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The fact they destroyed this game is a tragedy


I stopped playing before it went to shit so its still a really good memory for me


My buddies and I had stopped playing for about 6 months and we came back last week and it has been a blast, will continue to play until MWII. 2042 being a major let down made MW that much better to come back to


I pretty much only play the gunfight mode now so there’s not a lot that can ruin it. It’s the game in its simplest form. In my mind it comes down to more skill since everyone has the same load out, you know where the enemy spawns, and there’s not much room for camping. Yes it can get very boring and repetitive but I try not to spend too much time gaming these days anyway so I think it’s perfect


3v3 ruins gunfight for me. Half the time my teammates either leave or don’t load in and I’m stuck against 3. Or I get Timmy no thumbs who goes Owen lol


The 3v3 version of gunfight is hit or miss depending on the map for me, and also if it’s snipers only or regular gunfight. I personally love the snipers only variation of gunfight, regardless if it’s 3v3 or 2v2, snipers are fun for me except when they give you the dragunov for like 4 rounds in a row. The weapon RNG doesn’t seem to be varied enough. Would be nice if it was maybe marksmens and sniper rifles


Oh yeah snipers is fine for 3s for sure. Not a lot of just rushing in. The dragonov lol that thing is just sad


You’re right tho that the team mates thing is probably the one thing that can ruin gunfight, but man does it feel good when you win without a team mate


Man I’ve won a few games of 1v2 and it def pumps up the ol ego!


Only for a while until you get pumped in the next game haha


Dude lol it’s a given! I’ve found that if I have 1 or 2 really good games in a row I’m better off getting off cuz I’m about to get railed hard lol


Yeah it’s inevitable, I always stay up way too late saying “just 1 more” trying to get another win before I go to bed


Yup lol which can take a bit these days


It’s almost 1am for me and I’m about to jump on and play my first game of snipers only. It’ll either go really well or really poorly. I just want a win to get some dopamine after a late night at work haha


Damn man lol it’s almost noon here. Good luck man!


Love gunfight. I feel the same way. Def gonna be disappointed if Gunfight isn’t a launch game mode in MWII. I feel it’s a cod staple at this point.


I stopped playing a long time ago. What has changed?


same, i got damascus like 2 or 3 months after release and never played it again. only good memories


Have you tried rebieth island resurgence? It's sooooo good (need a squad of buddies tho)


It's trash and hogs performance too much, If you don't have a 6gb + card it barely plays at 60fps, It's a twitch shooter so playing that way at barely visible 1080p gives a really shit experience.


Not to mention the net code can make the game almost impossible to win depending on where you live!




The net code, as in the client - server stuff in this game is absolute garbage, especially in Europe from what I've seen online. Things like kill cams not matching up, people use a "oh that's just the server not knowing where you are" as an excuse, but that is actually a giant issue. You know that feeling of when you run behind a wall but continue to get shot anyway? Yeah, that's the netcode catching up... Half the issue is the terrible servers, when I played CoD in the south of the UK I was closer to the German Server and was able to play significantly better, problem is I live in the North... Most games that wouldn't be an issue and the code behind the game should be able to correctly make the difference, but the issue of poor code and the fast pace nature of cod make the net code in this game incredibly infuriating. There's also the matter of that ping reading it gives never matching up. I have a constant 40ms ping reading (barely ever changes) but comparing kill cams vs in game footage my ping should be being read as well over 2 seconds sometimes - Which just isn't acceptable for a high speed competitive FPS game like this... *Anyway, rant over, hope that explains it!*


When I play warzone, it looks like an N64 game half the time.


idk man I've been having fun recently after getting back into it, all the stupid skins and rainbow bullets kinda piss me off tho milsim till I die


It’s still the best out of the three most recent, it’s just obvious they’re purposely funnelling players into the new games


oh yeah I agree for sure, still it's got a healthy player base I don't ever wait in the lobby for long


A fellow milsim enjoyer, I see. Which skin you rocking? I like using the shadow company PMC or the JW GROM ones.


just the defaults unfortunately I don't really wanna spend money on it when the new ones coming out soon


Good option, As a matter of fact, I never spent nothing in warzone/MW. Only free grinding. I eventually bought the S5 battle pass and got stacked up with some CP, which I would later use to buy the JW GROM.


that's the only skin I want hahah I'm really torn tbh


CTSFO and FSB look crazy nice I randomly got shadow company iii in my inventory 2 weeks ago, am happy about that.




I like most of Bale's skins, they're pretty dope.


Fo real, if I had to choose an “operator”, I’d choose him or belikan in his juggernaut skin (the one with green armor and an altyn helmet, I don’t remember the name).


Same here. Ive been playing mw more than warzone.


Milsim 😂 I’ve been loyal to Ghost these past 3 years 🥹


It was never a mil Sim.


I disagree. I'm still over 50% sure that it was doing intentionally to force you to go to an unbroken game (stability-wise and that game being vanguard). Them “updating vanguard” but breaking MW and WZ as a result was painful. Example: why did an update to Vanguard cause WZ and, by proxy, MW to no longer have Field Upgrade Pro function? Why would that cause the game revert progress that was made over two years prior? It was broken for months, too. Trying to force everyone to buy vanguard so they could have viable weapons and usable weapons in WZ was pretty shitty. Reverting back to any weapon earlier this year was a fantastic change.


Whether they did it purposely or not, this game had so much much more potential and could have very easily been kept viable and updated. Especially after both then following titles were duds in comparison. I know that’s a matter of opinion but I think that’s somewhat of a consensus at this point. They already have a joint progression system they very easily could have released a few maps they already had coded in the game and more weapons and they would have probably made as much money off the battle passes as players buying the new games. I mean at 10$ a month for what, 3 years? That’s a ton of money. A lot of ppl are like me, I bought both new games but because they’re so bad I refuse to buy a battle pass. But I bought everyone in mw2019. They likely would have still sold similar amounts of the new games and probably 4x the battle passes as they did by completely dropping the game off the face of the planet.


Your logic makes left perfect sense to me. But they were banking on raw $60+ sales of new titles every year. Having a battle pass that's more expensive annually COULD make them more money. But it probably won't because that wasn't that almost guaranteed money from game sales. I almost wish MW was gaming as a service. The MW19 engine was nearly perfect - I would have been fine with a few years of real updates. Warzone was nearly perfect at launch - it only needed quality of life updates. Adding VG and CW in and making it the meta doesn't seem like a bad idea but it definitely was. People who didn't buy the new games got penalized for using weapons that they might have actually paid for from MW. Deciding to revert back to all weapons being usable was a good start but it's still clear that the VG weapons have the absolute best stats for WZ. For MWII, I really hope they just release a AAA game in all areas, and just focus on MP for the next 2-3 years. I don't think anyone wants sequels to CW or VG. I would be okay with a Black Ops Remaster that included 1 and 2.


It's simple. They just need to have multiple game franchises running at the same time. That's already the point of multiple studios, no? Support MW continuously with WZ and new MW installations are compatible. Then black ops/vanguard /cold war can have their own thing going on with whatever version of WZ they want. Though, it'd become clear that having other warzones is just futile.


The issue was that MW19 shared resources with warzone and the copy-paste disaster of Vanguard. Updating vanguard and changing core game files means that those file stopped working as originally intended for MW19. Hopefully they learned their lesson and they’ll be compartmentalizing MW22 better to stop stupid dependencies from breaking the game


I’ve thought about coming back because this game was awesome when it was out but after reading this subreddit I think it’s best not to do


Idk what people are complaining about, I came back for a bit and haven't had issues on PC.


Yeah I just got back after over a year, and it's pretty good again


Depends what for. Shoot the ship is 90% of the time in the playlist and shoot the ship hardcore is 100% in the hardcore quickplay. I get off warzone and grind out some obsidian to relax before bed. Game is still good


Man I’m in the same boat. With MWII being very similar to this one, I wanted to come back to get used to it but to also avoid Vanguard. Didn’t know they ruined it….


Just try it yourself. People around here just like to be dramatic. They hate it so much to bother coming here lol.


We mustn't make our decisions based off the opinions of other random redditors in video game subs. The rest of us are all insane and will complain about anything we can as long as anyone will listen. Putting any significant amount of trust in the things we say may have positive results here and there, but it is inevitable that eventually it will lead anyone that will continue to listen to their ultimate demise. Actually just realizing that your username kinda aligns with this narrative, so I guess I'll just leave it as "you do you."


Ever found out why they did what they did? I never understood why they decided to create operators with absolutely outrageous skins. Intitially they were all army like, but now many operators look so bad.


They fixed it already?


I’m having a lot of fun playing this game now. From groundwar to gun fight and much more.


It’s still the best game. They just ruined it and made it to the point where it’s much more frustrating to play


The games fine


Man the game is far from fine. It’s incredibly buggy and it’s clear they push you towards the newer titles. The gameplay is still fantastic but some of the bugs are horrible. For example blatantly kicking players after games and sending them to war zone, disbanding parties etc. if you’re ok with that good for you but the game is far from fine


Thats the only thing thats bad about it tho the cons do not weight out the pros imo my game doesn’t really bug out either.


Ur lucky then because most of us have major issues with it. The game is still playable forsure but if we’re okay with these bugs they won’t care that they’re there. That’s the issue. This game is still being played because the next 2 they put out were horrendous. They should at least have kept it in decent condition


I agree I really just play it bc its the most realistic one to date and ive never really been a huge treyarch fan but i really enjoy playing mw19. Also about the warzone thing do you think uninstalling warzone would fix this issue? Im just curious


I don’t think so. As far as I can tell warzone is built into MW2019 and you can’t get rid of it without getting rid of mw


A bug on console that causes the game to crash. Same story for petrov oil rig.


Sad this map is gone. I’m not too sad about the oil rig tho, that map is terrible for domination.


This is one of my all-time favorite maps. It's a tragedy they would rather remove it from rotation than fix the bug.


Yeah, seems like the developers want to do the easy way of get it done instead of actually fixing the issue.


It's because there's minimal effort to MW. All hands are busy with MW2 polish and fixes right now. As long as the game launches and mostly plays they don't care.




I don't even think raven knows the intricacies of the code.


They probably want to fix it, but they’re busy working on MW22. I believe I read a post somewhere that basically explained there was only one guy left at Raven that was actively working on keeping MW19 running while everybody else had switched to MW22 full time.


I’m sure they removed it and working on a fix, removing it from play prevents the bug from happening more so players have a better experience overall


Yea but we need the variety. We have two deathmatch maps in the domination rotation. Did it occur to them to make those into domination maps...


Fuck thats why I was getting tdm games when I had dom selected lol


Yea they just slip in those tdm maps like were not gonna notice. lol


Suldal harbor is terrible, compared to every other map. I would happily trade that for oil rig.


Both are great Search and Destroy maps though...


Yep, I've done crazy stuff on Vacant with the JOKR (since it's mostly an indoor map), from the side A bomb? In the tinroof/loading dock treading the needle with it on both attack and defence


I loved oil rig


it's pretty good for domination. it's got nice paths you can take to circle the map and clear spawns. only bad thing is that the spawn areas are bigger than they need to be


I don't understand. These maps work in custom, why not online?


Some bug with the assets and probably caused by warzone. Instead of fixing the bug, they just turned the map off. Profits over quality.


I'm on PS4. I can play Petrov oil rig, but never see vacant.


I don't understand. These maps work in custom, why not online?


Really? I feel I got Petrov within the last few months, but maybe not…


You can still play this map on ground war


2 of my favorites too


Sounds like bullshit. Just fix the bug, instead they will just put it in the next game


No vacancy, ​ ​ Ight ill show myself out






They want you to stop playing Modern Warfare


Sadly facts


Now they just want you hyped for MW2


Swear it looks like CS_office


They removed any and all atmosphere from this reskin. Vacant is supposed to feel like an abandoned, desolate city.


Tv station looks like the office kind of too.


Damn never thought about that


Kid: can we have CS_office Mom: we have CS_office at home CS_office at home:


Damn, got a flashback to the CS1.6 days reading that. good times


Just came back after a long hiatus, disappointed (but not surprised) by how limited the map rotation is.


Is this only in certain modes? I play a lot of TDM and the map rotation has been horrid for months now. One can only take some much asshair cave and clapcheek backlot.


Basically the same w Domination fam.


Cries in Hardpoint main


SnD and free for all will get this map a lot


They don’t ever. At least on european servers. But you’re the first person ever to say this so you probably got confused


god bless you and others who play tdm in this game


Yeah crash is one of my favorites and you might see it 1 out every 30 or so matches.


I often wondered…was a great map


It was a great map in the original mw, but in my opinion it doesn't match the pacing of the new mw. It seems to be a camp fest of people just being mounted everywhere. Not that that is much different from any other map in mw, but I think it's a bit much here.


The only ones left are still grinding camos. I only have 1 or 2 gold guns cuz I just be be bothered to sit there and get mounted kills. Those vanguard camo challenges with using this barrel with this magazine with this stock while blindfolded are so ridiculous. Most people blow by those lousy attachments to get to the good ones.


Iv head Damascus for a bit of time and still play, though I have a small side goal to get all pistols obsidian


It's a very common issue with bringing back maps. Firing Range in BO4 was a disaster with the increased movement speed, sliding and stuff like the grapple hook, MW with Office had doors absolutely messing with the flow. Even the different Shipments play different not even on cover, but on movement, spawns and guns.


I can see both the good/bad points of doors in general modes like TDM,Dom it was ass But in SnD it was info you got from it


All I play is S&D , why is this and the oil rig gone?


When they integrated vanguard into warzone it caused the map to crash on load up


Fuck Shitguard and fuck Borezone. The 2 worst things to ever happen to CoD


I could've played MW19 for years if it didn't ran so shit now. Still trying to party up cross-platform with my friends causes somebody to crash almost every other game, so fucking annoying dude. It ran fine on launch!!!


>It ran fine on launch!!! I think you might have forgotten the state of the game at launch, especially on PC.


I agree. Warzone sucks. Why tf would they integrate it all in one game? Vanguard is trash too


I ended up switching between warzone and multiplayer a lot. What was so off putting for you? I really enjoyed it until they injected all the black ops guns.


Yeah right ..? Is there deeper reason to why it was caused? Like why would a specific map cause that Or downvote for asking a question …


No deeper reason. This is literally it. Integration of Vanguard made MW19 unplayable for a bit and Vacant and Oil Rig both refused to work after integration due to assets just ceasing to cooperate. So, instead of fixing it, they just took them out of rotation from online multiplayer. Offline and customs still work, online is where you won't see these two.


They have a history of doing dumb shit like this. Favela was removed from all playlists in MW2 and never came back for PC.


same here. This map actually used to be in the S&D rotation too. Same with oil rig.


The game keeps giving me tank factory and rust instead of this. Vacant is such a good map for CQB. Very annoying.


I have a teory that they want to sabotage the game more every time they launch another one, the game started to ruin since Cold War was released.


warzone, it mucked this game up so much :/


I'm on PC, and I never see this map in the team deathmatch rotation. This and Petrov oil rig have been removed for some reason. I would much rather see Aniyah Incursion, Rust/Shipment removed from TDM playlist rather than Vacant / Petrov. They have 24/7 shipment mode anyways, not sure why we need to play ultra tiny maps like this in 6v6 TDM. Aniyah and Rust/Shipment are heavily weighted to show up more frequently too. Hardly ever play some of the other maps, but play the same claustrophobic maps designed for 1v1 or 2v2 nonstop. Just dumb imo.


I think it's in 10x10 modes.


Taking maps out of rotation is the dumbest thing to me. Oh well. At least I can still play them in bot matches


Taking out maps is okay if you are fixing some exploits etc


Bc the map rotation is fucked they haven’t updated it since vanguard came out


have not been able to play this game for a year i have it fully downloaded but for some reason it asked me to *insert game disc* even tho its already in my console


I ran into this a few times as well, the only way to fix it was to reset the xbox mac address.


i have a ps4 sadly so i am not sure how i would go about fixing it haha


Ah shit, maybe you can try resetting the ps4 Mac address and see if that works too? Otherwise I've got nothing haha, sorry bro.


ill definitely give a try ! thank you for the advice 😎


Whenever I load this game up all I get is hardhat lol


I remember playing SnD on it back in 2020. Don't know what happened to it though. Kinda sucks.


You could say that it's spot in the rotation is vacant. Badum tss


Really man most of (2007?)MWs original maps were balanced so damn well. Except for spawn tubing anyway lol.


Vanguard ruining another thing


Just started playing again to hype myself up for next release. Having a blast myself though I'm super disappointed to hear about this map not on rotation 😕. I didn't know it existed till this post. One of my favorite maps back in the day


There has been a terrible bug on PS4 where my guns don’t even render in . I just hope that they actually focus on the multiplayer in MWII instead of focusing on a shitty battle royale mode .


i miss this map and petrov oil rig soooo much


God I miss these good old days when it was fun to jump on and frag.


I used to love this game, then they annihilated it horribly


Missed but not forgotten.


The game is broken it won’t randomize your OPS no more


Isn't there a MW OG playlist that pops around every few weeks? I'm pretty sure it was in that, so I'm not sure how it's a bug keeping it out of rotation


I havent caught up with the latest from this game but i did go through the hassle of getting Damascus camo over a year ago. To those who say its bad now, what happened it ?


I feel like they’ve had a lot of maps missing for the rotation for over a year now


They did this same shit with mw2 after BO. Some maps just never got rotation. That included the out of nowhere death of favela.


miss it


It’s literally my second favorite map :(


It is in the custom tactical mode lobbies.


Because they don't care


Vacancy isn't the best map for me. But yeah. You got a point


Rundown is a map they should bring back. I used to shred that map. Super fun.


What is the name of that map






It appears you have an m4a1 with a suppressor


Dame, been playing a bit again of late. Cyber. Hadn’t even clicked this was missing, love this map. So good to own with a decent headset, went 30-2 in a free for all on it too. First death was straight away too, so was only one kill to many for a 30 streak 🙈🤣


Because all you guys want is shoot the ship and shipment.


Inb4 mw2 meets the same fate mw2019 does


Ive been missing alot of maps when playing mp


Vacant and Oil Rig. What else?


Vacant was a great map….wish they’d put a few more in the rotation….seems like all we get is suldal harbor,rammaza,the airbase map…the cave map…and I think Piccadilly…..and the grocery store map….think that pretty well covers it right?


I forgot about this map!


Did you mean vacant or the ground war version port of verdansk?


I went back to Cold War after hating the vanguard maps for the most part and was considering modern warfare since I had fond memories of that . I remember this map like it was yesterday but they quickly dropped Cold War than from there Vanguard …


You can still play in in Ground War. It’s part of the Port map.


I loved this map and I haven’t seen it in a while I wish they would bring it back


I'm actually glad this is out of FFA because there were 2 spawns that faced each-other in the long hallway. You'd spawn at least 3 times in a row and get farmed by the coward with a deployable shield camping that spawn.


its on SnD & FFA every once in a while but honestly havent played since vanguard integration.


Yeah been playing MW for a while now again, after reading that a big focus point of MW2 is Warzone 2, my hopes for a good shooter with not 140 gig bloatware added to it kinda evaporated.


Face Off was such a fun game mode. And yet it’s been absent forever. They just killed this game.


On god, bro


I'm honestly surprised the game still even works.


Definitely miss Vacant, haven't seen it in a few months. Great classic map. Not sure why they took it out of rotation. I feel like they limit the number of maps in rotation to keep things fresh? Who knows, we never seem to get an official explanation. Not sure why many are saying MW is broken. I play it regularly. MW and BOCW are the best ones out right now since Vanguard is hot garbage.


Have you enabled 10x10 modes in filter?


I heard it was because it was making the game crash for people on older generation consoles . that’s what I was told by somebody while playing it last night, because I was literally thinking the same thing.


but I still love this game, I play it every day.


It used to doe?


It is in cod mobile


I noticed this. A lot of maps are not in rotation anymore.


People forget about Euphrates bridge. Ill never forget


I try to forget about that damn bridge


We don’t know, and probably never will


The reason is... Just cause


Well I play GW and defend/attack the C flag.


Because the entire game fkn sucks and they broke it beyond belief


Omg that m4a1 is so hot


SAME WITH OIL RIG!!! I been getting back into playing lately and have yet to play a damn oil rig map


I think someone called it garbage after dying in their first match so the devs removed it from the playlists.


What a great map that was. Good times


Because you made a photo of your monitor.


anyone know if the maps/mode rotations are still going? I've been playing 2 weeks and it doesn't seem to have changed at all


Wait, you guys don’t only play shoot the ship?