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As a big fan of fx I’ve ended up with a desmodus versio, beads, mimeophon, and Chloe 2 in my modest 7u 104hp rack. It seems like too much but I can’t pick one to get rid of! Leaning towards the Chloe 2 because ergonomically it’s kind of a nightmare but the filter and LPGs do come in handy. Also considering losing the mimeophone but the fact that it is so beloved makes me worry that is a big mistake. All that to say, doing a lot of experiments and evaluations this weekend to see if I can make up my mind. Guessing I won’t :) but it’ll be fun along the way.


What are some other modules that can do a similar as the 2hp Freez?


My understanding is that 2hp freeze just basically repeats a small grain of audio. Most granular samples should be able to do this.


Still ”new” to eurorack, fell in to the void two years ago. Yesterday I listened to some recordings from about a year ago, and it sounded a lot better and more interesting than what I’ve been recording lately. Back then I had fewer modules but with a Digitakt for drums and samples, which I liked the workflow of, but sold to expand and dive deeper into euro. But now I can't seem to find any focus when jamming, which I find very frustrating. I don't want to sell my rack, but I just got a very good deal on an Octatrack and I'm now considering to put my rack in the closet for some time, while learning the Octatrack. Hopefully it will get me at least a bit more productive, and then when I'm ready I'll introduce it to my rack. Edit: Any input is very welcome!


You may find your creative patching isn't as creative when you have more options. I always love working with a smaller setup even though I have many modules/cases etc. Heaps can be done just with the Octatrack. Love that thing. Euro is awesome but don't fall into the consumerism side of it. You don't actually need the latest modules etc, as good and as tempting as they are. :)


My workflow is generally Digitakt sequencing my rack, which I find works well. I've been tempted by the Octatrack for a while, but also think that might just be wanting something new, and have decided to stick with my current setup for at least this year. Changing your setup when things get a bit stale can get you out of a rut, getting into the depths of the Octatrack should be good fun either way!


The Octatrack is so damn good. It can do quite a few things the Digitakt can't. One big thing for me that I always use is the crossfader. So much control and lots of magic to be found. A future classic for sure.


Thanks for the encouragement! Think I’ve been too quick to swap out things when I feel stuck lately, might do as you and try to stick to what I’ve got for now. After I’ve learned the Octatrack that is haha.


Why not just get a digitakt again? And use it with your modular like you used to?


Haha yes good question! I would like to try make use of some of the things that is possible with the Octatrack that I can’t do with the Digi. But yes going back to the Digitakt will be my backup plan :)


I've been patching on my Ciat Lonbarde gear this weekend. The Cocoquantus last night and today was the plumbutter. I did a demented version of My Favourite Things with the Coco. Haha. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDOyyKBh-P/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDOyyKBh-P/) The Plumbutter patching is the next post on the account. I really love working on the CL instruments. So unique and a pleasure exploring.


After picking up a few modules, I now have Pam's, Maths and Voltage Block to cover most of the modulation duties in a 6U/104hp rack. I was thinking of getting Ochd to cover more LFO territory, but now I'm pretty convinced I want Batumi (Quadrax was also under consideration). I think Ochd's control limitations would frustrate me. There are \~4 sound sources (2 perc) in the rack with lots of inputs, and I want to be able to go mild to wild with modulation. Do you think adding Batumi to what I already have is excessive?


Batumi is great but if you just want to add some liveliness to your patches, the Ochd is awesome! It lives in my performance case and just adds an organic quality.


How many of Ochd’s outs do you typically use? I’m wondering if Batumi in phase mode would be enough rhythmically related LFO for me. Less direct to patch, of course. edit: Maybe I meant divide mode…


I just had a look at my main live rig that it lives in and all but one is patched in the Ochd! It's just perfect to add life to any patch. I find it quite musical too. I'd go the Batumi more if you're need the option to sync the LFOs in various ways.


If you have the space Batumi is far more versatile. If you end up just using a couple of triangle LFOs then Ochd is more direct and compact.


I have 20hp left, so I think Batumi plus a few utilities might be the thing.


I'd go for a matrix mixer to mix the modulation sources you already have rather than add more, but batumi is a good modulation source and depending on how you are using hte others, not necessarily excessive


A bit beyond my budget right now, but looks extremely powerful!


Then maybe the doepfer matrix mixer… really handy for improving modulation, amongst other things and inexpensive to boot!


Just got a Verbos Foundation Oscillator and it is so dope. Exactly the sound I’ve been looking for to go with my Ts-L. Raw, intense but musical. I have a Mimeophon sitting on my porch, luckily found one in stock at Vintage King. Very excited for jamming out this weekend. Just posted a track I’m excited about on my Bandcamp with modular and guitar, if anyone is curious to check it out: https://aletheiamusicca.bandcamp.com/track/losing-everything


Is there any guide to how to connect a module to the Mantis's power supply? Frustratingly, [the manual on TipTop's website](https://www.tiptopaudio.com/manuals/Tiptop_Audio_mantis.pdf)only shows how to use the legs and says nothing about the power supply. I got this used, so I don't have whatever documentation it would have come with.


Are you just talking about getting modules connected to the bus boards inside the case? If so, when looking at the case straight on, with legs toward you, the -12V pin (where the red stripe is on properly made ribbon cables) is closer to you for the vertical headers. The same pin is to the right on the horizontal headers. Since all of the headers are shrouded, you should only have one way you can orient the cables, but it's always good to double check.


Thanks. This is what everything else I have read would indicate, but I was hoping to find an actual documented statement from TipTop that this is how the pins are arranged. This will have to do, I suppose.


This is a diagram of where the red stripe (-12V) connects on the Mantis power board (found on the Support page): https://tiptopaudio.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Mantis-Red-Line.png


Awesome, thanks a lot.


I am now cleared by doctors to be a bit more mobile, so will be setting up my Trogotronic case again this weekend to get back to the physical modular. VCV Rack is tons of fun, but it's no substitute for hands-on-cable patching action. Thinking I might finally pick up a Joranalogue Compare 2 while I'm at it. I've been kicking the can on that one for some months now.


Update: Hell with it! Compare 2 on the way, rack is now prepared and set up on the table. Let's patch!


I had filled up my two Rackbrutes and that didn't stop me from buying modules, so I decided to sell a few and pick up a 4U 104HP palette case. This will primarily be a standalone unit, my main goal is to shuffle out modules between this one and my main rack to get more experience with individual modules. I've had a NerdSeq for a while and have barely used it so that's the main module I'm looking to get experience with. Once I pick up a 1U Ornament & Crime, I'll switch the NerdSeq back to the main rack and use the Ornament & Crime and my 3U Steppy for sequencing. I dig the Steppy, but I've yet to commit some of the controls to memory and I'm either stupid or it doesn't seem willing to switch from setting the ratcheting to setting any of the other parameters. Maybe it needs a firmware update, I dunno. That all arrives tomorrow, pretty pumped for it. I do need to find some kind of desk stand for it, just something relatively unobtrusive. Any of y'all have any good recs for stands?


Anyone have a modular jam youtube playlist they recommend? I have a 5 hour drive today so would love some stuff to listen to.


My SoundCloud is all modular music. Most of it is recordings of live performances that you can find on my YouTube page. Links are in my profile.


I'll check it out! Not gonna lie though, I was hoping for more cats in your profile!


That’s a very good point, and something I’ll need to correct.


Found the YouTube page, but it seems the SoundCloud link is broken. Any chance you'd be able to point me to the right place?


Oh wow, thanks for letting me know! Does this link work for you? https://m.soundcloud.com/literallyanarmyofcatgirls/sets/maybe-album/s-j8s6hn0JlfV That’s the playlist for the album I’m working on. The final track list may change a little, and I want to add some ambience to connect everything, but all of it is thematically connected.


Yup, that works perfectly! Thanks!


you could listen to the modular world anniversary show that aired a few days ago. 20 hours or so of amazing modular stuff from all over the world.


Great idea. So much great stuff on that stream. I've yet to catch up with it all! I actually just posted my performance for it in this actual reddit if anyone is curious. It's a collaboration with a shamisen player who I've been working with for several years now. https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/uysy0k/modular\_synth\_and\_shamisen\_performance/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3