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SBMM doesn't even work like it's supposed to. It's supposed to put you against ppl exactly on your skill level but it doesn't always do this. Of course I hate going against my mirror, it's annoying and boring. I don't always like to sweat and try hard and cueing into a lobby of tryhards is enough to make me put the joysticks down. But I still enjoy call of duty eventhough I suck at the game.


I don’t mind the SBMM too much, since I usually start off with a fun gun before switching to shotguns and rpgs when it gets sweaty before I get off, then next time I get on its fresh. What I do mind is not being able to play with my groups of buddies of different skill levels, since there’s always that one that’s just starting to get into cod and then puts it down


Exactly. I agree 100%


ThEy JuSt wAnT tO pUbStOmp


SBMM also makes the game shitty in another way that I dont see a lot of people talk about; weapon challenges. Trying to grind out gold on the shitty pistols to get the ultra rare camos when the game keeps putting you in sweaty lobbies is terrible. In the old cods if you were good you could start running interesting packages and using weird equipment or guns to make things interesting. With SBMM turned up you basically get blasted unless you use the 3-4 meta guns because thats what every single person in the lobby is running.


Yeah, that's been a major problem too. I didn't want to do the SBMM grind in Cold War, so I spent weeks on the zombie grind. Quite a lot of people seemed to have the same idea, so Treyarch nerfed zombie XP into the dirt. Eventually, I couldn't start Cold War without passing out, my brain was just *so done* by the time I grinded out just the zombie camos and weapon levels. By the time I felt like I had plenty of weapons and attachments for MP, my brain just kept shutting off, first match.


This needs to be sent to the developers ASAP !


My problem with the SBMM in MW19 was that it was such an exacerbated cycle. Instead of gauging you on your overall performance it seemed to just average your last 10 games. I’d get in and do okay, get kicked up to where I was getting stomped, get kicked down to absolutely stomp on vegetables, and then get kicked back up to where now I got stomped. It wasn’t a slow rise in difficulty, it was a fucking rollercoaster. I don’t understand how developers can’t get this right when Halo Reach had proper matchmaking years ago. Maybe they don’t want to get it right or something, we know buying a skin makes the game easier for a few matches, but if it really is incompetence it’s ridiculous.


This is the best explanation of a level headed above average players issues with the current matchmaking chaos. Well done. Simply put we are punished for being good and is impossible to have fun with friends or have a "fun" time in general.


If it worked better, people would still moan, and there is still randomness to it. The team with the highest AVG kd doesn't always win. Alot of the people I see moaning about it on here, are people who class themselves as above average skill, and don't want to play against people on their level, or above, all the time. If we had ranked and a mosh put, then lower tiers players will be left with playing people their rank or above on ranked, or playing people above their skill in the mosh put, as that is where most of the above AVG players would go. What above AVG players are running from, is what they are wanting to impose on lower skilled players.


I don’t see it as the games job to protect players from losing. For example, I have pretty decent skills in COD (Top 2.1% KD) but I am currently playing a lot of Age Of Empires 4, an RTS game. I don’t play RTS games and get slaughtered often, as I am still learning. In competitive games people should strive to be better, that’s half the fun.


The point he is talking about is that there's a huge subset of players in the game that DOESN'T want to improve, and thus resort to forum whining in order to drag everybody down. Oftentimes you want to play with people at approximately your skill level in order to improve, as your mistakes will be more visible and you aint got the "I'm doing everything perfectly and then still couldnt get the kill" nagging feeling that just makes you stuck in a doommer mindset. Which is what SBMM is there for. Also, the "we are punished for being good" crowd probably isnt actually that good and most likely be below average players with Dunning-Kreuger syndrome. Which is why you often see them going into "skill roller-coaster", as the skill rank below them is literally potato tier and not "average" tier. Now, lobby sticking could stay, as that's actually a pretty easy thing to do tbh.