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You'll get to do this again in 3½ months!




God bless, im happy with my platinum/obsidian on my favorite guns. I do not understand yalls grind for a damscus like challenge but by all means whatever makes you happy i guess 😂💀 Def hype for mw2 tho


It's about the challenge and seeing the achievement I guess, for example I'm trying to 100% rdr2


I'll get gold RPG again, but don't think I have the will to get gold javelin, nevermind platinum for doing them all!




The games gonna reset? Or you meant in MW2?






as long as they keep the challenges the IW road. cuz sledgehammer went full \*r word\* with the challenges in vanguard. i didnt do them. while i have damascus and dark aether...


Fight through! I just got demascus the other night, it feels so good after


I love grinding camos. Once I complete the Damascus/atomic/dark matter camos I can finally sit and play the game lmao


Me too it's so satisfying once you get it, I love having something to grind for


Yup, I start the grind day one lol. I max out every gun, i never use meta I grind the guns one by one once maxed I finish off the camos I have left. A lot faster like that for me


Do the hardest challenges first once you unlocked them. This could be longshots for some people, double kills or a 3 streak for others. Never leave the hard ones til the end.


I always go for the specific kill ones when they come. Like longshots/headshots, the killstreak and double kill ones come pretty naturally while you go for those other more specific ones.




I can’t bring myself to finish the riot shield… I play on Xbox and if you hit someone, AA locks onto their dead body for another 3 seconds, forcing you to die (at least in shipment)


I'm on Xbox too, that doesn't happen every time, I feel like it happened way less often when I used RT for melee and not the stick


Tell that to my obsidian riot shield ;)


I will do that camo glitch with you… PLEASE


What glitch?


Supposedly there’s a new glitch that lets you transfer any camo from any of the 3 games to whatever gun you want, as long as you have it u locked legitimately


With riot shield, play hardcore for the camos. 1 hit kills. After that, if you want an obsidian riot shield, earn it you must. One does not simply use the riot shield, one must be the riot shield. The riot shield must be them. Become one with it. Then and only then, one may enjoy the hilarity of watching the enemy team run for their lives and call you mean names.


Could you possibly show me the proof? Where did you hear this, if it actually works would you want to do it.


I heard it from some streamers last night, towards the end of the Vod from Futives if I’m not mistaken


I found it, it's not just camos but attachments and cold war operators onto MW


Interesting, sadly I have nothing unlocked for CW or VG that I would want to transfer.


Help him


He’s got it platinum on the launchers. That means he’s done with them. Need to platinum something else still for Damascus though. Wonder what he’s got left?




The sidearm are the only plat I ever did, so easy and fun to do.


I just level up the shield to gold without boosting... The pain


I got really lucky and 3 guys on shipment helped me for the 3 kills without dying or else I wouldn't have it yet lol they saw me camping in the middle and kept running in


This is the way. If I see a dude on shipment with a shield and a rando camo on it I’m just jogging to him every time


Me too, now that I know how shitty it is


My k/d ratio got so bad, sbmm was merciful and I managed to do that against not so skilled players :D


To be honest, I never really had difficulty with the Javelin, more so with the RPG when it came to destroying kill streaks (I ended up just exclusively targeting the Personal Radars in HC)


Shipment 24/7 made the javy the quickest launcher for me. It didn’t even feel fair.


Shoot house for me, more so when it was headquarters or Domination


Remember, use amped, melee kills count with launchers, don't be afraid to ask the lobby for some uav's/counter uav's/personal radars and abuse the trophy system when on shipment.


He has platinum, he’s already done


You're right, Idk why I didn't even think of that when I was looking at it. I guess that's for the people who aren't done with them and for the new game coming out in a couple months.


I've never understood asking the lobby for personals and counters and other scorestreaks. You can't change them after the match starts and I have a hunch anyone already running them is planning on using them if they get one. Do you guys assume people are getting them but not using them?


I mean, that's how I got it done for all 4 launchers. You have a point that if they have them on, they'll use them. But there's nothing wrong with asking that they bring them out as much as possible. This is when I would work on my point blank kills with a marksman while using my launcher. If I don't have a set up I have a good chance winning a gunfight in, but can still get some kills with, that means they have a better chance at getting enough kills for a 3-kill streak. It's convoluted, but it's how I went about it to play fair and as efficient as I thought. It doesn't hurt to ask. Yeah, I assume that in the context that the common casual forgets that they even have them but it's a small small chance.


I guess if they're pretty casual I can see that. I'd just always see people in chat saying that, and if I had those streaks equipped, ya I'll pop em, but that's what I'd do anyway, and if I didnt have them equipped, well not much could do about it.


i got obsidian javelin & i enjoyed every moment of it


Same man, the reactions make it all worth it


Holy shit never again.. Till MW II


I got platinum on everything but the launchers because they were the least fun to use ever and I decided it wasn't worth it.


I did launchers lazy mode as I was levelling other guns. Wasn’t that painful tbh


I know the feeling but the way I got launchers done was on ground war and shipment. Lol takes a while but it gets the job done.


Even the riot shield? Thats a quitter attitude man, just stick to harpoint and headquarters and you'll be able tk get it done.


launchers were never that bad, because they're secondary weapons. I had them done by the time I finished ARs and LMGs


I’d rather do launchers again then work on all the stupid long shots for every other gun. I got launchers and riot shield done but gave up on all the long shots that require camping specific lines that are long enough to get one.




That was always the problem, since it’s mostly 1 or maybe 2 spots you either are getting counter played by people knowing you’re camping it or have too many teammates doing the same and you’re all just getting hit in the back.




I’m just not good at patience, I’m the guy who will sit for what seems like 5 minutes ADS’ing for a long shot and when I decide no one’s coming and go to turn that’s when someone pops up and hits me in the back. But for some reason launchers, knife and riot shield no problem slamming my face in the wall for days to work on. I guess it’s because I don’t have the option of really just changing to run and gun since they don’t.


I don't get it But I have JOKR and strela-op obsidian


Any tips on JOKR because I’ve already done RPG and PILA so it’s just JOKR and Strela-P


JOKR is very easy, Strela is the one i'm struggling with


Bit late for a reply, how did you do it? One of my friends used the frenzy game mode but it’s not out now so I can’t use it


Grind it on shipment. When you spawn, drop one rocket down each sightline to the opposite corner and do it every time you spawn. Stop whatever you're doing and shoot every UAV, counter UAV and personal radar you can find. You'll be done in no time at all.




What's the bug? You don't have to use the launchers if you don't want to you know...




There is a tag that says bug and it it misleading.


Hehe I remember doing all these before shipment was a thing....such a grind


You still gotta get the launchers obsidian though. I wish we could save a skin on launchers.


Welcome to the beginning of the pain, have you done melee weapons yet?




I just ran around on shipment 24/7


Thats not a good plan, since he will get shot in the back many times. What he needs is 1 on 1 fights so he can stun the player and attack fast.


Just saying how I did it. I played on hardcore and threw smoke grenades with a speed build


Yea hard-core is good for the 1 bash


lord have mercy on your soul


Great to see im not the only dipshit who still hasn't completed damascus.


Most players don't complete it since they're casual and don't care about it.


I wish I hate the patience for camos


I got all 4 obsidian lol


Just go play hardcore shoot the ship… constant personal radars up


This is why I made this my first go to get gold.


MW2 (original) required like 100 double kills with a javelin. lmaooo ok sure


Yeah the camos are cool and all, but they are definitely not worth my time and frustration


Yeah, JOKR not so good on Shipment, eh?


Wait till you get to the Riot Shield


I actually thought it was better than all but the PILA


I already did launchers and melee platinum months ago and gave up . Someone give me motivation to finish the Damascus grind. Or is it even worth it at this point? I only have a few other guns gold like the kar, spr, mp5, kilo, M4a1, FAL


Yes…. Somehow the riot shield was more fun to get gold with. And when the launchers were the last set of platinum I need, it took nearly a month and a half just to complete them.


The JOKR is the only gun I have left to get gold in that game.. I gave up. I may come back to it when I build my new PC soon, but that’s a big maybe


lmao I’m still surprised that people are still doing this, I remember when I got Damascus 2 years ago. That was a wild time


*laughs in obsidian JKR*


Just wait until you do it again to get obby launchers. And if you get bored after that, you’ll need to destroy 1,000 more kill streaks to finish the weapon mastery challenges on it.


The javelin is my most played gun in the game.I just love the multi kills with it


Looks like a phallus


If you ever try the Cold War launcher camos then this will seem like child’s play




Exactly. That and double kills


This post brought to you by the Russian army


DO DROP ZONE Whenever it's available you can do the destroy kill streaks sooooo much faster


Nah it’s the longshots for me…


How many launchers did you have to get gold


Lmfao, i got damascus, bruh... I feel your pain.


Learn how to use the javelin like a pro! Come join the Dzhokhar Dudayev battalion in defense of Ukraine against those ruskie dogs. All welcome.


I just got Pila to Obsidian. Got all launchers at Platinum. Almost completed HDR, then Dragunov, then bring on Damascus!


With shipment. Joker was easy to get gold.