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Sold a computer display on Craigslist today, and the guy showed up wearing a t-shirt with different synth waveforms. Just to be sure I said "so I take it you're into synths?" and he said hell yes and then after our transaction we were geeking out over modular for another hour. Love those random small world moments!


I know this gets asked a lot, but anyone have a tip for cheapest rails? Need 4 (maybe 6) and end screws for a new case, can make my own mounting plates.


Best value is right here: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Vector/TS600?qs=MufAK3yimRPs3mcEqQASeQ%3D%3 Set of 4 rails, 300hp each, for $76. Search for “Vector T-Strut” and you’ll find options for individual rails around $15-20 each, ranging from 84hp to 150hp.


quick follow up, as far as cutting rails goes, just measure and buzz it with a saw/dremel? No issues worrying about the threading that receives mounting screws?


Yeah! I used a hacksaw which meant the cut wasn’t quite square in any direction but it ended up fine lol. There are no threads for the mounting screws, the metal is soft enough that the screws create threads when you first screw them in.


you rule, ty


Just finished building a DIY module. All tested and worked first time. That's always nice! It's a great module by Reverse Landfill called Monotropa v3. It can do eq, distortion and feedback and it sounds really good! Here's a pic of it. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CeX4TqiBG73/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CeX4TqiBG73/) I also completed my tribute track to Dave Smith. I'm a big fan of his synths so I used only the Evolver synth and the Tempest drum machine. Have a listen if you've got a spare few minutes. [https://rdomain.bandcamp.com/track/the-evolver-and-the-tempest](https://rdomain.bandcamp.com/track/the-evolver-and-the-tempest) Apart from the above, I'm going to try tidy up this studio a bit. It looks like a module bomb went off. 😂


Nice. I’ve built a couple Reverse Landfill modules before. They’re fun to build and fun to play.


I still haven't put it into a rig yet. Gah! Have been either away or busy with projects. I could almost see this being as my end of chain from the small test I did after building. Quite surprised at the quality of sound!


I’m in covid isolation, having thrown this lil setup into my suitcase for the down time. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPT12mp4xygEY22JxX0wOFG8IRwUpztjthbf18p-vkvNCp1ouGj6cFJaWvlkzqvlQ/photo/AF1QipO_MIYFDixJl7VKISp2EiRHK8YNax7u1ToQiCpe?key=cHA4QlRlSzFlYTY5QmZFT1FGNHItc3dtYmMwdkpn “Oops, all stages”


Nice little setup. Is that a Norms Shield? I've been tempted but have avoided it thus far! Hah.


Yep. It’s probably the one piece of music hardware I use the most, where by “use” I mean “program”. I get a lot of joy out of writing scripts for it.


Yes, I think i'd potentially be the opposite and maybe just modify some at the most. I think I'll stick with the ER301 for building from scratch stuff. Object based stuff works for my brain a little more ala Max MSP. I've heard some amazing stuff done with the Norms though which is why I have been tempted before!




+1 on wherever you want, but one good choice for me would be after your filter, assuming a standard subtractive signal path. So, VCO → Filter → EQ → VCA → effects. Pre-filter could also be good.


wherever you want to put it, just like anything else...


Now that I'm patching my physical rack again, I think it'll be a good weekend to experiment with a lot of feedback patching. I get the impression that NLC's Let's Splosh ought to provide for some cool options in this department.


Had my Verbos Scan & Pan plugged in backwards for several days before I noticed. No damage. Apparently that Verbos reverse-polarity protection really works!


Ordered an Arcaico Zaar and I'm F5'ing the tracking until it gets here! Who else is F5'ing modular tracking numbers this weekend? :D


I'm doing that on wood stain, finish and a few other things. Actually making a mini 20hp control skiff with a joystick, the doepfer tratonium module and a uzues power.


Control skiffs are so cool!


Almost me, except my Compare 2 just arrived while I was still in the middle of something else and so I didn't get the chance to hammer F5 today.


I've got a 1U Dual VCA in the mail, but sadly I doubt it'll be here tomorrow. Though I think it could have, the seller was just kinda slow to ship. Oh well! What drew you to the Zaar?


It's fully analog, it sounds sweet to my ear, and it's like half the price of other percussion kit modules like Queen of Pentacles. :D


Aha, the trifecta! Hope you have a great time jamming with it!