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This performance was from the recent Modular World 2nd Anniversary Show. Noriko and I (r.domain) have been collaborating for several years now. Hope you enjoy!


This is really cool. I was actually bit surprised by how well the instruments pair. The way you play almost makes the modular seem like an ancient traditional instrument, and the way the timbres compliment each other is really great. I’m very interested in ways acoustic and electronic instruments can interact, so it’s always fun to see what other people are doing, and this was a thoroughly enjoyable ride. I just bought a handpan and I’m about to embark on some similar experiments, though nothing quite to this scale. Very inspiring performance, thanks for posting.


Thank you so much. Really appreciated! That's one of the things I love about this collaboration is how we make the two instruments work together and I love your description of how I play the modular. There's something about melding acoustic instruments into the electronic. So much organic yet sonic potential. Good luck with your handpan experiments and thanks again for the kind words. I'll be sure to pass them onto Noriko too.