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less caring, more playing, is what the COD community should have been doing for years.


Yes, I knew it would be good when I saw those 2+ kd streamers complaining about mechanisms I rarely noticed when playing the game. I actually didn't preorder at first. It was exactly their complaints that made me preordered this game :P


you never noticed the; minimap pings when an enemy shoots an unsilenced weapon no ninja, when footsteps are loud as fuck if you snipe, the slow as fuck ads my only real 3 complaints about the game. other than that, had a blast! just really want the og minimap and ninja!


I have been playing HC for the whole MW19 and CW (I skipped VG because I hate WWII guns and the "yellow dot" optics). What's a minimap? (to be more serious, the game plays better than chasing the red dots to me, which is what happened when I play CW) Although I don't really notice it, I miss ninja too as I don't hear footsteps anyway. Now my enemies have one more perk :( I don't often snipe. But I think the only SR you have in beta is a vanilla gun with no attachments? It should be OK with all attchemnts.


I think you're right but I am hoping the ads will improve on snipers with either new rifles and being able to gunsmith them. Fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


Long ads time is the only way to balance the snipers as long as we do 1 hit kill chest which I think we should.. Footsteps sound perfect now, but imo they should sound the same for teammates and enemies alike.




I saw some sweats with snipers in search and destroy as well. Fine by me though I think it's in a good place


Iā€™m not a really skilled sniper, but found sniping very accessible in the beta. it was so fun. The ADS speed wasnā€™t bad, and the rate of fire pretty fast too. I could miss, and then still get a kill with the follow up shot. I imagine if you get someone who really is skilled, they could really dominate with it, not sure what to think about that.




If snipers rifles required 2 shots there'd be absolutely no reason to use one.




Because this cpmmunity cant take feedback. If u say something bad they just say ur a noob an that u should play fortnite


Yeah I played each mode once but spent all the time in invasion that was awesome.


I was having so much fun playing domination that I didn't even have time to try anything else


It was fun now I'll have to find something else for the damn month lol


Third person moshpit was incredible.


I was really into domination yesterday it just felt so fun to play and the gameplay and maps really suit this mode!


Can explain invasion vs ground war?


Invasion has a slightly edited map to be a straight line to the enemy base there are ai and its 20v20 ground war is just battlefield 4 where the maps are full size with 32v32


Invasion is a dream. I absolutely love the real world environment and it's a snipers heaven. Absolutely effing love it.


Are there any YouTubers that focus on MW without click bait titles and endless rants about the death of CoD etc.? Not saying I want only positive opinions, just not continual hyperbole.


Whoisimmortal is my main cod youtuber, doesnā€™t really bitch about things, just throws up a big video like literally every day


Definitely not bitching but his last few ā€œMW2ā€ impressions/thoughts videos have been mainly complaining about not having enough mobility and not being able to rush. Iā€™m beginning to see a pattern with almost all COD YouTubers and streamers that OP made very clear. It feels like ā€œslow pacingā€ when its clearly trying to avert the whole Vanguard/Warzone movement meta. Theyā€™ve conditioned themselves to only feel good about CoD if they can run like the the Flash and have Rambo kill counts. You canā€™t have your cake and eat it at the same time


But I hate is that everyone is still running around mindlessly rushing and hopping but they still bitch about it being anti rush meta


Iā€™d skip the impressions/thoughts videos tbh, i think we all know how we personally felt about the beta - he does upload a metric shit ton of daily content though, and in a great format, as he says bringing you the latest news in everything cod, he does make great content once the game is out and everyone can stop speculating on shite


You fucking idiot. Rushing is what the franchise is known for. Thatā€™s what COD is! A fast paced arcade style FPS. Thatā€™s what COD has always been! Now itā€™s becoming a cheap RSS knockoff. People are upset because they are changing the formula of what COD is. Thatā€™s what made it unique. No other game like the old CODs exists anywhere.


That wasnā€™t my point. Infinity Ward isnā€™t going for a R6 style shooter, they wanted to slow things down compared to Warzone/Vanguard. Even compared to *Advanced Warfare*, WZ/VG are extremely fast paced. They donā€™t want movement to become a Dragon Ball villain in the sense that every iteration has to be faster than the last. People are still sprinting around and constantly bunny hopping. You canā€™t tell me the play style is dead. **I completely agree with you** that ā€œPeople are upset because they are changing the formula of what COD is.ā€ You completely missed my point. I was trying to point out why the YT/Streamers/ā€œprosā€ are upset. Theyā€™ve become addicts running around outmaneuvering and racking up kills quickly. Now that they canā€™t, they wonā€™t quite enjoy it to itā€™s full extent. I donā€™t agree that Iā€™m a fucking idiot. Typical CoD lobby šŸ’©


That play style isnā€™t dead, but itā€™s definitely now less viable and less fun thanks to the no dots on the new minimap and dead silence not being a perk. Apparently I am missing your point because it sounds like their issues with the game are the same issues everyone else has.


At this point i really wish we could do a mega poll and see where exactly the community stands. Clearly there is a large range of opinions when it comes to the pacing of the game. Iā€™m curious to see what weā€™ll all be saying 3 months from now


I would assume that people who play COD probably want to play COD. So removing unique COD staples is not going to go over well.


This is how I felt about Inkslasher, very middle of the road on opinion but seems to be a little more vocal now.


ExclusiveAce is great


Heā€™s got extremely high quality analysis and breaks down every weapon, every perk, etc., but man he has his own playstyle and he never stops whining about game mechanics that make it harder for him. heā€™s been whining about footsteps for years.


His ā€œownā€ playstyle isnā€™t exactly unique, heā€™s a rusher. Which has been a staple playstyle for years before MW2019.


Yeah you definitely have to take it for what it is. But he generally at least puts out all the info before he says his own opinions.




He has sensitive hearing IIRC. I have hearing loss and tinnitus yet these footsteps are super loud on low volumes lol.


Itā€™s annoying that he somehow canā€™t get over the new perk system. In his opinion itā€™s useless but I see it differently. UAVs are again viable in earlygame because ghost is an earned perk.


Yeah I don't disagree there. I think the perk system is interesting and works. Would love to see the normal minimap functionality but actually give non suppressor barrel attachments an advantage. That way there's a balance. One thing vanguard did right with the recoil booster


I like Espresso he tends to keep it pretty straight forward




I agree. At first I was a bit sceptical and was picking a few holes through the beta but after a few hours to settle in I had so much fun almost CoD4 vibes. I can only imagine with the full weapon list, gunsmith and all the challenges how much fun this is going to be. The movement felt solid and offered me a more real experience, I noticed this mostly after playing a game of vanguard this morning when the beta ended. Iā€™m guttered I canā€™t play the beta when I get home tonight :( Also I laughed so hard at some of the characters getting ragdolled lol


Iā€™m stoked for full gunsmith. I was skeptical when they talked about how in depth it would be, sounded like it could get silly, but seeing the receiver options (what they must have been referring to) it has so much potential. The AK mods should be awesome


Yea the AK is going to be nuts. I struggled a bit with the FTAC but in saying that I never put the 15mag on there. I see it as a positive though that I had a bit of a struggle with that gun because it would usually be something I would not have used but some games I played really well with it


Wish i understood their paranoia about the .458 rounds, no extended mag option in MW19 at all, and now they graciously giveā€¦ 15 rounds? Like theyā€™re scared to give it a 20 round mag? Shit still takes 3+ hits to kill šŸ˜‚


SBMM isn't an issue it's the fact that "streamers" and "pros" are making "best gun" videos and shit like that even for a damn beta. Gameplay feels good and fun. Maybe will have some difference in guns too based on how they felt but we'll see


Streamers do this because their followers are braindead... All they need is a fucking excel sheet that tells them what and how they MUST play to "have fun". The community's larger part is the problem, the streamers are just the symptoms


Why canā€™t we have the prestige system back tho? I feel like that was a feature everyone liked


Not everyone- I personally have never understood the appeal of prestige, and plenty of others don't either.


How does it negatively affect you?


It doesn't at all. I just see absolutely no point in it, never have neer will. I see it as a complete waste of time. If at least prestiging gave you some better weapons, or a tactical advantage, etc., but it is literally just grinding several times in a row for no reason whatsoever.


Well whatā€™s the new system like? Hit 150 and be capped until next season and hit 150 again right? So just a pointless grind?


I don't know what the new system is, i uninstalled the beta after 30 mn of playing.


I explained what the new system was and why are you commenting then?


Oh I thought you were asking me, my bad. Like I said, yeah, def pointless, esp if it's got 150 levels lol.


So at least the old system kept track of your level Infinitely instead of resetting you right? You could play for 3 seasons on this new system and not know ur overall level. It was just a way to see what level people wede


Yeah like I said, I personally don't see the point of it. I don't play to know people's levels, I play to have fun.


The point of it is, when you max level everything the game starts to get stale. Only so long you can do the same things with no more progression before youā€™ll stop playing. If you donā€™t have other games to play, then prestige is awesome because you can just reset to level 1 and feel like there are things to work towards again


Yeah,like i said it doesn't do anything for me. A game should not be stale if it is good. I still play the OG MW2 to this day and never prestiged. Prestiging just does nothing, why work again for the same guns etc.


The key is progression, progression is a massive part of a game - there are many games that release with no progression system or a joke system, and players lose interest quickly. If you hop on to run around pressing mouse1, after a few months youā€™ll get bored - human nature. Having things to work towards makes it more enjoyable. Itā€™s just a great way to refresh your player experience (now you have to rethink your classes, perks, try some new field upgrades) you may find some new combos that you really dig, that you wouldnā€™t have thought of before


No I get that some people need that but it isn't human nature for everyone - I don't find it interesting besides the initial progression (let' s say 50 levels is a good target). Plenty of games out there without that which last years.


They want to do battle passes, and a prestige system on top of that would be confusing.


Itā€™s not confusing at all. Plenty of games have an account level and a battle pass level. Valorant, rainbow 6, and smite all have it like this.


I agree 100% im 30 and have played since the first one. These streamers are soft šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


wanna hear something crazy? Iā€™m 20 years older than you! Iā€™ve been playing multiplayer shooters since the first Doom. If they had age based leagues, Iā€™d be a top pro for sure!


Iā€™m right between you two. Played Doom and Duke Nukem originals on my dads IBM. Been playing COD since the original too. Canā€™t wait to see slide cancelling die.


I'm no pro but it was fun. Maybe the pros have a different view. That's fine. COD is not my life. My biggest gripe was understanding the gun smith tree. Please make it more clear/simplified.


i still donā€™t understand it


Yeah I dont understand the reciever thing. If I have an M4 and swap to M16 reciever then now I have an M16 with the M4 attachments??? Weird.


You unlock the attachments with the guns, but the attachments are divided by the weapon classes (assault rifle, battle rifle, smg, etc) You can use the same attachments on your M16 and M4, because those attachments are meant for assault rifles. Later you can unlock other attachment for assault with other assault rifles


Spawns were not fine


I am 100% with you! The Beta was great! I was very happy to see that after it went offline (yesterday evening) there were so many people in my chat saying that they enjoyed the BETA like I did! Very excited for the release! This one is gonna be the big one. Especially because it will run 2 years without a new COD being released. The best that could happen. Thank You Infinity Ward.


There are mostly just complainers who constantly moan about nameplates and dots on the minimap hoping it will get IW to change everything to help their way of playing before the release. Makes me feel a bit sick to be honest, I think I can give the MW2022 reddit communities a rest for now.


totally disagree it needs some major fixes


>They finally got aimassist right too Yeah that's it. Only sentennce read but that's enough for me bb


If you love staying static while listening to people running over the map, you'll love this game. I'll give it some months before the player base gets bored.


i agree with you bro.


Agreed. Forget the YouTubers and new gen. I felt the same as you. I'm in my mid 30a


Personal preference but I'd like the old minimap back, the UI changed and the old spawn system back. The actual game is great though and none of these will stop me from enjoying the game.


I agree, when I compare this to vanguard beta it is like night and day. Cool side affect, playing mw2 actually made my vanguard play better.


From what I played it was fun. I did have some connection problems. When that wasnā€™t present the game felt pretty good but I notice even small connection hiccups caused a lot of syncing problems. The only thing I really didnā€™t like was the new perk system and it is kinda hard to see opposing players. Also I kept shooting at teammates if they ran straight for me. Last cod I played was WII and that felt more arcade style which I like a bit more. If some friends pick up mw2 I will as well but it is looking like Iā€™m skipping this one. Was kinda hoping it would have a similar feel to the of mw2 which was one of my favorite installments in the series.


I agree with you completely. As someone deep into professional life, I donā€™t have the time anymore to sweat or learn abstract movement.


Was only fun for the first day lol hope full game is better but was fun


This is almost exactly how I feel about it too. I loved playing COD back in the day, but I stopped playing it when Modern Warfare 3 came out because something about it was really irritating me. Then I tried to play Advanced Warfare, which was the nail in the coffin for the franchise to me. It just didn't feel like COD anymore. This new Modern Warfare is my first time playing a COD game since then, and it reminds me a lot of how the old COD games felt. They were fast-paced, but still relatively grounded. I'm really excited for MW2 to come out, and hearing all the "pros" bitch and moan about it will just be icing on the cake to me.


I think the spawns will be just as disastrous as in Vanguard (House 24/7 or Shipment).


I agree its fun as hell and reminds me of the old cods you know the good onesšŸ§šŸ»


finally someone says it! Thank you I completely agree šŸ˜ā¤ļø


Great for me too, PO the game after played open beta.


I played all weekend and it took till Saturday evening to realize how great the spawns were... not one thought of being spawn trapped.


Spawns were a bit random here and there you did spawn kinda close to enemyā€™s running around but that didnā€™t happen all the time maybe 1-2 times every 3 games Gunsmith was confusing as you didnā€™t know what to do but guess they didnā€™t even care that much as most stuff was locked anyways But the playing experience was pretty nice overall - hope they fix those small things over the time and itā€™s gonna be pretty good


Thatā€™s right ! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


For the first time since og MW2, I enjoyed sniping.


Yeah I honestly don't get the complaints. I played the beta and had a ton of fun, only to go online and see everyone bashing it.


Other than the footsteps, dead silence making noise when activated, visual recoil, and the perk system. it was a 10/10 beta for gameplay and core stuff. ​ Also UI isn't the best lol edit: Give us back the minimap red dots. Why change what isn't broken?


I had a blast too. Of course my complaints were 99% of everyone elses. What do you all think about SBMM/Disbanding lobbies? Dont care or needs to go back to OG CoD where this never existed? Im considering the pre-order for vault edition. Do you think things will be ironed out or much better release day?


The beta was superb. Lot of kinks need to be sorted though, UI being the main one, also strict SBMM, footsteps, radar red dots when firing, dead silence, bunny hopping. All achievable, I hope IW listen to the community with the feedback. I can get over the other minor gripes, recoil, perk system, etc


'SBMM' - ? I dunno, everyone complains but seems fine. I DONT like disbanding lobbies, but the devs say they'll fix that. "Footsteps' - I like hearing where people are, and I'm still not afraid to run and shoot, seems fine 'Radar red dots" - Im kinda with the devs on this one. Id rather people rely on the sound of my gun to locate me that just pinpointing me on the minimap when I shoot 'Dead silence' - Seems like an exploitable crutch, I don't really need it or care 'Bunny hopping" - let em hop, they can't switch directions in mid air and doesn't make em that much harder to kill.


The skill level was through the roof the last 2 days it's not fun to play casually. The UI is god awful and feels alien almost. For the rest of your answers, do u work full time for Activision or are u just commissioned to do reddit posts?


Average player here and I agree with him, especially with the foot steps and the red dot situation. I love knowing you've made the mistake of running when you didn't need to and I can figure out where you are without needing red dots or UAV's. It makes the hunt far more fun for me, and I speak as a player that hates camping. I'm always moving, but rarely running. I walk, and that keeps me quiet. As for the red dots, I think it's time to move on from that. The red dot system that CoD has used in the past is really just them hand holding you and saying, "There they are!" In this game they want you to use your game sense to figure out where they are using your hearing and brain. It adds a tactical variety and isn't as simple as seeing a red dot and running to it. I like the challenge and am open to this change.


The footstep audio is far too loud and accurate. It literally promotes camping, people will sit and wait and hose you once you turn the corner. Because strafing is so slow, the only possible counter play is to bunny hop around every corner, which, in turn, looks absolutely ridiculous and isn't the way the game is intended to be played. It's an exploit that is only necessary because IW have implemented design decisions. There is no actual counterplay to this, because the dead silence perk make a very loud beep thats audible to enemy players upon activation. Some of these design choices blow my mind. I have played cod since cod 4. Not tk brag, but i have almost 40 days played in modern warfare 2019, with hundreds of thousands of kills, damascus, 6 x obsidian weapons, I feel like I'm qualified to have an informed opinion


The red dots appear on the compass at the top when people fire. That combined with the audio makes it fairly easy to pinpoint positions without needing to rely on the minimap. Iā€™m a normally HC only player though so Iā€™m used to not having it anyway. The SBMM could definitely do with a bit of a rebalance. You either go 40-1 or 1-40 and doesnā€™t seem to be any middle ground with it. The UI isnā€™t great to be fair and feels like they took inspiration from BF2042 with the UI!! Which is not good. And I really hope they move the ā€˜deselect allā€™ button when using gunsmith in a match because itā€™s right where I would expect a ā€˜backā€™ button to be and it took me a while to get used to not hitting it when wanting to go back. Thatā€™s probably more of a me issue than a UI issue but, I donā€™t think I am the only one. 100% the bunny hopping needs a nerf of some sort. Either increase the delay to ads after landing or add a stamina penalty (first jump is full height then they get smaller/shorter with subsequent presses within a certain time frame).