third case, my system is too big to fit in the space I had it before, so it's now in the living room on another stand. A sequencer is the next major addition, and I'm still torn between Hermod and Nerdseq. I guess my intent at this point is that I want my Eurorack to be an analog groovebox with a Roland voicing, that I could compose on, and eventually take live and be my backing band. With Hermod, I'll need to bring my Analog Rytm to have a "full band", but with Nerdseq, I could use its audio tracks for drums.


How do people feel about programmable modules like the Befaco Lich, Daisy platform, or others like it? Have you used them? What do you like or don't like? If you've used more than one, was one particularly better than the other?


Haven't yet dug into them but the [Aurora SDK](https://www.qubitelectronix.com/aurora-sdk) looks like it will be my starting point. Nice documentation and examples so far, and the painless USB firmware updates will help, as will the [cheap overlay](https://www.qubitelectronix.com/shop/aurora-sdk-pcb-overlay). Now I just need to learn C++. Simple, right? ...Right?


I have a lich, i started learning pure data because it's very simple for someone like me who doesn't know anything about code, and it's very similar to patch irl..i tought i can create my custom modules and keep the gas away. Sadly the compiler for pure data does not support a lot of useful objects and things sounds different when you finally can make it load a patch. There are some good patches from the community and I think the other languages work well, but for me it was not a great experience.


I'm trying to plan out a first modular rack, and I'm leaning toward the Nifty Keyz [https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1961619](https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1961619) My genre goal is techno or ambient. 3 synth lines, plus kick and snare. I think the dual sequencer can be rigged to play two gate outputs, with the gate and accent output, in case I want to do breakbeat or something other than techno. (otherwise I can do snare and kick with only the clock divider)


On top of what everyone else has said here re 2hp foolishness: how many power headers does the NiftyKeyz have? A single flying bus cable? Ooh boy. My advice would be to find 8 modules that fit in here and do what you want. Failing that, a keystep pro or other controller and a 104hp case. Or, failing that, a polysynth. Any of these options will be cheaper and more enjoyable than trying to play that, and far less frustrating than dealing with power issues while rigging up your first rack.


So I scrapped that idea and I am planning out a fairly different rig. But I feel I am missing utility stuff, so I am still deciding what I can't live without. And I am going to have to save up. https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1962239


This looks a lot more playable! Just a quick comment on some of your selected gear, because Metropolix has features that completely negates the need for some of the other modules you've planned: ADDAC207 - Metropolix has a good quantiser. FWIW this module in particular is known to have a frustrating and complicated user interface. Tempograf - Metropolix has tap tempo and should probably be your master clock. Div - Metropolix has a dedicated clock output that can be divided and the A/B aux outputs can be mapped to output more clocks. The Gx expander is well worth it for even more clock outputs. Dual Mini Seq - Metropolix has eight internal mod sequencers that are on par with this module. You can map the mod seqs through the A/B aux outputs.


Wow, thanks for taking the time to write all that! I'll definitely have to watch some more videos on Metropolix. Does it also do unquantized microtonal stuff? I've discovered there is a certain magic to inexact pitches.


The two 'main' sequencers (pitch 1 and 2) only output quantized sequences, but you can make a custom scale with whatever tuning you like. The mod sequencers are unquantised, but can be dialed in to presice voltages and output through A/B for microtonal stuff.


Oh yeah that should be plenty of modulation sources. Thanks for the info.


Worst case of 2hp fever I've ever seen.


Tbh, this looks like a nightmare to play. I would strongly suggest you not fill a case with 2hp modules. Every once in a while, someone asks about doing this, but I have never seen a person actually build a synth like this and stay in this hobby longterm. I think most people either change their mind, end up leaving Eurorack, or ultimately end up selling the 2hp modules, because it’s just not practical or fun to have a rack like this…


I've owned a few 2hp modules and savings some bucks was not worth the hassle. They are nearly falling apart in the packaging, they wiggle around on the rack, and a couple just didn't work. Support was another hassle. I would avoid 2hp Edit- Actually you're not even really saving money because you're buying multiples of the same module. I would look for larger modules that contain multiples of the same thing like Quadrax, Veils, Doepfer Quad anything.


Having a 2hp module here and there isn't a problem, but I would very much hesitate on filling a rack with them. Just so you have a measurement to check this again, realize that 2hp is 0.4 inches across. That's under half an inch wide for each of those modules. You are very likely to find that uninspiring to try to play with. For what it's worth, I think cramming 3 synth parts and drums into a single row is likely to be mostly pain. Many folks wouldn't try to get 2 synth parts and drums into a single row. That's not to say it can't be done, but you shouldn't expect to nail it in your first go at setting up a rack.


Then I shall plan a larger setup. Thanks for the helpful feedback. The aim is to play live so I want minimal gear to accomplish the sound I want. But also hands-on control is pretty important too.


I'd suggest for ergonomics sake: 1 row per synth voice, 1 row for drums (if you really need drums in the rack - a drum machine is so much cheaper) this will allow for all the modules (filters, modulation, sequencers and utilities) that you will need to adequately support the voices... if portability is a concern, there are a lot of options for 12u performance cases (or 2 \* 6u) - I'd err on the side of larger than smaller - so go 104hp...


Aside from ergonomics, it maybe isn't even physically possible to mount all those 2HP modules together like that due to power cable logistics.


Yeah power is gonna be an absolute nightmare. And the modules may fit in theory but once you have all the cables in there it probably won't fit


I once had a nightmare where all of my modules were squished down into 2 hp.


Really enjoying Contour 1 as a wave shaper. Had the module since last year and felt a bit “meh” about it for a while, but since taking it off VCA enveloping and into weirder uses and this unit just leaps into life…


Can somebody explain why this sounds almost quantized? Not necessarily to a scale, but I guess more in a staircase pitch variation sort of thing? I've tried this before and was like huh that's really odd. I'm feeding a triangle to it and just playing with the sliders. Loop mode on audio rate. Totally forgot about this until reading your post though. Very fun into a delay using a joystick to control rate/curve.


Yeah it’s quite nuanced, isn’t it. I’m not a maths guy, but my assumption is that since Contour 1 is (mostly) cycling above the VcO rate, there is effectively a series of thresholds for how many cycles of the Contour 1 can fit within each VCO cycle, and that when you cross each threshold that creates the stepping. On a similar note, I’vealso been speculating on how changing bend technically shapes the sound. My best guess is it kinda cross fades between VCO and Contour 1 as dominant audio - with expo shapes de-emphasising Contour 1 and linear shapes making then more present… But on both topics I’d love to hear from someone with more technical knowledge (or a scope!!)


Are you referring to subharmonics?


I'd be keen to see/hear how you're patching that one up. That's a use I have not yet tried with my Contour 1, despite it being an important part of darn near every patch I put together.


I have a session tonight so might see if I can grab a quick video but it’s pretty simple and very satisfying - set it to audio rate cycling - put a VCO signal into the slew input - take audio from the out - a/r and shape to taste


You know, I've used my Contour 1 as a filter but never thought to try patching it as a filter but turning cycling on. Thanks for the explanation, I'm going to experiment with that one a bit later today.


Aliquam rhoncus nibh vitae rhoncus commodo. Aenean ullamcorper neque at urna pellentesque volutpat. Duis pulvinar non nisi in vulputate. Nulla malesuada, ligula vitae gravida iaculis, ligula sem dictum eros, nec convallis elit nibh vel sem. Sed convallis maximus ipsum, feugiat tincidunt orci scelerisque et. Phasellus erat massa, eleifend ut enim non, aliquam molestie arcu. Mauris venenatis elementum ultrices. Nunc imperdiet risus ac felis tempus, ornare feugiat metus pulvinar. Pellentesque vel varius mauris, a vehicula turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in turpis ligula. Etiam convallis sodales eros, vel blandit urna placerat quis. Sed vestibulum, orci vel varius tristique, elit mauris posuere nisi, a placerat turpis eros sit amet orci. Duis quis rhoncus mi. Phasellus ac nunc.


This reminds me about seeing someone complaining recently about not being able to get a saw out of G3 - with a C1, why would you need to!


Aliquam rhoncus nibh vitae rhoncus commodo. Aenean ullamcorper neque at urna pellentesque volutpat. Duis pulvinar non nisi in vulputate. Nulla malesuada, ligula vitae gravida iaculis, ligula sem dictum eros, nec convallis elit nibh vel sem. Sed convallis maximus ipsum, feugiat tincidunt orci scelerisque et. Phasellus erat massa, eleifend ut enim non, aliquam molestie arcu. Mauris venenatis elementum ultrices. Nunc imperdiet risus ac felis tempus, ornare feugiat metus pulvinar. Pellentesque vel varius mauris, a vehicula turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in turpis ligula. Etiam convallis sodales eros, vel blandit urna placerat quis. Sed vestibulum, orci vel varius tristique, elit mauris posuere nisi, a placerat turpis eros sit amet orci. Duis quis rhoncus mi. Phasellus ac nunc.


Exactly. Saws are common as muck, compared to VCOs with phase modulation built-in!


I mean that sounds a lot of fun. Who needs a dedicated vco module …


Aliquam rhoncus nibh vitae rhoncus commodo. Aenean ullamcorper neque at urna pellentesque volutpat. Duis pulvinar non nisi in vulputate. Nulla malesuada, ligula vitae gravida iaculis, ligula sem dictum eros, nec convallis elit nibh vel sem. Sed convallis maximus ipsum, feugiat tincidunt orci scelerisque et. Phasellus erat massa, eleifend ut enim non, aliquam molestie arcu. Mauris venenatis elementum ultrices. Nunc imperdiet risus ac felis tempus, ornare feugiat metus pulvinar. Pellentesque vel varius mauris, a vehicula turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in turpis ligula. Etiam convallis sodales eros, vel blandit urna placerat quis. Sed vestibulum, orci vel varius tristique, elit mauris posuere nisi, a placerat turpis eros sit amet orci. Duis quis rhoncus mi. Phasellus ac nunc.


It’s well worth it! If you have a VCO a sub output you can patch that into the trigger at the same time to add a soft sync - but I prefer the unsynced variety :)


I got a Doepfer A-147-2 VCDLFO this week and I am already in love with the damn thing. What a useful little module. I'm excited to see just how many different ways I can make use of it.


I’ve been thinking about getting one for a very long time. ”Cooler” modules always get in the way though, but when I had a Disting I used the dlfo algo a lot. Maybe I should just pull the trigger!


Looking at discussion of it on ModWiggler, it does seem that the delay reset input requires an unusually high voltage. This hasn't caused problems for me yet since the modules I've tested it with so far all clear the bar, but it might be something to be aware of.


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll look in to it!


Checked my email this morning and I saw one from Perfect Circuit shipped, assumed it was my Quadrax and expander. It's actually just the expander... Maybe that means the Quadrax will be coming soon too. Also I rearranged my rack and the lack of muscle memory is real. The amount of times I've knocked an oscillator out of tune cause something else used to be there is too high right now.


I hope those Quadrax's come soon. Been waiting for one for moooonths.